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Hot Dubai Nights

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by Holly Hathaway

  “Just taking pictures for an hour or so. I might check out a bookstore. Then I'm going to meet back up with my friends at the hotel.” I look out at the view of the city, my gaze wandering toward the Eiffel Tower. I can feel his eyes undressing me, peeling my dress down and licking my body with his fluttering lashes.

  "I can join you. I can show you all of the best places around here. A free tour." He smiles wide, and it gives me a little shiver.

  What would be the harm? He’s just a local Parisian who wants to show me the city. It's not like we're making out. No harm in it that I can see.

  I receive a notification on my phone about my upcoming flight to Dubai and my hotel reservation. I put my phone back in my pocket.

  "That would be fun," I say to him. "But we can't spend too long. I should get back to my friends soon."

  “I can’t wait to meet them.”

  I feel myself blush. He so casually invited himself along with us. He didn't even ask if it was okay to join, but I don't have it in me to be assertive and tell him no. I’ll probably just try to pass him off to Mindy or Kate. They would love to get their hands on him.

  “I’m sure they’ll love to meet you.”

  “They couldn’t possibly be as pretty and charming as you,” he says.

  Oh crap.

  Chapter Six


  I have everything I need for my flight except Allie. I still can’t stop thinking about her. Part of me is still nervous about her traipsing around Paris with her promiscuous friends. I keep imagining her meeting suave young men just looking for cute young American girls to snatch up, use, and then toss aside.

  But I know I shouldn't be worried because Allie isn't that kind of girl. She's not out there looking for guys to hook up with, and she would never betray my trust. Plus, the strong connection that has developed between us feels unbreakable.

  Still, I worry.

  When I'm not worrying, I'm dreaming of her body pressed up against mine. I've never felt like this with any woman before. I’m going crazy not being able to see her.

  I check my phone again. I sent Allie the emails confirming her flight and hotel reservations, but I haven't received a response. I hope she's not having second thoughts. She's probably napping after the flight. Can’t wait to see you, I type, hoping that I do not sound overly desperate.

  “The car is waiting for you, Sir.”

  “Thanks, Jeffrey," I say, looking up. I don't know how long I was staring at my phone screen. I almost forgot where I was. Getting so wrapped up in my thoughts is quite unlike me. I grab my luggage and glance around to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.

  “Jeffrey, make sure Tucker knows he doesn’t own the place. I don’t want things to get out of hand.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “Look after him, too. I trust you.”

  He nods and takes one of my bags. I’ve always entrusted Jeffrey with just about everything. I trust him more than my mother and father, and far more than my brother. Last night I even admitted my feelings for Allie to him as we shared a bottle of whiskey. Just because he works for me doesn’t mean I can’t confide in him as a friend.

  “Don’t worry about a thing,” he says. “Have a safe flight.”

  And with that, I head to the car waiting to take me to the airport. I wish I had spent a little more time on the island of Ibiza. It really is a beautiful place. But I wouldn't trade the time I spent with Allie for anything. The sunset dinner and the jet-skiing. The wild lovemaking.

  Can’t wait to see you, too, she messages me back with a smiley emoji.

  Right. She's an amazing woman and I have absolutely nothing to worry about. She's nothing like other girls.

  I stare out the window on the ride to the airport. If I spend too much time staring down at my phone, I'll get nauseous. It's an excellent excuse to see the sights instead of working for once. Emails can wait. Messages can wait, unless they're from Allie, of course.

  Chapter Seven


  Antoine quickly became a good friend to all of us. He even came back to the hotel with me, not that I invited him. He turned into a puppy that followed me everywhere, and it's impossible to turn a puppy away.

  “Who’s this little snack?” Mindy says when we walk in and greet them.

  "Antoine, Allie's new Parisian friend," he says.

  All three of us girls have an entire conversation just by exchang

  ing looks.

  Kate and Mindy appear to be hydrated, rested, and ready to start all over again. We head out into Paris for the evening. It's already getting dark.

  We walk together as a group of four. I try to stay back so Antoine can engage in conversation with my friends and I can just bask in the sights, but he hardly notices the other two. He wants to know about my home, about my family and studies and what I intend to do for work. He asks me about other lovers, to which I don’t reply. I immediately change the subject.

  He casually puts his arm around me and it feels intimate and forbidden. I think of Ben.

  What would he think if he saw me walking down the streets of Paris under the arm of another man?

  "Antoine," I say. But it's so hard to protest. He makes me feel safe in this strange and bustling city. I spent the first twenty-two years of my life being shy and getting almost no attention from men, and now here I am in Europe, and I can't get them to go away.

  I put my phone away even though I feel like I should keep texting Ben.

  Every time I see the charisma in Antoine's smile, I start to have my doubts. What if this whole thing with Ben was just a fling? Could Mindy be right?

  We head into a bar and sit at a table. Antoine sits next to me so close that our hips are touching.

  “So, what do you do?” I ask him. I don’t want the conversation to circle back around to lovers.

  “I am a salesman,” he says. “And a hopeless romantic for beautiful American girls.”

  Mindy and Kate give me eyes like they want to say something, but they can't in front of Antoine.

  “I’m going to go get us a round of drinks before we order dinner. I'll be right back," he says.

  Perfect timing.

  Kate and Mindy both lean forward.

  “Oh my God, he’s so into you,” Mindy hisses in my ear.

  “But what about Ben?” Says Kate.

  Once again, they give me conflicting advice. I told them before to let me make my own decisions, but clearly, they have already forgotten.

  "Go for Antoine. Don't stick with just one guy. You're new to this whole dating thing, and you gotta explore all the options."

  “Allie, I know you,” says Kate. "I know that it's going to bother you if you're not loyal to Ben. I know you said you want to make your own decisions, but before you do anything, just think about how you'll feel about it tomorrow".

  I'm so glad when Antoine comes back, laden with drinks, and cuts the conversation short.

  "Merci," we all say to him, but I'm still getting dagger eyes from

  Kate and Mindy.

  "It's no problem," he says as he puts his arm back around me. His hand is dangling just over my breast, so close, I can almost feel his fingers grazing my nipple over my dress. It's enough to make my panties a little bit wet.

  A few drinks later, I feel my phone vibrating on the table. I don’t touch it. Ben’s plane probably just landed. Mindy gives me a sly smile.

  "Antoine," she says. "Allie's going to the airport tomorrow."

  “Going so soon? I thought you just got here.”

  “She’s going to meet a friend in Dubai.”

  Damnit, Mindy. I want to tell her to shut up, but it’s not in me to stir the pot.

  “I’m getting hungry,” I say and take a sip of my drink. “What’s good here?”

  "Everything," says Antoine. "Try the bouillabaisse." He makes a kissing noise against his fingers. "It's to die for. Kind of like you."

  I blush and look over the menu.

How about if I take you to the airport tomorrow?” he says. By his tone, it was more of a statement than a question. “Then you don't have to pay for a taxi."

  “She would love that!” says Mindy.

  But Kate is quiet. She blinks at me, and I understand what she's trying to say. I don't know why Mindy is rooting so hard for me to have something with Antoine. After all, she believes that there are a million guys to date, and you should go through them as quickly and efficiently as possible. What’s so special about Antoine?

  Other than the fact that he’s super hot and he seems to adore me. And we’re in Paris, and he would be the perfect fling.

  "Oh, Tucker just texted me," says Kate. "Ben made it to Dubai. And apparently, he couldn't stop talking about you yesterday.”

  I feel my face turns hot and red. Antoine doesn't seem to mind that I might have another lover.

  “You are a hot commodity,” he says. “I’ll drink to that.”

  My drink hits me, and I lay my head back on his shoulder. He plants a kiss on my cheek. It’s just a kiss, and it’s not on my lips. What’s the harm?

  The next day, Antoine picks me up and drives me to the airport. The ride isn’t very long. He knows the quickest ways to get around. I sit nervously in the passenger seat, clutching my purse tightly in my lap and hoping he’s not secretly some crazy kidnapper.

  “I’m going to miss your company. I think I have fallen in love with you,” he says as we pull up to the terminal.

  “Oh, stop it,” I say with a giggle. I know he’s kidding.

  He is kidding, right?

  He gets out of the car and helps me with my bags. I’m suddenly very aware of his masculine presence. He no longer seems like a young boy to me. He’s a man. I think about what it would be like to have sex with him. I know he wants it, and I’ve just recently awakened to my own sexuality. I wonder about his…

  I shake the thought away. It's too late now, anyway. I'm headed to Dubai. Goodbye, Antoine.

  “I hope you have a safe flight, Allie,” he says.

  I still haven’t checked my phone to see if Ben messaged me today.

  “I will. Promise you’ll look after Mindy and Kate.”

  “I will. But I will see you again.”

  And that's when things become not so harmless and innocent anymore. He leans down and kisses me. But it's not some little kiss on the cheek or even a peck on the lips. He dives deep into me, putting the French in French kissing. And not only is his tongue exploring my mouth, but his hands are caressing my waist and moving down to my hips.

  I don’t aggressively kiss him back. But I also don’t push him away. Why? Why didn’t I push him away?

  He finally stops kissing me.

  “Allie. I will see you again. I promise,” he affirms.

  My face turns hot. I step back and hold onto my luggage, stammering incoherently.

  "When you are done with whatever this thing is," he says as he waves his hand in the air with nonchalance. "Then, we can begin exploring us."

  “Um.” I have no idea what to say. He’s adorable. And he’s my age. And he’s French. And he wants me. “Um…I’ll text you later," I stammer.

  But I don't know if I'll keep to that promise. I hope he just forgets all about me and dives into bed with Mindy.

  I run into the terminal with one glance over my shoulder. He is still standing there watching me leave, a smile on his face, seductive and charming.

  Once at my gate, I finally look at my phone. I have messages from everyone. My mom, Eric, Kate, Mindy, a bunch from Ben, and now Antoine.

  I open up Ben’s messages.

  Happy flying day.

  Hey, I haven't heard from you. Everything okay?

  Little worried about you, Allie. Hope you’re having fun.

  Please get back to me so I know everything is alright.


  start typing vigorously on my phone, so guilty for leaving him hanging like this. I should have gotten back to him sooner. So much sooner.

  I’m so sorry. Things got a little crazy. You know how Kate and Mindy are. At the airport now. Missing you terribly.

  I take a deep breath of air, attempting to calm my nerves. I still have plenty of time before the flight. I need more time to process what just happened. All I want is to see Ben, but now I have Antoine on my mind. I can't believe he sucked me in with his boyish charm. And that kiss. It was easily just as passionate and full of desire as my kisses with Ben.

  What if Mindy is right about everything? What if this whole summer is all about flings? Maybe I shouldn't be taking this whole Ben thing so seriously.

  Chapter Eight


  Seriously, I can’t believe she waited this long to get back to me.

  Miss you too. Sorry I got paranoid. I just really want to see you. Have a safe flight.

  I'm willing to own up to my flaws. Sometimes I can be possessive. But in my experience, it's never a good thing when girls just ignore all your messages and then act like it's no big deal.

  But I trust Allie.

  Drinking wine at the hotel isn't much fun alone. I'm overlooking the gulf, and it's a beautiful sight. The Middle East has so many underrated gems and gets a bad reputation because of the media. But Dubai is probably one of the best cities I've ever visited.

  I have a meeting later, so I’ll be out of the hotel when Allie checks into her room. That’s okay. It will give her time to settle and freshen up. But honestly, I would be just as attracted to her when she’s tired and travel-worn as when she’s in a gown and all dolled up.

  I hope I can get through this upcoming meeting without dying from anticipation. Just the thought of Allie the last time we were together, tangled up in the sheets, her naked body riding on top of me, coming to orgasm in the light of makes me harden and throb.

  Once I see her, I know all my worries will be wiped away.

  Chapter Nine


  Finally, I’m through with the hassle of travel and immigration. The hotel room is more beautiful than anything I could imagine. I have a whole suite to myself. All thoughts of Antoine melt away. How could I doubt a man who would go to such measures to make sure I'm treated like royalty?

  I listen to my gut. I’m definitely all about Ben. I only want to be with him. How could I ever have thought that Mindy might be right?

  I immediately start digging through my suitcase for the dress I want and the shoes to go with it. I get out my makeup bag and my hairbrush. I can't wait to take a long shower after sitting on a plane. I check my phone again.

  Can’t wait ‘til this meeting is over. Thinking of you.

  I smile.

  Thinking of you too, I message back.

  Yes, I still feel pretty guilty over that kiss with Antoine. But it’s time to forget about it. Ben never has to know.

  I shower and use all the makeup tricks that Mindy taught me. I want to look like a sex goddess for him. I’m going to show him an unbelievable time.

  This is going a little long. I might be late. So sorry. I’ll keep you updated.

  That’s okay. I’ll see you soon.

  I'm a little bummed, but as long as I see him soon, that's all I care about. I just have to find something to do with myself in the meantime. I'm still only in my towel and I do a little dance in the bathroom to some music playing on my phone. I'm a bit too nervous about venturing out by myself, so I decide to stay in my towel in the hotel. I could always dive into the minibar…

  There’s a knock on the door. I smile. Ben must have been teasing me, and he’s already here.

  My heart leaps. I get up and go to the door, my heart thumping harder and harder with every step I take. I'm aching to see him again.

  I open the door, and there he is.

  "Antoine?" I gasp in shock, holding onto my towel to ensure it doesn’t slip down,

  He stands there, smiling at me. "I hopped on the next flight to Dubai. Mindy told me where to find you."

  I’ve nev
er been afraid of snakes until now.

  Chapter Ten


  I get back to the hotel late, and I feel bad about keeping Allie waiting. She deserves better. But it was a significant investment, and there was no way I could let the opportunity escape.

  I jump in the shower and let the steam relax my mind and my body. I think about her waiting for me just a few doors down. I get hard in the shower, but I don't take care of it. I want to save it for when I can be with her. I want to be full and raging for her.

  I put on a suit, comb my hair, and spritz on some cologne. I feel like I'm stuck in slow motion. I clip a rose and stick it in my pocket, so I look extra romantic. I want her to know that my feelings for her surpass just a casual summer fling.

  I go down the hall and knock on her door.

  I hear her voice inside. She must be talking on the phone. I knock again. Come on Allie. I adjust the rose sticking out of my pocket.

  The door cracks open.

  "Allie," I smile down at her. I can't help it. Her face is adorable. My heart is beating hard in my chest. "Hey, open the door, let me in."

  “Could you give me just one second?” She holds onto the front of her towel, which is wrapped around her perfect body. I imagine myself whipping it off and seeing her naked before me as she spins in circles.


  I don’t like the look in her eye. Something is definitely wrong.

  “I just need to finish getting ready.”

  “I can wait in your living room.”


  “Why can’t I come in?”

  And then I see him behind her in the suite. He's young, probably around her age, with the kind of shaggy curls on his head that women love. He has a wide grin on his face, and he looks at me almost as if he's expecting me. I throw the door open, careful not to hurt Allie, but enough to show that I’m not tolerating this strange guy in my girl’s hotel room.


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