Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1)

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Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1) Page 9

by Luna James

  When I was getting ready to step into the shower, Travis called. He wanted to know if I would go out to lunch or dinner with him soon. We decided on a dinner date the next evening. I was excited to go out with him and get to know him, but my gut was telling me to be cautious around him.

  After Travis and I hung up, I took a long hot shower. It gave me some time to think. My thoughts were all over the place. I felt guilty for acting like such a slut with Damien and Sebastian yesterday. Also, the fact that Sebastian talked me into blood sharing with him really upset me. I was considering telling them I needed some space from them. They had such an effect on me, and I didn’t know how that made me feel.

  After I showered, I got dressed in a white tank top with a sugar skull on it and jean shorts. I knew it would take forever to let my hair air dry, so I put it up in a ponytail. I turned on some music and put my makeup on. Not long after I was done, Samantha arrived.

  “What’s up girl?” She stepped into my apartment. She was dressed in a black sundress with black sparkly sandals. I don’t think there was anything that she wore that didn’t make her look gorgeous.

  I slipped my flip flops on. “I just got done getting ready.”

  “You look good Girl. Becoming a vampyre has made you even more beautiful than you were before,” Samantha said, looking me up and down.

  I blushed. “Thanks, Sam. You ready to go?” I asked, grabbing my purse.

  “Let’s roll. I am in serious need of some retail therapy.” She laughed.

  When we walked outside, we saw Sebastian and Damien standing up against my car. What the hell do they want?

  “Oh my god Girl! You have both of those sexy men waiting on you. Must be nice,” she said, looking Damien and Sebastian up and down.

  I grinned and winked at her. “It is.”

  “Hello, ladies,” Sebastian said, flashing that sexy smile he does whenever women are around. I haven’t been around him long, but I have learned a few things about him. He was a huge flirt.

  Samantha blushed. “Hi!”

  “Hey guys.” I put my purse in my car.

  “So, what are you ladies doing?” Damien asked.

  Samantha quickly answered his question. “We are going shopping.”

  “I’m sure you two are excited to be doing that,” Sebastian said, looking at Samantha.

  “Very,” I said, giving Sebastian a dirty look.

  “Victoria, can I talk to you for a minute alone?” Damien asked stepping towards me.

  “Sure…be right back y’all.”

  I followed Damien up to the porch on my apartment. I didn’t like leaving Samantha alone with Sebastian, but I was curious to see what Damien wanted to talk to me about. I knew Sebastian would work his charm on her and have her even more intrigued. There was no way in hell I was going to let my best friend hook up with him. Over my dead body!

  “I’ll do my best to keep him away from her Tori,” Damien responded to my thoughts.

  “Thanks. I don’t want Sam getting mixed into all this. So, what did you want to talk to me about?” I asked, watching Sebastian and Samantha. They were deep in conversation.

  “I’m concerned. You are going out shopping with Samantha, and I can tell you haven’t eaten today,” he said. “You need to quench your thirst. I would hate if something happened while you two were out.”

  “I would hate that, too,” I concurred. “How am I supposed to quench my thirst with her around though?” I asked, looking over at him.

  “She knows about you, right? So, take a few blood bags with you. It might make her uncomfortable, but if she is going to be around you, she needs to get used to it.”

  “I really don’t wanna do that around her, but I guess I will. Do you have some with you?” I asked.

  “I sure do,” he affirmed, walking down the steps. “Get your purse out of your car and come to my car.”

  I walked by Sebastian and Samantha to get my purse. They didn’t even notice me; they were too busy flirting. I tried my best not to listen in on their conversation because I knew if I had, it would make me mad. I got my purse and walked over to Damien’s car. He took my purse and put three blood bags in it. Thank goodness I brought my big purse.

  “Okay Girl. Let’s go,” I said, as we walked back over to them.

  “I’m ready when you are.” Samantha smiled. “I have been looking forward to this all morning.”

  “Ladies, are you sure you don’t want us to tag along?” Sebastian smiled.

  “No! We don’t want you tagging along Sebastian,” I said sternly. “Have a good day guys.” I opened the passenger door for Samantha to get in. She hesitated but got in. “Oh, Sebastian, we are going to have a little talk very soon!” I pointed my finger at him.

  Sebastian grinned cockily. “Okay Victoria.”

  “Come by the house this evening when you are done if you’d like.” Damien offered.

  “I might. Bye guys. Try to stay out of trouble.” I laughed and got into the car.

  On the way to the shopping plaza, Samantha could do nothing but talk about Sebastian and Damien. It was mostly about Sebastian though. She seemed to be very interested in him. I tried to tell her what a bad guy he was, but she knew I didn’t necessarily feel that way. She had seen me with him and knew I didn’t think he was that bad of a guy.

  When we got to the shopping plaza, I parked in front of our favorite clothing store. “You ready to go blow some money?” I asked, getting out of the car.

  “Hell yes!” Samantha got out of the car. “I’m going to spend my entire payday probably.” She laughed.

  We found some cute outfits in a locally owned store that carried name brand clothing. We bought a few sundresses and a few pairs of sandals in a shoe store. I only had to drink a blood bag once. I did it when I was in a changing room in the clothing store. After shopping, we went to eat at our favorite restaurant, Taco Bell, because Samantha hadn’t eaten all day. I ordered one taco and a water.

  “Aren’t you going to eat more than that? Wait…you can eat that, right?” Samantha asked in a whisper. “You’re not just ordering it to look normal, are you?”

  “Yeah, I can eat it. It doesn’t really benefit me any, though. Food still tastes the same, which is good, but I don’t have to eat. I ate something earlier if you know what I mean,” I answered, winking at her.

  “Oh…okay,” she said, looking strangely at me. Then she shook her head as if she was clearing a thought. “It’s still really hard for me to think of you in that way.”

  The guy that took our order interrupted us. “Your orders are ready ladies.”

  “Thanks,” we said in unison.

  We got our food and sat down at a table with a window. “I understand Samantha. It’s hard for me, too.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m doing really good with it though. I’ve not had one of my episodes today, so that’s a plus.” I took a bite of the taco.

  “Episodes?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “You know, the ability I have now. It’s been out of control since I turned, but it seems like I am getting better at controlling it.” I rolled my eyes. “Well, that and I’ve not gotten pissed off today yet.” I laughed.

  “That’s good. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like for you,” she said, biting into a taco. Then she leaned forward. “I am really intrigued by it though. I have always thought vampyres were really cool.” Samantha whispered. “I’m sorry I freaked out on you. I’ve been watching you ever since you told me, and you seem like the same ol’ Tori I’ve known my entire life.”

  “I’m the same, but I am different, too. I’ve not been one for very long, but it has its cool moments. It also has it’s not so cool moments too. Like when I got pissed at Sebastian, and a tree limb went into his stomach,” I said grinning.

  “Oh, you are gonna have to tell me about that,” Samantha insisted.

  I told Samantha about what has been going on since I was changed. I neglected to mention to her about the church and bloo
d sharing with Sebastian. I was confident she wouldn’t turn me into the police over what I had done to the church, but I still didn’t want anyone to know except me, Sebastian, and Damien. Some things are better left unsaid.

  I needed to talk to my best friend about all the emotions I was going through with Sebastian and Damien. I was so happy that she accepted me. “I think I am falling for Sebastian and Damien,” I said, looking out the window. “It’s like I am drawn to them…like a moth to a flame.”

  “Well you do have heightened emotions now, and they are gorgeous. I don’t blame you for wanting them both. Hell, I want them both,” Samantha laughed, blushing a little.

  “Yeah but I am afraid of them Sam. I’m afraid of what I might become if I give into my feelings for them.” I looked over at Samantha. “They make me forget all my morals. I lose my inhibitions when I am with them, especially when I am alone with Sebastian. Girl, you just don’t even know what I’ve done in the short time I have known them. Things I don’t even wanna mention to you.”

  Samantha looked concerned. “Maybe you need some time away from them then,” she implied.

  “I think you are right.” I took a drink of my water. “After we are done, I think I am going to go to their house and talk to them about it.”

  “Do not forget to find out why he turned you. He is avoiding that.”

  “Yeah, I am going to find that out for sure. That asshole owes me an explanation,” I retorted.

  “Yes, he does!” Samantha reached for her drink. “So, what are you doing tomorrow?” Samantha asked, taking a sip of her tea.

  “I am going on a date with Travis, the northerner we met at the bar.” I smiled.

  Samantha choked on her tea. “What? Really?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. He asked me out for dinner.”

  “Lucky dog,” she said, with a hint of envy in her voice.

  “Shit, it seems like ever since I turned men have been flocking to me. That Lucien guy has been messaging me, too,” I said blushing.

  “Hellfire maybe I need to be turned, too,” Samantha joked. “I ain’t had a date in God knows when.”

  “You do not want this!” I said sternly. I looked at the time on my phone. “Are you ready to go? I wanna get this conversation with Sebastian over with.” I started gathering my trash.

  “Yeah. I gotta go home and do somethings around the house,” she said, getting her trash together, too.

  After I dropped Samantha off at her car at my house, I drove to Sebastian and Damien’s house. The door was unlocked, so I let myself in. I heard music coming from the back patio. When I walked to the glass doors, I saw Damien laying on a lounge chair talking with Gretchen. Sebastian was in the hot tub. For some reason, it made me really irritated. I could hear them with my heightened hearing; they were laughing about something that happened between them a while back. The longer I stood there, the more irritated I got. I did not like seeing another woman flirt with Damien. Before I could stop it, Gretchen was flung off the lounge chair into the pool. Ha! That felt good.

  I opened the sliding glass doors. “Well hello again boys,” I said smiling.

  “Victoria, why did you do that?” Damien asked, helping Gretchen out of the water.

  “Oopsie! I didn’t mean to.” I looked at Gretchen. “Sorry, Gretchen.” I apologize even though I didn’t mean it.

  “What just happened?” she questioned, shaking the water from her hair.

  “I’ll let your good friend, Damien, explain that to you, Dear. I am going over there to join Sebastian.” I said, looking directly at Damien. He did not look happy with me.

  I could hear Sebastian laughing before I walked away from Damien and Gretchen. I am sure he got a real kick out of what I did. Before I joined him in the hot tub, I went over to the bar and grabbed two beers out of the mini fridge.

  “May I join you?” I asked Sebastian as I started taking my clothes off.

  “I would love for you to. You know, you could take them all off if you desire.” He grinned.

  “Oh, you wish,” I replied sarcastically. Ain’t no way I was getting in the hot tub with him naked. I got in and chugged one of the beers as soon as I sat down. Then I opened the other beer.

  “Damn! You must have been thirsty,” Sebastian observed.

  “Very.” I took a drink from my beer. “What’s she doing here anyways?”

  Sebastian looked over at Damien and Gretchen and then back at me. “She stayed in town last night visiting friends. We invited her back over.”


  “That was hilarious what you did to Gretchen.” Sebastian laughed.

  “Glad I amused you,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “I honestly didn’t mean to. It just irritated me when I saw Damien and her talking.”

  “Next time throw his ass in the pool, too,” he snickered.

  “I heard that!” Damien growled.

  “Good!” Sebastian growled back.

  “Don’t even start you two. I came here to relax and talk to you,” I said, looking at Sebastian. I chugged my beer. This was going to be a long evening. I wanted another beer.

  I stood up and faced the bar. I thought about opening the mini fridge and getting a beer. Sure enough, the door opened, and a beer came floating through the air to me. I can’t believe that worked!

  “Now that is fuckin cool. I want one,” Sebastian demanded nicely. I made one come to him.

  “I can’t believe I did that,” I hailed in amazement.

  “You are extraordinary Victoria.”

  “Thanks,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “I didn’t ask for these abilities, but I might as well embrace them.” I took a drink of my beer. Then I looked at Sebastian. “So, we need to have a conversation about why the fuck you talked me into blood sharing with you!”

  “I guess we do.” Sebastian raised his beer to his lips and took a big gulp. “I didn’t really talk you into it though, Love. All I did was mention it. Then you were all about it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Well yeah because you were seducing me. You know I don’t have complete control of my emotions right now Sebastian.”

  “We are attracted to each other Victoria. Plus, I am your sire. Blood sharing between us isn’t a big deal.” Sebastian smiled. “You liked it, so what’s the problem?” he asked, licking his lips.

  Sebastian was really pissing me off with his cocky attitude. Before I could control it, I had my hand wrapped around his throat. I lifted him in the air until my hand couldn’t stretch anymore. Then I used my abilities to raise him further.

  “Tori! Stop!” I heard Damien say, but I didn’t give a rat’s ass about what he had to say. I was so mad it felt like my blood was boiling.

  “Sebastian, do not ever try to blood share with me again!” I screamed. “If you do, this will be nothing compared to what I will do to you!” Then I launched him across the back patio and into the yard beside the patio. I could hear Sebastian scream in pain.

  I sat back down in the hot tub and finished off my beer. Sebastian came walking back over to the hot tub. He was picking little pieces of wood out of his stomach and chest. “I deserved that,” he said, in a sincere tone.

  “Damn straight you did!” I scowled.

  Sebastian picked the last piece of wood out and got back into the hot tub. He sat down across from me. “I’m sorry Victoria. I will not try to get you to blood share with me again unless it is what you want.”

  “Well, don’t hold your breath on that,” I said. Then I thought about what I just said and started laughing.

  Sebastian started laughing, too. “I don’t think that would bother me, but okay.”

  I splashed water at him. “Shut up!”

  “But really Victoria, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. You just have this effect on me,” he confessed, looking into my eyes. “I cannot help myself. I will do better my love. I promise.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that promise Sebastian,” I uttered, taking a sip of my beer.
r />   “Good.”

  Since he was in a talkative mood, I decided to take advantage of it and ask him why he turned me. No better time than the present. “So, I have a question for you. You’ve been avoiding it, and it is time to spill!” I looked deep into his eyes. “Why did you turn me?”

  “I guess I have avoided that question for a few days now. What do you want to know about it?” he asked, coming closer to me in the hot tub. He sat very close to me and put his arm around me.

  “I want to know everything about it, Sebastian. Why did you turn me? What do you know about my family?” I inquired anxiously.

  Sebastian looked uncomfortable. I could sense he didn’t want to tell me about it. I had a right to know though. He had a reason for doing this to me, and I wanted to know right now.

  Sebastian sighed. “Okay, I will tell you what I know my dear; however, I am not telling you anything until we go inside and take a few bong hits. What I must tell you might shock you. We might as well get stoned before.”

  Sebastian got out of the hot tub then reached down to help me out. He got towels for us, and then we went to his bedroom. Once we were in his bedroom, he packed his water bong with marijuana. There was a small couch in his room, so I decided to sit there instead of on his bed. I didn’t want him to get any ideas.

  “Just to let you know Sebastian I am not up here to make out with you. So, don’t try any funny business,” I informed him.

  He laughed, “Ha! Funny business huh? I’ve not heard that phrase in years. Here, take a hit or two from this.” He handed me the bong. I took two huge hits.

  “I’m waiting!” I said between coughs.

  “Alright, alright. So, back in the late 1800s, I met a vampyre who had abilities like yours. She intrigued me, so I made it a point to get to know her. We became extremely close, and eventually became lovers. Her name is Aurora Thorn. Aurora is a very alluring woman. I wanted to be around her always. We had some excellent times together; we had some horrible times together. When she wanted something, there was no stopping her.” Sebastian took another hit from the bong. He came over to sit beside me.

  “What does she got to do with me?”


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