Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1)

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Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1) Page 7

by Luna James

  “Hello. Welcome to Rick’s Bar and Grill. What can I get you to drink?” I asked smiling at the handsome stranger.

  When he looked up at me, his bright blue eyes locked with mine. My entire body responded. It made me extremely thirsty. I, also, got a feeling of warning. Like my subconscious was trying to tell me to be cautious around this guy. “Hello. I think I will have a water please,” he answered.

  “Coming right up,” I said, and walked away. My heart was pounding, and I felt the familiar pain in my throat. I went to the bar where Samantha was. “Girl, you are gonna have to get his water. I need to run out to my car like now!” I exclaimed.

  Samantha gave me a surprised look. “Tori, your eyes…” was all she said.

  I turned and hurried out to my car. When I saw my reflection in my driver’s side door window, I knew precisely why Samantha said that. My eyes were red around my irises, and veins were bulging underneath my eyes. I rushed to get a blood bag out of my backpack. After finishing the blood bag, I felt better.

  “Are you okay?” Samantha asked from behind me.

  I turned and looked at her. “Yes. I just needed some blood.”

  “Okay. Your eyes looked wild. I got worried about you,” Samantha said, concerned.

  I put the empty blood bag in the backpack and shut the car door. “Sorry about that. That’s what happens when I get thirsty.” I locked my car and walked over to her. “I hope it didn’t freak you out.”

  Samantha smiled. “It did a little, but I am sure I’ll get used to it. You seem the same, Tori,” she acknowledged. “You seem like my best friend.”

  “I am.” Relieved, I gave Samantha a hug. “Now come on girl, let’s get back in there.”

  When we went back into Rick’s, I walked over to the handsome stranger’s table to get his order. “Sorry you had to wait. Do you know what you would like to order?” I asked smiling.

  “That’s okay. It gave me time to look over the menu. I would like a bacon cheeseburger and fries,” he replied grinning.

  “Coming right up,” I said. I took his order to the cook. Then I went to the bar where Samantha was.

  “He’s got to be new here,” Samantha said, looking in the stranger’s direction.

  “Yeah, he’s got to be. I’ve never seen him before.” I looked over at him. “Girl, he is hotter than a two-dollar pistol.”

  Samantha laughed. “Yes, he is,” she agreed.

  When his order was ready, I grabbed it and took it to him. He was sitting there looking at his phone. “Here ya go,” I said, placing his plate onto the table.

  “Thank you…,” he looked at my name tag, “Tori.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I’m Travis by the way,” he said, offering me his hand to shake.

  I took his hand in mine and shook it. When our hands connected, I felt an even stronger feeling deep inside. Something was different about this guy, and I didn’t know if it was good or bad. “Nice to meet you, Travis. Are you new here?” I asked, letting go of his hand.

  Travis took a bite of his bacon cheeseburger. “Yes,” he said, while chewing. I didn’t care much for people talking with their mouths full, but he made it cute. “I just moved here from Michigan.”

  “A northerner…that’s cool. Well, let me know if you need anything,” I said smiling.

  I finished getting things ready for the next shift. While I was cleaning the empty tables, I couldn’t help but look over at Travis. Sometimes he was looking back at me and the other times he was eating his burger. The vibes I was getting from him had me curious. I needed to find out more about him.

  Before I clocked out, I went over to his table to give him the bill. “Here ya go. My shift is over, but you can pay the waitress who takes over.”

  Travis locked eyes with me. “Can I have your phone number?” he asked.

  “Umm, sure.”

  Travis handed me his phone for me to put my number in. “Thanks. I don’t know anyone here and would like to make some new friends.”

  I handed him the phone back. “You are welcome. Call me anytime Hun.”

  Samantha and I clocked out together and went out to the parking lot. “That Sebastian guy that turned you is so freaking hot. You need to introduce us.” She winked.

  “Girl, you do not wanna get mixed up with him. He ain’t nothing but trouble.” I told her sternly. The thought of her with Sebastian unnerved me.

  “Maybe I like trouble,” she joked.

  “Not this kind of trouble,” I said, putting my purse in my car.

  “Did I just hear you say I was trouble?” Sebastian said from behind Samantha. He surprised Samantha so much that it made her jump and let out a little scream. I didn’t even see him come up behind her.

  “Omg! You scared the crap out of me!” Samantha said, smacking him playfully on the arm.

  “You heard correctly. You are trouble.”

  Sebastian came over to stand next to me. “So, are you gonna introduce me or do I have to do it myself?” he asked.

  “Samantha, Sebastian. Sebastian, Samantha. There.” I rolled my eyes.

  Sebastian took Samantha’s hand and kissed the top of it. “Nice to meet you, Samantha.”

  “Nice to meet you, Sebastian.” Samantha blushed.

  “Didn’t you say you needed to get home to help your mom, Samantha?” I asked, winking at her hoping she caught my hint.

  Samantha looked at me funny. “Umm, yeah I told her I would help her clean.” She looked disappointed. “I’ll holler at you later girl. Don’t do nothing I wouldn’t do.”

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, Samantha,” Sebastian said, dazzling her with his smile.

  I watched Samantha’s face turn pink again. Oh lord! This girl is swooning. “You, too. Bye.”

  “Be careful going home.” I waved bye to her.

  Samantha turned and walked over to her car. I felt better now that she was away from Sebastian. She didn’t need someone like him in her life.

  “So, how was your day Love?” Sebastian asked grinning.

  “It was good. I didn’t struggle too much,” I said happily. I was proud of myself for controlling my thirst so well. The smell of everyone was alluring, but I fought the urge. Travis was the only person who really got to me. Plus, holding my breath as Sebastian told me to do worked very well.

  “That’s good,” he smiled. “You want to come with me to get something to eat?” he asked winking at me.

  “Ummm, sure. Meet me back at my house. I need to take my car home. Rick doesn’t like us leaving our vehicles parked here when we aren’t working. He mentioned it to me today.”

  “Sounds good to me. See you in a few.” Sebastain turned and walked around the building.



  When I got into my car, I just sat there for a moment and thought about Victoria. She may have just gotten off work but she looked absolutely gorgeous. And her friend...that girl was gorgeous as well. I could smell her arousal when I joined in on their conversation. Samantha wanted me badly, but I was focusing all my attention on winning Victoria over. My phone alerting me of a text message brought me out of my thoughts. I glanced at the screen. It was a text from a human named Gretchen that I knew very well.

  Hey there Sebastian. I was in Black Rock taking care of some personal business. I would love to see you and Damien. Are you home?

  The beautiful Gretchen. I haven’t seen her in so long. She was such a beauty and she always allowed Damien and me to feed on her whenever she was around. I typed a reply.

  Hello Beautiful! It’s nice to hear from you. I am not at home right now, but I am on my way there. Feel free to go to my house and make yourself at home.

  I started up my car and put it in drive. This was going to be an interesting evening. Gretchen coming by and Victoria being there was going to make it very interesting. Maybe...just maybe I could have them both.

  When I put my car in park at Victoria’s, my phone dinged.

See you soon sexy!



  I parked my car and went to my apartment and changed. I heard a loud vehicle pull up outside. It must be Sebastian. I started getting nervous. Sebastian intimidated me. I was still pissed at him for changing me; however, I found him intriguing. I slipped my shoes on and went outside. Parked in my driveway was one of the prettiest cars I had ever seen. Sebastian stood with his arms crossed against a black metallic 2018 Dodge Challenger. I had to admit that he looked very handsome standing there.

  “When did you get this?” I asked him as I walked around the car admiring it.

  “I’ve had it for a few weeks.” Sebastian smiled proudly.

  “Must be nice to have this and the Camaro,” I said.

  “Would you like to drive?” Sebastian asked.

  “Does a bear shit in the woods?”

  Sebastian laughed. “You’re cute.”

  “Hell yes, I would!” I almost jumped for joy. Wonder what’s got him in such a good mood. He opened the door for me. “This is my dream car.”

  “She is a dream. I think you’ll enjoy her.” He winked.

  I got in the driver’s seat. Sebastian shut my door and rushed over to get in the passenger’s seat. When I started the car, the vibration from the motor felt terrific. Putting the beauty in drive, I headed towards town.

  “Where would you like to go dear?” Sebastian asked.

  “I don’t know. You said something about getting something to eat,” I replied.

  “Let’s go back to my house,” he said grinning. “I have someone there. I’d like you to meet her.”

  Chapter 8


  I knew exactly what he meant; he had someone at the house for us to feed on. The thought of drinking fresh blood made my throat start to burn. Other than when that Travis guy was in Rick’s today, I had done well with controlling my thirst. Now it was all I could think about as I drove around the curvy road that led to Sebastian and Damien’s house.

  Sebastian led me to the back patio when we got there. Sitting in one of the lounge chairs was a beautiful woman with ginger hair. She looked sexy laying there in a dark green two-piece bathing suit. The emotions I was feeling took me by surprise. I was looking at her as not only someone to feed on, but I was also attracted to her. What the hell is going on with me? I am attracted to everyone.

  “Hello, Gretchen.” Sebastian went over to the bar.

  Getting up from her lounge chair, she said, “Hello, Sebastian. I was wondering when you were going to get here.” She sauntered over to Sebastian at the bar and hugged him. “It’s been awhile since I’ve had the pleasure of seeing you. I hope you have been well.”

  “I have been great. I would like to introduce you to Victoria. Victoria, this is Gretchen,” he said, pouring three shot glasses with tequila.

  “Nice to meet you Victoria.” Gretchen smiled.

  “Nice to meet you, too, Gretchen.”

  Sebastian passed Gretchen and I shot glasses. “Drink up ladies.”

  We took three shots of tequila each before he stopped pouring. It felt nice, but I really wanted to smoke some marijuana. “Do you have any weed out here?” I asked Sebastian.

  “No, but I can go inside and get some.” Sebastian went into the house. Within seconds, he was handing me an extremely thick joint. “I think this will do the trick.”

  I sat at the bar smoking the joint while Sebastian and Gretchen swam in the pool. After a few hits, I stripped down to my bra and panties. I needed some music, so I turned on Sebastian’s stereo. He still had his In This Moment cd in the player. I looked on the back of the cd box and picked one of their songs that I loved, Sick Like Me. Then I joined Sebastian and Gretchen in the pool.

  Swimming over towards me, Sebastian said, “I love this song!”

  “Me, too,” I agreed. “I would love to see them in concert.”

  “Look it up online and see when they are somewhere you would like to go. I will take you anywhere you want to go, my dear,” he said, swimming around me.

  “Okay. I think you owe me anyway.” I laughed.

  Sebastian grinned with a wicked glint in his eyes. “You know the lyrics to this song fits you Victoria.”

  “Oh really? And how’s that?” I blushed.

  “You are beautiful and sick like me,” he said, with a growl.

  “I don’t know about all that.”

  Sebastian looked intensely at me. “Oh, you are. You just don’t know it yet.” He winked.

  He continued to circle around me in the pool. Then he got extremely close to me. “Would you like a drink from the beautiful Gretchen?” he asked in a whisper.

  “Yes.” I hissed.

  Gretchen swam over to us. Sebastian got behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She moaned and leaned her head back. He brushed her hair to the side. When he looked over at me, his eyes were burning with desire. His eyes turned red staring at me. Then he sank his teeth into her neck. I watched as he sucked from her throat. It was arousing to watch. Sebastian motioned for me to come to him. I moved over to in front of Gretchen. She looked at me and licked her lips. Holy shit! Sebastian raised up and offered me her throat.

  “Drink my love.”

  I licked the blood easing out of the two little bite marks Sebastian had made. My body tingled from head to toe. I bit into Gretchen. She moaned while wrapping her arms around me. I could hear Sebastian moaning. I opened my eyes to find him staring intensely at me. His face was just inches from mine.

  “She is delicious, isn’t she?” he breathed into my ear. His breath on my skin gave me chills. “Watching you drink from her is a beautiful site to see my dear Victoria.”

  “Well, what do we have here?” Damien asked. I looked over to find him standing at the bar with his arms crossed.

  I broke free from Gretchen’s arms and backed away from her and Sebastian. The look on Damien's face tore into me. I wondered how long he had been standing there.

  “Hello, brother,” Sebastian said, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Hi!” was all he said back. He poured a shot of tequila.

  “Come join us,” Sebastian said, grinning.

  Damien looked at me intensely. Then he looked at Gretchen. “Hello, Gretchen. How have you been?”

  Gretchen swam over to the steps of the pool and got out. “Hi, Damien. I have been doing great. How about you?” She moved over to where Damien was at the bar. He smiled at her and poured her a shot.

  “I’ve been good. I suppose I will join you if you don’t mind.” Damien poured another shot.

  I looked over at Sebastian. He was still grinning from ear to ear. I felt so guilty for some reason, even though I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong. Why did I let Sebastian talk me into doing this? As soon as I had that thought, I could feel Damien’s eyes on me. I looked over at him, and sure enough, he was looking directly at me scowling. Damnit! I knew then that he was listening in on my thoughts.

  “I need a drink!” I swam over to the steps of the pool and climbed out. I made my way over to the bar. Sebastian followed me. I sat down on a barstool next to Gretchen. Damien poured me a shot and pushed it across the bar to me. “Thanks.”

  “You are welcome. So, what have you guys been doing out here?” Damien asked smiling at Gretchen.

  “Just a little relaxing brother.” Sebastian walked up to Damien and patted him on the back. “Gretchen is being a delicious sweetheart and offering herself to us to indulge in.”

  “Would you like a little taste Damien?” Gretchen asked Damien.

  Damien swiftly moved over to where Gretchen and I sat. “Yes, I would.” He hissed leaning in close to her.

  Gretchen pulled her hair over to the side and bared her throat to him. Damien leaned in and bit into her. Seeing him feed on her was arousing me. The smell of her blood made that feeling even more intense. Sebastian moved over to the other side of Gretchen. He brushed her hair off the other side of her neck. Then he leaned in and bit
into her as well. It was hot as hell to watch these two gorgeous men feed on her. I had never been attracted to women as much as I am now that I am a vampyre.

  “Would you like to have another taste Victoria?” Sebastian asked, licking the blood from his bite marks on her neck.

  “Yes.” I moaned. I wanted to drink from her while they did so damn bad. It felt so erotic to drink from someone with one of them sharing her with me.

  I moved over to where Sebastian was. He leaned back to let me close to her. Our eyes met, and I swear he gave me a look that I felt throughout my entire body. I licked my lips then bit into Gretchen. It was only a minute or so until I felt her getting weak. It was like Damien and I were both thinking the same thing because we both leaned back from drinking from her. Damien offered her his wrist to heal her. She took some blood from him and then she went over to a lounge chair next to the pool and laid down.

  Damien didn’t waste any time moving back to the other side of the bar. He packed his pipe and then went over to the poolside to join Gretchen. I could tell he was upset with me and didn’t want to be near me.

  “That’s not necessarily true Victoria.” He responded to my thoughts. “So, who’s Travis?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Rolling my eyes, I said, “He’s a guy I met at work today if you must know.” Then I added. “Stay out of my head Damien. It’s really annoying!”

  I turned my back to him. This whole reading my mind thing was really pissing me off. He had no right to invade my thoughts. It wasn’t any of his business. How would he like it if I could do that to him?

  “Sorry Tori,” he said sincerely.

  Ignoring him, I got the joint I hadn’t finished and lit it. After smoking the rest of the joint, I changed the music on the stereo. I put it on a local hip-hop radio station. When I turned around, Sebastian was standing very close to me.

  “Damn!” I gasped. “You freaked me out! I didn’t know you were standing there.”

  “Come with me into the house please.” Sebastian held out his hand for me to take. I took his hand and followed him into the house. He took me to his bedroom.


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