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Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Luna James

  I could feel the rage building up inside me. The more I thought about it the madder I got. Mad at the way things were; mad at what I had become. I noticed that the madder I got the more I heard sounds coming from inside. Good! I wondered what would happen if I concentrated just a little more. As I walked up the steps, the sounds inside got louder.

  “Why?” I screamed and kicked the doors. They broke open with one swift kick. Wow! I am stronger than I thought.

  “Victoria, don’t!” I heard a voice yell from a distance. It was Damien. I didn’t have to see his face to know that was him.

  I turned around to see where he was. He was off in the distance towards the end of the parking lot. What the hell? He followed me!

  “Why not?” I asked angrily.

  Damien closed the distance between us in one swift move. “Because this is not you Tori. You are not someone who would destroy this church.”

  “Ha! You don’t know me!” I chuckled. “If I were you, I would go back to where you came from and leave me the hell alone!”

  Damien put his hand on my shoulder. “Please stop Victoria.”

  I took his hand off me and pushed him. He landed several feet away out in the parking lot. “Go home, Damien!” I yelled.

  I walked into the church. Crosses were falling off the walls crashing on the floor, and the pews were shaking and cracking. In the pulpit, there was a Jesus statue. With one single thought, it came tumbling down.

  “Victoria, please come out here and talk to me.” I heard Damien say from the doors.

  “There is nothing to talk about. I told you to leave me the hell alone!” I yelled. When I screamed at him, he fell back and tumbled down the steps.

  When I was standing outside the church I noticed a grill with a small propane tank, so I walked out to get it. When I picked it up, I opened the gas valve. I walked back up the steps and threw the propane tank into the church. I stepped inside and got a hymn songbook off the back of one of the pews. With one flick of the lighter I had in my pocket, I lit the paper and threw it next to the tank.

  When I got to the bottom of the steps outside Damien grabbed me and ran with me in his arms. BOOM! The church exploded and went up in flames. Damien and I fell to the ground. When I raised up and looked at the church, the cross that was on top of it was just a few feet from us. It stood upside down in flames.

  “Why the hell did you do that?” Damien looked down at me.

  “Because it’s a damn joke,” I replied, trying to struggle out of his arms.

  “It doesn’t matter if it is a joke or not, you shouldn’t have blown the place up!” He let go of me.

  There was laughter coming from somewhere nearby. We scanned the parking lot but didn’t see anyone. There was too much smoke to see anything.

  “What happened here?” Sebastian asked amused. He stepped into view from the end of the parking lot.

  “Ask her!” Damien jumped up.

  I got up and dusted myself off. “I happened!” I said firmly. “I got pissed off over everything going on in my life right now, so when I left your house, I just started running. This is where I ended up.”

  “Well, the churchgoers aren’t going to be very happy about this.” Sebastian laughed.

  “I don’t think this is funny. She could get into trouble over this Sebastian,” Damien said annoyed.

  “She is not going to get into any trouble, Damien. Every piece of evidence is up in flames,” Sebastian said, as he moved closer to me. “We need to go Victoria. I am sure the cops are on their way. We do not need to be standing here when they get here.”

  “Fine!” was all I said. I took off running. Of course, they were following behind me. Ugh! Why can’t they just leave me the hell alone? Since they were following behind me, I went back to their house.

  When we got there, I went straight to the bar in the house and poured myself a double shot of tequila. My entire body was trembling. It dawned on me what I had just done, and I felt horrible. There was nothing I could do to stop the tears from pouring out of my eyes. Through the bloody tears, I saw a handkerchief being handed to me. I looked up to see Sebastian standing next to me.

  “Here my dear Victoria,” he said, with a concerned look on his face.

  “What have I done Sebastian?” I took the handkerchief from him to dry my eyes; however, the tears wouldn’t stop though.

  “You got upset. Your emotions are so intensified right now.” He placed his hand on my shoulder. “Hey, at least you didn’t kill Derek. I know you don’t want to hear this, but I am actually proud of you.” Sebastian sat down on a barstool next to where I was standing. “It takes a lot of self-control for a new vampyre to do that.”

  “Drink this. It’ll help you better than tequila.” Damien handed me a glass full of blood.

  As soon as I saw the blood, I felt my throat burn and my teeth hurt. I grabbed the glass and drank every drop. It tasted so good and made me want more.

  “I’ll get you some more,” Damien answered my unspoken need for more blood. He took the glass and went into the kitchen.

  “He’s so pissed at me, ain’t he?” I asked Sebastian as I wiped my eyes some more.

  “He’ll get over it. Come with me. You don’t need blood out of a blood bag.” Sebastian stood up and held out his hand. I took his hand and followed him to his bedroom. When we walked in, I looked around admiring his bedroom. The walls were painted deep red. There was a massive bed in the middle of the room. The headboard and footboard connected to a canopy over the bed. All the wood was a dark brown, almost black it was so dark. On the bed lay the two girls that were outside earlier with us.

  “Mmmm! I smell them.” I licked my lips.

  Sebastian called the blonde over to us. She stood in front of me bending her neck over to the side. I could feel my fangs extending. Her blood was calling me. I grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her close to me. With a growling sound that took me by surprise, I bit into her throat. The silky-smooth blood flooded my mouth. I drank from the blonde until I felt her pulse slow. When I stopped drinking from her, I tilted my neck back and moaned.

  “That was delicious!”

  “Feels amazing doesn’t it?” Sebastian asked, looking at me with a hunger in his eyes.

  “Oh my God yes!”

  “I want you to heal her,” he said, as he stepped behind me getting extremely close. I could feel his body pressed against my back. “Do it just like you did earlier with your brother.”

  The blonde took my wrist when I offered it to her. She licked and sucked on my wrist for a minute. It aroused me to watch her drink from me. The feeling of her lips and tongue was incredible. In fact, everything I touched or touched me felt freaking amazing.

  “Good girl,” Sebastian whispered in my ear. He was so close I could feel his lips graze my earlobe. I let out a moan.

  I sensed him before he even walked into the room. I turned around to find Damien standing in the doorway. He had a glass of blood in his hand. “Well, I see that you don’t need this now.” Then he drank what was in the glass.

  “Come. Have a drink brother,” Sebastian insisted. He called the other girl over to us.

  Damien set the empty glass on a dresser near the door. He slowly walked over to us. I could sense he was feeling aroused and thirsty. His eyes started changing. They were getting extremely red. Under his eyes, I could see veins bulging out. He went straight to the brunette girl. Damien leaned his head back and let out a sound that was a cross between a moan and a growl. I could feel it throughout my entire body. I watched as he bit the brunette and drank from her. Blood began running down her neck. I responded instantly and went over to them. Damien leaned back with an animalistic look on his face.

  “Wanna taste?” he asked breathing heavily.

  “Yes!” I moaned.

  He pulled her hair back from the other side of her neck. I knew he wanted me to drink from her there, so I sunk my teeth into her. Damien drank from her on the other side. He reached over and car
essed my back. It sent chills down my spine. This was the most intense moment in my life. The girl was getting weak, so I stopped feeding on her. I stepped back leaning down with my hands on my knees to help hold myself up and tried to catch my breath.

  “I have to admit, that was very arousing,” Sebastian moaned.

  “Yes…it was,” I said, breathing heavy.

  “You have everything in the room floating in the air, Victoria,” Sebastian said, amused.

  “Oops!” I breathed. I concentrated on the objects in the room that was floating and made them come back down.

  Damien healed the two girls. Then he told both girls to go home and forget that they met Damien, Sebastian, and me. The girls left immediately.

  “Do you feel better now?” Damien asked staring intensely at me.

  “I do,” was all I could get out. I was still a little breathless. There’s never been a time in my life that I have ever been so turned on.

  Damien slowly walked over to me. He placed his hands on my face. Then he leaned in and whispered, “You have some on your chin gorgeous.” He licked my chin.

  “Holy shit!” I said softly.

  “Mmmmm! Delicious!” Damien moaned into my ear after he licked the blood off my chin.

  I couldn’t help myself. I wrapped my arms around Damien’s neck and kissed him passionately. That now-familiar electric feeling went through my entire body. He ran his hands down my back while kissing me and grabbed my ass. Then he lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around him. Next thing I knew he had me against the wall in one swift movement. I heard Sebastian clear his throat. Damien removed his luscious lips from mine. Damnit!

  “Sorry brother. We got caught up in the moment,” he growled, staring intensely into my eyes.

  “It’s getting late. I’m sure Victoria needs to get home,” Sebastian said, staring intensely at us.

  “I do have to work tomorrow. I guess it would be a good idea for me to go home.” I pushed Damien back a little so I could get out of his hold on me. “I’m nervous about going to work.”

  “You’ll do fine Victoria. I will be just a text message away.” Sebastian moved closer to Damien and me. “Try your best to not let your hunger get the best of you in public. We cannot be expsed.”

  “What do I do if I get thirsty and cannot control myself any longer?” I asked.

  “We can give you a few blood bags to keep in your car. If you need more all you need to do is send me a text message, and I will bring more to you,” Sebastian assured me.

  Damien looked down at me. “You got this!”

  “Thanks.” I turned and opened the bedroom door.

  Damien pulled his hair back in a ponytail. “I’ll get you some blood bags and walk you out.”

  We went downstairs to the refrigerator. Damien got three blood bags out of the refrigerator, put them in a brown paper bag, and handed them to me. Then we walked out to the back patio. I didn’t want to leave, but I knew I didn’t need to stay there with them. They tempted me too damn much.

  “You tempt me, too,” Damien responded to my thoughts.

  “I don’t think I am ever going to get used to you being able to hear my thoughts.” I turned and looked up at him. “Goodnight Damien.”

  He brushed my hair away from my face. Then he traced my jawline with his fingers. “Goodnight Beautiful.”



  Standing in the doorway, I watched as Tori walked off into the darkness of the forest. When she was no longer in view, I shut the door and went into the kitchen. Sebastian was sitting on the counter next to the refrigerator. I knew he was irritated with me because I could hear him saying ‘fuck you’ in his thoughts. I tried to ignore his thoughts as I walked past him and opened the refrigerator door. After grabbing a beer for myself, I grabbed one for him as well. I shut the door to the fridge and reach the beer to him.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Sebastian jumped down from the counter. He stared deep into my eyes for a moment and then went out the back door. He was fuming. I could’ve listened in on his thoughts but I did my best to block him out as much as possible. Sometimes it was easy; sometimes it was hard.

  I decided I wanted to know what his problem was, so I went out to join him on the back patio. Sebastian was sitting at the bar smoking a joint and drinking the beer I gave him. I finished off my beer and threw it away. “Want another beer?” I opened the mini fridge door and grabbed a beer.

  “Sure...why not.”

  I tossed the beer at Sebastian and grabbed another for me. I stood across the bar from Sebastian and chugged the beer. I slammed the empty bottle down on the bar. “What’s your problem? I know you’re upset with me.”

  Sebastian took a sip of his beer. Then he hit the joint and blew smoke in my face. “You mean you haven’t been prowling around in my mind to find out already?” he asked with a cocky grin.

  “No.” I looked him dead in the eyes. “No, I haven’t. I do my best to ignore your thoughts.”

  “What the fuck was that stunt you pulled with Victoria earlier?”

  “What stunt?” I asked even though I knew the answer to that.

  “You making out with her right in front of me...twice!! You fucking like her now?” he growled.

  I rolled my eyes. “What’s it to you? Maybe I do.”

  “She. Is. Mine!” Sebastian screamed as he raised from his barstool.

  Here we go again with this ‘she is mine’ bullshit. She was most definitely not his. I didn’t feel like arguing with Sebastian about this right now. “Whatever you say Sebastian.” I threw my hands up in the air. “I am not going to argue with you over this!”

  As I was speaking to him, Sebastian stormed over and got in my face. “Good because this is an argument you are not going to win brother!” With each word he pressed his finger into my chest.

  I wanted to knock the hell out of him, but I kept my cool and let him have his little temper tantrum. I stepped back from him and went to go around him. “I’m going to my bedroom to read now.”

  Sebastian smacked his hand on my chest to stop me from walking around him. “Remember what I said!”

  I forcefully removed his hand from my chest. Then I walked around him and went inside to my bedroom. Once inside my bedroom, I slammed the door shut and stripped off my clothes. I climbed into my bed and closed my eyes. Thoughts of kissing Tori came into my mind. Her lips and tongue felt like velvet. I wanted to do nothing more than kiss her for the rest of my immortal life. My body started responding to my thoughts and I felt my cock stiffen. I reached down and took it into my hand. Slowly, I stroked my hand up and down my shaft. I needed a release. It has been a very long time since I’ve been with a woman. Quickening the stroking motion on my cock, I thought of Tori and I making out in the pool and in Sebastian’s bedroom until I found my release.

  After taking a shower, I sat on my bed and read until dawn. I tried my best not to think of Tori, but she crept in here and there while I read. Being around her was going to be hard as fuck, but I wanted her. Screw what Sebastian wants!

  When dawn arrived, I went downstairs to get a glass of blood. Sebastian was sitting at the table eating eggs and bacon. I ignored him and fixed my glass of blood. When I was walking towards the stairs to go back up to my room, Sebastian spoke up.

  “I’m going by Rick’s to see how Victoria is doing later. Do you want to come with me?” he asked from behind me.

  I turned and walked back into the kitchen. “No. You go ahead.”

  “Okay. I am going to invite her out to eat with us. She needs more practice feeding on a human without killing them. Be ready when I get back.” Sebastian said as he stood from the table.

  I mumbled, “Whatever.” Then I went back to my bedroom.

  Chapter 6


  I sat in my car the next day staring at Rick’s Bar & Grill. I didn’t want to go in there and be around everyone. Biting someone in public was the last thing I wanted to do. Reaching into the passenge
r back floorboard, I opened the backpack I had the blood bags in and grabbed one. Thankfully, I was the first person to arrive, so there wasn’t anyone around to see me drink the blood bag. I tore the top opened and put my lips to it. Sucking hard on the nozzle, the blood started filling my mouth. I could feel my body reacting to the velvety blood going down my throat. I drank from the bag until it was all gone.

  “Ahhh,” I exhaled, as I reached back and put the empty bag back in my backpack. “Here goes nothing,” I said aloud.

  I looked out in the parking lot and saw that Rick had arrived. I hope he didn’t see me drinking out of the blood bag. I checked myself in the rearview mirror. There was a little smudge of blood on my lips. After cleaning it off, I went into work.

  Not long after I went into Rick’s, Samantha came in. I forgot she was scheduled to work today. She smiled at me as she walked by me to go behind the bar. I didn’t want to bother her so I simply smiled back and went about getting things ready for opening.

  At lunchtime, my stepbrother and a few of his friends came in. I motioned Derek to which tables were mine while I filled up a customer’s water glass. They walked over to a booth and sat down. One of his friends caught my eye immediately. I didn’t know who he was, but I wanted to find out.

  “Hey, guys. What can I get you to drink?” I asked Derek and his friends. I looked around the table while they viewed the drink menu. I knew Chris, Derek’s best friend, and Eric, but the other guy was a new addition to Derek’s friends.

  “Get me a Coke,” Derek said.

  “I’ll take a Coke, too, Tori.” Chris smiled.

  “Water, please,” Eric said, still looking at the menu.

  I looked at the handsome stranger. “And you?”

  He looked up from the menu and met my eyes. We both just stared into each other’s eyes for a minute. Then he shook his head slightly. “I’ll take a Bud Light,” he smiled, flashing the whitest teeth I had ever seen. They went well with his dark olive complexion.

  “ID please,” I smiled back at him.


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