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Dragon Guardian of Land (Alphas & Alchemy: Elemental Shifters Book 1)

Page 6

by Keira Blackwood

  I stretched my arms and legs and climbed out of my plant bed. Who’d have thought that leafy vines beat a traditional mattress any day?

  Fresh from my sleep hangover, I climbed out of bed and searched for Celedon. There was no door blocking the cavern, and I knew everything he’d said was true. I was free to come and go as I pleased. I was his guest, not his prisoner. Pretty much everything I’d assumed about him was wrong, because all of my mistrust had revolved around him holding me against my will.

  New day, new outlook. I was finally seeing things clearly, and that meant I needed to come clean with Celedon. I needed to tell him that it hadn’t just been me on my boat. Maybe he could even help me find my dad.

  I headed up the rope bridge, wondering how exactly I was supposed to find Celedon. Did he have another cavern somewhere in these tunnels where he slept?

  There was movement in the tunnel ahead, in the darkness just beyond the glow of green moss. It was possible some creature from the forest had ventured down here. I only hoped it was a friendly one. Worst case, I could jump from the bridge and ride the river back to the lake.

  Cautious, I took another step forward.

  “Are you feeling rested, Astra?” Celedon’s deep voice surprised me.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Are you...just sitting around on the floor of the cave?”


  I walked closer, and his shape came into focus—huge and imposing even while he sat on the floor.

  “Why?” I asked, stopping in front of him.

  “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  He rose to his feet. I took a step back and bumped into the smooth stone wall. Suddenly all I could think about was our kiss, about the way he tasted. I wanted to run my hands over his bare chest. The air between us changed, charged like an electric storm.

  He took a step closer, and another. I couldn’t see his face, but I could feel the heat in his expression.

  My world had been turned upside down. I was going to spend my life trapped on this island, and I was tired of running, tired of fighting.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  He pulled me close, and we were the perfect fit, his hard planes against my soft curves. I ran my hands over his shoulders and explored the firm muscles of his back. I wanted to forget, if only for a moment. I wanted to feel.

  I grazed my teeth over his chin and nipped him, just to see how he’d react.

  Faster than I could follow, he lifted me and pinned me to the wall. His cock was hard against me, and I wanted him to do everything to me, to make me forget, to make me come undone.

  “Celedon,” I whispered, and squeezed his ass. It was hard, like everything about him.

  He groaned in response, his cock pressing forward and teasing through the fabric of our clothes.

  “Make me feel,” I begged, then pulled his mouth to mine.

  His kiss was hard, claiming, and full of the same need that I felt. I ached to be touched, and he didn’t disappoint. His hands roamed over my breasts, kneading through my shirt. I arched my back, pressing into his palm.

  And I unzipped my pants, encouraging him.

  His hands slid down over my stomach, one cupping my ass, the other sliding into my open zipper. His fingers were warm as he found my swollen clit.

  “Like this?” his voice was rough.

  “Yes,” I moaned, rocking into his hand. “More, please.”

  “You’re so wet.” His lips brushed over my ear, his hot breath sending goosebumps down my spine.

  I nodded my agreement, and he pushed the tip of his finger inside. My breath hitched as he explored my clit and worked his fingers inside of me. It wouldn’t take much and I’d come undone. A little more pressure and I’d explode.

  I crushed his lips with mine and shoved my tongue into his mouth.

  His finger slid in deeper, and he added a second.

  All at once, my muscles tightened, pulsing pleasure radiating through me. I dropped my head back and rode the quake of my climax until my body settled.

  Celedon watched me. I couldn’t see his expression, but it seemed like he could see mine.

  Slowly, he slid his fingers out and set me down.

  “That was pleasant,” he said.

  Fucking understatement of the year.

  I closed my eyes and breathed, letting the rush slowly settle and fade away. What the hell had I been thinking? I hadn’t been.

  I was supposed to be spilling my guts and telling this guy that I’d lied to him. Instead, I’d encouraged him to make things a hell of a lot more personal.

  I wasn’t supposed to be thinking about getting into this dude’s pants, or letting him in mine, or about how profound it felt just to kiss or how hard I’d come to the feel of his touch.

  I cleared my throat, hoping that in addition to dragon magic, he didn’t have mind-reading capabilities. “Celedon, I haven’t told you everything.”

  I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to the glowing moss so I could see him. He looked over my face, his eyes lingering on my lips. There wasn’t even a hint of surprise in his expression, only interest. I felt like such an idiot.

  I’d never considered myself a particularly skilled liar, but sometimes lying was the right thing to do. So, I closed my eyes, needing not to look at him when I said this. “Before you saw me on the beach, I found someone. My dad.”

  His expression remained fixed on me, and he nodded. Had he already known I hadn’t been alone on the Keepin’ it Reel? Had he seen Polly on the beach? At this point, I’d planned not to lie to him at all. Maybe I should have told him about Polly, too. But for whatever reason, I was holding back. With everything else beyond my control, it felt good to have this one thing. I was protecting her, and it was for the best, wasn’t it?

  “I lost him,” I said. “And I need to find him.”

  Celedon nodded and grimaced at the same time. “I will do what I can to help you retrieve your father.”

  Celedon turned and headed back up the rope bridge. I hurried after him, wondering what exactly I was getting us into, and wishing like hell I could shake this sinking feeling in my gut.

  Chapter 10


  Through the tunnels, and as we continued to the mouth of the cave, I could feel Astra’s gaze upon me. I wanted to stare back, to drink in her beauty, to bask in her sweetness and relive the feel of her lips against mine, the feel of her taking the pleasure she’d craved.

  I’d never felt this attraction to anyone before, never sought to explore a life beyond my duties as one of the guardians. Astra changed everything. I wanted to see that look of pleasure on her face over and over again.

  I didn’t look at her and instead keeping my attention ahead. She’d said she’d seen her father on the beach. There were bits of truth to her words, but that was a lie. I’d do as she asked, but that mistrust was ever present in the back of my mind.

  My intention had been to feed Astra when she woke. I had thought we would talk, that I would give her breakfast, and then I hadn’t been sure what would happen after that. I hadn’t expected to touch her.

  Now she said her father was in danger, and his safe return to his daughter held precedence.

  There was one thing that must be done before we could go. I put my hand on the trunk of one of the trees and threaded life into the plant.

  “What are you—” Astra followed my gaze to the blossoming fruit overhead. A ripe coulu fruit fell, and she caught it.

  “Coulu,” I said. “You have gone too long without sustenance.”

  “Do I just bite into it?” Her eyes grew wide as she looked at the green fruit, and her stomach growled.


  She sank her teeth into the soft flesh, and closed her eyes as she rolled the bite over her tongue. She moaned her appreciation, and a droplet of green juice rolled down her chin. A wayward thought crossed my mind, the desire to lick the droplet from her skin. I ignored the thought, and those that came with it—tasting her, tou
ching her, claiming her.

  “This is delicious.” Astra opened her eyes, and her blue irises sparkled in the sunlight.

  She was beautiful, remarkable, extraordinary.

  “I am glad it pleases you,” I said, watching every flutter of her lashes, every roll of her lips and flick of her tongue.

  “So, uh, are we walking to the beach? Or are we doing the flying thing again?” Astra’s expression did not suggest which option she preferred.

  “The distance is too great to travel by foot if we wish to arrive this day and have light left to follow wherever he may have gone.” I found myself staring, this time for her reaction to the idea of me carrying her once more.

  A hint of mischievousness played on her lips, a glint in her sky-blue eyes. Perhaps the idea of our bodies entwined appealed as much to her as it did to me.

  “When I first saw you, and again on the didn’t just have the wings,” she said.

  “You wish to see the dragon?” I had not expected this. The sight of a dragon inspired awe, yes, but fear as well. The same could be said of Astra’s reaction when we’d first met. The reception she’d offered upon my landing at the shore had been cold, as well. Our interactions now were entirely different. Perhaps she was no longer afraid.

  Without hesitation, I pulled the pants from my hips, letting the cloth pool on the ground. Astra grabbed my pants, glanced between my legs, then looked back up to meet my gaze.

  She cleared her throat and smiled. “Gotta say, I like this part of your transformation as much, if not more, than the result.”

  I hardened for her, longing to return to the embrace we’d shared in my cave, longing for more.

  With the reversal in her reactions to me, it was difficult to determine what was real and what was deception. I knew this wasn’t a lie, but until she spoke only truth, I could not trust her even if I wanted to.

  This was not the time to indulge in my whims, or in her body. I had a duty to fulfill, and if nothing else, I was a slave to my obligations.

  “Step back,” I said, and Astra obeyed.

  In a glow of radiant light, my body transformed. What little space there had been in the narrow clearing was completely filled. The world seemed small and insignificant—except for Astra.

  I watched as she circled me, slowly moving closer. I lowered my head to her. Her lips were parted and her heart raced. I remained still so as not to startle her as she approached my face.

  She reached out, her tiny fingers brushing over the scales of my snout. The contact was so gentle I hardly felt it on my skin, yet her touch reverberated through my chest, filling my heart.

  “Cold,” she said. “Slick. And your hot.”

  When I blinked, she looked up to my eye.

  “Can I ride you like this?”

  Her cheeks turned pink in the most adorable blush. I could deny her nothing.

  Slowly I nodded my head, and her smile grew wide.

  “Yes!” She ran around to the base of my neck and threw her arms up in an attempt to climb me. With the slickness of my scales, it would not be an easy feat.

  I curled my head around and nudged her softly with the tip of my snout.

  Astra gasped in surprise, and quickly straddled me, her arms and legs squeezing hard. Her voice shook as she said, “Ready.”

  We took to the air, my wings carrying us up over the tree line. Astra’s grip tightened as we rose, then loosened as I glided across the wind. She let go with her hands, and made a sound. For a moment, a flash of fear washed over me as I believed her to be losing her balance. But I soon realized it was laughter.

  I turned my head and caught a glimpse of her. She was more radiant than I’d yet seen in the bright light. Her hair whipped behind her as she held her arms wide. She spread her fingers, feeling the air move around her. There was a soft contentment in her expression, a smile more genuine than I’d ever seen.

  This moment was pure happiness—not just for her, but for me, too. My heart was full, and I held tight to the mental image of Astra just like this. I never wanted to forget.

  We reached the edge of the island, and I coasted down over the ocean that washed upon the shore. Cold saltwater sprayed with the crashing waves. I slowed, and glided down onto the beach.

  This was where I had found Astra after she had run away. Whatever she searched for, whether it was truly her father, or something else, this was where we would start.

  “Thank you for that,” Astra said as she climbed down.

  I shifted back to human form so she could understand my words.

  “Oh, I brought you this.” She pulled off the cloth that was tied around her waist, the pants I had worn before our flight, and offered them to me. “Not that I don’t enjoy the view.”

  I accepted and pulled them on.

  “Where you come from, is the natural form not acceptable?” I asked.

  Shifters on the island crafted clothing from the cotton plants along the river. While clothing was typically worn, nudity came hand in hand with the ability to shift. It was common, but Astra appeared uncomfortable with it.

  “Yeah,” she said. “I mean, sure people get naked to shower, or have sex or whatever, but they don’t walk around that way.”

  “Sex,” I said. “The shifter tribes do this for procreation.”

  She gave me a strange look. “You mean the wolf guys?”

  I nodded. “Everything on the island was created by my father Aldrych’s magic, except for the shifter tribes who live here. The first villagers were transplants of the outside world, brought by my father to live their lives in peaceful paradise. With time, the population has grown, as those who had once lived elsewhere had children, and those children had children of their own.”

  “But not you?”

  “I’ve never felt the desire to perform the physical acts or considered reproducing a possibility. If ever there comes a time for a new Guardian of Land, the island will provide, just as I was created in the same manner as the ground we stand upon.”

  “Wait...back up,” Astra said, looking down once more between my legs. “You certainly look built for it. And I sensed interest, too.”

  Perhaps she was right. If I was being honest with myself, Astra brought forth sensations that were entirely new to me. I’d never felt the desire to perform the physical acts before Astra.

  This line of thought deserved more consideration, but not now.

  “Show me where you saw your father,” I said.

  Astra’s lips quirked. This was the part of her story that was a lie. She didn’t know where to find him because she herself hadn’t seen him. So why were we here? Had her father arrived on the island at all?

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “But he could have been dragged away by a group of guys, just like I was. Maybe they have him. Will you free him for me?”

  This was truth. So she believed he was on the island.

  “If the wolves of Lycaon Village had found your father, or any other humans, they would have alerted me.”

  “With the big horn?”


  Her shoulders dropped and she looked down at the sand. “Are there other shifters on the island?”


  “Can we visit them? The other town or place where shifters are gathered?” Her eyes glimmered with guarded hope.

  “There are dozens of villages. But my influence does not reach the others as it does that of the wolves.”

  Small lines formed on her brow. She did not understand.

  “My powers are linked to land and forest, and to the plants on the island. The wolves are my chosen people, sworn to me, and I to them. Their alpha is my warrior, my voice among them, and as such, he is gifted a link to my power.”

  “So the people that kidnapped me were wolf shifters. They handed me over to you because they were your people. But a different tribe might not. Right?” She looked over my face, searching for answers.

  “Correct. We may not find who too
k your father on our own.”

  “Then what do we do?”

  “Enlist the assistance of my brother Kaelestis, Guardian of Sky.”

  Chapter 11


  Flying was my new favorite thing. Sure, I’d hated it when I’d felt like Celedon was holding me against my will. But everything had changed. Enveloped by the sky, I looked down over the treetops. Magic was real, and I was riding on a freaking dragon. The experience was beyond my imagination. It was better than chocolate.

  I was determined to enjoy every moment, because it wouldn’t last forever. Sure, Celedon could tell me that no one escaped Dragon Island. But I’d never been one to listen to the limits other people put on me. Give me a boundary and I’ll break it, just to prove I can.

  This time, like everything else lately, was different. After that mind-blowing kiss, after all the flying, well, I wasn’t just going to miss the magic of this place. I might just miss Celedon, too. There was a feeling of loss clinging to my chest, but I knew it was stupid. I hadn’t even left yet.

  My focus needed to be on enjoying the moment while I lived it. And on finding my dad.

  Celedon rose higher, leaving behind the trees. Higher, and higher, until there was no question where he intended to land - the top of the mountain at the center of the island. It made sense when I thought about it. The sky dragon lived at the top of the highest peak.

  We turned, shifting my weight a bit. My nerves kicked up, and I threw my arms around Celedon’s neck. Even as he turned and slowed, he kept us relatively even, careful so I wouldn’t fall. His wings tilted as we approached the rock face. Quicker than I expected, we landed.

  I climbed down from Celedon, onto a cliff. The stone was slick like a marble floor, instead of rough like natural stone, and it attached to an opening in the mountainside.

  “What have you brought for me, brother?” The voice was deep and startling.

  I hadn’t realized anyone else was here with us. I turned and looked to the opening of the cave, but couldn’t make anything out. The sun was too bright and the cave too dark. I wondered how deep the cave went. Given the expansive tunnel system of Celedon’s place, there was probably a lot more underground living space here, too.


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