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Atticus & The Blade King

Page 6

by M K Drake

  Mage Avipaul runs back to his chair, eager to counter at least part of the statement he has just heard. He seats himself quickly and leans forward, starting a piercing glare towards the two young Majjai. “Your words, dear girl, are almost true. Yes, there is an island, and yes it is protected. But I know of no entity. More importantly however… there is a cure… of sorts.”

  “How do you know?” asks Atticus abruptly.

  “Because, young Majjai. I was cured.” Mage Avipaul pauses, waiting for the words to sink into the pair before him. “I was not completely lost; I still had my mind when my totem became corrupted during my bonding. I sought to free myself and found a way through. I attempted to help others on the island, but not all were able to succeed.”

  “What happened?” asks Pali.

  “Some went deeper into their madness. Some felt nothing. The others were changed, like me. Our physical strength increased. We could understand the natural environment around us. We felt its pain. And we somehow inherited a longer life from the roots used in the cure. The same roots that we used to grow this new home. The same roots that may well save the physical body of Elric. But most importantly, we were cured from the darkness and left the island to make a new home. Which is where you now sit.”

  “This history, we are honoured to hear it,” says Atticus politely, trying not to offend. “And we would be pleased to hear more another day. However, time is of the essence. We must find this Blade King. There is a sickness only he can cure, and we need the tri-sword of power to try and defeat Razakel.” Atticus speaks with affirmed intent. “How does this help us find him?”

  Mage Avipaul smiles. “I understand dear Atticus, I truly do.” He settles back into his chair and looks ahead calmly. “On my journey of cleansing myself of the Darkness, I stumbled upon a tomb on the tallest peak of the island. On its entrance, I remember the image of the Staff of Mages engraved beside it, underlined by a giant sword.”

  Daljeet enters the chamber, momentarily distracting everyone. She walks over towards Mage Avipaul and hands him the vial with the potion for Elric. As she walks away out of the room she throws a gentle smile towards Atticus and Pali.

  Atticus understands now the diversity of the Clan. There is no set lineage here. The Dark Majjai were from all over the world, just cured from the same place. Daljeet’s exotic looks are in stark contrast to some of the other members of the Bhandari Clan. Mage Avipaul’s stoic and strong stance notwithstanding, the others here are paler, darker, taller, shorter. This family of Majjai are born again through the gift of life that was so brutally taken away from them with the same means. “When this is over, I will help you cure the others.”

  Mage Avipaul grins wildly. “I look forward to that day brother. Now, before you can win, you need to know where to go. And of course, you must take this concoction back to your headmaster. In the meantime, I will try to relocate the position of the island you seek.”

  Atticus nods and reaches out to accept the vial, but is surprised when the Elder Majjai pulls it away.

  “But, before you go,” he says, looking coyly at Atticus and Pali. “Please, tell me. What trouble has Ju Long got himself into this time?”

  Atticus and Pali laugh for what feels like the first time in a while, and quickly retell the events of earlier to the wide-open ears of Mage Avipaul.

  The Majjai Journals:

  It is a great burden lifted, sharing this knowledge, this history. We are not ashamed of it. We overcame a great obstacle.

  Speaking with Atticus and Pali today has made me see. My mission is not complete. I need to return to the island. I need to find a way to bring everyone home.

  I wonder if the healing powers of Joyce could aid us. I need to try, we need to try.

  We helped Ju Long, a demon; we trained him, we helped him become who he is now. But, through his own compassion, he has taught us so much more. His courage on this quest, becoming one of the Majjai Six, rising to every challenge that confronts them, and finding a way to win. This is inspiration. I am inspired.

  I shall begin preparations to return to the island. I will take Dal with me, and this new warrior, Faith. She has requested help with an enemy located in Turku. We have learned of a Warlock there; it is something that we will need to investigate, but first, I shall test her skills on the island.

  I need to be careful. There is a dark presence on the island now, I can sense it from here. It could be Mayan, could be Egyptian. We shall know soon, of that much I am sure.

  Mage Avipaul

  Chapter 8

  The Visions of Hel

  “Monty! Hold still will you!” Ju Long shouts, trying to control the Minotaur he is attempting to heal. The large beast groans as the Majjai goes to pour more of the ointment into its severed horn. He looks around to ensure the cave they have sought refuge in, away from the river leading to Helheim, is still safe haven.

  Ju Long rubs his arms while standing on the beast’s shoulders. “Stupid cold. We need to get out of here and go somewhere warm.”

  The Minotaur gently places Ju Long back on the ground. “Stay here, safe. Monty tired.”

  Ju Long watches the beast seat himself carefully on the rocky cave floor, thinking the only way to warm things up would be a decent fire. “Stay here buddy, I’ll go get some wood from outside.” He clenches as an icy gust of wind fills the cavern, making his skin fill even colder, but also fortifying his desire to get warm. Peering carefully out of the cave entrance, checking for any potential danger, he closes his eyes for a second, building the courage to journey into the cold.

  His first few steps crunch against the frosted grass as he scrambles forward, trying to find any fallen branches hidden beneath the snow. He kicks away at the ground, revealing a few wooden shards which he gathers quickly.

  “Ouch!” he says forcefully under his breath as a splinter pierces his finger. A few drops of blood fall to the ground and sizzle as they melt into the snow. The noise reminds him that he is not human, his blood is still that of dragons, despite his current bodily form. He flashes back to a moment in the past, with Mage Avipaul. Another time he bled after a training exercise.

  He remembers his master telling him to be careful, as dragon blood is most sought after. Mage Avipaul tells him how some used to hunt dragons purely for their blood and their hearts, for it was believed they could heal great injuries; and a consumed dragon heart, if given by consent, can make a human almost immortal – but not without a cost to the one that consumes the gift. Ju Long tries to remember the detail of the warning, but can only recall getting up and chasing Daljeet after she threw a mound of mud at him. He smiles as remembers her retaliation for filling her shoes with Rhinor saliva. He returns chase as Mage Avipaul’s guiding words fade in the background.

  Ju Long shakes his head, bringing his thoughts back to the present as another gust of wind shocks him to enough to return his attention to the task at hand. Quickly gathering enough wood, he returns to the cavern and makes a pile with his findings. “Don’t worry Monty, we’ll be warm in a minute.”

  The Minotaur snorts his acknowledgement, sending out a vast cloud of steam as his warmer breath strikes the cold air.

  Ju Long rolls his shoulders and quickly morphs into his dragon form before snorting a controlled blast to light the firewood. As the wood bursts into flame, he looks at the damaged horn of the Minotaur and decides to give this dragon blood thing a try.

  “Let me try something,” he says, his voice being much deeper when he is transformed, resonating through the chamber with its low frequency almost visible as the bouncing dust moves. He takes a claw and makes a small cut in his front leg. Standing upwards, his height now matches that of the Minotaur, the two of them almost filling the small cavern. Very carefully Ju Long squeezes a few drops of blood onto the beast’s injury. In moments, the horn reforms with a sizzle and a fizzing noise.

  “There, how does that feel?” Ju Long says as he morphs back into his human form.

  The Minotaur reach
es to touch the newly-healed horn with his hand and first clasps it before checking it over with his fingertips. “You make Monty better?”

  Ju Long smiles. “I did indeed, fist bump?”


  Ju Long chuckles as he puts his hand forward towards the confused Minotaur. “Here, like this,” he says as he demonstrates to the beast by motioning Monty’s fist forward to touch his own.

  Monty snorts happily. “Again!”

  Ju Long sets up for another fist bump but is startled by a bright glow from the healed horn on the Minotaur’s head.

  Monty stands abruptly and screams in pain. “Arrghh, hurts! Pain!”

  “Stay calm buddy, I’m sure it will pass!” Shouts Ju Long, desperate to calm his new friend.

  “No! Hurts, you do this? You said friend. You lied!”

  Ju Long raises his hands to protect himself as the Minotaur flails his massive arms uncontrollably, striking him hard and sending the Majjai into the far wall of the chamber. Ju Long squints his eyes, catching only a blurry vision of the giant beast walking over to him; and then nothing, his eyes close as the pain takes over, forcing him to sleep.

  # # #

  Olof sits patiently outside Elric’s chamber, waiting for the elder Majjai to appear. His worry for Ju Long is apparent, and he senses that not all is well with his dear friend. Getting up, he begins to pace up and down, his footsteps echoing louder as he walks with more vigour.

  “I should never have left him there. Something is wrong.” He walks to Elric’s chamber again, and knocks, waiting for some acknowledgement that he has been heard. “What could be more important than current events? I know now how Atticus feels.”

  Olof walks away again, frustrated. Reaching into his heavy robe for a communications crystal, one he has already tried using several times to contact Ju Long without success, he clasps it and is about to activate it, when suddenly he is unable to move first his arm, then his legs. He begins to shiver, then collapses to the ground and begins to convulse. Olof’s eyes turn a bright white, and then he hears the voice.

  “Olof! Help me! I am trapped. The Minotaur is loose, he must be contained. Come, quickly, while this temporary cap holds. The dead can only be held back by a seal of Helheim. Come now, before it is too late!”

  After a moment Olof regains control of his limbs and the whiteness in his eyes disappears; regaining his sight he blinks and squints to clear his vision, only to see Elric and Professor Sprocking standing over him. He hears a set of footsteps hurriedly approach, accompanied by a sloshing noise and a lot of panting.

  “No no!” Shouts Professor Sprocking. “He is awa…”

  But it is too late, Professor Morgan, carrying a large bucket of water has already thrown its contents at Olof to revive him.

  Olof coughs and spurts as Professor Sprocking helps him up onto a chair that Elric brings forward. “It was Hel. She needs help. She is trapped and the Minotaur is free.”

  Elric looks towards Professor Sprocking. “Go. Take Olof, Mage Callan, Safaya, and Joyce with you!”

  The Professor nods.

  “Great,” coughs Olof. “Now please, can someone get me a towel.”

  Professor Morgan sheepishly accepts the task and returns speedily with the requested item.

  Olof quickly dries his hair and stands, stretching his muscles, trying to recover from the invasion of his mind and body. “Ju Long must still be with the Minotaur. I need to find him.”

  “No,” calls out Joyce as she runs in with Safaya and Mage Callan. “We will find him.”

  Olof looks towards Safaya, worried that her attentions are, understandably, currently elsewhere. “Are you okay?”

  Safaya smiles. “I have my brother back. I am fine.”

  Olof nods. “And Khan?”

  Safaya’s smile soon turns into a frown. “He will not be fine. Once he is well, I will have words with him.”

  Joyce darts a stare towards Olof, hinting to him not to probe anymore. “Come, we should get going. Hel, and more importantly, Ju Long, need saving.”

  Elric beckons everyone to move to the side, before moving his arm in a circular motion, forcing the air in front him to warp and then form into a swirling portal. His look remains pensive as he watches them walk through. Another wave of his hand closes the portal, reshaping the space ahead back to its normal form. He turns to Professor Morgan who is the only one left with him, sighs, and then says softly. “Atticus cannot know. Not yet.”

  # # #

  Olof raises a hand, signalling the others to halt. His previous experience in this cave has already taught him not to take this journey lightly. He crouches down and places a palm on the floor, trying to sense for any vibrations through it. But nothing. He looks to Safaya. “Anything?”

  Safaya closes her eyes and raises her arms away from her side, palms down. A blue light glows from them as she concentrates, she grimaces as she focuses her strength. After a few moments she opens eyes and looks around her towards her fellow Majjai. “Nothing, I have no control here. The land is strange, I cannot command it. Even the air here is silent to my calls.”

  Olof rises, concerned that even Safaya, with her command of the natural elements, cannot sense anything more than what their eyesight tells them. He moves forward, repeating the steps he had taken prior to their first encounter with Hel, expecting to at least hear the river as before… but again, all he hears is silence. Where the water once raged, the bed is now empty and dry. The water no longer flows.

  Olof guides the other Majjai with himself in the lead. It isn’t long before they reach the entrance to Helheim, which is sealed with rock and mud. He is about to raise Mjolnir to strike a blow into it, when he hears a noise behind them.

  “Come now Olof, why stop there? I was looking forward to you demonstrating your feeble abilities,” Loki stands, smirking, goading the Norse Majjai to react.

  “You did this?!?” retorts Olof. “To your own daughter?”

  “Ha!” Loki flicks his robe over his shoulder, revealing his Norse armour in all its emerald glory, embossed with a glowing piping of green light. “Do not concern yourself with familial matters that you could not possibly comprehend.”

  “Why are you here?” Mage Callan interjects, raising an arm towards Olof, sensing the Norse Majjai’s anger brewing.

  Loki jigs a few steps forward, humming to himself in random bars, tip tapping his toes as if possessed by a madman. “Oh, now, that would be too easy, hee hee!” he says, dancing around the Majjai, prancing and humming, interspersing those actions with laughter. “You have no idea what is coming, what your Atticus is to be? You silly Majjai fools, too blind to see.”

  “Enough riddles Loki. We could release Hel from here in moments, and even you would not stand a chance against our combined might,” Olof says, keeping firm grip on his hammer.

  Loki notices the attentive nature and smirks, which slowly turns into a grin, revealing his yellowing teeth, orange coloured saliva drooling from his lips. He is about to speak but stops himself, sniffing the air, before swiftly moving into the shadows of the cave.

  Safaya looks around to the other Majjai. “What on Earth? After all those theatrics he just disappears?”

  “Shhh,” whispers Olof. “Do you hear that?”

  The Majjai turn their heads, trying to listen out for whatever Olof has just heard. At first it is faint, a rhythmic boom, repeating faster and faster, in a galloping pattern.

  Olof strains some more, and can just about make out a voice among the continuing steps that are approaching, louder and faster.


  “There!” shouts Olof. “Did you hear that?”

  Professor Sprocking nods. “I did indeed, it sounded like…”


  Before they recognise Ju Long’s voice, the Minotaur comes bursting through the cavern wall beside them.

  Joyce reacts quickly and throws up a powerful shield, deflecting the beast’s charge.

  The Minotaur stumbl
es, turning itself away from the Majjai, and at the same time revealing Ju Long, who is tied tightly to its back.

  “Run! He is even stronger than before!”

  Olof responds to his friend without hesitation. “Never! We will not leave you with the beast!”

  Mage Callan moves swiftly into action, making way through a small gap in the shield that Joyce intuitively opens for him. He rolls forward, using his momentum to throw his arm ahead, releasing one of his swords towards the rope attaching Ju Long to the Greek monster, slicing it cleanly and allowing the Majjai to drop freely.

  The Minotaur recovers quickly, turning towards Mage Callan.

  Ju Long quickly steps in between them, his hands raised. “Stop Monty! Calm down! They are here to help!!”

  The Minotaur slides to a halt, stopping just before Ju Long, he grabs his healed horn tightly with one of his giant hands. “Still hurts! Where is Master?”

  Olof steps forward, placing a hand onto Joyce’s shoulder, indicating for her to drop the protective shield. She does so immediately, but keeps the blue energy alive in her palm, ready to render it again if needed.

  The Norse Majjai addresses the beast’s question. “If you speak of Hel, she is trapped. We have come to save her, please let us do so!”

  “No! You hurt!” replies the Minotaur.

  Ju Long turns back to the Majjai. “I had to use some of my Dragon Blood to heal him, it’s caused him to be a bit unstable – and much stronger!”

  The Minotaur snorts loudly. “Stronger! And…smarter!” The beast shakes its head, holding it tightly with the palms of its hands. “I understand more! I’m strong, I can be free from her, free from them!”

  “Yes!” shouts Loki, who suddenly reappears. “You can be free my boy!”

  “You!” the Minotaur announces loudly shaking his horns at Loki. “You are my master’s father! She warned me about you!”


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