Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1)

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Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1) Page 8

by Luna James

  “What are we doing here Sebastian?” I asked.

  “I would like to continue what we were doing before my brother interrupted us,” he said, standing close to me.

  “But Gretchen isn’t up here with us…”

  Looking down at me, he said, “We don’t need her here with us.”

  “Then how can we continue what we were doing?”

  “May I taste you?” Sebastian asked, licking his lips. “I want to taste your blood Victoria.”

  What! He wanted to taste my blood. “Why?” was all I could say.

  “We can taste each other. It is very erotic to feed on another vampyre.” Sebastian kissed my neck. “Just let me have one little taste.”

  I leaned my head over a little offering my throat to him. I didn’t know why the hell I was doing that. There was a part of me that wanted him to bite me. Sebastian licked my neck for a minute. Then he bit into me. My body responded instantly.

  “Mmmm! You are exquisite.” he moaned.

  “I wanna taste you,” I said, breathing heavily.

  Giving in to my desires, I pushed him, and he flew back onto the bed. I rushed over to the bed and straddled him. I grabbed him by the chin to turn his head to the side. I sank my teeth into his throat and drank from him. He tasted so good. It was different than the taste of a human. Sebastian’s blood was smooth and velvety; however, it tasted more like what I assumed blood tasted like to humans. It had a metallic tang to it. I felt it flow through every vein in my body; it excited and aroused me. I was getting so aroused that my abilities were making things in the room shake. In the corner of the room, I heard something break.

  When I stopped drinking Sebastian’s blood, I watched the two small bite marks heal. That was so cool. We heal instantly. I sat up while still straddling him. He looked up at me with such an intense expression on his face that it made me want to rip my clothes off and let him have me right then and there. I couldn’t let that happen though. There was no way I was losing my virginity to him. I moved off him to sit beside him on the bed.

  “That was very intense,” I said.

  “It sure was. You are even more delicious than I expected.” Sebastian raised up to sit beside me. “I want you so bad, Victoria!”

  I had to get my thoughts together. I could not give into him. He smelt so good, tasted so damn good too. “I can’t Sebastian. I really want to, but I can’t.”

  “Let me guess love, you are still a virgin, aren’t you?” Sebastian asked with a grin.

  “Yes,” I whispered, looking down at my hands. I wanted to kiss him, and all that that entails but I just couldn’t yet. The anger over him turning me was still there.

  “Wow! That makes me want you even more. But I won’t pressure you, Dear. I would never do that.” Sebastian kissed my cheek. “You are very important to me whether you realize it or not. Come,” he stood and reached out his hand. “Let’s go back outside and join Damien and Gretchen.”

  I gladly took his hand and let him lead me out to the pool. Damien and Gretchen were still sitting in the lounge chairs talking. It looked like they were really enjoying each other’s company. I felt a pang of jealousy run throughout my body. I had no right to be jealous of Damien talking to anyone. Hell, I was just upstairs feeding on his brother. As soon as I thought that Damien cleared his throat and looked over at me.

  “Please tell me you didn’t,” Damien said concerned.

  “What?” I asked like I didn’t know what he was talking about.

  “You know exactly what I am talking about Victoria!” Damien got up from the lounge chair. He stomped over to where I was sitting at the bar.

  “What are you talking about brother?” Sebastian asked while he poured a shot.

  “What the hell Damien? I asked you to stay out of my damn head!” I asked angrily.

  “I can read his, too, Victoria!” He growled. Damien turned his attention back to Sebastian. “You took her to your bedroom and blood shared with her!” Damien screamed.

  “So?” asked Sebastian grinning.

  My curiosity was peaked now. “What’s the big deal, Damien?”

  Damien sat down on the barstool next to me. He was so mad. I could feel the vibes coming from him. “Tori, you are a brand new vampyre, so I do not expect you to know everything. What he just did with you should not be done between just any vampyres. It is something that lovers do.”

  No damn wonder it made me super horny when I drank from him. I started feeling all kinds of mixed emotions. I really liked what we did, but at the same time, I didn’t really see Sebastian like that. Or did I? Fuck! I didn’t know what to think anymore.

  “Oh,” was all I could say.

  Sebastian started laughing. “Damien, get over it. She is sired to me. Blood sharing between us isn’t a big deal.”

  Damien got up from the bar stool. He quickly went over to Sebastian and punched him. The punch sent Sebastian over the bar and flying through the air. I gasped. Without even thinking, my telekinetic abilities kicked in and stopped Sebastian in mid-flight. When I realized what I had done, I brought Sebastian down forcefully into the pool.

  “What the fuck?” Sebastian yelled coming to the surface of the water. His eyes started turning red, and veins under his eyes began pulsating.

  “You know exactly what the fuck! You aren’t using that sire bullshit to explain why you just did that with her Sebastian!” Damien walked over to the pool and extended his hand to brother. He helped Sebastian out of the pool with one hand, only to knock the wind out of him with the other.

  “What’s it to you brother?” Sebastian growled spitting blood. “You need to mind your own damn business. Stay the fuck out of her head and mine!” Then Sebastian pushed Damien. He went flying back and almost went into the bar where I was sitting.

  I didn’t want to watch any more of their testosterone battle. I felt bad enough about it as it was. I got up off the barstool and took off through the woods beside their house. They were so busy fighting that they didn’t even notice I left. I decided to run home.



  Sebastian pushed me and I came close to hitting Tori while she sat at the bar. I noticed out of the corner of my eye a blur. I stood and looked over to find Tori gone. When I focused back on Sebastian, he crashed into me and we fell to the ground. He landed several punches to my face before I was able to get him off me. I pushed him off and he landed in the pool. Quickly I stood and went after him. I landed a fist to the side of his head as I plummeted into the water. The water instantly began turning pink from Sebastian’s blood. Sebastian swam away from me and jumped out of the pool.

  “Fuck!” Sebastian stood at the pools edge with his hands on his hips breathing heavily.

  I jumped out and stood next to him. Grabbing his shoulders, I made him face me. “How could you? How could you do that with her?” I asked with a low growl escaping from deep within.

  Sebastian pushed my hands off his shoulders angrily. “Like I said before, she is sired to me. We can share blood if we please!” He turned and began walking away. I got in front of him. “Damien, get the fuck out of my face!”

  “Don’t fucking do it again with her! Do you hear me?”

  Sebastian laughed. “I hear you brother. Just know that I will do it again if I want to. If you care about her as well then, I guess we'll just let her decide who she wants. Till then...back the fuck off!” He walked around me and joined Gretchen who was still sitting by the pool in a lounge chair.

  I needed to get away from Sebastian before we ended up fighting more. Sometimes it was pointless to argue with him. A majority of the time he seen things his way and only his way. One might say he was borderline narcissistic. I decided to leave and go to Tori’s. I needed to talk to her about what happened tonight.

  Chapter 9


  When I got home, I laid down on my bed. The events of the evening had me so annoyed. I just wanted to chill out and take my mind off everything that had happ
ened. I took my phone out of my purse to check my messages. Travis had sent me a text a couple of hours ago.

  Hello Tori. It’s Travis. The northerner you met at Rick’s today. How is your evening going?

  Just reading his message made me smile. I was surprised he messaged me so soon after meeting me. I messaged him back hoping it wasn’t too late.

  Hey Travis. My evening was pretty good. I was surprised to hear from you. I inserted a smiley face. How are you? I pressed send smiling.

  I placed the phone on the bed and went into the bathroom. The events of the evening had me feeling filthy. I needed to cleanse my body, so I decided to take a shower.

  The hot water felt good pounding on my head from my massage shower head. I felt so conflicted about what happened this evening. I wanted to wash it all away. I didn’t really feel regret from what I did with Sebastian; however, I did feel used and mislead. Why does Sebastian have this fascination with me? Why did he drink from me and let me drink from him if it was something lovers did? I mean I knew he was attracted to me, but it seems like blood sharing is more than just two vampyres drinking each other’s blood. Damien’s reaction to it made me wonder what it was all about.

  After my shower, I went back to my bed and grabbed my phone. Travis hadn’t messaged me back yet. I looked at the time on my phone. It was after eleven, so he was probably asleep. I laid down on my bed and turned on the television. Not long after I laid down, I heard Damien’s car outside. I got up and looked out the window. He was already at my door knocking.

  I opened the door. “What do you want Damien?” I asked, cutting my eyes at him.

  “Hello, Tori. Can we talk?” he asked.

  I nodded my head yes and held the door open for him to come in. He tried to walk in but couldn’t. “I can’t come in. I’ve not been invited by a human that lives here. Can you step out here please?”

  Reluctantly, I walked out onto the porch. “What are you doing here?” I asked as I sat down on the top of the steps.

  Damien came over and sat down beside me. He sat there looking at me for a moment. “I want to explain,” he finally said. “I didn’t like the fact that you just took off without knowing exactly why I got mad at Sebastian for blood sharing with you.”

  “I’m listening.” I looked away from him.

  “First, I would like to apologize to you for my outburst with Sebastian. Well not necessarily about the outburst but that it happened in front of you,” he said, looking down at his hands.

  “Why did it make you so upset?” I asked curiously.

  “Tori, blood sharing is an extremely intimate experience between vampyres. It should only be done between two people who are in love,” Damien said, matter-of-factly.

  “Why would Sebastian want to do that with me then? We aren’t in love?” I asked.

  “Because he is infatuated with you. He has been for a while now.” Damien had a conflicted look on his face. “I remember him going on about you to one of his friends’ weeks before he turned you. I only knew your name at that time.”

  That creeped me out a little. Sebastian is an attractive man, but to know that he was going on about me to one of his friends’ a few weeks before he turned me creeped me out. What the hell was so special about me, other than my telekinetic abilities, that would make him so interested in me?

  “What do you know about why he turned me?” I asked.

  “I can’t really tell you all of it right now. Just know that it has something to do with your ancestors.”

  “Ugh! I have a right to know!” I growled. “I’m so freakin pissed at him.”

  “You didn’t seem too pissed at him this evening,” Damien mumbled.

  Did he really just say that? How dare he! He has no right to give me hell over me making out with Sebastian. “No! No, I wasn’t pissed at him earlier. I was just having fun with him. You know, fun that single girls have with guys?”

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that to you.”

  “What’s it to you if I make out with him?” I asked angrily.

  Damien looked over at me with a look in his eyes that sent heat waves throughout my body. He placed his finger under my chin and brought me to my feet. “I care because you mean a lot to me, Tori.” Then he leaned down and kissed me softly on my lips. I felt that familiar electric feeling; my knees got weak. His kiss was so soft. I could sense his emotions, and they were telling me that he cared deeply for me. Damien broke from our kiss and began kissing my neck.

  “Your senses are correct,” he breathed into my ear.

  “In my mind again, huh?” I asked giggling.

  “It’s a beautiful place,” he replied in between kisses on my neck. “I can’t resist.”

  His lips drove me wild. I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped into his arms binding my legs around his waist. Damien grasps my butt and gently guided me down to lay on the porch. He kneeled over me looking at me with this intense look on his face. I wanted him so badly.

  “I want you, too. More than you know,” Damien replied to my thoughts. He laid down beside me and then began kissing me passionately.

  I heard a car door shut. We raised up and seen Derek walking towards us. We got up and waited for him to get to the top of the steps.

  “Hey, Tori.” Derek smiled. Then he looked at Damien. “Who’s your friend?”

  “Derek this is my friend Damien. Damien this is my step-brother Derek.” I introduced them.

  Derek extended his hand. “Nice to meet you, Damien.”

  “Nice to meet you, too, Derek.” Damien shook Derek’s hand.

  “I saw your light on, so I wanted to hang out with ya. Since you got company though I’ll leave y’all alone.” Derek turned to walk down the steps. “Holler at me tomorrow Tori. Good night.”

  “Wait…before you go can you do me a favor?” I asked getting close to Derek. I looked him in the eyes and used my mind control abilities. “Can you go into my apartment and then ask Damien to come in?”

  Derek does what I asked. I wanted Damien to be able to come into my apartment, and this might be my only chance for a while to get him invited in. Damien walked into my apartment, and then I followed. “Thanks, Derek. Goodnight.”

  After Derek went into the house, Damien grabbed me and pulled me close. “I’m going to go on home now. I have a lot of cleaning up to do,” he smiled down at me.

  “But…what about what we were just doing? I would like to continue that.”

  Damien smiled. “I would like that as well, but I really need to get back.”

  “Did you and Sebastian destroy the back patio?” I asked.

  Damien grinned. “It’s not too bad.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I am going to kick his ass!”

  He placed a finger on my lips. “Shhh! Don’t worry about it for tonight. You can deal with him later.” He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Goodnight Tori.”

  “Goodnight Damien.” I blinked, and he was in his car backing out of the driveway.

  After Damien left, I tried to watch a movie, but my thoughts consumed me. Everything that happened today was so intense. I felt like such a hoe. I made out with Sebastian and Damien on the same day. Ugh! How could I be so stupid? I was going to have a long talk with Sebastian when I saw him again. I want to know why he blood shared with me. I enjoyed it very much, maybe too much.

  Chapter 10


  It was a brand-new day and I was in such a good mood. Last night proved to me that Victoria was into me as much as I was her. I couldn’t get the taste of her blood out of my mind or the way she looked sitting on top of me looking down at me. My dick was getting hard just thinking about it.

  I turned off the TV and jumped out of bed. After a long stretch, I went downstairs and poured a huge glass of blood. Then I went out to the back patio and turned on the radio to a classic rock station. Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N Roses blared through the speakers. I chugged the glass of blood and then stripped out of my clothes. As I
started to pour myself a shot of whiskey, Damien opened the doors and stepped out.

  “Damn it!” he huffed.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. He hated when I went around naked. “I’m a sexy beast, aren’t I brother?” I held my arms out and twisted my hips so my dick slapped them.

  Damien rolled his eyes and looked away. “You’re not right Man.”

  “So, what are you up to?” I drank my shot and walked over to the pool. I jumped in making sure I splashed Damien when I did.

  “Stop acting so childish. Ugh!” Damien wiped water off his face.

  “Can’t a man be in a good mood?”

  Damien rolled his eyes. “I have to run out and get some more weed and blood. I’ll be back later.”

  “Hang on and I’ll go with you.” I swam over to the steps of the pool and got out.

  “What the hell makes you think I want you to go with me Sebastian? Especially after last night!”

  “We fight, we make up. It’s what we do Brother.” I replied as I walked by him to get my clothes.

  “Yeah...well I am not going to forget this so easily. You crossed a line last night!” Damien crossed his arms.

  In Damien’s eyes I crossed the line, but in mine I done exactly what was meant to be. Damien just couldn’t see it yet because he was also attracted to Victoria. I knew she was attracted to him as well, but she will be mine. It was just a matter of time. I didn’t want to argue with him right now about it. So apologizing was better. “I know. Sorry Man.” I got dressed and turned the radio off. “I’m ready when you are.”

  Damien rolled his eyes at me. “Let’s go then.”

  “Hey...let’s stop by Victoria’s for a minute.” I mentioned as I followed him out to the driveway. He answered with a low growl.



  The next day Samantha and I were both off from work. She sent me a text message around 9 a.m. asking when I would be ready to go out. I messaged her back and told her to give me an hour.


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