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Page 12

by R. D. Brady

  The man screamed and dropped to the ground. Norah sprayed the rest of him and then let out a breath.

  “Sandra Gillibrand, come out from the car with your hands up. If you don’t, I’m just going to lob this grenade under there. We’re supposed to take you alive, if possible. But if you don’t cooperate, then I guess it’s not possible.”

  They think I’m Sandra. If she could maybe pass herself off as Sandra, maybe that would buy her some time. It wasn’t like she really had any other options.

  She shrugged out of her bulletproof vest and dropped all her weapons except for the P90 and the knife hidden in her boot. She grabbed the knife and slid it into her sleeve. Sandra wouldn’t have any of those on her, and she needed to sell her identity or else this guy was going to shoot her as soon as he caught sight of her. At least she and Sandra had about the same build, even though their skin tone was a little different and Sandra’s hair was a little bit darker. But she was hoping this guy didn’t really have a firm idea of what Sandra looked like. After all, how many women would be running around a junkyard trying to avoid them?

  “I’m coming out. Don’t shoot.” Norah pulled her hair out from the ponytail, letting it fall around her face as she moved forward. The man stood somewhere to her left. She couldn’t get a bead on him, which was a smart move on his part. She left the P90 underneath the car at the edge. She stuck her hand out first, her hand splayed wide. “I’m unarmed.”

  “Get out here.”

  Norah kept her head bowed, her hair covering her face as she crawled out from underneath the car. And that’s when she realized her mistake. It wasn’t one man.

  It was two.

  One of the men stepped forward while the other one stayed six feet back. Norah slipped the knife from her sleeve into her palm.

  The man stepped right in front of her, only a few inches away. “Okay. Let’s— Hey, you’re not Gillibrand.”

  “No, I’m not.” Norah plunged the blade underneath his chin. The man’s eyes widened. He grabbed for the knife, but it was too deeply embedded.

  His partner, recognizing the danger, opened fire. Norah grabbed the man she’d stabbed and used him as a shield, keeping him between her and the gunman. He had an M4 strapped around his body, but the gun was behind his back. She’d have to let go with one hand to pull it toward her, but then she had no chance of keeping her shield upright.

  Damn it.

  The gunfire cut off. It took Norah’s ears a moment or two to register it. They were still ringing from the close-range gunfire. She took a breath and glanced out from behind her shield. The other gunman was face down. And sitting on his back, his talons wet with blood, was Iggy.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The dark-haired guy with the glasses certainly didn’t look like the other commandos. He was wearing jeans and a gray T-shirt for one. Plus, he’d used a pipe to take out the men who’d been following them.

  Sandra eyed the weapon at his waist, wondering why he hadn’t just shot the guy. But from the way he was looking around, she had a feeling he wasn’t a soldier.

  “So, um, I think maybe we should get out of here,” the man said.

  Sandra wasn’t exactly sold on that idea. Getting out of here, yes, getting out of here with this guy, not so much. Luke started to walk around her. Sandra grabbed his arm. “Luke.”

  “It’s okay. Sammy said he’s okay.” Luke walked up to the man while Sandra watched him, dumbfounded. Luke was not a fan of strangers. Any strangers. But apparently if Sammy said it was all right, then he had no problem walking up to a guy standing twenty feet away who’d just taken out a guy with a pipe and still had a gun.

  At the same time, Sandra had to admit she didn’t exactly feel threatened by the guy, despite the gun at his waist. Well, if Sammy says it’s okay … I can’t believe I’m trusting the word of a winged demon.

  But nevertheless, she found herself following Luke. If she had to choose between the commandos and this guy, she definitely chose this guy.

  “Who are you with? The police?” Sandra asked.

  He shook his head. “Uh, no, Norah. I mean, Agent Tidwell and Adam.”

  Sandra backed up. “Norah? She told them where we were. She’s with them.”

  He shook his head again. “No. She didn’t. We heard that you were under attack when we were on our way to get you. Norah had no idea. They probably were keeping an eye on her phone. It wasn’t her. She would never do that.”

  “Keeping an eye on her phone?” Sandra asked.

  “Norah’s not with the D.E.A.D. anymore. They had a disagreement over policy.”

  Sandra bit her lip. What the hell did that mean? They’d been standing here for too long. They needed to get moving. But should they go with this guy or should they strike off on their own? And if Norah wasn’t with D.E.A.D., then how would she be able to help keep Luke safe? Sandra didn’t know what the right call was here. But she knew standing around wasn’t going to work.

  Sandra knelt down next to the guy who was lying unconscious a few feet away. She unstrapped the M4 and pulled it to her chest. She quickly detached the magazine to check if there were any rounds left. She grabbed another magazine from the front pocket of the man’s vest and then stood up.

  Glasses Guy didn’t seem bothered by her action. In fact, he nodded. “Good call. The car’s out at the front of the junkyard. This way.” The guy started down the path and then cut in between two towers of metal. Luke didn’t hesitate to follow.

  Sandra shook her head, not liking anything about this situation. But she quickly picked up the pace so she didn’t lose sight of Luke. She glanced up at the sky but saw no sign of Sammy.

  Okay, Sammy, looks like I’m trusting your judgment. Please don’t let that be a mistake.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Having a gun at your back was not a comforting position to be in. Greg scanned the area, looking for any trouble, but it had gone quiet. He checked Sandra behind him, and she, too, was scanning the area, the M4 snuggled very confidently in her arms.

  She met his gaze for a moment before continuing her search. Greg swallowed hard. He knew she did not trust him. He couldn’t blame her. He just really hoped she didn’t decide to use that weapon against him.

  Greg checked the sky again but saw no sign of Sammy, as Luke called him. Luke, meanwhile, was walking in between Greg and his mom, looking completely unbothered by the situation, which was … weird. Shouldn’t he be freaked out? Greg was freaked out, and all the life-threatening situations he’d been in lately had started to blend together.

  “Sammy says it’s safe.”

  Greg started, looking at Luke. “What was that?”

  “You were wondering why I’m not scared. Sammy said it’s safe.”

  Greg frowned. “How did you—”

  “Luke, get down!” Sandra reached up, yanking Luke behind her and bringing her M4 up. Greg’s head whipped from side to side as he tried to see the danger. A small movement on top of a tower of tires caught his attention before the movement appeared closer to the ground.

  Greg smiled, slowly reaching out and lowering the barrel of Sandra’s weapon. “It’s okay. He’s with us.”

  Iggy vaulted into view. Reaching up with one of his claws, he swung himself up and landed on the hood of an old Chrysler only three feet away from Greg. “Ig!”

  “Hey, buddy.” Greg noted the dried blood on the end of Iggy’s claws as he stepped toward him. “You okay?”

  “Ig, ig.”

  Sandra stepped forward. “Luke, don’t—”

  But Luke appeared by Greg’s side. His mouth hung open as he stared in fascination at Iggy.

  “This is Iggy. He’s a friend of mine and Norah’s.”

  Luke reached a hand out slowly. But Sandra grabbed his shoulder.

  “It’s okay. He won’t hurt him,” Greg said.

  “He won’t, Mom,” Luke said.

  Sandra met Greg’s gaze, holding it for a long moment before she released her son. Luke reache
d out again. He lightly touched the white hair on Iggy’s head. Iggy closed his eyes, leaning into Luke’s hand. Luke smiled and ran a hand over Iggy’s head. Iggy let out a small purr.

  “He really likes that,” Greg said.

  “What is he?” Sandra asked.

  “He’s called a Maldek,” Norah said as she walked up, Adam right behind her.

  Greg felt relief flow through him. He walked over and threw his arms around Norah. “Thank God. I was worried about you guys.”

  Norah hugged him back. “I thought you two were supposed to stay in the car.”

  “Did you say that? I couldn’t remember if it was stay in the car or stay in the yard.”

  “Ha-ha.” Norah looked past Greg. “Hey, Sandra, Luke. You two all right?”

  “I, uh, think so. The guys in black?” Sandra asked.

  “Down. But we should get moving just the same. This here is Adam.” Norah gestured to Adam, who was still watching the area.

  “Oh, and I’m Greg. With all the bullets flying, I didn’t exactly get to introduce myself.”

  Sandra nodded at him but immediately returned her gaze to Norah. “Norah, what’s going on?”

  “A very good question. But maybe we could answer it once we’ve put a few miles between us and this place.”

  “Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Sandra said.

  Iggy jumped into Norah’s arms and then scampered up to her shoulders. Sandra watched in what Greg assumed was absolute disbelief. He could relate. Stepping into this world was like visiting Wonderland on acid. Everything was strange.

  And sadly, he knew Sandra’s trip had just begun.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  The small town had been no less crowded on the way out of town as it had been on the way in. Closer to the junkyard, there’d been a few people on the street glancing in its direction, but no one looked overly concerned. From where they were located, it probably just sounded like fireworks or the junkyard crushing something.

  Norah scanned the street and the sky above. She hadn’t seen the winged creature that Luke called Sammy again. She wasn’t sure what to make of him. He’d shown up and helped Sandra and Luke according to Sandra’s recounting. And he’d let Greg go.

  So who was he? And what exactly was his role in all of this? Like Sandra, Norah had a lot of questions. But none of those questions were a priority right now. Right now the priority was getting Luke and Sandra on the plane and out of town. And the sooner they were up in the air, the safer they would all feel.

  “Still nobody behind us,” Greg said, shifting to look forward again.

  “Let’s hope it stays that way.” Norah glanced in the back where Luke sat in between Greg and Sandra. Iggy had crawled into his lap and was resting his head against Luke’s chest. Luke had a giant smile on his face, his arms around Iggy and his chin resting on Iggy’s head.

  Norah was glad that Iggy was helping keep the boy calm. But she had to admit a little piece of her felt jealous, and she hoped it didn’t mean that Iggy had switched loyalties.

  Iggy cracked open an eye and looked at her. “Ig,” he said softly before closing his eyes again.

  Norah smiled. Nope, he was still hers. She turned back and recognized the sign ahead. The airfield was only about another mile down the road. She let out a breath, some of the tension seeping from her shoulders.

  “Hey, we made it!” Greg exclaimed from the back.

  Norah looked back at him, but her attention was pulled to the two SUVs that had pulled onto the road behind them. They were moving at a fast clip toward them. There wasn’t a lot out this way. In fact, they hadn’t passed any cars in the last five minutes.

  “Not quite yet.” Norah picked up the P90 from the floor, gripping it in her hand.

  Greg’s head whipped toward the back of the car, and he groaned. “I jinxed us. I totally jinxed us.” But Norah was glad to see that he’d picked up his Beretta.

  Norah met Sandra’s gaze and got a confident nod in return as she gripped the M4. All right, then. Here we go again.

  “Hold on.” Two wheels lifted up in the air as Adam took the turn at a breakneck pace. Norah was convinced they were going to flip over. She gripped the door handle and then gritted her teeth as the SUV slammed back down to the ground. Luke let out a cry behind them.

  Norah glanced out the rearview mirror. The two SUVs were still back there and gaining on them. Norah stared at one of the SUVs. It was big, but it wasn’t an Escalade. She squinted, trying to figure out the make. It definitely wasn’t a Ford or Chevy.

  “Is that a Rolls-Royce?” Norah asked, her eyes wide.

  Adam flicked a glance to the rearview mirror and nodded. “It’s a Cullinan.”

  “What’s a Cullinan?” Greg asked.

  “A Rolls-Royce SUV,” Sandra said.

  “You mean like a luxury SUV?” Greg asked.

  “No, I mean an actual SUV made by Rolls-Royce,” Sandra replied.

  Norah stared, dumbstruck. She didn’t know Rolls-Royce even made an SUV. And who the hell would take one to a gunfight? She didn’t know much about the brand, but she did know that their interiors were handmade and that they started somewhere in the six-figure range. “How much does that cost?”

  “Upwards of 300k,” Sandra said.

  The number blew Norah’s mind. “Well, then, that’s definitely not the feds.”

  Adam’s only response was to push down harder on the accelerator. But their Range Rover was absolutely no match for the Rolls. It was slowly closing the distance between them.

  “Luke, I need you to get on the floor, please.” Sandra leaned forward between the seats. “Got any extra magazines?”

  Norah shook her head. “Not for the—”

  Adam handed a magazine over his shoulder.

  Sandra took it. “Thanks.”

  Norah grabbed her P90. She was running low on ammo as well. She also had a Beretta, but it wasn’t great for distance. Of course, she hadn’t been planning on shooting from a car. Next time, I really need to plan ahead.

  She leaned out the window, getting a bead on the car that was closing the distance incredibly fast. A snap from the air caused her head to jerk up. Sammy flew over the top of the car, heading straight for the Rolls.

  Gunfire burst from the luxury SUV, but it was all aimed at Sammy above them. Sammy dipped into a dive, avoiding the gunfire or at least not seeming to be bothered by it if it actually hit. A massive wing swiped across the windshield of the car, shattering it.

  The squeal of brakes sounded through the air as smoke rose from the front of the car. Two dark shapes appeared in the sky—one a helicopter and the other a projectile aimed straight for Sammy. He lowered until he was just above the second car and then burst straight up just before the projectile caught him. It exploded across the car, sparks shooting up from it.

  Norah watched it all in amazement. But who the hell were these guys? And why was Sammy so interested in protecting Luke?

  She had no time to think about it, as Adam took yet another death-defying turn, this time into the field of the airport. “Sandra, you need to start up the plane,” Adam ordered.

  Sandra’s gaze turned to the small Embraer executive jet sitting in the field. “I’ve flown crop dusters. That is not a crop duster.”

  “We tend to learn fast in this outfit. I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Greg said.

  Adam didn’t reply. He slammed on the brakes when they were only fifty feet from the plane and hopped out.

  “Go, go!” Norah yelled as she scrambled out of the car. Greg scrambled out the door behind her. He turned to Luke with a wince. “Sorry about this.” He grabbed Luke and flung him over his shoulder, sprinting for the plane. The stairs were down, and the door gaped open. Norah bolted ahead, saying a silent prayer that there was nobody inside.

  She tore up the steps, her Beretta in her hand as she scanned the cockpit and fuselage, but everything appeared empty. Sandra ran up the stairs right behind her.

  “Start it up
. We’ll get Luke into a seat,” Norah said.

  With a terrified glance, Sandra hurried into the cockpit. Greg lowered Luke into a seat. “I’m going to see if I can help Sandra.” He hurried into the cockpit.

  Iggy hopped up on the seat next to Luke. “Ig.”

  Norah knelt down in front of him. “It’ll be okay, Luke. Let’s just get you strapped in.”

  Luke looked up at her with his big blue eyes. “I know. Sammy won’t let the bad people harm us.”

  Norah wasn’t sure what to say to that, so she just snapped the seatbelt on him and hurried back to the door.

  The first Rolls-Royce SUV was barreling down the road toward them, sans a windshield. Norah shook her head. Why would anyone choose those kinds of cars for this kind of situation? They stood out like a sore thumb. Whoever it was obviously had money to burn.

  Her gaze focused on the sky. The unmistakable sight of a chopper appeared over a hill. The chopper turned just then, so she had a perfect view of the open door and the gunman sitting there.

  Oh God.

  Adam knelt at the end of the runway, a grenade launcher over his shoulder. With a puff of smoke, the grenade sailed through the air and landed inside the chopper. A muffled explosion, followed by smoke and flames, burst from the interior of the chopper. It tilted to the side and then crashed into the ground, sending shards of metal everywhere.

  The plane started up underneath her. When she glanced back, Adam was already halfway from where he’d been just a second ago. She jolted, watching the speed with which he ran. Above them, Sammy flew toward the remaining SUV.

  Norah hustled out of the way as Adam flew up the stairs. He disappeared into the cockpit without a word. Norah pulled up the stairs, saw Sammy sideswipe the SUV before plunging his wing through the open windshield frame. Norah secured the door, confident the SUV’s occupants would not be a problem.


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