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Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel)

Page 3

by Renae, Cameo

  He flew higher and higher into the air making Jane’s stomach twist.

  “Who are you?” Jane asked, staring at his beautiful face. His eyes kept focused into the darkness.

  “Yesterday, I was your lover. Today, I am your savior,” he said with a sad sort of grin. “I’m sorry I’ve put you in so much danger. I didn’t mean for this to happen to you, but I have vowed, as long as I have breath, to make certain of your safety and the safety of our child.”

  “I know what you are,” Jane said.

  “Does it frighten you?”

  “No. You don’t frighten me. Khelsey told me that you are a compassionate, chivalrous, chieftain of sorts. But I have one question.”

  “I hope it is a question I can answer,” he said.

  “Why did you come to me? That night by the river?” she asked.

  His brow creased and his eyes pondered.

  “I noticed you. There was never another mortal, in all of my many years, which I have taken notice of. My emotions became fragile and unprotected, the first time I laid my eyes on you.

  You were alone down by the river, only a few days earlier. You were lying in the grass as I passed over. You looked as if you were asleep, but it was your beauty that drew me closer. It drew me in, like a moth to a flame. A forbidden desire with a deadly consequence. But I couldn’t resist.

  I came to you that night with intentions of only speaking with you. But the moment we made contact, I became a victim under your spell. Never, in all of my years, have I felt such closeness to another.”

  Jane was speechless, because the feelings he was describing, was the same she felt. She never believed in love at first sight, but there was something about him that was entrancing, magical. A feeling that made her want to be with him, even now, as he held her so close.

  “You didn’t tell me your name,” she said.

  It’s best for you and the child that it stays that way.”

  “Why? I don’t understand why this is all happening,” Jane said, getting very emotional. Her eyes filled with tears.

  “None of this was supposed to happen, Jane. It’s my fault and I take full responsibility. That’s why I sent Khelsey to you, and the others. The child will be well taken care of, and always under my watchful eye.”

  Jane exhaled and nodded. There wasn’t much more she could do. She was at his mercy now if she wanted to live.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Somewhere safe, where evil cannot find you. And, right now, the further you are from the child, the better.”

  Jane wrapped her arms around his neck as he flew her far and away to safety.


  Jane was kept safe for a few years, and when certain she was clear from being hunted, she never saw, or heard of, her beautiful stranger again.

  Eventually, she married a mortal man, and together they had a beautiful daughter. But Jane never forgot of her first child. She was always on her mind and in her heart.

  Chapter Four

  Special Delivery

  It was under the cover of darkness and with the help of the Watchers, that Jane’s newborn child could be delivered safely during the middle of the night. The midwife’s assistant, also an immortal, took extra precautions to make sure they weren’t followed.

  They didn’t travel far, and ended up in another small town in Oregon, with a family who was privately seeking to adopt a child. It was a young couple, thoroughly investigated, and approved worthy for the adoption. They were the most perfect candidates for this precious gift, and anxiously awaited the arrival of their new addition.

  The transaction was made between private parties, and the paperwork had already been approved. It was fairly easy for immortals to manipulate the simple minded humans.

  It was 1:11 on that cold September 20th, morning. The doorbell rang on 2121 Serendipity Drive, waking its inhabitants.

  Mrs. Gray nudged her husband and fell back to sleep. She assumed it must have been their senile neighbor on her constant search for her stray cat.

  Mr. Gray stumbled down the stairs in his robe. His dirty blonde hair was disheveled, and his eyes were heavy with sleep. But as soon as he opened the door, and the assistant placed the tiny bundle into his arms, his sapphire eyes popped open, and a large smile grew on his lips. He was silent for a few moments, staring at the beautiful child sleeping in the comfort of his arms.

  Mr. Gray gaped at the assistant.

  “Would you like to come inside?” he asked, but his eyes shifted back to the baby.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Gray, but I really must be going. I have another deadline to attend to,” she replied.

  “Is…Is this?” he asked, stuttering, glancing up to the deliverer and back down to the sleeping baby.

  “It’s a girl, Mr. Gray. And, congratulations,” she said with a smile and a nod. “Please give my congratulations to Mrs. Gray as well. The paperwork is already in order. All we ask is that you take great care of her.”

  “Oh, we will. And, thank you, Miss…?” he paused, reaching his hand out to shake hers.

  “Abigail. Abigail Reed,” she said, shaking his hand.

  “Thank you, Miss Reed,” he said.

  She smiled, knowing that the child would be in the best possible care with the Gray’s. Then she gave him a nod, and left.

  Mr. Gray quietly shut the door behind him. Butterflies turned in his stomach. He wanted to scream and wake his wife, but he didn’t want to wake the baby. His excitement bubbled over as he started up the stairs to their bedroom.

  As soon as he entered the room he flicked on the light.

  “Sam. Get up,” he whispered loudly.

  “Jared, please turn the light off,” his wife grumbled, pulling the pillow over her head.

  “Sam, get up,” he urged in a quiet tone. She moaned. “Samantha. I reeeeeally need for you to open your eyes right now. I have the most amazing surprise for you.”

  Samantha pushed the pillow off her face and peeled her heavy eyes open. As soon as she saw the bundle cradled in her husband’s arms, she shot up. Her brown eyes grew wide and she gasped, throwing both of her hands over her mouth.

  Her husband nodded, and tears immediately began to flow from her eyes.

  She pushed off the bed and hurried over to them. Jared pushed back a little piece of fabric, which was covering the precious tiny face. She looked like a little doll. Her porcelain white skin was so smooth, and she had the longest eyelashes, and the softest brown hair. Her lips and cheeks were lightly dusted in pink.

  “Samantha. Meet your daughter,” Jared said, placing the baby in her arms.

  She lovingly cradled the child in her arms, and then leaned down and gently pressed her lips to her tiny forehead.

  “Welcome home, our sweet Alaine,” she whispered quietly. “You will never be without love in this home.” She then turned to her husband and smiled, and he wrapped his arms around his new family.

  “Alaine Gray,” he whispered. “That has a really nice ring to it.”

  Chapter Five

  Growing Up

  Alaine grew up in a loving home. Her parents treated her as if she was their own, and she never went without anything. They vowed never to keep secrets from her, and when she was old enough, they told her that she was adopted. But that never really mattered in the Gray household. There were always more than enough hugs, kisses, laughter, and a fair share of discipline to go around.

  But there was one major detail that her parents were unaware of, and that was just how different Alaine really was. Different because half of the blood which flowed through her veins was that of an immortal - a Pureblood Angel.

  Alaine would continue to live a normal mortal life until she reached the age of eighteen.

  When a Nephilim child reaches eighteen, a transformation occurs. A change deep within which awakens the immortal part of their being. The part which was lying dormant, and as it awakens, it bestows a special gift unto its host.

  Each gift was rare
and unique to the Nephilim it was given, and also different from those of the Angels. Angels are very powerful and have certain kinds of magic, but some of the Nephilim powers were known to supersede those of their pureblooded fathers. This was because each Nephilim possessed only one great power or magic, and one alone, which magnified its ability.

  The day before Alaine’s eighteenth birthday was as normal as any other day. Her friends were planning a party after school the next day to celebrate, and all the way home, she was excited. This would be her first party away from her parents, and one that they approved of.

  “Hey mom,” she called out, dropping her books on the kitchen table.

  “Hi sweetheart,” Mrs. Gray chimed. She walked over and gave Alaine a hug. “How was school?”

  “Boring as usual,” Alaine huffed.

  “Well, go get changed and do your homework, while I finish cooking,” she said, scooting her off upstairs.

  As soon as Alaine opened the door to her bedroom and stepped inside, she sensed something was different. An unfamiliar but sweet fragrance enveloped her. It was a scent she had never smelled before, but the more she inhaled it, the more it made her feel calm and happy, and a sense of peace buzzed within her. It was the strangest, most wonderful feeling.

  She then noticed a tiny golden box sitting on top of her pillow. She walked over to it and held it in her hand. The same scent that had permeated the room strongly perfumed the box. Alaine carefully pulled open the cover, and her eyes sparkled as she saw the beautiful gift inside. A necklace. A delicate golden chain which held a teardrop shaped stone pendant. It was reddish with tiny veins of yellow and green running through it.

  “Mom?” Alaine called downstairs.

  “Yes?” she answered.

  “Thank you for the beautiful necklace!”

  There was silence for a few moments, and then Alaine heard her mom’s footsteps prancing up the stairs.

  “What necklace?” she questioned, peeking her head into the room.

  “This necklace,” Alaine said, holding it up. “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much!”

  Mrs. Gray shook her head, her brow crinkled in confusion. “Honey, I didn’t give you that necklace. Where did you get it?”

  “It was sitting on top of my pillow. Are you sure you didn’t---?” Alaine asked again, thinking her mom was joking, but the look on her face clearly stated that this was definitely not a joke. She was positively baffled. “Well, do you know who gave it to me?”

  “I’m not sure, and am almost certain your father didn’t get it for you. And there haven’t been any visitors today. I’d know because I didn’t leave the house all day,” Mrs. Gray noted. “It is a beautiful necklace. I’ve never seen anything like it. Well, maybe your father did get it for you, and wanted to surprise you. Sometimes he can be sneaky. We’ll ask him when he gets home.”

  Alaine nodded and smiled as her mom gave her a kiss on the head, and then sauntered back down the stairs to finish dinner.

  She sat at the edge of the bed and held the box in her fingers, examining it, wondering if there was anything that would give away its benefactor. She pulled out the small cushion from which the necklace rested, and her stomach twisted at the sight of a delicate golden-flaked paper, folded exactly to fit at the bottom of the box. She carefully removed it and as she did, the same sweet scent began to waft from it as she began to unfold, what looked like a letter.

  It was handwritten in the most beautiful cursive she’d ever seen. Her stomach twisted with excitement and apprehension as she read the first three words.

  My dearest Alaine,

  I am so sorry that I have never had the pleasure of meeting my beautiful daughter in person. Please know this. I have always kept a watchful eye over you. Now that you will become eighteen, I wanted to present you with this gift. It is a small token of my love, on the day before your transformation.

  Do not be afraid of your gift, and as much possible, keep it secret. Human minds will never be able to comprehend it, and human hearts will be envious. One day, I will send someone to explain, but until then, remain steadfast to your own heart and discernments. They will, at most times, steer you in the right direction.

  The adornment is a Bloodstone of Christ, one of the rarest and most sacred of all amulets known to both men and Angels. This stone will give its wearer protection, power, and health. Wear it always my daughter, for there are many evils that abound in your world.

  There is a small mark on the back of your neck, which is the mark of your descent. Keep it hidden, especially from those who ask. Knowledge of this mark could lead to death.

  My wish is that fate will one day bring us together, for it has been a weighted burden upon my heart. There are many troubling and perplexing circumstances which have kept the distance between us, but always know this… I love you, and have always loved you, my beautiful Alaine.

  Keep safe,

  Your Father


  Alaine sat on the edge of her bed and read the letter over and over countless times, to the point that it became embedded within her heart and mind. It was so simple, yet filled with so many complexities.

  Her fingers brushed the back of her neck in search of the mark he spoke of. She wondered why a mark of descent could lead to death, but she couldn’t question something she could never find answers to. Her mother mentioned a strange birthmark there, but it was very small, and easily concealed by her hair, so she’d never given it a second thought. Now, she would be sure to keep it secret.

  Why, after all of these years had her real father chosen to make contact with her?

  How could he have known where she lived or knew her name, without any type of contact? But the biggest question that reeled in her mind was that of the transformation. What kind of transformation? This one question would drive her crazy with wonder.

  Alaine loved the Gray’s with all of her heart. They raised her like she was one of their own, and she trusted them completely. But there was a feeling, deep inside of her, which was telling her that she shouldn’t share the contents of this letter with them. That this letter was to remain a secret between her and her blood father, whoever he was.

  Plus, Alaine knew her mother well. She knew if she let her mom read the letter, she would freak out, and cops would probably be involved. That was something Alaine didn’t want to deal with, especially on her eighteenth birthday.

  Up until this moment, her birth parents were merely a passing thought. Alaine did wonder who they were, and what they looked like, but her thoughts never lingered because of the love the Gray’s had given her. But now, after reading this letter, they would be all she could think of.

  When Mr. Gray came home that evening, he confirmed the necklace wasn’t from him, and assumed it was from one of her friends. Alaine nodded in agreement, although she already knew the truth.

  That night she locked her windows tight, and pulled the curtains shut. She wasn’t sure if her father had actually delivered the box himself, or if someone else delivered it for him. But, the thought of someone entering her room, without her permission, made her feel uneasy.

  Alaine tossed and turned and sleep did not find her easy that last night before her eighteenth birthday. Questions bombarded her mind. Questions she had no answers to, or how to find them.

  She took the delicate necklace from the box, and held it in the palm of her hand, staring at the stone as if something magical were to happen. She wondered if it was, in fact, a real Bloodstone. An amulet of power and protection from the days of Christ.

  She closed her hand over it, and as she did she felt warmth encompass her. Her muscles loosened, her brain became numb, and her eyes became heavy. In a matter of minutes, she fell fast asleep.

  The next day was just as normal as any other, and she didn’t feel any different. Alaine got dressed, ate breakfast, went to school, came home, and quickly finished her homework. Throughout the entire day, her mind would not let her rest, and kept her wondering abou
t the mysterious letter and her even more mysterious birth father.

  Her best friend Jessica had planned a small birthday party at her house, so Alaine dashed up to her room to change. She finally decided on a pair of new blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black long-sleeved sweater.

  She stared at her reflection in the mirror as she brushed her long, silky, brown hair, and wondered if she looked anything like her birth parents. Alaine was stunning. Her dark features accentuated her flawless porcelain skin, and long lashes framed her beautiful chocolate-brown eyes.

  “Alaine! Jessica is here!” Mrs. Gray called upstairs, popping her from her thoughts.

  It was 7:00pm on a Friday night, when Alaine jumped into Jessica’s car and headed to her house to celebrate her eighteenth birthday party. The town they lived in was very small, and their school was private, so there weren’t many who attended. It was just a few friends, some food and drinks, clusters of balloons with streamers, and a homemade cake baked by Jessica herself.

  There were exactly twelve in attendance, and of the twelve were four boys. None of which were boyfriend material. One of them was Jessica’s cousin Wesley, and the other three were his friends… geeky, band boys who looked awkward just standing.

  The party helped keep Alaine’s mind occupied. She wanted to share her letter with someone, but the warning kept her from doing it. She knew if she told her friends, word would spread like wildfire, and that was something she definitely didn’t want to happen. She felt alone with this new information. The transformation was so unclear, and Alaine had to fight to keep her mind in the party.

  But another detail, which Alaine had no clue about, was that her transformation would happen at the exact time of her birth, which was 11:23 pm.

  As time ticked on, and the party crawled towards its eminent death, its partiers also looked the same. It was only ten o’clock but some were yawning, and one girl had already passed out on the couch. The boys were huddled in the corner talking about god knows what.

  “Hey, why don’t we ditch this joint and go to the cemetery! Maybe we can spot some ghosts if we’re lucky,” Wesley blurted.


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