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Every Little Thing About You (Yellow Rose Trilogy 1)

Page 16

by Lori Wick

  and he'd covered her with a quilt. He held Kate for the

  longest time and then his children. The Frank family went

  to church with them, but it was more than that: As a doctor,

  Duffy had to check on that little girl.


  150 LORlWlCK


  3r *3r

  "Why have you never asked me to be your deputy?"

  Slater asked later that afternoon. It had been an emotional

  day for all of them, but Slater could not keep his thoughts

  to himself any longer. He had even asked Dakota to take off

  for a while to give him and Griffin privacy.

  Griffin, who was headed to Tess' for dinner, looked at

  him from across the room and was suddenly all ears. He

  took in Slater's intense eyes and had sudden hope.

  "Tell me something, Slate," Griffin requested right

  back. "Why have you never told me why you left the


  Slater looked confused. "I thought I did."

  This was not what Griffin expected at all. "Tell me

  again" was all the sheriff said.

  "I couldn't keep on the trail for the Rangers, constantly

  moving around and never having a home church. It was

  wreaking havoc with my walk with Christ. I knew I had to


  settle somewhere; most Rangers can't do that. I don't

  understand why knowing that is so important."

  "I wasn't sure it would be, but for all I knew, you'd

  accidentally killed an innocent man or a child and never

  wanted to be in law enforcement again. You had opportunity

  at one point to tell Liberty you were a Ranger, but you

  didn't do it. Other than me, I've never heard you tell

  anyone what you were. I didn't know what to think about

  that. Much as I need a new deputy, I have to be pretty selective

  about who I have at my back. I think you can probably


  Slater nodded. He had no idea Griffin's thoughts had

  run along that line. No wonder he'd not said a word. But

  there was more, and Slater thought it was time to come out

  with it.

  "I would like to serve as your deputy, Griffin; I think I

  would do well. But there's more to it than that I don't want

  Every little Thing About You 151


  Libby working as your deputy. I've had a hard time with

  that from day one. I don't think she should be in such a

  dangerous position."

  "Liberty takes care of herself very well." Griffin

  defended his sister with calm self-assurance. "And she has

  a natural ability. Not to mention I use her only when I have


  Slater still shook his head. "I can't tell you what to do,

  Griffin, and I won't leave in a huff, but I don't like it. No/

  thaf s not true, I hate it. I want to marry your sister, Griffin.

  If s not fair of me to tell you before I've spoken to her, but

  thaf s the fact I don't want her packing a gun and putting

  her life in danger, no matter how good she is. I'm glad she

  saved your life today and possibly the lives of others, but I

  don't like Libby being an option when you don't have


  Griffin nodded very slowly. Liberty had never let him

  down--he would be the first to say that--but had he done

  the right thing by her? Sheriff Drake questioned this for the

  first time. He knew this was going to take some thinking.


  "Can you use me?" Slater asked, naturally wanting an


  Griffin looked him in the eye. "Yes, and with you on as

  deputy, Liberty can go back to her own life."

  Slater nodded but didn't let his satisfaction go too far.

  That Griffin Would use Liberty at all told him his bias was

  altogether different But he would have to be content with

  that for now. Thanking him, Slater stood.

  "Are you headed out too?" Griffin asked. "I could give

  you a rundown on a few things before I have to go."

  "Is there any way it can wait for morning, or even later

  this evening?"

  "That's fine."

  Slater put his hat on his head. "I've got to find Hank

  Hathaway and tell him I've got another job. I'll ask him if

  he needs me to put some time in until he finds someone

  else. Then I need to see your sister."

  152 lori wick

  Griffin looked at the grim line around the other man's


  mouth and said, "Something tells me you're not going to


  "You're right. I'm not even sure she'll speak to me, but

  I've got some explaining to do."

  "I'll give you one word of advice," Griffin offered.

  "What's that?"

  "They don't think like we do." Griffin's voice was dry.

  "Don't expect Liberty to be the exception."

  Serious as Slater's business was, he found himself

  laughing on the way to the door.

  %r $-


  Peterson," Slater began as he stood at her door

  some time later, hat in hand. "May I see Libby?"

  Kate hesitated. Liberty had said something about

  seeing Slater and Dakota at the bank, and even though she

  had not explained, her mother could see that it had upset

  her even more.

  "Please," Slater tried again.


  "She's sleeping, Slater," Kate said honestly. "I'm not

  sure what Libby would want, but I can't ask you to wait because she's asleep in the living room."

  Slater was nodding and trying to fight his discouragement

  when a disheveled Liberty appeared behind her


  "Did I hear the door, Mam?" she asked in a small,

  croaky voice. A moment later, she spotted Slater, stiffened,

  and turned away.

  "You misunderstood my look," Slater promptly said,

  looking past Kate to see her. "I'd like to explain."

  When Liberty stopped and looked back at him, Kate

  slipped away. Slater took this as consent, stepped inside,

  and shut the door. Dim as the light was, Slater could see

  Liberty's eyes as he walked forward and stopped in front

  Every Littk Thing About You 153

  of her. His hand came up, and with just the tips of his fingers,

  he touched the hair at her temple,

  "How are you doing?"


  "I just woke up."

  "You might feel drained for a few days," he offered.

  Liberty nodded. "I always have in the past."

  Slater had all he could do not to close his eyes and sigh

  with pain. How could she do this? How could this be so

  normal for all of them? He had to force his mind back to

  why he was here.

  "I'm sorry you misunderstood my look," he repeated,

  his eyes looking directly into hers. "I was sick inside that

  you had to go through that. I was sick inside over that poor

  woman lying in her own blood. And all I was thinking was

  that I wish I'd been there to spare you. I would have done

  exactly as you did," he told her softly, "but I'm sorry you had to do it."

  Liberty bit her lip and admitted/ "I thought you

  despised me."

  "Not even close. I just wish I had been on the scene


  Liberty shook her head. "I think I should tell you.

  Slater, that thaf s not really anything I've ever expected."

  "I can understand how you would feel that way, and


  it's time I told you that I was a Texas Ranger, Libby. I gave

  up that job right before I came here."

  Liberty blinked, taking a moment to let it sink in.

  Finally, "Why, Slater? Why did you give it up?"

  "I want to tell you--if s not even that complicated--but

  right now I need to let you know that I asked Griffin

  whether he could use me as deputy, and he hired me. I

  hope you're pleased. If not, I hope you'll talk to me. It may

  not have been my place to tell you, but I wanted you to


  "Oh, Slater, that's wonderful. I'm very pleased," Liberty

  said sincerely even as she took in the full import of his

  news. She didn't have to back up her brother or stay on

  154 lori wick

  edge any longer. She didn't have to worry about someone

  being there to protect her brother's back. A former Texas

  Ranger would be on the job to do it. Liberty was slightly

  amazed, so much so that it took a moment for her to hear

  her mother calling.


  "Yes?" she answered after the second call.

  "Can you come here a moment, Ub?"

  "Excuse me," Liberty said to Slater and slipped around

  into the dining room where she followed her mother into

  the kitchen.

  "Are you all right? Did you need me to rescue you?"

  "No, thank you, Mam. He was just explaining what his

  expression meant earlier, I had completely misunderstood."

  Kate smiled at the daughter she adored. "Would you

  like to invite Slater for dinner? We have plenty."

  "I'll ask him."

  Intent on doing that, Liberty went back to the hallway

  but found Slater leaning against the wall, his eyes closed.

  She hesitated, and almost instantly he opened his eyes.

  "Are you all right?" she asked.

  "Yes," he answered right away, "I was just praying. I--"

  Liberty waited, but it took a moment for him to continue.

  Slater had just told Griffin that he wanted to marry

  Liberty, but he suddenly realized that he wasn't ready to

  ask her on the spot He suspected that she might need some


  time as well.

  "There's so much in my heart, Libby. Sometimes I think

  I could burst with all the things I'm keeping inside. Does

  that make sense?"

  Liberty nodded.

  "I guess I just wanted you to know that. I want to have

  a chance to figure out what I'm feeling toward you. I don't

  want us to rush, but I want you to know I'm feeling things

  and to ask if you might be feeling some things too."

  Every Little Thing About You 155

  "I am, Slater. I have been for a time now," Liberty said,

  not able to keep the breathlessness and fear from her voice.

  "It's all so new."

  Slater nodded. The light caught her face for a moment,

  and he thought she looked so pale. He chastised himself for

  his timing.

  "I should have waited to talk to you, Libby. It's been a

  rough day. I am glad to learn, however, that I'm not in this



  Liberty felt a wonderful warm feeling spiral through

  her. He was so honest and open. Her mother had told her

  that women seemed to deal better with their thoughts and

  feelings than men did, but she wondered if Slater might be

  an exception.

  "My mother said you could stay for dinner," Liberty

  suddenly said, wishing she'd come up with something a

  little more profound.

  "I'd like that," Slater replied, not wishing for any other

  words from her. For right now it was enough just to stand

  with her, knowing she was not upset with him anymore

  and that the subject of the future--their future--was an

  open one.


  "How are you?" Tess asked Griffin the moment she

  saw him. For more than two weeks they had been planning

  to celebrate their Christinas the day after, but neither one


  had expected the evening to follow a bank robbery and


  "I'm all right."

  "How about Libby?"

  "I stopped for a moment before I came over here. She's

  pale, but they were just sitting down to dinner, and she

  seemed to be doing fairly well."

  "Who was the man, Griff? Was he from around here?"

  156 lori wick

  "Not that I'm aware of. I did find a poster that looked

  like him, but I'll have to write some letters and check it

  out." Griffin shook his head. "He didn't seem to be in his

  right mind."

  They fell silent for a moment. They were the only ones

  in the living room--Tess' mother had said she would finish

  preparing dinner, and her father and brothers were not yet

  home. They never waited dinner for the men--they would

  starve if they tried--so Tess wondered what the evening

  would be like.


  "I'm sorry I couldn't get over here sooner," Griffin said.

  "Slater needed to talk with me."

  "Was he upset?"

  "Yes, but mostly because of Libby," Griffin told her

  before explaining Slater's past work experience, their conversation,

  and Slater's new position as deputy.

  "I hope Lib will be pleased."

  Griffin gave her a shrewd look. "Do you have some

  doubt about that?"

  Tess looked surprised. "Don't you, Griff?"

  "I didn't, no."

  Tess bit her lip.

  "Talk to me, Tess," he said in that tone she could never

  argue with.

  Tess hesitated but still said, "I don't want to be too

  harsh on Libby, but I wouldn't have said she could give it

  up that easily. But then you know her better than I do, Griff.

  If you say she'll be fine, I'm sure you're right."

  Griffin felt the air leave his lungs. What was Tess saying that made him feel so breathless? He wasn't exactly sure, but doubts about Liberty handling this change began to


  assail him. She had honestly looked very calm that night at

  the dinner table, but would that be the end of it?

  "Have I upset you?" Tess asked after studying his

  thoughtful face.

  "Yes, but that's good. I'm going to have to keep my

  eyes open."

  Even/ Little Thing About You 157

  Not really knowing what he was referring to, Tess innocently

  said, "Maybe Slater isn't the man for Libby after all."

  "Why do you say that?"

  "Well, you've told me when you were explaining about

  the change that Slater didn't want Libby in that job and was

  glad to become your deputy." She suddenly smiled. "Maybe

  I've misunderstood all these years, but I've always thought

  that when a woman loved a man enough to marry him, she

  would be willing to do anything he wants."

  Griffin smiled a little but couldn't speak. Was Tess

  right? Would Liberty still want to work for him even if it

  mean losing Slater?


  Tess missed
all of this turmoil. She heard a bang in the

  kitchen and told Griffin she was headed to check on her

  mother. By the time she returned, Griffin calmed his

  thoughts. He knew that time and prayer were needed here,

  but right now it was more important that he celebrate

  Christmas with the family he would be joining.

  "Dinner's not ready yet," Tess said as she returned to

  her place across from Griffin. "Did I tell you that my father

  came home and told me you were all right?"

  "No, you didn't. How did he know?" Griffin asked,

  working hard to get back into Tess' life.

  "He saw you downtown and came home and told me."

  Tess gave a small, incredulous laugh. "You could have

  pushed me over with a small breeze. My father left the

  office and came all the way home to tell me you were all

  right. He went back as soon as he'd let me know. My

  mother and I could only stare at each other after he left."

  "Maybe with your getting married and leaving, he has

  realized how much he's missed."

  Tess smiled hugely. "I love it when you talk about our


  getting married."

  Griffin smiled back at her. "Then you should get downtown

  more--that's all I hear from people. And they all

  want a date set right now."

  "Well, maybe we'd better do that," Tess said softly.

  158 lori wick

  "We don't have to..." Griffin's tone was just as hushed.

  It was not logical to people who knew of their plans,

  but Tess Locken did not want to set a wedding date too

  soon. She hadn't thought she would ever be engaged to the

  man of her dreams, and she wasn't about to rush things. It

  wasn't that she didn't look forward to being married--she

  looked forward to it all the time--but this was special. This

  was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for her, and she wanted

  to savor it

  "Maybe we could at least pick a season," Tess capitulated.

  "Would people be pleased about that?"

  Griffin shook his head. "We don't have to do anything.

  I was just teasing."


  "I suppose everyone would be crushed if we just up

  and married one of these days."

  Griffin could only stare at her. A moment later Tess

  caught his expression.

  "What is it, Griff?"

  "You're so easy to love, Tess."

  "Why is that?"

  "You're never the same, but everything I discover is


  "Oh, Griffin," was all Tess could say; she was so much

  in love with this man. She couldn't be having intimate

  thoughts about him, not yet anyway, but the desire to crawl


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