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Deal Breakers

Page 5

by Laura Lee

  She wrings her hands, something she does when she’s nervous. “Riley, say something.”

  I’m shaken out of my stupor. “My God, woman.”

  She fidgets even more. “Too much?” She crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m sorry; I just wanted something that made me feel sexy. It’s stupid and trashy, isn’t it?”

  I quickly launch into action to squash these ridiculous insecurities of hers. Uncrossing her arms and nodding towards her body I say, “That could never be considered stupid or trashy. I’m pretty sure it’s the best damn idea you’ve ever had.”

  She laughs. “Really?”

  I nod enthusiastically. “Uh huh, definitely. Best. Idea. Ever.”

  She disarms me yet again with her smile. “Well, I’m glad you think so.” Resuming her fidgeting she adds, “God, why is this so awkward?”

  I shake my head, taking her by both hands. I have to try harder than my dick is at the moment to maintain eye contact so she takes me seriously. “Not awkward, Dev. Just new territory for us.” I look down at my fully clothed self. “I appear to be overdressed. Would it help if I evened the playing field?”

  She nods. “Yeah, I think so.”

  I pull my t-shirt over my head and give her a moment to look her fill. I’m not a gym rat by any means but I definitely take care of myself. She reaches out tentatively and runs the tips of her fingers over my pecs. Fuck. Giving her a minute to explore was a bad idea. I swear I can feel my impending orgasm coming at me like a freight train. I still her hand and warn, “Honey, if you keep touching me like that, this will be over before it begins.”

  She retracts her hand. “What?” After a few seconds it sinks in. “Oh. But…but I thought the more sex you had, the greater your…you know, stamina is.”

  I laugh. “Typically, my stamina is the last thing you need to worry about, babe. But right now, I feel like a fucking virgin myself when I look at you like this.” I hold her jaw in my hand and stroke her cheek with my thumb. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of. And if I happen to…get a little too excited the first time, we’ll just have to try again… and again…and again until we get it right.”

  “You can do that?” she says and blushes.

  “With you? Yeah, I can definitely do that.”


  OH MY GOD. I thought only fictional guys could go for more than one round per night. I know Riley well enough to know that he would never boast about something like that if it weren’t possible. Yikes!

  “Can I do it more than once tonight? I mean…won’t I be too sore or something?”

  He smiles. “Maybe…I’m not exactly an expert on de-virginizing someone, Dev. If you are, there’s plenty of other things we can do. You’re mine for the night and I plan on taking full advantage of that.”

  I laugh. “Oh yeah?”

  He runs his hands down my spine, creating goose pimples everywhere he touches. The look he gives me has me frozen in place. “Yeah.” Kissing down my neck he adds, “Now stop thinking. Feel.”


  I START KISSING HER neck while trailing my fingers up and down her back. She walks backwards towards the bed and stops when the back of her knees hit the mattress. I unclasp her bra as I’m gently lowering her down. I slide the white straps down her arms and drop the garment on the floor. Fuck, her tits are amazing. I mold them with my hands, plucking at the pebbled pink tips. I’ll admit, before now, I’d say that I definitely preferred a woman with bigger breasts. Devyn’s are a little less than a handful but as I take one pert nipple into my mouth, I can’t imagine wanting any others.

  She arches her back as I begin to suck. “Oh, Riley! God, that feels good.”

  She writhes beneath me as I pay the other one the same attention and I’m loving every second of it. I tease her more and more with every little whimper. I kiss down her abdomen and stop when I reach her tattoo. I pull back a little to read the words that wrap around her rib cage.

  “When did you get this?” I ask as I trace the words with my tongue.

  “Eighteenth birthday,” she gasps. “You have the most talented tongue!”

  I smile against her skin. “You think so?”

  She nods her head. “Uh huh. Definitely.”

  I move lower to show her what I can really do with my tongue. She tenses as I reach her panties. “Relax, baby.” I kiss along the seam before hooking my fingers under the waistband. “I’m going to taste you now. I need to feel you come apart on my tongue.”

  “Riley!” she screams as I lower the lace just enough to give her one long lick down the center.

  I roll her panties down her legs, toss them aside then drop to my knees. My hands slide under her ass and I open her up to me. I lower my head and lick long and slowly. Her heated flesh is so soft against my tongue and she tastes so fucking sweet I can hardly stand it. There’s a light sheen of sweat on her skin, intensifying her sugary scent. Her thighs quiver against my shoulders as I continue licking and sucking her swollen nub. I trace my index finger down her slit and push inside. She grinds her eager body into me, begging for more, so I add another one.

  I’m dying to bury myself inside of her as I pump my fingers in and out. It’s never been this hard to hold back and never more important that I do so. She clutches the back of my head, pulling me closer while I use my lips and tongue with small nips from my teeth to bring her closer to completion.

  “God, I could eat you all day,” I murmur against her pink, swollen flesh.

  “If you keep doing it like that, I might let you!” she shouts.

  My cock is begging to be free of its denim prison. I use my free hand to pop the button and lower the zipper. I can feel that she’s close so I pull her legs over my shoulders and tilt her pelvis up for a better angle to continue my ministrations. Her head drops back as she tightens her grip on my hair. I can sense that she’s ready so I suck hard and hold on lightly with my teeth. She’s screaming my name repeatedly as her thighs clamp down around my skull and her orgasm rips through her. Her body is clenching around my fingers while she pulses against my mouth. I soften my tongue but don’t stop licking until the last waves of her climax subside. I rest my head on her stomach for a few seconds to catch my breath. A smile forms as I replay the last ten minutes in my head. Devyn is a screamer. Definitely not what I was expecting.

  “That was sooo sooo good,” she pants. “Like, best orgasm ever!”

  I chuckle as I work my way back up her body with kisses. “I’m glad you approve.”

  She grabs my face and pulls me up so our lips are mere inches apart. “I more than approve, Rye. Seriously, that was incredible.” She gets a sly smile on her face. “I think you started out a little strong though…I don’t know how you’re going to top that.”

  “Is that a challenge?” I laugh. I don’t know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn’t this. Any previous awkwardness has gone missing. This girl is giving me shit after I just gave her a screaming orgasm. If it were anyone else, I might be offended. With her, it’s fucking hot.

  She lifts her head just enough to bite my lower lip. “What if it is?” Fuck, now she’s asked for it. That little smartass comment just made my dick even harder.

  I slide my hand down and pinch her ass. “You little minx.” I brush my hands over her ribs making her squirm.

  Her eyes widen when she figures out what I’m thinking. “Don’t you dare!”

  I wiggle my fingers over her ribs. “What’s wrong, Dev? Does that tickle?”

  “Ah!” she screams as I step it up. “Don’t! No-no-no-no-no!” She’s laughing so hard her eyes are watering.

  I instantly stop and take her face in my hands. “You are so fucking beautiful, Devyn.”

  She sobers quickly and meets my eyes. “Rye—”

  I silence her with a kiss. Hard and demanding, showing her how much I need her. I fumble with my jeans until I kick them off. I know she’s not ready yet so I leave my boxers on to keep myself in check. S
he takes everything I give with my mouth, my tongue, and gives it right back to me. Our hands are everywhere, greedily grabbing onto anything we can to gain purchase.

  I groan as she wraps her hand around my dick under my boxers. I unconsciously thrust into her fist as she tightens her grip. I’m going to come all over the inside of my shorts if she doesn’t stop right now. “Baby, you need to stop that. You feel so fucking good, I’m going to lose my shit. I need to be inside of you when I come.”


  WHAT IS HAPPENING TO me? Sure, so far we haven’t done anything I haven’t done before, but this is different. With Rye¸ I feel completely out of control. I’ve never been aggressive with a guy, but with him, all I am is want. Need. I should be totally weirded out that Riley and I are naked together but instead, I simply can’t get enough of him. I want to touch every inch of his nakedness and I want him to do the same to me.

  I stroke his hard length again. “So hurry up and get inside of me.”

  His eyes widen at my brazen command. “You’re not ready yet.”

  I roll my eyes as he begins circling my clit with the pad of his thumb. “Rye, please. I’m soo, soo ready.”

  He dips a finger towards my entrance, spreading my wetness around. “Okay, maybe you are. But you need to tell me if it hurts too much…or if I’m coming on too strong. Okay?”

  I rise up on my elbows. “I promise.”

  He pulls back and starts digging through his discarded jeans. Right before I ask him what he’s doing, he produces a square foil packet and rips it open with his teeth. He removes his boxers and starts stroking himself. God, that’s hot.

  I grab his wrist. “Can I put it on?”

  He groans. “You’re killing me.” He takes a deep breath and nods while handing it to me.

  I take the condom out of the wrapper and frown. “How do I—is there some sort of trick to this?”

  He laughs and guides my hand towards his body. “It’s easy. Just pinch the tip and then roll it down as far as it will go.”

  I close my fingers on the reserve and position the condom over the head of his beautiful erection. I know that’s a strange word to use when describing a penis, but his really should be painted on a canvas or something. He jerks as I roll it down his shaft until I reach the base. I slide my hand over his length to ensure that it’s on correctly, fascinated by each ridge and vein beneath my palm. He’s so thick I can’t fully close my hand around him which starts making me a little nervous.

  I stroke him once more for good measure. “Did I do it right?”

  He groans and tilts his head back. “It’s fucking perfect.”

  I give him a wry smile. “I was talking about the condom, Riley.”

  He looks down and briefly inspects my work. “That’s good too.”

  I bite my lip. “So, we’re good to go?”

  His dimples are in full effect. “We are so good to go.”

  Riley hooks his arms behind me and moves us towards the center of the bed. He starts kissing my neck again moving downward.

  “Rye, what are you doing?”

  He grabs a rose petal. “Shh, stop thinking so much.”

  He drags the velvety soft petal over my collarbone from left to right, slowly making his way over to my breast. I gasp when he circles my nipple then closes his mouth over the peak. He moves the petal lower while his mouth never leaves my breast. I’m so lost in the moment that I startle when he brushes his thumb over my sensitive bud.

  He lifts his head, fusing our mouths together while his thumb continues to circle that same spot over and over. I writhe beneath him as he works my body into a frenzy. Everything he’s doing is so wonderful but I need…more. I’m aching to be filled by him.

  “Riley, please!”

  “Shh, baby. I’ll take care of you.” I feel him lining up against my entrance. He looks up to meet my eyes and says, “Are you ready?”

  I nod. “Please, Rye. I need more.”

  He smiles and takes my face into his hands. I’m so slick that he pushes in slightly with little effort but halts when I stiffen from the pressure. “You okay?”

  I look him in the eyes and nod. “Yeah, I’m just nervous.”

  He kisses the corners of my mouth and moves his hand lower. He traces circles over my nub as he whispers soothing words to help me relax. “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. This is perfectly natural. It’s just you and me here. Do you trust me?”

  I moan as he continues rubbing. “You know I do.”

  “I’m going to push in all the way now. Okay?”

  I can see the veins protruding on his forehead from the control he’s exerting. “Okay.”

  He tucks his head into the crook of my neck as he slowly inches himself forward. It burns but it’s not unbearable. I’ve used a vibrator before but it didn’t fill me nearly as much as Riley does. There’s a pinch right as he seats himself to the hilt which makes me wince a little.

  He pauses. “You okay?”

  I take a deep breath. “Uh huh.”

  He lifts his head and looks down to where our bodies are joined. He guides my hand lower until I can feel the spot where we connect. “Do you feel that? We’re in this together. Do you feel how wet you are? Your body wants this, baby. You need to stop thinking so hard and just feel.” He pulls back slightly and pushes forward again. “Look how easy that was. It’s like your body was fucking made for me. God, you feel so fucking good, Devyn.”

  He moves in and out a little further. The pressure isn’t so bad this time. Riley palms my breast and begins kneading it as he trails kisses down my neck. I arch my back when he pinches my nipple. It’s like there’s a direct line to what’s happening down below. The burning sensation lets up as he continues to thrust slowly. I feel incredibly full, but the combination of what he’s doing above and below the waistline is a heady thing. My hand is still trapped between our bodies so each time he slides in and out, he brushes the tips of my fingers. The eroticism of it pushes me over the precipice of discomfort straight into pleasure.

  He lifts his head. “How you doing, baby? Are you okay?”

  I wrap my legs around his hips, pulling him closer. “I’m so good, Rye.”


  I SWEAR TO GOD, her body feels like it was molded just for mine. No pussy has ever felt as good as Devyn’s does. She’s so tight and so fucking responsive. Her body sings with every kiss, touch, and stroke that I deliver. After the first few thrusts, she became slicker than a gallon of lube. My dick slides in and out of her with ease as I work her body over with everything that I’ve got.

  “Riley,” she pants, “go faster. Please go faster.”

  Mother fuck. If I go any faster, I’m going to turn into a two-pump chump. “No, baby. We need to take this one nice and slow.”

  She claws my back and digs her heels into my ass. “Riley! Please! I need it harder!”

  Yep, that did it! Who am I to deny this woman? I angle myself a little better, pulling her legs a little higher on my hips. Then I hunker down and give the lady what she wants. I progressively move faster and harder until we’re both dripping with sweat and gasping for air. Devyn meets me thrust for thrust, clawing my back, screaming for more the entire time. This woman is a wildcat. I would’ve never, ever expected such a reaction from her. It’s the hottest fucking experience of my existence.

  When I feel myself about to blow, I move my hand lower. I’m determined to make her come at least once more before I do. I coat my fingers in her juices and circle that little bundle of nerves repeatedly, bringing her to the edge.

  “Riley, I’m going to come!” she screams.

  Her pussy pulses as she screams through her orgasm. “Oh fuck, Devyn!” I follow right behind her as her body clenches me tighter than I ever thought possible.

  “Oof!” she says as I collapse on top of her with dead weight.

  I grab the condom and pull out slowly, rolling to the side. “Sorry, you just milked every ounce of energy I had.”

She laughs and continues breathing heavily. “Ditto.”

  I grab a tissue from the nightstand, wrap the condom inside, and toss it in the trash closest to the bed. I face her and take a moment to soak her in. She’s lying on her back with her eyes closed, an arm hooked over her head. Her skin is flushed and slick with sweat, her hair is a mess, and her eye makeup is smudged but she’s never been hotter. She must sense me staring because she opens her eyes and smiles directly at me. I half expected her to cover herself but she continues to lie in the same position with no inhibitions whatsoever. This woman never ceases to amaze me.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  She rolls towards me and tucks her hands under her chin. “Rye, that was…God, there are no words. Thank you.”

  I tuck a loose hair behind her ear and smile. “No, thank you. For trusting me. For giving me something so special. Sex has never been like that for me.”

  She crinkles her brow. “What do you mean?”

  I think for a minute. “It’s like you said…there are no words. But if I had to try, I’d say that I’ve never felt so in tune with someone before. Maybe it’s because we know each other so well…I don’t know. All I do know is that it was fucking amazing.”

  Her eyes light up. “Really?”

  “Really,” I assure her. I climb out of bed and extend my hand. “Come with me.”

  She looks confused. “Um…I’m not really dressed to go anywhere.”

  I laugh as I pull her off the mattress and lead her into the bathroom. She watches silently while I run the water in the large soaker tub. I look over my shoulder and say, “The warm water should help with any soreness.”


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