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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 11

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by Nikhil Parekh

Every night is empty without its resplendent festoon of shimmering stars; paving a path of mysticism through the dreary morbidity all around,

  Every desert is empty without its majestically glistening carpet of sands; royally rising and falling with the exuberantly blowing winds,

  Every road is empty without its flurry of boisterously gallivanting traffic; granting new dimensions all the time; to its never ending repertoire of enigmatic curves and turns,

  Every day is empty without its dynamically flamboyant Sun; bedazzling even the most remotely dilapidated corners of this Universe; with a garland of magnetically golden light,

  Every throat is empty without its harmonious melody; the captivatingly rhapsodic sound; that catapulted even the most impoverished; to an enchanting entrenchment beyond realms of mesmerizing eternity,

  Every mountain is empty without its irrefutably towering summits; kissing the clouds unflinchingly as they seductively drifted by; proving an ultimate exemplary to all other diminutive aspects of incarcerated life,

  Every mind is empty without its unrelenting fountain of enthralling fantasies; relentlessly exploring; discovering; and evolving into a waterfall of stupendous newness; as each instant unveiled,

  Every cloud is empty without its tantalizing droplets of rain; the unprecedented enthrallment that it spell bindingly bestowed upon this planet; with its profusely heavenly tumblers of water,

  Every palm is empty without its unfathomable myriad of tingling destiny lines; the magnanimous bifurcations which astoundingly governed; stardom and horrendous

  pitfalls in a mans life,

  Every ocean is empty without its ecstatic fish; the voluptuously ravishing elixir that they imparted to the undulating waves; culminating into fireballs of desire before clashing against the scintillating rocks,

  Every calendar is empty without its meticulous array of dates; the most euphoric depictions of days and weeks; propelling living kind on the path of radiantly

  blooming prosperity,

  Every flower is empty without its fabulously gorgeous fragrance; the scent that handsomely pervaded even through the most heinous webs of uncouth lechery;

  flooding dwindling souls all across the Universe; with vibrant light,

  Every forest is empty without its untamed wilderness; the unsurpassable blend of leaf and animal and stream; which weaved cloud covers of unparalleled excitement,

  Every vein is empty without its scarlet rivulets of blood; the Omnipotent fuel to gush forward with insurmountable fervor in life; the only religion that bonded all human kind,

  Every oyster is empty without its marvelously shimmering pearls; the incredulously embellished globule which fulminated into vivacious happiness,

  Every canvas is empty without its vivid splashes of color; inundating the sullen atmosphere around with waves of poignant compassion; suddenly making drab

  moments of life replete with astoundingly exotic charm,

  Every conscience is empty without its invincible righteousness; the sacrosanct virtue which made every organism feel as the richest alive; massacring the very essence of blatantly coward lies; from the colossal trajectory of this planet,

  Every heart is empty without its perpetual beats; the everlasting rhythm which bonded all across boundless earth; in thunderbolts of insatiable passion; alike,

  And every life is empty without its immortal love; the unconquerable soul mate of its dreams; which was its very reason to dream of an infinite more lives; more

  importantly in this lifetime; be blissfully breathing and alive .


  I asked the road; the things that perturbed her the most, 

  She replied saying; that she was mutilated every unleashing minute, 

  By the juggernaut of trucks; and cloud showers of swollen rain. 

  I asked a cluster of fish in the Monsoon River; about the ultimate fantasy of their lives, 

  The answer that followed was studded with arduous lines of brevity, 

  As they unanimously dreamt of swimming in stormy waves of the ocean. 

  I asked the domestic lizard to narrate its tale of woes, 

  It didn't ponder even for a fraction of a second, 

  Curtly saying; that it was a paucity of succulent insect that kept her starved these days. 

  I asked the bleary eyed moon to impassively blurt out its agony, 

  The celestial figure in the sky retorted with a volley of eloquent expletive, 

  Blaming a fleet of monstrous spaceships; pilfering through its exquisite decorum. 

  I asked the merrily swaying trees; to recount me their expeditions of the blistering day, 

  They retaliated with traumatic screams; with white blood trickling down their entity, 

  Rebuking the farmer; who had sliced them down for daily fodder. 

  I asked the stray dogs in the street about their conditions of blissful health, 

  They made a gallant mockery of my question barking, 

  We aren't fastidious about food; all we need is a solitary place to sleep. 

  I then interrogated my tangible heart to disclose its candid feelings, 

  There were mystical vibrations which shook my entire silhouette, 

  Beads of cold sweat camouflaged my shock of black hair, 

  As it responded to my query saying; that it wanted to imprison forever, 

  Posses for times unfathomable; the holistic form it loved on this earth.



  For the sake of starved territories of tarnished grass,

  The crimson colored sky should sob unrelentingly and; rain. 

  For the sake of pallid regions of earth obliterated from bright light, 

  The celestial body of sun god should dazzle brilliantly; and shine. 

  For the sake of blind afflicted with distress and inexplicable pain,

  The handsomely affluent and privileged should help them attain their goals; and aims. 

  For the sake of nimble footed squirrel leaping in bubbling fervor of youth, 

  The neem tree should emboss itself with lots of crevices; and game. 

  For the sake of distorted bones of broken calcium, 

  The sacrosanct and robust cow should ooze milk; and frosty cream. 

  For the sake of famished alligator lurking stealthily on nocturnal prowl, 

  A cluster of succulent fish should relinquish breath; and become food. 

  For the sake of vacant sheets of satiny white canvas, 

  Adroit strokes of the artist should fill it with resplendent root color. 

  For the sake of fortifying a lock of strong blue metal, 

  There should exist a master key that can wind it; rendering securely close. 

  For the sake of freedom of mind, body, and spirit, 

  There should be philanthropic harmony; blending varied races under the sun as one. 

  For the sake of life to proceed devoid of savage brutality, 

  There should be bountiful messiahs of god to impart the essence of truth. 

  For the sake of pictures taken with sleek camera, 

  There should be animate or inanimate in neighboring vicinity. 

  And for the sake of my heart throbbing at rollicking speeds, 

  There should be a solitary girl residing in this universe; who can love me intensely; making me feel that I am alive. 



  When I slammed my eyes shut; with vigorous tenacity, 

  My hands started trembling in animated ecstasy. 

  When I stopped my hands from shivering; pinning them down, 

  Infinite hair on my persona stood up in poignant alacrity. 

  When I soothed down dainty nodules of hair; applying Luke warm pads of heat, 

  Juxtaposed clusters of my teeth commenced to chatter in indignation. 

  When I put brakes on my teeth chattering; executing exorbitant power, 

big toe in my feet started to nostalgically reverberate. 

  When the big toe in my feet ceased to flutter; as I firmly pressed it on the cold floor, 

  Balloons of stale air got formed in mouth chamber; inflating it disproportionately. 

  When my mouth transited itself to realms of synchronized normalcy, 

  My neck started to prolifically bleed; as if stung by a million thorns. 

  When my neck got rehabilitated; after plucking out a plethora of nails, 

  Obstreperous cacophony profoundly iterated itself in my sensitive ear. 

  When sensations of abhorrent sound dramatically reduced in capacity, 

  Fiery vibrations strangulated my fists in entirety. 

  When my hands pacified themselves; releasing their clenched demeanor, 

  Intricate cavities in my heart started to throb turbulently. 

  And eventually when her enchanting silhouette unfolded before my sight, 

  I fell in celestial stupor on her dainty feet, 

  With all the commotion drowned forever; in torrential rain showers of her unrelenting love. 











  She will have to laugh with pungent raptures of melody,

  She will have to cry with effusive sobs of unsolicited hysteria,

  She will have to nimbly dance to acrobatic leaps of the skipping rope,

  She will have to crunch raw slices of blood red radish with arduous zeal,

  She will have to walk upright in blistering currents of austere sun god,

  She will have to smear her forehead with sacrosanct shades of vermilion,

  She will have to adorn her dainty earlobe with jingling chains of white silver,

  She will have to bounce with resplendent euphoria at times of felicity,

  She will have to kiss the satiny tendrils of fragrant rose at the diffusion of dawn,

  She will have to submerge her silhouette in salty waves of the ocean,

  She will have to consume cupid mouthfuls of chocolate candy floss,

  She will have to knead colossal masses of spongy dough to prepare appetizing sundries,

  She will have to emboss mascara on her eyes; shielding them with traditional grace, 

  She will have to bathe with sheer nostalgia in pelting showers of monsoon rain,

  She will have to sing in a voice replicating mesmerizing tunes of the nightingale,

  She will have to perspire like a bull; while making indispensable attempts to clean the house,

  She will have to break into guffaws of uninhibited laughter; when witnessing an authentic clown,

  She will have to pen down enchanting lines of calligraphy; depicting rustic civilizations,

  She will have to ride like a professional; on striped bare back of thoroughbred stallion,

  She will have to decipher enigmatic puzzles in life; Inevitable for survival,

  She will have to sleep like an angel all throughout the perilous night,

  She will have to slog in the monotonous light of the diurnal day,

  I would excuse her even if she failed to execute all of the above mentioned,

  If only she kept herself alive for centuries unprecedented; for me to love on this earth. 




  Why did you stare at me with profound hostility; trying to devour me uncouthly with your ghastly expression?

  When you knew that the very next instant you would be the first one to wipe off my tears; as I hurt myself on the floor and started to cry. 

  Why did you kick me ruthlessly with your feet; abusing me incessantly with a volley of horrendous expletives?

  When you knew that the very next instant you would be the first one to protect me; as scores of burglars attacked me viciously with their pairs of gleaming knives. 

  Why did you scorn at me in utter disdain; refraining to talk to me no matter how vehemently I pleaded?

  When you knew that the very next instant you would be the first one to sing umpteenth number of songs melodiously in my ears; to put me off to blissful sleep. 

  Why did you starve me of food; hid all baskets of fruits in the house as I frantically groped for them at midnight?

  When you knew that the very next instant you would be the first one to steal appetizing food from the neighborhood; in order to satiate my taste buds; the

  moment I let out a string of hysterical squeals. 

  Why did you frown at me in overwhelming irritation; drenching my clothes completely by hoisting at them your pails of colored yolk,

  When you knew that the very next instant you would be the first one to dress me up again; iron the garments I was about to wear to the most meticulous of perfection. 

  Why did you mischievously embody the bed I was going to sleep with a flurry of thorns; leaving a fleet of red ants of dauntingly march through?

  When you knew that the very next instant you would be the first one to apply the balm of your love on my wounds; swipe the last iota of dirt with sheer

  contempt outside our house. 

  Why did you puncture the tyre of my car as I was about to leave for office; deflating the last bit of air trapped robustly inside?

  When you knew that the very next instant you would be the first one to carry me upon your shoulders; take me wherever I wanted; sequestering me from the acrimonious world; behind the cushion of your voluptuous hair. 

  Why did you insult me in a group at the riverside party; ostracizing me for not having worn clothes of the matching color?

  When you knew that the very next instant you would be the first one to apologize to all; and then proclaiming loud and stringent to the world; that your husband was

  the best of all. 

  Why did you try and snatch my children away from me; trying to possess them more than anyone else in this world?

  When you knew that the very next instant you would be the first one to recount to them tales of my childhood adventures; the path I undertook in life to achieve

  the corridors of success. 

  And why did you leave me; domineeringly banging the door in my face; cursing your destiny at the top of your lungs for marrying me in the first place?

  When you knew that the very next instant you would be the first one to inevitably turn back with fiery love swirling in your eyes; comprehending the passion in my

  heart; and lock yourself in my embrace for times immemorial .




  Please adorn my fingers with rings of glittering gold; with the metal tightly clinging to my skin,

  And the shimmer emanating profoundly illuminating the gloom lingering around; exotically piercing through the blackness of the atmosphere. 

  Please embellish my earlobes with sparkling diamonds; pellucid beads of stone

  weaving a way through the walls of my eardrum,

  And the glow disseminating voluptuously tickling your senses; making you gasp

  in spell bound consternation. 

  Please beautify my intricate feet with anklets of scintillating silver; incongruous golden threads engulfed loosely around,

  And the tinkling sound making your body stagger; fomenting infinite goose

  bumps on your robust flesh. 

  Please embed my petite palms with mystical designs; coating them with a stringent extract of sandalwood powder,

  And the mesmerizing aroma inevitably reviving your dead bones; causing beads

  of ecstatic perspiration to trickle down your nape. 

  Please paint my nails with gaudy color; blending alluring shades of scarlet

  gently on their periphery,

  And the flamboyant display causing you to trip over your face; in your attempt

  to sight them at cl
ose quarters. 

  Please decorate my neck with a necklace of glistening pearls; cascading in

  perpetual harmony down my chest,

  And the shine diffusing enticing you to come near me; caress my shoulders with

  your passionate breath. 

  Please smudge my lips with garish lipstick; rampantly applying it all over their fluffy periphery,

  And the luscious color radiating compelling you forcibly; to taste their sweetness, suckle them with your tongue in entirety. 


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