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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 11

Page 6

by Nikhil Parekh

  In order to mend the disastrously scorched territory of soil; all that was required was an ointment of cool and revitalizing water,

  In order to mend the broken links of the enigmatic jigsaw puzzle; all that was required was an ointment of pragmatic intelligence,

  In order to mend the broken bits of scattered paper; all that was required was an ointment of glue and sticky adhesive,

  In order to mend the broken periphery of lips; all that was required was an ointment of glossy lipstick,

  In order to mend the disdainfully broken finger; all that was required was an ointment of thoroughly powdered and fine calcium,

  In order to mend the broken down car; all that was required was an ointment of golden petrol,

  In order to mend the broken fields of sprawling grass; all that was required was an ointment of pure and natural goat manure,

  In order to mend the broken stomach; all that was required was an ointment of appetizing food and voluptuous fruit juice,

  In order to mend the broken and stammering speech; all that was required was an ointment of; stupendous confidence in self,

  In order to mend the broken city; all that was required was an ointment of paramount resilience; the fortitude to stand together and reconstruct the same paradise,

  In order to mend the broken and age old computer; all that was required was an ointment of hi-tech software chips; and a flurry of ingenious program,

  In order to mend the broken and slowly fading light; all that was required was an ointment of the blistering Sun,

  In order to mend the broken eye; all that was required was an ointment of glistening moisture; and passionate fantasy revolving fanatically each second,

  In order to mend the broken shirt and trousers; all that was required was an ointment of colored buttons and long spools of silken thread,

  In order to mend the broken individual; all that was required was an ointment of reassurance compounded with heaps of unparalleled empathy and care,

  In order to mend the broken throat; all that was required was an ointment of warm and sizzling herbal tea; a peaceful day's rest to soothe every traumatized vein,

  In order to mend the broken relationship; all that was required was an ointment of perpetual and amicable understanding,

  In order to mend the broken nose; all that was required was an ointment of moist and overwhelmingly compassionate breath,

  And in order to mend the broken heart; all that was required was an ointment of care; an ointment that spread the immortal roots of love; whenever and wherever applied .




  The flowers blossoming in the fields; withered away as the soil on which they stood was thoroughly stripped of water,

  The leaves of the colossal tree disdainfully shriveled and fell; as the onset of autumn took its toll on the surrounding,

  The mesmerizing rivers tumbling in fury from the mountains; shrunk to a mere trickle as the Sun radiated its hostile rays in full fury,

  The blazing stream of lava which fulminated in tumultuous agony from the ground; cooled as a few days elapsed; and with the drifting of the placid winds,

  The ominous looking black clouds reverberated thunderously in the sky; but after a while the rain pelting down reduced its agony; as the Sun filtered passageways of crystalline blue amidst all vicious dark,

  The delectable and freshly painted exteriors of the edifice; slowly started to develop shades of pathetic yellow; as they blended with the smoke; and weren't

  cleaned meticulously every day,

  The gargantuan shadows of the wandering giant; seemed to loose their entity completely as the stringent light of the day was encroached completely by night,

  The mammoth cubes of frozen ice; shamefully metamorphosed into a pond of water; under sweltering heat of fiery afternoon,

  The monstrous Bull ploughing valiantly through the fields all his life; one day found himself seated by the riverside; not even having the capacity to shrug away the flies sitting right on his nose; as the gradual onset of age; had exhausted every ounce of his

  stamina that he once upon a time proudly possessed,

  The dolphin that once swam merrily in the heart of the sea; found itself now kissing the shores; as it felt supremely weary to swim,

  The magnificent palace which once used to be the pride of the Royal Kings and monarchs; was now inhabited only with a battalion of cobwebs and dilapidated

  space; as the years and centuries unveiled by,

  The biscuits of silver when extracted raw from deep within the crevices in the earth emanated a scintillating shine and shimmer; but the same transited to cheap nuggets of coal; after being used for several decades; and blending with human oil and


  The photograph of the individual looked absolutely astounding when snapped on the first day; but the same resembled a ghost when sighted after infinite fortnights; with obnoxious crusts of dust changing him in drastic entirety,

  The face of the fairy was dainty and stupendously sweet as she descended from the skies; but she hardly had the power to speak; with scores of bones protruding from her cheeks; as she lived for more than a century on planet earth,

  The innocuous wails of an infant were profoundly enamoring to hear when it was just born, however they converted into a sonorous and hoarse; shooing every one away from him; a few months down the line; as he began to walk and joined college,

  The battalion of vegetables appeared young and robust as they were just plucked fresh from the sprawling farm; they however turned rotten, black and blue; with

  an incredibly foul odor dissipating from their body; as the previous day now unfurled into the new dawn,

  The dead mans body buried under the ground was embodied with lots of flesh when freshly cremated; but if you dug it up again after a few years; all that was now retrievable was just a pair of bones,

  And everything seemed to wither with age; shrivel and shrink as time sped by; but there was just a single thing that gained more impetus with the passing second; got more passionate as even as everything encompassing it seemed to abdicate life; palpitated more violently as the tyranny of age crept by, or shall we say " the heart stayed young forever " 


  I was profoundly enchanted by her; relishing her soft caress till times immemorial,

  I felt privileged by her presence; everytime she drifted with me standing in open mouthed consternation,

  I stared at her unrelentingly all night; even as the last person on this planet had gone off to sleep,

  I admired her relentlessly till my last breath; although my voice had become horrendously hoarse; and my tongue incorrigibly refrained to swish an inch further,

  I kissed her infinite number of times; with smooch of mine; igniting unfathomable desires in me; to do it all over again,

  I was drowning in her honey coated eyes; with the mascara in her lashes casting over me a spell impossible to break,

  I clasped my hands securely over her demeanor; blocking every possible source of acerbic light striking her dainty skin,

  I pacified all the uncouth pangs of hunger arising in my stomach; as I was lost in cognizing my destiny in the intricate lines of my palms,

  I whistled incessantly as she glided by; flooding her ears with the inferno blazing in my tunes,

  I sprinkled golden dust on her body; as she overwhelmingly enjoyed the silken powder; voluptuously tickling her skin beyond the point of no control,


  I was simply mesmerized by the titillating cascade of her hair; and the grace embedded in her form; made me stumble; even before I put down my first foot to walk,

  I compared her visage with the angels dancing daintily in the heavens; with the ravishing fragrance that diffused from her persona; putting me in a state of immortal bliss,

  I craved all night and day for her enchanting touch; the vividly painted nails on her fi
ngers; circulating at electric speeds through each pore of my skin,

  I worshipped her feet; like I had worshipped no God; no deity that I had every encountered on the surface of this globe,

  I slept even on a blanket of acrimonious thorns; as I was completely lost in the essence of what she spoke; kept iterating the same words in my mind; till the time it had eradicated all other traces of memory,

  I commenced to cry worse than the newly born child; even if I missed her presence for less than a fraction of a second,

  I ran as she ran; walked as she walked; halted when she halted; ate when she ate; emulated every action of hers; howsoever much it might have seemed worthless

  and inconspicuous to the outside world,

  I emptied all the blood running through my veins; even as she uttered the slightest of scream; even as just a small fragment of her flesh was ripped apart a trifle by the blowing wind,

  And I know by now you must be burning in the aisles of jealously sweetheart! But let me tell you that there was not any rhyme or reason for you to do so darling; as the person I have been mentioning in all the previous lines; was none other than your velvety shadow .



  The night looked forward to the brilliant morning; completely engulfing its chill with flamboyant light,

  The deserts looked forward to rain; a billion droplets of water to quench their insatiable thirst,

  The freezing slopes of the snow laden Antarctica; looked forward to a flurry of playful penguins; wandering around pompously with their protuberant necks poking out,

  The dying plumes of black smoke; looked forward to fresh heat; incinerating their pathetic persona once again; into crackling flames of golden fire,

  The blood shot and morbid eyes of the convict; looked forward to loads of compassionate empathy and moisture,

  The solitary patches of the winding and century old road; looked forward to boisterous traffic; scores of innocuous children inundating its gloomy ambience with

  lots of cheer and spice,

  The slaves toiling unrelentingly all night and day; looked forward to some time occupying the seat of their master; thereby metamorphosing all their

  imprisoned dreams into reality,

  The goats philandering amidst appalling piles of rotten garbage; looked forward to sprawling meadows of fresh grassland; blissfully munching corn and succulent vegetable,

  The gang of eunuchs begging in their discordant voices on the streets; looked forward to another birth in which they were born as perfect humans; were able to

  exist harmoniously and procreated their progeny,

  The brave soldier sleeping dormantly in his bunker; looked forward to a blood curling war; fighting with all his might to protect his country,

  The completely dried river bed; looked forward to tumultuous spells of rain to overwhelm its surface; yet again with scores of twinkling fish and water,

  The brutally chopped tongue; looked forward to growing again; loudly speaking all the words it had perceived in its times of distress; in a single stroke of time,

  The wholesomely barren streets of lanky canvas; looked forward to being embedded with rustic color; an ensemble of vivacious lines rendering it with a profoundly dynamic appearance,

  The pair of scarlet crested parrots incarcerated in their metallic cage; looked forward to soaring high and handsome in the sky; relishing and enjoying a life of freedom like most of their counterparts were doing at the time,

  The famished alligator nestling on the banks of the river; looked forward to the tantalizing scent of humans; crunching them into fine grains of mincemeat with

  its knife like jaws,

  The boundless fragments of cloth lying buried under the debris; looked forward to being united as one garment of the flag; flutter in magnificent pride and glory while portraying the spirit of their nation,

  The writer involved in mundane jobs of this world in order to survive; looked forward to gallivanting through the enchanting camouflage of the valley; keep

  writing incessantly as each day took stranglehold of the night,

  The receptionist sitting idle in the ghost town; looked forward to the melodious ringing of the telephone; greeting the person on the opposite side with a crisp "hello",

  The grizzly haired lizard traversing through the lining of the concrete wall; wistfully looked forward to sleeping in the jungle; with innumerable insects hovering seductively around its nose,

  And my heart captured mercilessly in my chest; eagerly looked forward to breaking free every second from the norms and whims of this unceremonious society; basking

  in the heaven of burning romance; loving and embracing every moment the person it adored; the entity in the first place that it throbbed violently; several times a

  minute for .


  If you were going to slap her in the face while she was sleeping under the stars; slap me instead,

  If you were going to brutally maim her when she tripped from the 90th floor of the building; maim me instead,

  If you were going to make her blind as she inadvertently pierced the sewing needle into her eyes; blind me instead,

  If you were going to starve her for food as she faltered to earn her livelihood in this uncouth society; starve me instead,

  If you were going to make her unconscious as her neighbors poisoned the water she daintily gulped; make me unconscious instead,

  If you were going to chop her fingers when the thieves marauding the house committed the heinous crime; chop my fingers instead,

  If you were going to make her perpetually dumb as she attempted to sing; make me dumb instead,

  If you were going to burn her to ashes when the miscreants on the street drenched her body with a tank inundated with kerosene; burn me instead,

  If you were going to make her fall from the pinnacle of the gigantic mountain as she mercilessly slipped after reaching the top; make me fall instead,

  If you were going to evoke unrelenting tears from her eyes as her close siblings perished in a car accident; make me cry instead,

  If you were going to overwhelmingly embarrass her as she hid her face embedded with pimples amidst her friends; embarrass me instead,

  If you were going to make her abdicate her memory as she unfortunately struck her head against a bed of obdurate stones after falling down; make me lose my memory instead,

  If you were going to reduce her to infinite pieces of mincemeat after the lion savagely attacked her in the forests; slaughter me to a billion pieces instead,

  If you were going to leave obnoxious elements loitering on the deserted roads to stare at her with lecherous desire; leave them on me instead,

  If you were going to trap her between colossal chunks of concrete and rusted metal as her house came crashing down in the tumultuous earthquake; pulverize my house and trap me instead,

  If you were going to drown her in the swirling and ferocious waves of the ocean after the whale overtoppled her boat; drown me to the bottom instead,

  If you were going to give her inexplicable mental trauma each day making her stutter for words she once spoke with authority and pride; traumatize and madden me instead,

  If you were going to make her lie in a pool of ghastly blood by the riverside as the pugnacious rays of the Sun wholesomely took upon their toll; make me ooze a

  sea of blood instead,

  And if you were going to snatch her away from the surface of this earth forever closing the chapter of her existence; snatch me instead; as if you didn’t do

  so Almighty Lord; then you would be taking two lives at a time; as I would inevitably join her in heaven a few moments after; whether you wanted or didn’t want me too .




  The only thing that my eyes could ever sight was her mesmerizing form; whether they were open or tightly closed,

  The o
nly thing that my ears could ever hear were her daintily approaching footsteps; no matter how thunderous was the outside world and traffic,


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