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Seed of Sin (An Urban Fantasy Horror): The Edge of Reflection Book 3

Page 3

by Carver Pike

  “So you’re tired and achy and…not at all kinda…”

  “Horny?” she asked.

  That was exactly what Gabe was wondering. Everything about her turned him on, and seeing her pregnant and full breasted was a whole other form of sexy. He wanted her.

  “Come on,” she said, reading his thoughts.

  She pulled off her gown and lay down on the bed on her side, knowing Gabe’s favorite way to take her since she got pregnant. It was the only way that seemed to work.

  It took him a moment to move. Her body, it was so full of life, and so gorgeous. She lay there with her back to him, the roundness of her ass beckoning to him. He leaned slightly to the left to get a glimpse of a nipple. It didn’t take long for her naked form to turn him on.

  Gabe pulled down his pants and took his semi-erect cock in his hand, giving it a couple of pumps and smiling down at Lisa as she watched.

  “Bring that over here, please,” she said.

  Gabe walked around so he was facing her on the other side of the bed and squatted down. She grabbed a hold of him and wrapped her hand around its base.

  “So you’re the little rascal that caused all this trouble,” she said.

  She did that sometimes, talked to his dick, and he always found it hysterical but strangely erotic at the same time.

  Then his mind went off in other directions as she opened her lips and took the head of his cock in her mouth. She slid her jaw forward a few times, taking him in as deep as she could.

  “Mmm,” she moaned.

  And that almost set him off. The sound of Lisa enjoying what she was doing was the hottest thing ever. He was rock hard now and needed her.

  He pulled out of her mouth and walked around to the other side of the bed again so he could be behind her.

  He slid into bed, moved closer to her, and spooned her, not yet entering her as he kissed her neck gently. He loved the soft spot at the base of her neck.

  He kissed her there before moving to her ear, and as he nibbled on it, he reached between her legs to see if she was wet enough. He knew she would be. She got wet easily in pregnancy and seemed hornier too.

  He put the head of his cock between her ass cheeks to find the slit where her wet pussy waited.

  And he braced himself.

  He knew what was coming and it was his favorite part.

  He lined himself up, got his head wet with her juices, and then pushed forward, sliding in a little.

  And she gasped. There it was. That gasp. God, he loved when she did that first, initial, holy shit kind of gasp.

  He was gentle at first as he slowly drove into her. He loved the feel of her warm pussy hugging him from the inside. He’d had several women in the past and he could say, without a doubt, Lisa was the best.

  She backed up into him, grinding against his cock, signaling him that it was time to pick up the pace and move from light love making to serious fucking. And he did.

  Pregnant sex was always awkward, a fun but sometimes difficult experiment it seemed, but being inside of Lisa was the only time he truly felt that life was completely fine. It was the only time he forgot about their predicament and focused solely on pleasure. Lisa was so good, so pure, and was so his.

  Gabe’s voice caught in his throat. He was going to come. He always seemed to go numb just before, his vision and hearing both blurring a little, as his toes curled and he drove in as deep as he possibly could.

  “Yes,” Lisa repeated over and over again. She was close too.

  With his left hand resting softly on her belly and the right squeezing her tit, he clenched his ass and cried out as he let loose inside her. She always moaned louder when he came inside and she definitely didn’t disappoint this time. She backed into him as good as her body would allow and took it all.

  When they were finished, neither moved. They lay there, enjoying the feel of each other, the total devotion that comes only after really good love making. A few minutes later, Lisa giggled quietly. He loved that sweet chuckle of hers. He always felt like it was the naughtiness trickling out of his innocent girl. Like a coping mechanism, it was the switch that brought her back to being Lisa.

  What did that mean really? That she was someone else during sex? Maybe she and her image, Ivy, weren’t all that different. Ivy was just like Lisa in so many ways, only she was addicted to sex. Gabe still thought about Ivy sometimes, and felt bad for her, for giving her life for him while knowing that he would’ve chosen Lisa over her in the end. He imagined the pain she must’ve felt.

  “I love you, Gabriel,” Lisa said, pulling his attention back to her.


  The days in Sanctuary were mostly spent hunting, gathering, cleaning, and building. Hunting was a task Gabe shied away from as often as possible.

  He was still trying to learn which animals could be eaten, not to mention which animals were safe to hunt, and which should be steered clear of.

  His first week in the mountains, when he and Lisa were just trying to survive, he’d left her back at the camp with Haylay, an old friend and somewhat of a tour guide from the Slums of York.

  Back then the camp consisted of only two tents and a few supplies.

  Gabe searched for what seemed like hours, but found nothing that looked edible. Finally, he heard whimpering coming from a small clearing in the woods.

  Armed with only a rifle and a hunting knife, he crept quietly toward the clearing until he came upon what can only be described as a litter of what looked like kittens, but with light green, mossy fur, long whiskers, and a hard, turtle-like shell. They were tiny, and had the cutest faces. He had no intention of killing the furry creatures.

  A crackling sound in the trees startled Gabe and made him move too suddenly. He scared the babies and they began to cry out, with hisses that sounded like they were trying to hack up fur balls.

  Then, barreling out of the trees, came the mother of the creatures, charging right at him. It was huge, and vicious, with large fangs. It ducked its head, putting its shell slightly out in front of it, like a pissed off battering ram.

  Gabe panicked and shot at the creature, but the bullet ricocheted off the shell, causing no damage. He jumped back between two trees and the creature crashed into them, splintering one tree and nearly shattering the other.

  Gabe turned and ran. He thought he’d die that day. He ran and ran, not even sure in which direction he was headed.

  It took him a full day to finally reach the camp, and by then Lisa was in tears, sure she’d lost him.

  From that point on he stuck with killing kylos, the large fox-like animals that were in no danger of being extinct. The damned things were everywhere, and if not dealt with properly, they’d rummage about the camp at night, stealing whatever they could get their paws on.

  Gabe, Lisa, and Haylay had eaten kylo nearly every night. That was until they met Bronc and Hawks, the two Native American guys now living with them at Sanctuary.


  While the days were spent proactively trying to enhance life in Sanctuary, the nights were reserved for fun and relaxation. Song, dance, stories, and games made the monotonous days fade away each evening. Spiced butter sap from the Parkay tree was the usual drink passed around. Boiled with a pinch of piny root and water, the butter bark became a tasty alcoholic beverage. Coral fields were all around them, but none of them dared mess with the natural drug that was so popular in the big cities. Coral turned even the mellowest of people into violent heathens, and this was Sanctuary, the calm within the storm.

  There, gathered around the fire, sipping spiced butter sap, sat all ten of Sanctuary’s citizens. Gabe looked at each of them, entranced in the normalcy of the night. They joked and told stories around a large pot of stew that hung above the fire. Next to the fire was a concrete slab with meat left over from the barbecued kylo they’d eaten earlier.

  Lisa sat between Gabe’s legs, leaning against him with his hands on her stomach. Next to them sat Haylay, their oldest friend, the black, cross
-dressing retired hooker they’d met in the Slums of York. He wore a tall blond wig and bright multicolored make-up. It didn’t matter if he was high in the mountains, or prancing up and down the insane Slums of York streets, Haylay always looked fabulous, and Gabe appreciated the bit of flair his friend brought to the camp. Next to Haylay sat Bronc and his pretty Native American wife, Emma, who was in her late forties.

  Across from them sat Hawks, who Gabe had known for many months, and in that short amount of time, he’d seen the man grow wiser but more solemn. He was a man trapped in the past, tormented by his own wrongdoings, who never gave himself a moment of solace. He’d told Gabe about his past only once, after a little too much drink, and it seemed that letting the story breathe was a bad idea, as Hawks completely broke down and Gabe vowed to never ask the man about his past again. With the orange glow of the fire casting shadows on his face, Gabe thought he had a strong but humble and sad look about him. Tired eyes over a dull smile. His hair was freshly braided, and he stared into the fire while beating softly on a drum with his open palm.

  Next to Hawks was nineteen year old Twig, a skinny Native American kid with a short braid of his own. Twig was a good looking kid, but childish. He wore a wide smile as he tapped on his drum, horribly off beat.

  Sitting next to Twig was Segundo, a Hispanic man in his mid-forties, chubby, balding, but as happy as can be. He sang along to the beat, Spanish lyrics meant for his lovely wife, Nita, who sat next to him. She was a couple of years older than Segundo, also Hispanic, and looked genuinely happy there by the fire.

  Right by their side, and the obvious object of Twig’s desires, was their eighteen year old, adopted daughter, Tania. Tania was young and pretty and naïve. She glanced flirtatiously back at Twig. Gabe seemed to be the only one who noticed, and he shook his head, knowing it wouldn’t be long before these two images gave in to their desires.


  Everyone was happy. It was a crisp, cool night, the drinks were flowing, and music filled the air. It was as peaceful as it could possibly be on the dark side. Hawks looked around at the people gathered by the fire and wished so badly his wife could be there with him. This life would have been perfect in his own village back on the other side. He could have easily done this every night with Savannah, if he’d only stayed out of the casino.

  Segundo hit a high note in the song, snapping Hawks back to reality. Hawks forced a smile and clapped along with his friends. Everyone was clapping, except Twig, who wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding his interest in Tania. Hawks noticed and leaned in close to the boy.

  “Keep your pecker in your pants, Twig. If Segundo finds out you like his daughter you’re in trouble.”

  Twig waved Hawks away and laughed off the warning. The boy stared at the fire in front of him for only a moment before returning his gaze to the beautiful young lady across the burning flames. Segundo finished his song to the sound of clapping and cheering from all those around him.

  “You know, ya’ll make it not so bad all the way up here in the mountains,” Haylay announced.

  They all raised their glasses to that.

  “Yeah, it’s almost normal,” Lisa added. “Like back home.”

  Gabe picked up a log and tossed it into the fire. Haylay hopped back in his seat and threw his hands up.

  “Easy baby! Don’t you know Haylay’s hair is flammable?” he cried out.

  Everyone laughed.

  “Sorry…baby,” Gabe jokingly flirted.

  Haylay threw his arm around Gabe’s shoulder and wagged a finger in Lisa’s direction.

  “Lisa, baby, I just might be takin’ your man home with me tonight!”

  Again, everyone laughed. This time Hawks didn’t have to force it. Not so long ago he’d found Haylay too strange to stomach. Where he was from, being gay was frowned upon, but dressing like a woman was unheard of. And the strangest thing was Haylay insisted on being referred to as a man, even though he wore ladies’ clothing and had breasts.

  Hawks had seen cross-dressers in the casino, but they were usually only visiting. None lived anywhere near his village. Once Hawks opened his eyes and his heart, he realized that Haylay was a pretty good guy.

  “You know, it’s not so bad here. As long as we stay far away from the images,” Gabe said.

  “Sitting across fire is not so far away,” Bronc replied

  Emma laughed.

  “Yes, we’re images too. Don’t forget,” she added.

  “But you’re different,” Gabe said. “I don’t know why, but some images are able to suppress their urge to…”

  “Rape, rob, and kill?” Haylay interrupted. “Yeah, some of us just dress up like a woman and engage in wild, sexual extravaganzas!” He started dancing, swaying his hips and moving his boobs around.

  Everyone cheered.

  Nita wrapped her arms around Segundo and said, “Or just the wild sexual extravaganza part.”

  They all laughed.

  “So what’s your evil, Bronc?” Gabe asked.

  “He dresses up like a woman and engages in…” Twig joked, but was cut short when Segundo picked up a small rock and chucked it at him.

  “Bronc does have quite the temper when he drinks,” Emma advised them.

  “I’m sober now,” Bronc said, not denying the accusation. “Big drug problem in past. Coral is a monster. Don’t ever try.”

  “I wasn’t an angel either,” Emma informed them. “I used to hang with a strange crowd and got involved in all sorts of bad stuff. I even dabbled in coral myself. Bronc helped me sober up.”

  “What about you, Twig?” Tania asked, speaking up for the first time in awhile.

  This caught everyone’s attention. It was becoming clear that she had the same feelings for Twig that he had for her. Hawks glanced over at Segundo, trying to read the look on his face. His squinted eyes and the way he was biting his upper lip told Hawks all he needed to know.

  “I don’t know. Sometimes I get the urge to steal, but I fight it,” Twig answered.

  “Probably helps that none of us has anything worth stealing,” Gabe joked.

  “I think I’m a pretty good guy,” Twig finished. “And you, Tania?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll take after my ma with that sexual extravaganza stuff,” she joked, looking at her mom out of the corner of her eye.

  Twig blushed.

  “Tania!” Nita squealed.

  “Just kidding, Ma.”

  Hawks stirred the fire with a long branch and didn’t look up as he spoke. “I’ve got to say that in the five years I’ve spent on this side of the mirror, I’ve met some pretty bad images, but you guys all prove that evil desires can be managed.”

  “Aww, you say the sweetest things, Hawks,” Emma cried out.

  “Aww!” Everyone joined.

  Hawks felt his face heat up and he knew he was blushing.

  “See if I ever say anything nice to any of you ever again,” he said with a grin.

  “Hey,” Bronc chimed in. “In the five years since I’ve met you, I’ve come to realize you’re the most brutal non-image I’ve ever met.”

  They all laughed.

  “You sure you’re not an image, Hawks?” Emma joked.

  “If I was an image I think the lack of any women around here would surely drive me insane. I’m the only single guy in this camp,” Hawks announced.

  “Umm, hello?” Haylay said, standing up to defend himself. “And what am I?”

  “I don’t know,” Hawks said. “But I’m about one cup of this spiced butter sap away from dragging you into your cabin and finding out.”

  Everyone hooted and hollered. Lisa only hollered. She sucked in a breath and concentrated on the fire in front of her.

  “Gabe,” Hawks said while nodding his head at Lisa.

  Gabe leaned forward and touched her chin. He turned her face to look at his.

  “Lis…you okay?” he asked.

  “I think my water just broke,” she whispered.

t?” Gabe asked.

  “It’s time,” she said through clenched teeth as she sucked in another breath of air.

  Hawks had never had the chance to see his wife go through labor, but he knew panic when he saw it, and Gabe was definitely panicking. Emma seemed to notice too. She jumped up and raced to Lisa’s side.

  “It’s okay, Gabe. Calm down. We’ve discussed this. Let’s get her back into your house,” she said.

  With everyone racing to clean up and help get Lisa back to her cabin, only Hawks seemed to notice Tania and Twig staring at each other near the fire. Tania took the initiative and nodded toward the woods, then got up and walked away. Twig sat there looking dumbfounded, alone at the campfire with Hawks.


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