Deal Breakers

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Deal Breakers Page 15

by Laura Lee

  She shivers. “You’re not so bad yourself.”


  DINNER WAS GREAT. RILEY’S parents are wonderful. I really had nothing to worry about; they were so gracious and lighthearted. I can see why he is the way that he is. Nate fell asleep in the car so Riley carried him upstairs and tucked him into bed before joining me in the living room.

  He sits next to me on the couch and kisses my cheek. “You were perfect tonight. My folks loved you.”

  “I loved them too. I’m so glad they were able to forgive me.”

  Riley brushes a hair away from my forehead. “There’s nothing to forgive, Dev. Stop being so hard on yourself.”

  I smile. “So…Drew’s on shift and won’t be home tonight.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah?”

  I start wringing my hands together. “Yeah. So…I was thinking maybe you’d want to stay the night? I usually don’t have sleepovers because I don’t want Nate to get the wrong impression. But we’re moving in together next week so it’s no big deal. Right?

  Riley cups my cheek in his hand. “I’d love to stay the night. But you know I don’t expect anything to happen, right? I mean, it hasn’t been that long since you and Jackson broke up. I don’t want you to feel…rushed or anything.”

  I smile as I pull him off the couch and down the hall into my bedroom. I flip on the lamp and say, “I appreciate your chivalry, Rye. I really do. But the truth is…Jackson and I hadn’t been together for quite a while before we broke up. And I’ve been waiting for almost five years to take advantage of you. I’d say it’s impossible to rush something that’s long overdue. Don’t you agree?”

  He shuts my bedroom door and turns the lock. “Take advantage of me, huh?”

  I laugh. “Oh, yes, absolutely. And I’m going to objectify the hell out of you.”

  He grabs my face and kisses me hard. When he pulls away he says, “Just remember, turnabout’s fair play, Dev.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Riley and I resume kissing while he walks me backwards towards the bed. He starts untying my wrap dress and suddenly, I feel really self conscious. My body isn’t what it used to be the last time we were together. I try my best to keep in shape but having a child definitely had a permanent effect in some areas. My stomach is flat but not nearly as toned, my hips are wider, and I have a few stretch marks across my lower abdomen and thighs. Why did I turn on the lamp? I wonder if I can figure out a way to shut it off without being too obvious.


  I CAN’T BELIVE THIS is finally happening. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t hope tonight would turn out this way, but I certainly didn’t expect it. My dick does a happy dance in my pants as I unwrap her dress and push it off her shoulders.

  I take her in from head to toe. She’s wearing a black lace bra with a matching thong. I saw parts of her in the closet the other day but the lighting was so poor I didn’t get to truly appreciate it. Her new curves are spilling over the cups of her bra. Hips flare out from a trim waist, giving me a little more to grab onto. She had a fantastic fucking body before, but now…this is fucking perfection. I know I’m biased but I’m sure every hetero guy in the world would agree with me. Right before I kicked their asses for seeing her like this.

  She wraps her arms around her waist. “Why are you staring?”

  “I didn’t think it was possible for you to get more beautiful. It seems I was wrong.”

  She gasps as I press her into the mattress and begin kissing her neck. “You don’t need to sweet talk me, Rye.”

  I pull back with a frown. “What are you talking about? You asked me a question and I gave you an honest answer—not some cheesy line.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I’m not stupid, Riley. I know I don’t look the same as I did when we were first together. I mean, I try to eat right and exercise regularly but there’s only so much that could be done after carrying Nathan.”

  I sit next to her outstretched body. “Devyn, you’re right; you don’t look the same. You look better. How can you not see that?”

  She gasps as I trace my finger along the edge of her bra. “I’m at least fifteen pounds heavier than I used to be.”

  I squeeze her breast in my hand. “More to love.” I slide the lace down and take her nipple into my mouth. I pull back with a pop and say, “What else?”


  I circle her areola with my tongue. “What else do you not like about your body?”

  “My stretch marks,” she pants. “I hate those.”

  I run my finger over two tiny silver lines right above her hip. I lower my mouth and kiss them. “These marks are because you carried my son in your body. Our son. Nothing could be more beautiful than that.”

  She tangles her fingers in my hair as I move across her abdomen with my lips. “Oh, Rye.”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Your mouth should be illegal.”

  I smile against her skin. “You think so?”

  She nods emphatically. “Uh huh.”

  I crawl up her body until we’re face to face. “Are you sure you’re not trying to deflect, Devyn? Because we’re not going through with this until you’re one hundred percent certain of how sexy you are. How crazed you make me when I look at you. Hell, when I even think of you.” I suck on the shell of her ear and say, “You are so fucking beautiful. Sexy. Smart. No one has ever turned me on like you do. No one has ever made me feel like you do.” I pull back and meet her eyes again. “I love your new curves. I love everything about you. I think I’ve been in love with you since the day we met. You’re it for me, Devyn. Do you hear what I’m saying?”

  Her eyes get misty. “I do.”

  I nod once. “Good. Now can we get to the fun part?”

  She laughs. “The fun part? What could that possibly entail?”

  Her eyes roll back as I brush my knuckles against her core. “I’m not so good with words. I should probably just show you.”

  She moans. “Mmm, that sounds like a great plan.”

  Her hands clench the blanket as I lower her panties and rub my nose against her plump outer lips. She lifts her ass so I can remove her thong. “Mmm,” I moan as I inhale her sweet scent. “God, I could eat this pussy all night.”

  She arches her back as I give her wet slit one long lick. “Riley, please!”

  “What do you want, baby?” I pin her hips down into the bed and do it again.

  She whimpers. “Please don’t tease me, Rye! I’ve waited too long.”

  I suck her hard little clit and press it against the roof of my mouth. She screams before she grabs a pillow to muffle her sounds. “You like that?”

  “YES!” She squeezes the pillow against her face.

  I slide back up her body and remove the pillow. “Are you trying to suffocate yourself?”

  She blushes. “We need to be quiet so Nathan can’t hear us. I’m finding that awfully hard to do right now.”

  I dive into her mouth and suck her tongue. Grinding my aching cock against her, I say, “Do you know what else is awfully hard right now?”

  She pops the button to my pants. “Lose the pants so we can do something about that.” Her nails scrape my ass as she impatiently shoves my slacks and boxers down at the same time.

  I climb off the bed to fully remove my clothing. I smirk when I see her watching my every move with her mouth agape. “Like what you see?”

  She straightens her spine and moves back against the cushioned headboard. She reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra. She throws it aside and spreads her legs enticingly, putting her pretty pink pussy on full display. Trailing her finger down her soaking wet lips, she says, “I’d rather like what I feel. Get over here, Rye.”

  Fuck. I launch myself onto the bed so fast that I almost overshoot and land my ass on the floor.

  Devyn laughs so hard she snorts. “Smooth.”

  I’m pretty sure I look embarrassed—because I am—but I decide to cover it with redirection. I
roughly grab her hips and hook her knees over my shoulders. With zero hesitation, I lick her from end to end, up and down, over and over. I eagerly lap her sweet cream and fuck her with my tongue. She’s squirming and moaning and clawing at the bedding. I spread her thighs further and insert two fingers, pumping them in and out. Her juices coat my fingers and leave a wet spot on the bed. I flatten my tongue and trace circles over her clit in time with the pumping of my hand. I look up and almost lose my shit when I see her staring down at me with pure ecstasy in her gaze.

  “Oh, Riley! I’m going to come so hard.”

  “Mmm,” I murmur. “Give it to me, baby.”

  Devyn stiffens suddenly, grabbing my hair and clapping my ears with her thighs. I slow my pace until her limbs relax over my shoulders and kiss a path up her torso until I reach her mouth.

  She reaches up and bites my bottom lip. “That was unbelievable.”

  “You’re unbelievable. I feel like the luckiest bastard in the world right now.”

  She smiles brightly and lifts her hips to meet my erection. “Riley, I need you.”

  I rub the head of my dick through her lower lips and moan. “Right there with you, baby.”

  I slip just the tip inside of her and groan. “You feel so good.” She arches her back to drive me in further. I slip in easily because she’s so fucking wet. Her pussy grips me like an iron fist, holding on tight as I pull out slowly. Fuck, this feels so good. Too good. “Shit!” I pull out quickly and sit back on my legs.

  Devyn sits up, confusion marring her features. “What’s wrong? What just happened?”

  I look down at my lap. “No condom. I didn’t think to bring any.”

  She smiles. “It’s okay, Riley.”

  “You have some?” Okay, I definitely don’t like the thought of using one of Jackson’s leftover rubbers but at the moment, I’ll take what I can get.

  She shakes her head. “No, I don’t. But I have an IUD. My chances of getting pregnant are less than they would be if I were on the pill. And I’m clean. I’ve only been with one other person besides you and we were safe.”

  I appreciate the fact that she’s not using his name while my dick is wet with her cream. “I’m good too,” I say quickly. “There haven’t been many since…since you and me. And I’ve never done this without a condom but I got tested regularly anyway.”

  She climbs onto my lap and grins. Ever so slowly, she lowers herself onto my cock until I’m balls deep inside of her. “So shut up and enjoy the ride.”

  My hands grip the mattress behind me for balance. She rides my dick without restraint, swiveling her hips at the tip before slamming back down. “Oh, fuck!”

  My self control completely vanishes as she flexes her internal muscles. I grab her hips and surge upward. Her tits are bouncing in front of my face, tempting me, but I can’t stop staring into her eyes as I thrust in and out. I ram into her mercilessly, unable to slow down. My need to mark this woman is blinding. She’s taking everything I’ve got with so much enthusiasm. She’s being as quiet as possible but in no way reserved.

  I know she’s close when she bites her lip and her lids become hooded. “Oh, Rye.”

  I shift so I’m pressing her back into the mattress and I lift her leg over my shoulder. Fuck, she’s so much tighter like this! “Devyn.”

  Our bodies slap against each other as I drive into her fast and hard. She stiffens beneath me again as her body clenches around my dick. I groan and move faster until I feel my own orgasm building in my lower back. Suddenly, I’m coming with her. In her. I glide in and out a few more times until the last pulse of my climax wanes. My arms give out and I fall on top of her. She doesn’t seem to notice though.

  I pull back and lightly kiss her cheeks, her chin, her nose, and finally her lips. “I love you, Devyn.”

  She smiles sweetly as a single tear runs down her cheek. “I love you, Riley.”


  “MMM, GOOD MORNING,” I mumble sleepily. I have no clue what time it is but I can see the sun peeking through my bedroom curtains.

  Riley presses into me from behind as he continues kissing the back of my neck. “I’m certainly trying to make it one.”

  I gasp when his fingers roam south and find my sensitive bud. He rubs me with expert precision until I’m a slippery hot mess of pure desire. Just as my body begins to tighten, Riley enters me from behind and we groan in unison. I come apart the second he’s inside of me, filling me to the brink. My skin is slicked with sweat as we lazily bump and grind against each other, his lips and hands trailing over me in sweet caresses. I can’t help but marvel over how well we fit together. Riley said it once before—that we’re so in sync like nothing he’s ever known—but this is far more powerful. This is the textbook definition of making love. Riley McIntyre—the self-proclaimed king of fling—is making love to me. I feel it with every fiber of my being.


  FUCK. THERE IS NO better feeling in this world than when I’m inside this woman. I don’t know how I could ever get enough of this. Devyn’s pussy wraps around me like the most exquisite vise known to man. My arms are banded around her torso, pulling her back into my chest as I push up into her. I bury my face into the crook of her neck and place my hand over her heart. It’s beating rapidly despite our languid pace. I feel like I can’t get close enough—if I could shrink myself and crawl inside this woman forever I would. And I mean that in the non-creepiest way possible.

  I’m setting the pace, slow and sweet, never wanting this feeling to end. Let’s be clear, I’m not normally a slow and sweet kind of guy. I like my sex filthy and sweaty until both partners are gasping for air. Making love is for pussies—literally. But like everything else, sex with Devyn is different. Better. Fucking glorious. I want to bawl like a goddamn baby from the pleasure she makes me feel.

  “Oh, Rye,” she pants. “Please go faster.”

  I pull out almost all the way just so I can slide back into her wet heat once again. Mother fuck. Devyn reaches behind me and scores her nails into my ass, urging me on. That familiar tingle begins stirring in my balls as she tightens her walls around me.

  “Oh God, Dev. Your pussy is fucking magical,” I say as I pick up the pace. “Jesus.”

  She laughs and begins moving her hips in time with mine. Our bodies slap together with savage desperation. The only sounds in the room are heavy breathing, the wet glide of our bodies connecting, and a litany of Oh Gods pouring from both of our mouths. And a light knocking sound. Where the fuck is that coming from?

  Knock. Knock.

  As the knocking gets more insistent, I realize exactly where it’s coming from. Or who it’s coming from rather. Fuck. This is not happening. This is not happening. I grind into Devyn trying to ignore the little person on the other side of that door. We’re both so close. So fucking close. Yet so far.

  Devyn gasps as my thrusts become more urgent. “C’mon, Riley. He’s not going to go away.”

  “I’m trying,” I pant. “Stop talking about the kid. You’re making it harder to get there.”

  She laughs. “This is our life now. You’re going to have to get used to it. C’mon already! I’m so close!”

  “Will you quit pressuring me?” I gripe. “Geez, I never thought someone would be complaining about my stamina.”

  “Now’s not the time to show off,” she pants. “Focus!”

  She clenches her internal muscles. “Oh fuck, keep doing that!”

  A few more powerful strokes and strategic rubs, and we’re both coming together. After several moments, our bodies still.

  “MO-OM!!! I’m hungry!” Nathan’s knocking has turned into flat out pounding.

  Devyn and I laugh as I slide out of her. She climbs out of bed, grabs my discarded shirt from last night and pulls it over her body. “Welcome to parenthood. Where if you’re getting any at all, it’s usually a race to the finish line.”

  She waits for me to pull up my pants before opening the door. “Good morning, buddy.”

/>   Nate looks into the room with a scowl on his face. “Momma, what took you so long?”

  She looks over her shoulder at me. “Sorry, baby; your daddy and I were still sleeping.”

  “Were you praying in your sleep, Momma?”

  Devyn scrunches her face. “What? Why would you say that?”

  Nathan shrugs. “Because you kept saying God’s name. Christopher says that his mommy and daddy always make funny noises and say God’s name a lot when they’re sleeping. He said that’s because they’re praying in their sleep.”

  “I need to have a talk with this kid’s parents,” I mutter.

  Devyn laughs. “Why don’t you go pick out your cereal, honey? I’ll be there in just a minute.”

  “Can I have Unca’ Drew’s Wucky Charms?”

  “Sure,” she says. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

  He pumps his fist in the air. “YES! You’re the best momma ever!”

  I pull her into me as he runs down the hall. “You’re incredible.”

  She leans into me. “You think so?”

  I hold her tight and kiss her temple. “I really do.”


  MOVING DAY IS FINALLY here. We enlisted everyone’s help so the process is much smoother than I would’ve expected. Nathan keeps running between all three bedrooms while Riley is putting his bed together.

  I narrowly miss crashing into my exuberant little boy and lean against the doorframe. “Do you need any help?”

  Riley finishes screwing Nate’s headboard to the frame and looks up. “No, I’m almost done. I’d love a bottle of water though.”

  “One water coming right up,” I say.

  I make my way downstairs and head over to the kitchen. A noise causes me to stop dead in my tracks right before I cross into the room. I listen for a moment and hear muted whispers and a weird smacking sound. I tiptoe around the corner and am frozen by the sight in front of me. Brody has Lorraine pinned against the fridge and she’s not protesting in the least. In fact, she happens to be running her fingers over the crotch of his jeans.


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