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Freaks in the City

Page 25

by Maree Anderson


  “[…] a great YA cross between the Terminator movies and the Sarah Connor TV show. I devoured this book in two nights. It totally played out like a movie in my head. Anderson’s descriptions of cyborg Jay were amazing. I especially loved that Jay was a girl, trying to learn how to cope with new situations while learning more about humanity. I loved how Anderson added human angst to Jay who was trying to cope with blending in while playing being human. And Tyler and his twin sister had their own problems but friendships are the underlying theme in this book. It was fast paced, riveting, real teen language that I loved and I didn’t want it to end. I seriously hope Anderson will write a sequel featuring more cyborgs.”


  “So, I kept seeing this pop up whenever I was looking for a read and I’d skip over it because I really wasn’t interested in a story with a cyborg in it, but finally, because it kept nagging at me, I gave it a shot and wow, probably one of my favorites! I absolutely loved the characters and the storyline, it was amazing! I spent half my break from college laying on my couch and reading it. Good grief. Thank you for the great story.”



  Book 1 of The Crystal Warriors Series

  She’s a dancer, and the most important thing in her life right now is the success of her new dance studio. He’s an alien Crystal Warrior with one big-ass curse hanging over him. In a moment of weakness she lets him seduce her. Now they’re magically bonded and his life is in her hands.

  Winner: Romance Writers of New Zealand Clendon Award

  for full-length romantic manuscript



  “Just picked up the 1st book in the Crystal Warrior series via a free thang on All Romance. Tried to stay up and finish it last night and gave up at 3am. Finally finished it this afternoon after deciding that the washing and cleaning could wait.

  Wow… I really loved the characters in this. When I read the blurb I was not that interested in the sound of Chalcey – as in that I didn’t think I would be able to identify with a dance instructor. Okay, my mistake! I am so impressed with how you wrote a strong and independent woman who stood on her own two feet, took no crap from anyone and ran her own business. That I could identify with 100%. I read a lot of romance and I often feel that the women are not as strong as they could be and that they are simply part of a story that involves snaring some hot guy and getting a HEA- almost like their actual character is unimportant.

  So 5 stars and have some extra bonus cookies for writing a believable woman who I was rooting for. I wanted her business to be a success just as much as I wanted her to get the guy.

  And kudos for the plot twist. Usually they’re so obvious, but I didn’t see that one coming at all.

  I liked Chalcey’s friends and the family dynamics that helped shape her character.

  Wulf was a nice character too. (What’s not to like about a guy in leather?) He was a complex guy, but what I loved about him most was that you didn’t strip away his masculinity in order for him to ‘settle down’ and get his HEA. Too often books turn a bad boy into this domesticated mushy guy and strip away half of what made the character in the first place.

  Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I really enjoyed the book. I’m off to buy #2.

  Keep up the great work.”


  “This book has it all, and leaves you wanting the next book in the series NOW! Chalcey is an independent woman who knows exactly what she wants, and how she plans to get it. She’s worked hard to achieve her dream, and isn’t about to let it go for the sexy stranger who rescues her from the Date from Hell. Even if he does make her pulse race, and her body ache for forbidden pleasures.

  Wulf is a Crystal Warrior, brought here by a magic neither he nor Chalcey truly understand. This is their story, and the author has crafted it with enough emotion, suspense and twists that I found it hard to put down. It’s easy to see why it won the Clendon Award! I sure hope Ms. Anderson doesn’t make us wait too long for the sequel!”


  “I thoroughly enjoyed The Crystal Warrior. No surprises that it won the RWNZ Clendon Award – everything about it was beautifully crafted. Characters felt real – even ancient warrior Wulf – and I loved the interaction between modern day independent heroine, Chalcey, and her hero. There was humour, angst, passion, the works! I am looking forward to the next book in Maree Anderson’s crystal warrior series.”


  “The Crystal Warrior is an intelligent, fast, action packed read with a feisty, sassy heroine Chalcedony and a really hunky hero, Wulfenite. This book has it all including laugh out loud humor, danger, twists and turns, and both protagonists have gut wrenching choices to be made that leave you wondering right to the very end as to whether Chalcey and Wulf will make it. I absolutely love the concept of the Crystal Warriors, and Wulf’s and Chalcey’s story is well plotted and a fantastic read that has you wanting more. Ms Anderson is an excellent writer. It’s very clear why this book won the prestigious The Clendon Award and I can’t wait to read more.”



  Book 2 of The Crystal Warriors Series

  She’s a plus-sized woman with sub-zero self esteem. He’s a Crystal Warrior, and the gods’ gift to women. But for a chance at the Happy Ever After they both deserve, they must learn that appearances can be deceiving… and pass the Crystal Guardian’s test before time runs out for them both.

  Finalist: Romance Writers of New Zealand Clendon Award

  for full-length romantic manuscript



  “Training for a triathlon would be a whole lot better if there was a gorgeous warrior getting you out of bed in the morning! Ruby is insecure and for good reason. She’s fat, single and now thirty and her mother won’t let her forget any of them. She’s got a frenemy that is a man-eating stick insect (giggled at that description every time!). Kyan is the crystal warrior that is Ruby’s life mate. The only problem is that he is stunningly gorgeous (and a sweetheart!) so she doesn’t believe a thing about it. The first scenes of their meeting are a riot!

  The set up for this story is not new but Maree adds some twists that make it feel fresh and her characters are believable and lovable. There are moments of heartbreak that make you want to cry but this is a Romance so there is a Happily Ever After, they just need to fight for it! Can’t wait to go get the next one now.”



  Book 3 of The Crystal Warriors Series

  Finalist: Romance Writers of New Zealand Clendon Award

  for full-length romantic manuscript


  Jade’s a talented painter, forced to give up her dreams of art school to care for her chronically ill sister. Faced with escalating medical bills, Jade lies to her sister and her best friend, and advertises herself as an escort. Her ad is answered by Peter Stone, aka Pieter, the Crystal Guardian. He gives Jade a malachite crystal and when she touches it, she shares the torment of the man trapped inside. The crystal breaks and before she knows what’s at stake, she’s bonded to a Crystal Warrior named Malach.

  Malach spent centuries imprisoned in his cursed crystal before he was given the chance to bond. When that bonding failed, he believed he would be put to death by the Crystal Guardian, but he discovered a far worse fate was to be imprisoned yet again to suffer years of torment and sensory deprivation. He’ll willingly bond with Jade if that’s what it takes to have another chance at freedom, but if it seems likely they will fail the next stage of the bonding—the Testing—Malach has vowed to kill himself rather than endure imprisonment a third time.

  Jade is horrified when she learns the true extent of Malach’s suffering. She’s determined to save him, but it could be a losing battle… because he’s still in love with Frances
ca, the woman who refused him decades ago. And when Francesca discovers Malach is still alive and seeks him out, who will Malach choose?



  Third place: Utah Romance Writers “Heart of the West” award,

  paranormal category

  Highly Commended: Romance Writers of New Zealand Clendon Award

  for full-length romantic manuscript


  When Andie Brennan signs up for a Slickrock Bike Trail tour in an attempt to rekindle her love of the outdoors she meets Jake Knight. Jake’s generous, down-to-earth, and gorgeous to boot. He could just be her soul mate… except she’s already got a boyfriend, and Andie doesn’t do cheating. But before she can fully explore why the sound of Jake’s voice and his crooked smile make her feels happier than she’s been in years, death strikes in a searing instant, sizzling a few million neurons and arresting her heart.

  Andie wakes up in hospital. Her injuries are completely healed and her recovery is being touted as a miracle. Only trouble is she can’t remember a damn thing about her past — not even her name. Nor is she exactly whooping with joy at her second chance at life because there’s a voice inside her head claiming to be a Lightning Rider Elemental named Karylon. And boy, does it take one heckuva lot of fast talking for Karylon to convince Andie that she’s real—that Andie is not insane, and she really is hosting an alien.

  Can a damaged young woman find the courage to escape her manipulative boyfriend and grasp the happiness she deserves? With the help of Jake, and the alien Lightning Rider trapped inside her, you betcha! But the omniscient Keeper of Portents has no qualms about manipulating Novik, Karylon’s Lightning Rider lover, to its own ends. Is Novik willing to risk it all to be with Karylon again? And with the future of the Lightning Rider Elemental race is at stake, who else will fall prey to The Keeper?





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