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Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel)

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by Renae, Cameo

  Alaine never had need of anything, because David took the best care of her, and made sure she was happy. After all those years of pain and sorrow, she had finally found some joy.

  But that happiness only lasted a few years. Soon, fate stepped in and David became ill with a disease that quickly consumed his body, and there was no known cure. Over the next few months, Alaine cared for David, and was there with him when he breathed his last breath. His passing left her alone again, grieving another tragic loss.

  But there were cautious eyes watching Alaine. Her mysterious father, the one whom she’d never met, had set up an invisible barrier around her home without her knowledge. It was a barrier of protection which the Fallen could not pass.

  He’d heard that Lucian was on the loose and had separated himself from Lucifer, taking a small part of his army with him. Because one of the Nephilim killed Lucian’s ally, he put a mark of death on every single head. Now, Alaine and Emma were in grave danger.

  But just when Alaine thought that the worst had passed, something else unexpected happened. One of her closest friends called her one evening, having been diagnosed with stage-four cancer. She was told she had less than a month to live, and had two small children. Caleb, age ten, and Courtney, age seven.

  She asked Alaine, that when she passed, if she could take care of her children. Alaine remembered how hard it was for her to ask Victoria and Christian to take her child, so she knew there was no way she would be able to turn down her dying friend’s wish.

  So, even though it was a difficult decision, and knowing the dangerous and dark world they would become a part of, she gave her friend her word.

  Alaine helped her friend through her pain, and tried to make her as comfortable as possible. She was also there, and held her hand as she took her last breath. She died in peace knowing her children were safe.

  Alaine now had two mortal children in her care. She didn’t have to worry much about Emma, because she was still young, human, and nearly impossible to find. The immortal side of her wouldn’t present itself until she neared her eighteenth birthday.

  Because of Lucian’s murderous plot against the Nephilim, and now with two mortal children in her care, the Midway sent Alaine six Guardians. They were the best of the best, and their names were James, Dominic, Malachi, Kade, Thomas, and Alexander.

  James, the eldest, was Alaine’s personal Guardian, and eventually became her assistant. The others were sent for extra protection, because most of the Nephilim had already been slaughtered.

  The Guardians were shocked that the Midway sent so many to aid Alaine. Having more than one Guardian was unheard of, so they suspected that someone in the higher ranks was looking out for her.


  I finally made it back to the mortal world, and after years of searching, I learned that Alaine had married a mortal man named David and they had moved to Alaska. By the time I made it to Alaska, I found out that he had passed away, and she now had six Guardians residing with her, along with two mortal children.

  She must have been in danger to have so many Guardians, and I vowed to stay on the outskirts to try and take care of any intruders. I knew that if I went to Alaine, the risk would be too great. So I stayed away, hidden in the shadows, but never too far.

  I traveled back and forth between Los Angeles and Alaska for a while, and looked in on both Alaine and Emma.

  Emma was growing up so fast, and was so beautiful. Christian and Victoria adored her, and were very protective which made me happy. I kept my distance, but still kept an eye out for any of the rogue Fallen.

  One night, as I walked down their street, my nose began to burn with the strong smell of Darkling. I found one a few blocks away, wandering in the darkness. I wasn’t sure if it was searching for her, but I killed it anyway.

  It had been too close to Emma. I swore to protect her at all costs, to protect both of them until my last breath.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Bringing Emma Home

  Alaine, Six Years Later…

  It was the middle of the night when I received the most horrifying call. A call that brought my worst nightmare to life.

  Emma was in an accident, and Christian and Victoria were killed. I was completely devastated, knowing my sister and her husband were dead.

  I didn’t know the exact details, but I had a huge suspicion that the Fallen had something to do with it. All I knew was that Emma had survived, but she was badly injured and now all alone in a hospital in Los Angeles.

  Her Guardian was keeping a close watch, but I needed to bring her here to be with me. I needed to bring her home, as quickly as possible, so I could keep her safe.

  I was on the phone all night making important phone calls to specific people who would be critical in her safe return. One of them, an immortal with high influence in the mortal world, was Abigail Reed.

  She was highly involved in the legal system, and was there for both mine and Emma’s birth. She agreed to wrap up the Guardianship paperwork and make sure Emma would be legally set to travel to Alaska. She even agreed to go and visit her herself, and deliver the news.

  There couldn’t be one holdback, because now, time was as important as life or death.

  Even though Emma’s Guardian was already there, I sent another to assist him. The Midway also sent Watchers to make sure that there were no Fallen or Darkling along the way. They wouldn’t have to worry too much during the day, but there would be a moment when they would be out in the darkness, and that’s when evil usually showed itself.

  I stayed up all night and made sure everything was in place. Tickets, escorts, the drivers…hopefully this would be an easy mission. Those watching and guarding over her were the best at what they did.

  Morning came too soon, and all I could think about was Emma lying alone, injured, and wondering what happened to her parents. I wished I could have jumped on a plane and met her there, but everything had a proper time and purpose.

  The wait for her to arrive had my stomach in knots. I didn’t know how to explain everything to her, or even where to begin. I guess I’d have to deal with each question as it came. I made her a promise. A promise that I would always be here if she should ever need me, and now I was going to keep that promise. I would spend the rest of my life protecting her.

  It was nearly midnight when Henry, my butler, came to my study to alert me of Emma’s arrival. My heart began to race and my hands began to sweat. I was excited, yet anxious, at the thought of seeing her for the first time since her birth. I didn’t know how I, or she, was going to react, but every part of me began to tremble.

  I had to hold the walls for support as we made our way down the hall.

  Would she accept me? Or would she hate me for giving her up, and then bringing her into this dark world which she never knew existed?

  Henry stepped out of the way, and as soon as I came around the corner and looked into her eyes, I felt nothing but a mother’s love for her daughter.

  She was beautiful, beyond what I could have ever imagined. I saw strong resemblances of both Samuel and I, but she was a mixture of the best parts of us. So grown up, but still so young and vulnerable. My heart swelled a thousand times as I looked into her weary eyes, filled with so much pain and despair. She’d been through so much.

  I wanted to heal her sadness right then and there, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. So instead, I headed toward her with open arms.

  “Emma, I’m so glad you’re here,” I said, walking up to her and hugging her tightly. I then looked down and noticed her casted arm, and took it into my hands, concerned and overwhelmed by what had happened to her.

  She didn’t move, but stood still and silent.

  I realized that I was probably overstepping my boundaries, and stepped back. “I’m so sorry. Please excuse my behavior. I should have introduced myself first. I was just so excited to finally meet you after all these years. My name is Alaine. I’m your mother’s half-sister.”

  “You look a lot like her,” she said softly. Her eyes welled with tears.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss, Emma. I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are going through, but I can promise you this, I will always be here for you. You are my blood and my last living relative. We will get through this together.” I made her that promise, and knew that it was one I would keep.

  I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around her again, and was surprised when she hugged me back and cried. “It’s alright sweetheart. It’s very late. I think you should get some sleep. We will talk in the morning,” I said, softly.

  There was a deep sadness in her eyes. A sadness that I could not ease. She had just lost everyone she had ever loved, and left the only home she’d ever known. She probably had friends she left behind, and I knew she had many questions.

  But I also saw in her eyes that she was weary and needed rest. It was after midnight.

  “Henry, could you please escort Emma to her room? She must be exhausted.”

  “Yes, madam,” Henry replied with a bow of his head.

  We’d have lots of time to talk, and tomorrow would be a new day.

  Staring into her deep brown eyes reminded me so much of Samuel, and my heart ached at the thought of him. She had no clue who I was, or of her descent, but I knew deep inside that she would become something great. It was within her. Hidden for now, but it was there.

  All I needed to do was to stay focused, and keep us alive until her greatness was revealed. At least I had her back. Our daughter. She was the only thing I had left of Samuel, and she was here…with me. And now, I would spend the rest of my life fighting for her.




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