Deal Breakers

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Deal Breakers Page 14

by Laura Lee

  “I got the job!” she squeals. “It’s effective on the first of next month. I can give you the details later but there’s a huge raise, I get an assistant, an office, the whole nine yards. It’s not normal to jump into this position for at least another couple of years but the position opened and they offered it to me anyway!”

  “That’s great, baby. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” she says. “God, Riley. I can’t believe how perfectly everything is falling into place. It makes me nervous. It almost seems too good to be true.”

  “We should celebrate tonight,” I suggest.

  “I can’t,” she says. “I’m meeting the guys at Kelly’s for Monday Night Football.”

  “So I’ll join you. I should be able to get out of here in time.”

  “Really?” she asks.

  “Sure. Unless…you don’t want me to?”

  “No, of course I want you there,” she insists. “It’s just...well, it would be our first official outing together. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  “Did you change your mind? About being all in?” I hold my breath waiting for her reply. Fuck, I don’t know what I’ll do if she says yes.

  “No way, Rye. Balls to the friggin’ wall, baby.”

  I let out a relieved sigh. “Well, then it’s a date. I’ll see you around five.”


  RILEY IS ALREADY AT the table when I walk into the bar. I get a goofy grin on my face when he starts walking towards me with a sexy swagger.

  As he reaches me he whispers, “Are we allowed to kiss in front of them?”

  I look behind him and see everyone staring at us, not even trying to be discreet. “Sure.”

  Riley moves in for a chaste kiss which quickly escalates into something much more appropriate in private.

  “Damn it, am I going to have to see this all the time now?” Drew complains.

  We break apart and laugh as we take a seat.

  Brody takes a sip of beer. “So, what’s the deal? Are you two officially an item now?”

  Riley and I look at each other.

  “Yep,” Riley replies. “We sure are.”

  Brody lifts his beer in toast. “Well, all hail the magic pussy, brother!”

  I narrow my eyes at Riley. “I’m sorry, but ‘all hail’ the what?”

  Riley looks embarrassed. “Ignore him. He’s an idiot.”

  Brody gives Riley the finger. “I’d rather be an idiot than pussy whipped.”

  Riley smiles at me. “If that’s what I am, I’m good with that. You’ll see what I mean when it happens to you.”

  “Ha! Never going to happen, dude,” Brody says.

  I lean in to kiss Riley again. “You’re whipped, huh?”

  He smiles. “Abso-fucking-lutely. And proud of it, baby.”


  AFTER GETTING DEVYN A beer, I clear my throat. “So, Devyn has some exciting news.”

  “What’s up, Dee?” Rainey asks.

  I swear the smile Devyn gets on her face lights up the room. “It turns out I nailed that account I was telling you about. I got the promotion I wanted!”

  A round of whoops and congratulations go around.

  “There’s more,” I say. “I bought a house on Mercer Island.”

  Drew whistles. “Fancy neighborhood for someone living the bachelor life.”

  I raise an eyebrow at Devyn asking for permission to proceed. With her eyes, she gives me the go ahead. “Yeah…about that. I’m not moving in alone. Nathan and Devyn are coming with me.”

  “Ah, fuck,” Drew whines while everyone else offers their congratulations again.

  Drew leans over and mock whispers. “You sure about this, little sis? You just got back together with the guy. I know you have the kid to think about but you two don’t even know each other anymore.”

  She shakes her head. “That’s not true, Drew. I know it seems fast—I know we haven’t caught up on everything that’s happened over the past five years—but we’re still the same people together, only it’s better now. I know what I’m doing.”

  Drew raises his beer. “Well, then I guess it’s my job to give you my blessing.” He gives me a stern look. “But don’t forget what I said earlier. You hurt her and I’ll hurt you.”

  “No worries there, man,” I assure him. “I have no intention of ever doing that again.”

  Brody claps Drew on the back. “Well, now that the bodily threats are out of the way, let’s celebrate! Big brother here would be happy to buy a round of shots to offer his blessing. Right, buddy?”

  Drew rolls his eyes and grunts.

  Brody laughs and calls our waitress over. “Hey, Jessica. Can we get a round of Patròn for everyone? Put it on the big sulky guy’s tab here.”

  “Sure thing, guys,” Jessica laughs.

  We drink our shots when they arrive and trade jibes while watching the game. As I look around the table I can’t help but think what a lucky sonofabitch I am. I have a great group of friends, the most incredible son anyone could ever ask for, and the most amazing girl by my side. Devyn offers me a shy smile when she catches me staring at her. My God, she’s beautiful. I can’t imagine ever getting over the excitement that I feel every time I look at her. And it’s not just her physical features. She fucking radiates goodness, compassion, love, and this sexiness that she doesn’t seem to be aware of, but it’s inherently a part of her. She challenges me like no other. She keeps me grounded. She makes me want to be the best version of myself. I know that I’d be an entirely different man without her in my life.

  She slyly moves her hand over my thigh, making me alter my thoughts about her inability to recognize her own sexiness.

  Her fingers creep up higher and higher until they reach the bulge behind my fly. Her pinky lazily moves up and down over my dick. She gives me a saucy smile when I start rising to the occasion, confirming that she knows exactly what she’s doing. She leans into me slightly and her entire hand joins in on the action. Fuck, she’s practically giving me a hand job under the table in front of everyone! I’m going to embarrass myself pretty fucking quickly if she keeps this up.

  Without warning, Devyn suddenly releases her grip and stands up. “I have to go to the bathroom. Be right back.”

  I jump up so fast, I have to save my chair from toppling over. “Yeah…me too. What she said.”

  I practically run after her and catch her in the hallway to the bathroom. I cage her against a door that’s marked Employees Only and grind my hard-on into her backside. “You’re going to pay for that, you little temptress.”

  She arches her back, pressing herself into me. “Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?”

  I try the knob to the door and it’s unlocked. I peek my head into a storage closet. Perfect!

  I open the door wider and shove her inside. “You’ll see.”

  I pin her against the wall and our lips instantly crash into each other. Her moans are like fuel, igniting this flame of desire that’s always present when I’m anywhere near her. She fists my hair and meets every stroke of my tongue with ravenous strokes of her own. My dick feels like it’s about to burst through my zipper but my thoughts shift away from relieving the ache to give her more pleasure.

  I untuck her blouse, being a little rougher than I probably should but I need to feel her skin. I bunch the material up and I’m rewarded with a pale pink lace bra. Best of all, it closes in the front. As I pop the clasp, I silently thank the genius that invented these things. Her tits spring free and my mouth instantly attacks them. I take one pretty pink tip into my mouth while I mold the other with my hand. She’s curvier than she was before, pretty much everywhere, but especially here. I can’t wait to get my hands on the rest of her.

  “ Rye,” she pants.

  Devyn hooks her leg around mine and her pencil skirt starts riding up her thigh. I grab her with both hands and shove it up further, then I pick her up and wrap her legs around my hips. She shivers when I run my finger over her matc
hing panties. We both watch as I slip my index finger beneath the fabric and trace her silky smooth skin.

  I smile when I get to the center of her body and realize that she no longer has that little strip of curls. “This is different.”

  She gasps when I move my finger downward. “You like it?”

  I dip my hand even lower and find her soaking wet. Fuck, I think I’m going to jizz in my pants like a teenager. “I love it, baby. I can’t wait to put my mouth all over you.”

  I push a finger inside and she gasps loudly. “Oh God, yes!”

  I pump my fingers in and out. “You’re so wet, baby. I think you liked getting me all worked up under the table. Didn’t you?” I nibble her neck while I continue to work her down below. I stop moving when she doesn’t answer.

  “What are you doing?” she says. “Don’t friggin’ stop now!”

  I smirk against her cheek. “Just tell me what I want to hear, baby. Your panties were soaked before we ever came in here, weren’t they? You loved knowing that you were making me hard in front of everyone, didn’t you?”

  She digs her nails into my shoulders. “Yes! Now start moving, damn it!”

  I chuckle. “Yes, ma’am.”


  I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS is happening right now. We’re in a broom closet in a bar! As Riley circles my sensitive bud while simultaneously pumping his fingers, I can’t find the will to care anymore. God, I haven’t been this excited in ages. Probably since the last time we were together.

  There’s a small mirror on the opposite wall and I catch site of my reflection. My lips are parted, my breasts rise and fall with each sharp breath, my nipples are tightened into pebbles, and my skin has the telltale flush of arousal.

  Riley follows my eyes to the mirror and smiles. “You look like a fucking goddess right now. Do you see how goddamn beautiful you are?” He picks up the pace using a skilled mixture of feather light touches and measured rubs.

  “Oh, Rye, I’m so close. Please,” I moan.

  He adds a second finger and begins to curl them inside of me. “Like this, baby?”

  Out of my mind with the desire to come, I lift my hips as much as possible to match his movements. “YES! Keep doing that!”

  The room is quiet except for our heavy breathing and the wet glide of his fingers. Riley thrusts his fingers once more and my orgasm explodes out of me. He continues pumping them in and out while my body clamps down on him. I scream over and over as I come until he slams his hand over my mouth.

  “Ssshh,” he chuckles. “Someone’s going to think I’m murdering you in here.”


  DEVYN SLIDES DOWN MY body after I finished rocking her world with my hand. My eyes never leave hers as I suck her sweet juices off my fingers.

  “Mmm, even better than I remember.”

  She blushes as she sets her clothing back into its rightful position. “I can’t believe we just did that! Everybody’s going to know what we were up to when we go back out there. Do you think they’d notice if we snuck out the back door?”

  I smile. “You want some back door action, huh?”

  Her mouth gapes and she smacks my chest. “Oh my God, you’re such a pervert!”

  I shrug. “I didn’t hear you complaining a minute ago.”

  She smirks. “Uh, no. Definitely not going to complain about that.” She looks down to my obvious erection. “You still need to be taken care of. You can’t go out there like that.”

  I step back and adjust myself as she reaches for my belt. “I’ll be fine, baby. You can take care of me later. This was all for you.”

  Her eyes widen. “What? That’s not fair.”

  I grab her hand and open the door. “Trust me; I got plenty of enjoyment out of that. Why don’t you head back to the guys? I’m going to wash my hands in the bathroom and I’ll be right there.”

  She blushes even more as she looks down at my hand. “Okay.”

  When I return to the table, I see Rainey and Devyn at the bar leaning into each other talking. Devyn catches my eye and winks.

  Brody gestures towards them. “Now there’s some prime spank bank material for you. In my mind, they’ve already started making out and are tearing each other’s shirts off.”

  I laugh. Okay, admittedly not a bad visual, but there’s no way I’m letting this guy masturbate to my girl. “Dude, if you ever mention Devyn’s name again while talking about jacking off, I’ll kick your ass.”

  “I second that,” Drew growls.

  Brody holds his hands up. “Fine, Rainey it is. I have plenty of fantasies in mind for that fine ass woman.”

  “Yeah, along with every other woman from age eighteen to thirty,” I laugh.

  “Hey, don’t underestimate the power of a hot cougar. I’m definitely not opposed to some Mrs. Robinson action one of these days,” Brody says.

  I roll my eyes. “I have no doubt, dude.”

  “Will you Nancys shut the hell up so I can watch the game?” Drew complains.

  I tip my beer towards him. “Sounds good to me, man.”


  IT’S FRIDAY AND I’M meeting Riley’s parents tonight. I’m so nervous despite Rye’s repeated assurances that I have no need to be. What will they think of me? Will they be mad at me for keeping Nathan from them all these years? Will they think I’m good enough for their son? And what about Nate? Will he behave? I can’t imagine what they’d think if his potty mouth comes out.

  As I’m running around my bedroom frantically getting ready, Nathan comes in. He’s dressed in a red plaid button up with a pair of little khakis. He looks like a proper young gentleman. Let’s hope he acts like one while meeting his grandparents.

  “Mom,” he extends the word in a whine.

  I kneel down and smooth out his hair. “What, baby?”

  “My wiener feels funny.”

  “What?” I inspect his pants and they look like they fit fine to me. “What do you mean, buddy?”

  He pulls on his pant leg. “My new big boy underpants feel funny.”

  Ah. Drew insisted on getting him tiny boy boxer shorts. He’s been wearing briefs since he was potty trained but Drew insisted that real men wear boxers. I usually defer dude stuff to him so I just went with it.

  “Oh, honey, you’re just not used to them. Why don’t you go take them off and put your other ones on? Hurry up, though, so we’re not late.”

  “All right, Momma.”


  I’M AT THE RESTAURANT with my parents waiting for Devyn and Nathan to arrive. I wanted to pick her up but she insisted on meeting us here so she had a few minutes to freshen up after work before meeting my folks. The poor girl is so nervous. I’ve assured her that I explained the situation to them and they don’t think badly about her at all, but she’s still uncertain. I know they’ll fall in love with her and Nathan instantly. They were so excited when I told them they had a grandchild. I don’t think my mom ever thought I’d settle down. As her only child, I was her only hope of having grandbabies to spoil. She would no doubt adore the woman that made that happen.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” my mom asks.

  I check my watch. “They should be here by now.”

  She chuckles. “Oh, Riley, it’s not easy carting around a four-year-old boy. You were a handful at that age. I’m sure the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. They’re only a few minutes late; give them time.”

  My dad claps me on the back. “Did I ever tell you about that time you got drunk? You were probably around the same age. Your mother and I were having a get together. You made your rounds and drank a little bit from each beer can that was lying around. We didn’t even realize what had happened until you whipped out your itty bitty wee wee and starting peeing on the side of the house, shouting for everyone to look at the pictures you were drawing.” He laughs. “Ah, those were some good times, huh, Mary?”

  I groan. “Christ, Dad. It’s a miracle I survived with you two raising me.”

My mom rolls her eyes. “Oh, you shush. That was a onetime occurrence. We took great care of you. Boys just have a way of making things interesting. You just wait and see, mister.”

  I smirk when I think of Nathan and how he definitely keeps things interesting. “For the record, my wee wee has grown quite a bit since then.”

  My mom pats me on the cheek. “I’m sure it has, dear. If you take after your father, Devyn is quite the lucky lady.”

  I cringe. “ Mom! Gross! I didn’t need to know that!”

  She and my dad laugh while I check my watch again. As if I summoned them with my thoughts, Devyn and Nathan walk into the room. My God, she looks amazing. She’s wearing a modest black dress but it hugs all of her new curves perfectly. My dick jerks a little when I wonder what she’s wearing under the dress. Calm down, boy.

  I stand up as they approach the table and scoop Nathan into my arms. “Hey, buddy, how are you doing?”

  “Daddy, I’m free-balling!”

  “Nathan!” Devyn whisper-shouts.

  I laugh. “What’d you say, little man?”

  “Unca’ Drew bought me some big boy underpants but they made my wiener feel funny so Momma said to go put on my regular underpants but I couldn’t find ‘em so now I’m not wearing any underpants! Unca’ Drew says that when you run out of underpants on laundry day, you just have to go free-balling!”

  My dad coughs to cover his laughter. He stands up and offers his hand to Devyn. “You must be Devyn. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Riley has told us so much about you. I’m Bill and this beautiful lady is my wife, Mary.”

  Devyn removes her hand from her face to shake my dad’s hand. “I am so sorry about that. I’m going to kill my brother.”

  My mom stands and pulls Devyn into a big bear hug. “Oh, never mind that, honey. You just wait. I have tons of really great stories about Riley for you.”

  Devyn pulls back and laughs. “I can’t wait to hear those.”

  My parents take their seats. I place Nathan in his chair and pull out Devyn’s.

  She sits down. “Thank you.”

  I bend down to kiss her on the cheek. “It’s my pleasure. You look incredible.”


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