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Dire (The Dire Wolves Chronicles Book 1)

Page 9

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “I don’t think you understand.” Gage stepped in front of me. “We’re leaving today.”

  “And I don’t think you understand.” Hunter pushed a finger into Gage’s chest. “I’m not letting Mary Anne freeze to death. I will not allow it.”

  “And you think I would? She’ll be fine. I’ll take care of her.”

  “Take care of her? Aren’t you the one who got her stranded in the snow in the first place?”

  I had to step in. “Stop. It wasn’t Gage’s fault, and I can take care of myself.”

  Hunter gave me a look of pity. “As much as I appreciate your strength, you don’t understand the danger.”

  “I know all about frostbite and hypothermia, but we’ll be okay.”

  “It’s not just the cold.” He stared out the window.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I put a hand on my hip.

  “It means you are staying here tonight.”

  I straightened up to make myself seem taller. “You can’t make us.”

  “I can’t?” Hunter’s eyes locked on mine. “This is my home.”

  “And we can leave it.” Gage nodded at me. “Let’s go, Mary Anne.”

  “Chet, Falcon, and Marni, will you come in here please?”

  Gage grunted. “What do they have to do with anything?”

  All three of them walked in. Chet stood just in front of the other two. “What’s up, Hunter?”

  “Gage and Mary Anne seem interested in leaving.”

  “Now?” Marni rested her chin on her fist. “Are you guys crazy?”

  “It seems we’re not being good enough hosts.”

  “That has nothing to do with it. We appreciate everything you’ve done, but we need to get a hold of our families and get home.” I doubted he was actually offended, but I tried to tread carefully.

  “Mary Anne?” Hunter’s face softened.


  “I’m going to give you two choices.”

  “No. You’re not giving her any choices.” Gage grabbed my arm. “We’re leaving.”

  I turned toward the door, but I was pulled away back into Hunter’s chest. Chet and Falcon held Gage’s arms. “Leaving isn’t one of your options.”

  “What’s going on? Why do you care if we leave?” My heart was racing. Things were getting crazy.

  “Are you ready to hear your options?” There was something frightening about the way Hunter’s voice remained so flat.

  I sighed. “Ok.”

  “Let go of me,” Gage struggled.

  “Mary Anne, I’d suggest you tell your friend to shut up. He might not like what happens if he keeps interrupting me.”

  I looked right at Gage. “Please.”

  “Okay, let’s try this again. You have a couple of options.”

  “What are they?” I decided to play along. What other choice did we have?

  “I’m glad you finally asked,” He slipped his hand under the back of my sweater and tank top sending chills through me. “Your first option is that you and Gage both remain here. He agrees to behave, and we don’t kick him out. The other option is that you stay, and Gage leaves either willingly or unwillingly.”

  “I’m not leaving Mary Anne!” Gage yelled.

  “Okay, so let’s take that option out. Either you both stay or Gage leaves unwillingly.”

  “That’s an easy choice. I want Gage with me.”

  “Fair enough. Now I believe I misspoke earlier.” His lips brushed against my ear, and I could hear Gage’s breathing pick up. He was angry. I pleaded with him with my eyes to stay calm, it wasn’t going to help.

  “What do you mean you misspoke?”

  “It isn’t just Gage that needs to behave. You need to too.”

  “And what does behaving involve?” I knew I wasn’t going to like his answer.

  “You’re going to move into my room.”

  “What the fuck? You think you’re going to take advantage of her?” Gage fought against Chet and Falcon, but they only tightened their hold.

  “I’m not going to take advantage of her. I will not force anything. I just need to know she’s safe and warm. Evidently she got cold last night and went searching for warmth in the wrong place.”

  “I am perfectly warm sleeping alone.”

  “Lying to me doesn’t count as behaving.”

  “What happens if I don’t behave? If I refuse to sleep in your room?”

  “Gage leaves unwillingly, and I can’t promise his safety. As I said there are serious dangers out there other than the cold.”

  “What about a third option?” I thought fast. There had to be a way to makes things tolerable until we could sneak away. “We both stay, and I sleep in my own room. I promise not to leave at night.”

  “But that still leaves you cold.” His hand moved down to my waist. “The snow may have stopped, but the temperature is set to drop tonight. That’s another reason that I just can’t have you leaving.”

  I stared at him with my mouth open. This guy was completely insane.

  “So what will it be?”

  “Why were you so willing to let me stay in the guest room just minutes ago? You told me you’d check on the fire.”

  “I was going to give you another night to get acclimated, but I’ve changed my mind. There’s no point having to stay up all night watching your door when I can just have you with me.”

  “Why? Why are you doing this? Do you routinely try to force women to sleep with you?” This whole situation had gone from bad to worse.

  “Stop making it sound like I’m going to rape you. I’m just trying to protect you.”

  Protect me? Yeah, right. But instead of snapping back with what I wanted to say, I took a deep breath. If I lost my cool, so would Gage, and then we’d be in more trouble. “Fine. I’ll take that option.”

  “Lovely. And I thought I was going to have to demonstrate exactly how we’d make Gage leave.”

  I shivered. There wasn’t a chance I was going to bed with that man. He was crazy, and I didn’t trust him. Maybe he was serious about not forcing me into anything, but what about Gage? What if they did something to him?

  Gage nodded slightly, letting me know he understood what I was doing. In a short period of time we’d learned each other’s gestures so well that they served as a non-verbal form of communication that was really coming in handy. It was mid-morning, and we had until bedtime to get out of the crazy house. The problem was that even after we left the house, we’d still have to get to the next town ten miles away.

  Hunter didn’t give us a second alone the rest of the day. He sent Gage out to shovel and insisted I stay inside. When I tried to argue that I was capable of helping he suggested I find a book to read. I’d have assumed he was sexist, but Marni was out with the rest of them working away. To be honest she seemed like one of the strongest ones of the group.

  When Gage was inside Hunter made sure others were around too. At both lunch and dinner we ended up on opposite sides of the table, but we both stayed quiet. If we wanted any chance of escape we had to make it seem like we were going along with Hunter’s crazy ideas.

  After another insufferable dinner, this time it was burgers—also nearly uncooked, I helped with the dishes before we all moved into the living room.

  As expected, Hunter sat down next to me on the couch before Gage could. Gage looked like he was about to blow, but he took a deep breath and sat down in an armchair across from me.

  Marni sat down cross-legged on the floor in front of me. “We should play a game.”

  “A game?” I wasn’t sure I was interested in playing any game these people came up with. Marni had been nothing but nice to us, but she was still willingly with the rest of these lunatics. Unless she wasn’t. A horrible thought hit me. Had she started out just like me? Was she a normal girl who unwittingly ended up stuck in the wrong place? Then I noticed her giving Chet these lovey-dove eyes. She at least genuinely liked him.

  “Sure, we have a bunch of board
games here.” Marni sounded unnaturally chipper again.

  “Board games?” Gage asked. “Like Monopoly or something?”

  Marni nodded. “Sure we have Monopoly, but you have to let Chet be the car. He complains like a baby if he ends up with the thimble or something.”

  Chet shook his head. “Ignore her. I never do that.”

  “Yes, you do.” Semi, one of the quieter of the bunch, added.

  It was getting late. As much as I didn’t want to get into bed with Hunter, I couldn’t leave until he was sleeping. Might as well get it over with. “I think I’m going to turn in, but feel free to play without me.”

  “I’m ready as well.” Hunter sat up straight. Evidently he was in a rush to get to bed too.

  “Seeing that I’ll be sleeping right here, I’ll stay up, but I am pretty tired.” Gage stretched.

  We needed everyone in bed before we could leave.

  “Oh. Maybe tomorrow night then.” Marni stood up in one swift motion. I wish I looked that graceful when I got up after sitting on the floor.

  Hunter stood up. “I’ll let the rest of you show yourself out.”

  I took my cue and stood as well. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Mary Anne.” Gage drew out my name. Neither of us wanted me to have to get into Hunter’s bed, but what other choice did we have? I had to take him at his word that he wouldn’t try anything. I’d scream like bloody murder if he did, and I knew Gage would come for me.

  Chapter Twelve

  Mary Anne

  I followed Hunter up the stairs slowly. As anxious as I was to leave, I was dreading this part of the plan. Still, we had to be strategic about our escape. Our escape—how had the situation gotten so crazy that we were willingly running out into below freezing temperatures?

  Hunter’s room was laid out similarly to the guestroom. A large fireplace took up most of the wall across from his huge bed, and the entrance to what I assumed was the bathroom was only steps away.

  “When did you start the fire?’ I hadn’t noticed him slip away.

  “While you were helping with the dishes. I wanted to make sure our room was warm enough for you tonight.”

  Our room? Was he serious? “Great… uh would it be okay if I took an extra blanket and slept on the floor?”

  “Are you that averse to sleeping beside me?”

  “I don’t know you. Of course I am.”

  “Then I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  “Why are you doing this?” The plan was to play along, but I couldn’t hold the questions back any longer. “If you’re going to sleep on the floor then why make me stay in here?”

  “I’m trying to keep you safe.” He pulled off his navy shirt, and I looked away.

  “I’d be safe in the guest room.”

  “Mary Anne?” He said my name so softly that I had to turn to look at him. I wished I hadn’t. His broad chest was on display for me, and I noticed that he had a faint scar over his chest that matched the one on his face. How had he gotten the marks?

  “I know you’re not going to believe me, but I am trying to keep you safe. You and Gage.”

  “Somehow I doubt you’re concerned with Gage’s safety.”

  “Not the way I am about yours, but I’ll give the guy some credit. He’s more determined to protect you than I would have expected.”

  “Will you let us leave tomorrow?” He seemed saner at the moment, and although I still planned to leave that night, it seemed worth trying to talk some sense into him.

  “Sending you out right now would be signing your death certificate, or worse.”

  “What’s worse than death?” I shivered. Just the thought of it messed with me. I was so ready to be home.

  “You don’t want to know.” He pulled back the quilt and sheets.

  “I really don’t mind sleeping on the floor.”

  “But I mind you doing that.” He stared at me with an intensity that frightened me. “I will always provide you with a warm, comfortable place to sleep. I’d prefer if it was at my side, but if you don’t trust me yet, I can wait.”

  “How could you expect me to trust you?”

  “Why wouldn’t you? If I was going to hurt you wouldn’t I have done it already? Wouldn’t I have gotten rid of Gage and had my way with you already?”

  “Maybe you have your reasons.”

  He stepped toward me, backing me up to the bed until my only choice was to sit down on it. “I’m attracted to you, Mary Anne. My body aches to join with yours, but that doesn’t mean I’ll listen to that desire. I can control myself, and I’d never force myself on a woman. I have patience.” He leaned over me, his hands making imprints on the bed on either side of me. “But what I can’t control is my need to protect you. That need isn’t one that can be pushed away or denied. I cannot, and will not, allow something to happen to you.”

  “You don’t even know me. Is this just because I’m a girl?”

  “I would protect anyone worthy, but I’d go farther for you. You’re exactly what I’ve spent years waiting for.”

  Now he was getting creepy again. “I take it you don’t get out much?”

  He chuckled and moved to standing. “No, I don’t, but don’t think my lack of a social life has anything to do with how attracted I am to you.”

  “Listen, Hunter.”

  He sat down beside me. “That’s the first time you’ve said my name.”

  “Oh. I guess so. I just think we need to set some things straight.”

  “I already know what you’re going to say.”

  “You do?”

  He nodded. “You were about to tell me that I’m an attractive man, but you’re not interested. You have a boyfriend, and you just want to get home.”

  “How’d you know?” Either he was perceptive or he could read my mind. I really hoped it was the former.

  “It’s written all over your face.” He stood up and put a hand underneath me, shifting me so that I was underneath the covers. “But that attraction will grow given some time.”

  “I’m leaving tomorrow, Hunter.”

  He kissed my forehead. “If it’s safe.” He pulled an extra blanket over me. “I wish you’d let me warm you up, but if I can’t at least you have enough blankets.” If the guy wasn’t crazy, he might be considered sweet.

  He lay down on the wood floor right in front of the door. “You can turn off the bedside lamp when you’re ready.”

  What? He was going to sleep on the floor? With no blankets? And in front of the door? That was the worst part. There was no way I was going to be able to get out without waking him up. I shut off the lamp so I could give myself the privacy of darkness to plan. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Mary Anne.”

  I lay there in the darkness thinking about Gage and my family. I watched the flickering of the fire and imagined all the stupid holiday traditions I’d never take for granted again. I thought about going home, and I made a risky decision. “Hunter?”

  “Yes?” He called from the floor.

  “I changed my mind.”


  “It’s cold.”

  “Do you want more blankets?” He stood up, his bare chest illuminated in the firelight.

  “No. I uh, I want you closer.”

  “You want me to lie next to you?” There was such hope in his voice. Despite how creepy he was, I felt bad playing with him this way, but I had no choice.

  “Yes, but I’m not interested in doing anything.”

  He walked over and pulled back the blankets on the other side of the bed. “I already assured you I wouldn’t try anything.”

  “Please remember that.”

  “But I can’t keep you warm from this side of the bed.” He rolled over onto his side and looked at me. “Would it bother you if I came closer?”

  “Not too close.”

  “You’d enjoy sleeping in my arms, Mary Anne.” He shifted closer. “You’d be warm and secure. You’d feel and hear my heartbeat, reminding
you that you’re not alone. Never alone.”

  His words were seductive, like they were being woven into a lullaby. My eyes blinked. I was suddenly so tired.

  “There’s nothing to worry about when you’re with me, Mary Anne. You’re safe.” He shifted closer.

  “I can’t. Gage.” I was so tired, I could barely get the words out.

  “He’s not really your boyfriend.” He said it as a statement.

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Shh. Mary Anne. I know. I can tell. You gave yourself to him, and now you don’t know what happens. I already told you he’s using you, and you admitted you were doing the same.”

  “I didn’t admit—” Why was it so hard to talk? All I wanted to do was go to sleep.

  “Yes, you did. I kind of have that effect on people. I help them realize what their subconscious is trying to tell them.”

  “What’s my subconscious telling me now?”

  “You’re scared. You’re scared about how you’re going to get home. You’re scared of what will happen with Gage, but even more than that you’re scared of how I make you feel. You don’t understand how you could have feelings for me when you finally have the man you’ve wanted for years.”

  “No. I wasn’t thinking that.” But I was thinking all the other things. How did he know so much about what I was thinking? I couldn’t be that easy to read.

  “Your subconscious was.” He touched my forehead. “And the answer is you don’t really have him. It’s temporary. It wouldn’t be temporary with me. You’d always be protected and warm.” He ran a hand down my arm. “You’d also be cherished. Your body worshiped and adored. Your every need and desire fulfilled because I know them better than you know them yourself.”


  “Stop what? Letting you know there are options?”

  “I need to sleep.”

  “Then sleep. We can talk more about this tomorrow night.”

  “I won’t be here tomorrow night.”

  “Yes, you will,” he whispered, his lips right by my ear.

  I rolled over, not trusting the effect he had on me, and I stared at the wall. I needed to get out of there. Fast.


  I woke up with a start, remembering exactly where I was and who was lying next to me. Hunter’s arm was draped over me as I lay on my side. I tried to shrug it off, but it didn’t budge. So much for an easy exit.


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