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Every Little Thing About You (Yellow Rose Trilogy 1)

Page 20

by Lori Wick

  Jail was a dry place.

  "We won't shoot anymore," he told them in a petulant


  voice; he sounded like a spoiled child.

  "Who's that?"

  "Shut your mouth, Critter," his father turned on him,

  but Griffin answered.

  "That's my deputy, Critter." The sheriff's voice was

  cold. "You take a good look at him. You too, Rush and

  Possum. We are not going to put up with this any longer.

  You'd best keep that in mind."

  While Griffin held his shotgun on all of them, he

  ordered Slater to collect the guns.

  Every Little Thing About You 189

  "You can come for them in two weeks. Not a day

  before. Now keep it clean, boys, or I'll run the lot of you in

  and raid the house and barn,"

  The lawmen did not stick around much longer, but

  both were aware of the dark, angry eyes that followed


  "It's going to come to a head one of these days, and

  someone is going to get hurt," Griffin predicted.


  "I'm sure you're right. Some things you can avoid, and

  some you have to deal with when they come. Unless they

  up and move, it's probably going to get worse before it gets


  Griffin couldn't have agreed with him more, but right

  now he had no solution. Ideas and plans shifted through

  his mind all the way back into town. They did battle with

  thoughts of his wedding in a week's time. Not for the first

  time, he asked God to let him be there for Tess.


  "what do you mean, no?"

  "Just that, Libby. The answer is no."

  Liberty stared at the man she thought she might be in

  love with and wondered if she knew him at all. The wedding

  had been wonderful. Tess had been stunningly beautiful,

  and Griffin's eyes had been full of love as they joined

  hands and vowed their lives to one another. Now it was

  Monday morning, and all that had faded. Liberty had

  gotten up, climbed into her work clothes, and headed to


  the jail, only to have Slater tell her to go home.

  "Slater/' she tried a new tact. "Griff and Tess don't

  come back until Wednesday."

  "Be that as it may, you can't fill in."

  "What if something dangerous comes up?"

  "I'll call Price."

  Liberty was instantly angry. "Price is no lawman!"

  "But he does know how to use a gun, and he told me to

  call me if I needed him." Slater spoke with more calm than

  he felt. Liberty's coming to work was the last thing he'd

  expected. They had never talked about this, and now he

  wished they had. It was past time for her to know how he

  felt on this issue.

  "You're going to get your fool head shot off," Liberty

  retorted, her anger still evident.

  "At least il won't be yours" was all the deputy said,

  sending Liberty storming from the office.

  Liberty was some ways up the street before she realized

  she'd left without Morton. She stormed back up the walk,



  192 lori wick

  swung into the saddle, and heeled him too hard for the

  short ride home. The poor horse had never been treated so

  roughly. By the time she stabled the beast and hit the

  kitchen door, she was in the finest rage she'd ever known.

  "Liberty!" her mother exclaimed, naturally surprised.

  "What in the world?"

  Liberty was ready to explode, but reason took over.

  Laura had come off the floor where she was playing, and a

  sudden view of her mother's expanding waistline caused

  Liberty to remember that she was not the only person in

  the world. Willing herself to calm down, she took a seat at

  the table and accepted the mug of coffee her mother set

  before her.

  "Laura..." Kate began.

  "You want me to play somewhere else, don't you?"

  "Well," Kate hesitated, hoping she didn't do this too


  often, "only if you want to."

  "I don't. I want to know why Libb/s face is all red."

  The room was silent for several seconds. Kate had no

  idea what to do, and Liberty was still working on calming

  down. She finally looked at her small sister's concerned


  "It's nice of you to care so much, Laura," Liberty said.

  "I would like to talk with Mam. Do you think you could

  give us a few minutes alone?"

  "Are you mad at me?"

  "Not at all, and I'm very sorry that I acted that way

  when I came in."

  Laura nodded. Liberty's voice had returned to normal.

  All was right in the world. Both older women watched the

  little girl skip from the room, and when she left, Kate sat

  opposite the small table in the kitchen.

  "What's up?" She didn't hesitate; Laura would not

  want to stay gone all morning.

  "I just had an argument with Slater."



  Every Little Thing About You 193

  "My working. He told me that I couldn't fill in and to

  go home."

  "I would think you would be glad of that, Lib. I

  thought you'd been rather relieved."

  Liberty knew it was time for the truth. "I haven't been

  near so relieved as I've let on."


  "I just don't feel needed by Griffin any longer," she

  said, finally telling the truth. "Slater has fit in so well. I

  thought Griff would need me from time to time. I know it

  hasn't been that long, but I feel so left out."

  "So Griffin didn't ask you to go down there this

  morning and help?"

  "He shouldn't have to ask me. He knows I'll just naturally

  fill in."

  "But he didn't ask you, did he, Libby?" her mother

  asked again.



  "So Slater's telling you to leave did not sit well."

  Liberty shook her head in confusion. "I know he needs

  me, Mam. Why can't he see that?"

  For the first time ever Kate saw how unhealthy her

  daughter's situation might be. It never occurred to her that

  Liberty wouldn't be able to give up the job. She'd always

  been too busy being thankful that her daughter could be

  there for her son. Clearly, Slater had other ideas. Kate was

  in a sudden quandary. Her natural bent was toward her

  child, but she certainly admired Slater's desire to keep Liberty


  "What was his reason?" Kate asked.

  "I don't think he wants me hurt," Liberty said, some

  disgust coming back into her voice. "I can take care of

  myself, Mam. I think I've more than proved that."

  Kate's brow lowered. "What's really going on here, Liberty?

  It doesn't sound to me as though you want to help so

  much as you want to prove that you can."

  194 Low wick


  Liberty looked so crushed that Kate almost retracted

  the words, but she took long enough to decide that Liberty's

  face changed again.

  "I don't know/' Liberty admitted. "I want to say thaf s

  not true, but you might be right. Clearly m
y pride is

  involved, or I wouldn't have gotten so angry."

  Kate only nodded.

  "I think I'll head up to my room now. Tell Laura I'll

  play with her in a little while."

  "All right What are you going to do?"

  "Spend some time reading my Bible and praying. I've

  got a lot of thinking to do."

  Kate stayed where she was as Liberty left the room. She

  had work to do--lots of it--but right now her daughter

  needed prayer. She was still praying for her when Laura

  returned. Kate carried on, seeming as normal as ever to

  Laura, but her heart was full of doubts and questions, all of

  which she had to leave with the Lord. No easy task. It was

  dose to lunchtime before she surrendered and knew God's



  %r %r

  He divided the sea, and caused them to pass through; and he

  made the waters to stand up as a heap. In the daytime also he led

  them with a cloud, and all the night with a light of fire. He

  cleaved the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out

  of the great depths. He brought streams also out of the rock, and

  caused waters to run down like rivers. And they sinned yet more

  against him by provoking the most High in the wilderness. And

  they tempted God in their heart by asking for meat for their lust.

  Liberty read these verses in Psalm 78 several times. The

  children of Israel had been brought from slavery and

  bondage, but all they did was complain about what they'd

  been forced to leave behind. God had given them an abundance.

  Every need was met. He showed His love for them

  over and over, but they still complained and wanted more.

  Every Little Thing About You 195

  I'm just like they are. Liberty now told the Lord, tears


  clogging her throat. You've given me so much to thank You for,

  but I want something different. You allowed me to help Griffin,

  but when Slater doesn't want me, I grow angry. I'm sorry, Lord.

  I'm so willful and full of pride. I think Mam is right. I want to

  prove that I can do this. I've never seen it that way before.

  Liberty suddenly rolled onto her back. "I'm terrified,"

  she whispered, her eyes on the wood molding at the edge

  of the ceiling. Liberty said the words, but not even that

  made it clear to her. She knew she was frightened, but she

  wasn't sure of what. Not being wanted? Not being good

  enougjt? The answer wasn't obvious to her, but one thing

  was: She had to go back to the jailhouse and apologize to

  Slater. She had behaved terribly. Griffin had put him in

  charge, and she'd treated him with contempt because she

  didn't get her way.

  Liberty did take time to put a puzzle together with

  Laura, but when she left the house an hour later, she was

  in one of her best dresses, her hair brushed away from her

  face and falling long down her back. There hadn't been

  much color in her face when she left, but just the thought


  of facing Slater made her blush, and she knew there would

  be more than enough color when she saw him.

  It was something of a letdown to find the office empty,

  but she was not put off. She paced around the small confines

  and hoped he wouldn't be hours. She was determined

  to see him before she left. She turned when she heard boot

  steps on the boardwalk, and sure enough, he opened the

  door a moment later. Liberty watched him freeze and then

  come in slowly. She spoke the moment the door was shut.

  "I'm sorry."

  Slater covered the distance between them in an instant,

  coming to stand close in front of her.

  "Thank you," he said softly, his eyes taking in every

  detail of the face he loved.

  "It was presumptuous of me and disrespectful. I am

  very sorry, Slater."

  196 lori wick

  Slater's hand came up, and with the backs of his fingers

  he stroked her baby-soft cheek, wishing with all his might


  that it could be his lips instead.

  "I was going to talk with you/' he finally said. "I'm so

  glad you came to me. The time was dragging because I

  wanted to see you so much."

  "Oh, Slater. Have you always been so understanding?"

  He smiled. "Did you think I would order you into the


  Liberty chuckled. "No, but I wouldn't have been too

  surprised if you didn't want to speak to me for a while."

  "That's never going to happen. Do you hear me?"

  Liberty nodded. She desperately wanted to tell him

  what was in her heart--the fears, the love--all of it, but it

  had to come from him first. She thought he might be ready

  for that, but until it happened, she couldn't be sure. The

  silence was making her tense, so she invited him to dinner.

  "I'd like to come, but I'm not sure I can spare the time."

  Liberty understood. She had watched her brother as

  sheriff for a long time.

  "Can you tell me something, Slater?" Liberty asked,

  wondering why she hadn't asked him before.



  "Why didn't you want my help? Have I done something

  that makes you think you can't trust me?"

  "Not at all. I know how good you are, but my answer

  may not be the one you want to hear."

  Liberty frowned. He could very well be right, but she

  still wanted to know.

  "Will you tell me anyway?"

  "If you want me to, yes." Wondering if she could

  handle his feelings on the matter, Slater looked at her for a

  moment and then plunged in. "I haven't liked this arrangement

  from the beginning. I don't think Griffin should be

  using you as a backup. I think it's too dangerous."

  Libby blinked in surprise but still said, "Slater, what

  does Griffin do when there's no one else?"

  Every little Thing About You 197

  Slater tenderly put his hands on Liberty's shoulders,

  his touch light. "Don't misunderstand me right now, Libby.

  I'm glad that Griff is still here because you have a clear


  head and good aim, but I don't think Griff should even use

  you as an option. I can't help but wonder if he might not

  have looked a little harder for a deputy if you hadn't been

  so available."

  Liberty's head was spinning. This was so new to her.

  They had always done it this way. Her father had taught

  her, and she had carried on to do what was needed, always

  feeling that even though he was gone, she had his blessing.

  She shook her head a little. She wanted to be available for

  Griffin, and right now she wasn't convinced that she

  couldn't do that.

  "Are you all right?" Slater asked.

  "I am, Slater, but I can't tell you that I agree. I don't

  know what I'm feeling right now. I've got to think."

  Slater could only nod. He expected no less, but that

  didn't change his disappointment. This was a major issue

  in his mind. The pain in his heart forced him to go to the

  Lord, the only good thing he could see in this situation.

/>   Liberty didn't stick around much longer, but that wasn't all

  bad. He found he needed time to think as badly as she did.



  "A baby?" Laura's little face showed her shock and


  "That's right," Duffy told her. "This summer he or she

  will be here."

  "Can he sleep with me?" Zach wished to know.

  "Well," Kate told him gently, "the baby will have his

  own bed, but maybe when he's a little older."

  "Does Libby know?" Laura asked.


  "And Griffin and Tess?"


  198 lori wick

  "Does Slater?" she tried again, and her parents

  laughed; she simply had to share this news.

  "I don't think he does/' Duffy said. "Did you need to


  tell someone?"

  Laura nodded and looked down at her mother's


  "You're going to get fat, aren't you, Mam?"

  Kate smiled. "I suppose I am."

  "Laura!" Zach looked shocked. "Mam will never be fat.

  It's not the same when you have a baby."

  Laura nodded--she was always amazingly contrite

  when Zach rebuked her--but her eyes still strayed to her

  mother's waistline. Kate was increasing rapidly now, being

  over the halfway point It was one of those things a child

  wouldn't notice unless told, and Laura was now noticing


  "Does the baby make you tired, Mam?" Zach asked

  sweetly, and Kate leaned to kiss him.

  "At times, yes. Have I been crabby with you?"

  "No, but you fell asleep in the kitchen that one day, and

  I wondered."

  "That was very observant of you, Zach," his father

  praised. "A woman does tire easily when she's expecting."


  "Will there be more?" the six-year-old asked.

  "We don't know. We didn't know that God would send

  us this baby, but we know that God knows what's best for


  Zach sighed. "A baby. I've always wanted a baby."

  Duffy and Kate shared a warm smile. God had surely

  given them the most precious children in the world. They

  were still thinking on this when Laura scrambled from her

  mother's lap.

  "Where are you going?" Duffy wished to know.

  "To the front porch in case someone walks by," she

  answered as she went.

  "Why?" Zach asked first.

  "So I can tell him Mam is having a baby."

  Every Little Thing About You 199

  "Laura." Duffy called her back even as Kate and Zach

  dissolved into laughter. Kate didn't know what God had

  planned for them, but if it was another Laura, it was sure


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