Deal Breakers

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Deal Breakers Page 12

by Laura Lee

  I nod my head towards the hallway. “He fell asleep. I put him down for a nap.”

  We stand there in some sort of silent showdown. Neither one of us seems willing to talk to the other. Fuck, this is awkward.

  I decide to be the bigger man. “Devyn’s not home. But I’m guessing you knew that already.”

  He smirks. “I did. But she’ll be home soon. I was hoping to talk to you before she gets here.”

  I stare at his keys. “You have a key to her place, huh?”

  “Of course,” he says dismissively.

  “What’d you want to talk about?” I snap.

  He walks across the room and takes a seat at the small dining table. “I wanted to clear the air—man to man.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Clear the air about what exactly?”

  He sits back and crosses his ankle over his knee. “Look…I know you’re going to stick around so I figured we should get this out of the way. I know the real story between you and Devyn. I feel bad that you’ve missed out on being a dad when you clearly want to be involved. What she did may not have been right, but she wasn’t exactly thinking clearly at the time.”

  I lean against the wall. “Devyn doesn’t need you to defend her. I’m not mad about it. We both made shitty decisions. What’s important is that I’m here now and I plan to stay.”

  “Right,” he nods. “Well, I just thought you should know that the guilt has been plaguing her for years. She thought about finding you several times but she was afraid you’d reject the kid. He means everything to her and she was terrified that you wouldn’t react how she wanted you to.”

  “It’s a moot point now,” I say. “I love Nathan. And she knows that. She also knows that I’m going to be the best damn father I can possibly be.”

  “I understand,” he says. “That’s why I wanted to make sure there wasn’t any animosity between us. Let’s face it; this could be very awkward.”

  “Could be?” I scoff.

  Jackson is oblivious to my sarcasm. “Anyway, I wanted to thank you.”

  “Thank me for what?”

  “For the way things panned out,” he replies. “Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying I wanted Devyn to go through the heartbreak, but everything that she endured has led her to me. She and Nathan are in my world because you screwed up once upon a time. I helped her move on and we forged a strong bond because of it. I know you’re going to be around since the whole paternity thing is bound to surface sooner or later, so we need to figure out a way to co-exist peacefully. For Devyn’s and Nathan’s sakes.”

  “How mature of you,” I mutter.

  He assesses me with a cold glare. “I guess being polite isn’t going to get my point across so I’ll just come out and say it.”

  I gesture for him to continue. “By all means.”

  He smirks again. “Look, I can tell that you have…feelings for Devyn. But the fact is, she and I will be married soon. Which means that I will officially be Nathan’s stepfather. I’ll be the one warming Devyn’s bed at night and the one who will hopefully give Nate a little brother or sister.”

  I bite my tongue and clench my fists. “Married, huh? What makes you think that?”

  He shrugs. “I proposed the other night. She didn’t tell you?”

  “No, she failed to mention it,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Huh,” he says. “She must want to break it to you lightly. I guess I beat her to it.”

  I nod towards the front door. “Yeah, well, I’ll be sure to bring it up when she comes home. I’ll let her know you stopped by.”

  He chuckles. “I’m not going anywhere, Riley. Devyn asked me to come relieve you from kid duty. She’ll be home soon and we’d like some alone time if you catch my drift.”

  “Well, as nice as it was of you to offer your services, I’m fine staying here until she gets home. Besides, I think Devyn would’ve called if she wanted me to leave.”

  He eyes my cell phone that’s sitting on the breakfast bar. “Have you checked your phone lately? She said she was going to text you.”

  I frown as I walk over to my phone. I pull up the messages and sure enough, there’s one from her.

  Devyn: Hey, I’m running behind. The presentation went great. I can’t wait to tell you about it! Jackson should be there soon to take over for you. Thanks again for saving me.

  “Well? Is there a message from her?” Jackson asks.

  I shove my phone in my back pocket and grab my keys off the counter. “Yep.”

  He stands and walks over to the door, opening it for me. “Thanks for babysitting. I’ll take it from here.”

  I step into the hallway. “Tell Nathan I said goodbye when he wakes up.”

  Jackson gives me a smug grin. “Will do. Have a good night, Riley. I know Devyn and I will.”

  He shuts the door. It’s a good thing too because I was just about to punch that superior expression off his face. I can’t believe that asshole! He clearly thinks he’s won but he has no idea who he’s fucking with. I’m not giving up without one helluva fight. If he wants to play dirty, game on.


  BRODY INVITED ME TO Kelly’s Bar & Grill for drinks on Friday night. This place is my favorite kind of bar. They host a dozen screens broadcasting sports, a couple pool tables, darts, decent food, and a fine selection of beer. Our little group usually meets here because the atmosphere is great and the employees are cool. Normally, it’s the perfect place to unwind after a long work week. Tonight is the exception to that.

  I hold my arm out to halt Brody. “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  Brody follows my gaze and sees Drew, Rainey, Devyn, and Jackson sitting at a table. Jackson’s chair is right next to Devyn’s and his fucking hand is all over her thigh.

  Brody shrugs. “I don’t know, man. He’s never joined us before. Like ever. I’ve really only seen him in passing before now.”

  I know exactly what he’s doing here. He must’ve known that I was joining them and he felt the need to remind me who Devyn belongs to. We’ll see about that.

  “Asshole,” I mutter.

  We continue walking towards the table when Brody whispers, “Don’t make a scene, dude.”

  I take the empty chair directly across from Devyn. “Hey, Dev.”

  I’ve been on edge ever since I left her house on Tuesday. I stayed up for hours that night waiting for her usual pre-bedtime call. It never came and she texted me the next day saying she crashed early. I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that she and Jackson were together and my imagination went into overdrive. I’ve been blowing her off ever since, saying I’ve been working late. I needed time to cool off.

  She blushes. “Oh. Hey, Rye. I didn’t think you’d be joining us tonight.”

  I smirk. “Why’s that?”

  She starts wringing her hands together. “I just thought you might be working late again.”

  “Nope.” I say the word with a pop at the end.

  “Hi there. Can I get you guys a drink?” the waitress asks. I look over and see a cute little brunette who’s leaning over to give me a perfect view of her ample cleavage. I catch Devyn watching us out of the corner of my eye.

  I look at her nametag and give her my infamous panty-melting grin. “Hi, Brigitte. My buddy and I here would love some beers. How about you surprise us?” I wink for added effect.

  Brigitte smiles. “Sure. I think I can do that. I’ll be right back.”

  Brody gives me a what the fuck look and Devyn glares at Brigitte’s retreating back. I know this is risky but I can’t seem to help myself at the moment. I’m hoping to spark the same green-eyed monster in Devyn that is raging inside of me right now. When she looks my way, I can see that it’s working.

  Drew slugs Brody’s shoulder. “Hey, asshole. You want to go shoot some pool?”

  “Uh…sure. Riley you want to join us?”

  My eyes never leave Devyn. “No, thanks, man. I’m good right where I’m at.”

bsp; Brody and Drew get up from the table, laughing at something as they walk away.

  Rainey takes a sip of beer and clears her throat. “So, Dev, you were just about to tell us about your big pitch. How’d it go?”

  Devyn’s face lights up. “It was perfect. I was perfect. I really think I nailed this account!”

  Rainey smiles. “Way to go, girl! When do you find out?”

  Jackson pulls Devyn into him and kisses the corner of her mouth. “She should know on Monday. I know she’s going to get it though. She’s worked so hard on this client; more than any before. They’d be fools to turn her down.”

  Devyn smiles shyly at his praise. “Thank you, Jackson.”

  He pushes her hair behind her ear and nibbles her lobe. “Anytime, babe. I’m proud of you.”

  I ball my hands into fists under the table and clench my jaw. I have to remind myself that jumping across the table to pummel this guy isn’t going to accomplish anything. “That’s great, Dev. You always have been the best at everything you do.” I lean over and lower my voice slightly. “And I do mean everything.”

  She shifts uncomfortably and blushes. “Thanks, Rye.”

  Rainey jumps out of her chair and grabs my elbow. “Wow, I need another beer. Riley, why don’t you come with me so I don’t have to ruin my streak of not paying for my own drinks?”

  I look down at her half full glass. “Is there something wrong with that one?”

  She grabs the glass and chugs it in two long gulps. “I’m reaaaallly thirsty. I can’t wait for the waitress to come back here.” She grabs Devyn’s wine glass and finishes that off as well. “See? Now Devyn needs a new drink too. Come on.”

  She pulls my arm, leading me towards the bar. When we get there I say, “Now do you want to tell me what that was really about?”

  She thunks me on the forehead. “Idiot!”

  “Ow!” I shout as I rub my forehead. “What the hell was that for?”

  “Could you be more obvious?”

  The bartender takes our order as I glare at her. Then I say, “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Oh, puh-leez,” she says. “You and Jackson are practically measuring dicks out there! You’re making Devyn really uncomfortable.”

  I frown. “I’m not trying to make her uncomfortable.”

  “Really?” she sneers. “‘Surprise me with a beer, Brigitte.’ What the fuck was that? Are you trying to get the waitress into bed?”


  “Well, then what were you doing? Because I’m pretty sure her phone number will be with your drink when we get back.” She gestures to our table where Brigitte is delivering two beers and setting a folded napkin to the side of my glass.

  I rake my hand through my hair. “Fuck. I don’t know. I was trying to make Devyn jealous to get her out of her controlled little shell. I would never consider going out with the waitress.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You’re playing this all wrong, Riley. Making Devyn jealous isn’t the answer.”

  I throw my hands up. “Well, then what is? Please tell me you know because I have no fucking clue!”

  “I told you she needs to come to terms with this on her own. Don’t push her because you can’t be patient.” She grabs my elbow and prompts me to start walking. “Let’s get back before they get suspicious.”

  We return to our table and I decide to take Rainey’s advice. I unfold the napkin out of curiosity and find Brigitte’s phone number. I tuck it into my shirt pocket so Devyn doesn’t see it, planning to throw it away later. I go through two beers before Drew and Brody return to the table. I shift my attention to them as much as possible so I don’t obsess over the way Jackson can’t seem to keep his hands off Devyn. He’s touching her and kissing her at every possible opportunity. All I see is red by the time I’ve finished my third beer. I mean seriously, is the PDA really necessary? He’s practically humping her at the table, for fuck’s sake! And she definitely doesn’t seem into it. I can see her growing more and more irritated as he continues. Doesn’t he realize that she’s inching her chair away from his?

  Devyn stands. “I need to go to the bathroom.” She quickly walks away without another word.

  I count to twenty and pretend to read something on my phone. “I’ll be right back. I have to check in with work.”

  I duck away and head in the direction that Devyn fled. I spot the womens’ restroom and wait right outside the door.

  Devyn jumps when she sees me upon exiting. “Riley! What are you—”

  I cut her off when I shove her into the bathroom and shut the door. I turn the lock and check under the stalls for feet. We’re alone. Good.

  “Why are you even with that tool?” I growl. “You two don’t have anything in common.”

  Her cheeks redden. “What the hell kind of question is that? He’s a good man. He’s been nothing but kind to me and Nathan over the years.”

  “Kind?” I sneer. “Wow, that’s not the word I’d want my woman to use when describing me.”

  “What’s wrong with kind?”

  “Kind is boring. Kind is safe. Kind is NOT passion. Fireworks. Kind does not get you off. Kind is the word I’d use to describe my accountant.” Her eyes widen with that last word. “Oh my God, he’s an accountant?”

  “What’s wrong with that?” she asks. “It’s a perfectly respectable way to make a living.”

  “Jesus Christ, Devyn. What happened to not settling? That’s exactly what you’re doing! There’s no way Mr. Stick-Up-His-Ass back there knows how to work your body over until you can’t see straight. Has he ever even made you come?”

  She blushes and screams, “Not everything is about sex, Riley!”

  “No, it’s not,” I admit. “But you can’t spend the rest of your life with someone who doesn’t know how to satisfy you.”

  “I never said that he didn’t!”

  “You didn’t have to!” I scream back.

  She throws her hands up in the air. “What do you suggest? Who should I be with?” She laughs mockingly, pissing me off. She reaches into my shirt pocket and pulls out the napkin. “What’s this, Riley?”

  I try to grab it as she unfolds it. “Nothing. I was going to toss it.”

  She laughs again as she reads it. “Right. Why should I believe you?”

  “Because it’s the truth!” I shout.

  She waves the napkin in the air. “And I’m supposed to just take your word for it? You don’t want a real relationship, Riley! This phone number proves that. You can’t do long term monogamy!”

  I grab it from her and throw it on the floor. “I didn’t want the fucking number! I don’t want anyone else’s fucking number!”

  “Then what do you want, Rye? What the hell do you want?”

  “YOU! All I’ve ever wanted since the day we met was you!”

  She’s stunned. “What?”

  I decide actions speak louder than words. Fuck Rainey’s advice. Devyn needs a reminder of how explosive we are together. I advance upon her and cage her against the wall.

  “What are you—” she starts to ask.

  I answer her with my lips pressed against hers. She fights me for half a second before she moans, pulling me into her. It’s just as good between us as I remember. Better even. We’re saying everything we need to with our lips and our tongues. She kisses me back with so much fucking passion it’s like it's been bottled up all these years. She runs her fingers through my hair, yanking forcefully as she demands more. Never breaking the kiss, I grab her legs and wrap them around my hips. I grind into her and she tightens her legs around me to press into me deeper. My dick is harder than steel, dying to be inside this woman where it belongs.

  I break away from her mouth and move down her neck. “God, I hate that I can smell his cologne on you.”

  Devyn tenses and pulls back to disentangle herself. I step back and meet her eyes. Shit, she looks like she’s about to cry.

  She points toward the bathroom door. “Go, Riley! I’m not
this girl. You can’t just go around saying things like that, kissing anyone you please.”

  “I wasn’t the only one doing the kissing,” I remind her.

  She groans in frustration. “Just go! I’ll be out in a minute.”

  I try to get a read on her but she’s shutting down. “Dev—”

  A tear drops down her face. “GO, RILEY!”

  I step back and take a deep breath. I slam my hand against the door. “Fuck!” I unlock it and pull it open with much more force than necessary. Before walking away, I lower my voice and say, “I’ll give you time to get your shit together, but don’t walk away from this, Devyn. Don’t walk away from us.”


  I TURN TOWARD THE mirror and stare at my reflection after Riley stormed away. God, what am I doing? My hair is tousled and my lip gloss has been sucked off entirely. I make myself as presentable as possible and take a deep breath. I can do this. I’ll just go out there, tell everyone I have a headache, and then Jackson and I can leave so we can talk privately. I can’t put this off any longer. My reaction towards Riley just now proved that. It’s not fair to Jackson to continue along the path we’re on.

  I make my way back to the table a moment later. Riley is noticeably absent and the remaining four are suspiciously quiet.

  Drew clears his throat. “Uh…Riley had to go—said he had something to take care of.”

  “Oh.” I look up at Jackson. His ears are cherry red and his eyes are narrowed into slits.

  Rainey touches me lightly on the shoulder. “Everything okay, hon?”

  I fidget nervously as all eyes are on me. “Um…I have a headache. I think I need to call it a night.”

  Jackson stands without a word and begins walking towards the door.

  I nod towards him. “Um…I guess we’re going now. Lorraine, I’ll call you later.”

  “You’d better,” she says.

  Jackson barely says a word to me on the entire drive home. The tension in the air is suffocating. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him angry before but that’s definitely what this is. Does he sense that something happened between me and Riley?

  He pulls against the curb in front of my building.


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