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Killer in Him

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Both of his hands gripped her ass, and she cried out as he slammed every single inch of his dick within her. He wasn’t a small man.


  Ben groaned. She was tighter than he thought she would be. Pressing his face against her neck, he held still, giving her the chance to get used to the feel of him. He’d give her everything, and the sound she made was more pain than pleasure. Licking the pulse beside her neck, he sucked on her flesh. The scent of her was driving him crazy, and it had been for a long time.

  “I’m sorry, baby.”

  He reached around, touching her rounded stomach before sliding his fingers down to touch her clit. She moaned, and her pussy tightened around his dick.

  “You’re a killer,” she said, whispering the words.

  “Not right now, I’m not, and I’m not going to kill you.” He was never going to kill her. Joy, she was part of him, and he hated that. She had made him look forward to his days, which he hadn’t experienced in a long time.

  He teased her clit, sucking on her neck as he did.

  She ground onto his hand, and only when he was sure she was slick enough to take his cock, did he start to thrust in and out of her. Ben didn’t rush. He took his time, sliding out of her pussy so that only the tip of him remained, and he stared down at where they were joined. His dick coming out from between her thighs was one of the most erotic sights he’d ever seen. He loved fucking, and the dirtier the better.

  “You’re wet for me, Joy. Your cream is covering my cock.” He teased her clit by sliding both of his fingers on either side and pressing together.

  Joy gasped, closing her thighs.

  Removing his fingers from her pussy, he grabbed her hips, and pounded inside her. He drove into her harder, fucking her against the door. “You open those thighs, and I’ll play with your clit until you come all over my cock.”


  “Then I’m going to use this body until I come. I’m going to fill your tight pussy with my cum, and you’re going to spend the whole day wishing you had opened your fucking thighs.” He gripped her hips harder, knowing he’d leave bruises when he was done with her.

  Joy opened her thighs, and he rewarded her by slowing his pace, and teasing a finger through her slit. Using two digits, he stroked her clit, and her pussy tightened around his cock. “Do you like my cock inside you?”


  “Good. Now, you’re going to stop trying to get away from me, Joy. You stop trying to get away from me, and I’ll make every single one of your dreams come true. I read about them, and I know what you want.”

  “You killed someone,” she said, panting.

  “I’ve not killed you. Forget about everything else.”

  He fucked her harder as he stroked her clit. Ben couldn’t resist, and he watched his dick sliding in and out of her, fucking her even harder. Her cream coated his length, and he hadn’t been lying. He hated following any other guy inside a woman. Every other time he used a rubber, but with Joy, he didn’t have the patience to put a rubber on. She got her monthly shots at the doctor’s, so he knew she was safe against pregnancy, and that she was clean. He’d seen the results of her last physical, and she was in top shape.

  “Come for me,” he said. He fingered her clit until she came all over his cock. Her pussy tightened around him, setting off his own orgasm. Ben gripped her hips even tighter, holding her as he spilled his cum inside her.

  Slowly, their release started to ebb away, and he wrapped his arms round her, keeping her tight to his chest. He’d not even gotten her naked, and he’d not had the patience to fuck her away from the door.

  “That shouldn’t have happened,” she said.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he didn’t have the time to admire his cum spilling from her lips. He spun her around, pressing her back against the door. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he tilted her head back and claimed her lips. Sliding his tongue into her shocked mouth, he plundered her mouth as easily as he had her pussy. His now flaccid cock twitched, and it wouldn’t be long before he was ready to fuck again.

  When she was sure he’d silenced her enough, he stepped back.

  “This is going to happen. Your pussy knows what it wants, and it wants me.” He bent down into his bag and handed her a set of sweats. “Put these on. We leave within the hour.”

  “That’s it? It’s going to happen regardless of if I want it to?”

  He laughed. “You wanted it. You can scream rape if it will make you sleep easier at night, but you and I both know I didn’t rape you there. Your pussy was wet for me, and you wanted it.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she looked away. “Why are you so mean?”

  “It’s the life I’ve been given. I’m good at it.” He looked at the clothes he’d given her. “Get changed.” Ben looked at her thighs and saw that his cum was spilling down the inside of her leg.

  “Do I need to be worried about getting any diseases from you?” she asked.

  “Nope. I’m all clear. You’re the first woman I’ve not bagged for.”

  “Lucky me.”

  Her sarcasm made him smile. Stepping up close to her, he cupped her cheeks and tilted her head back. “That problem with your head and your body needs to be resolved.”

  “I hate you.”

  “Still, you want to fuck me, and that just makes you hate me even more. I bet you hate yourself right now. You’ve just fucked Joanne’s killer.”

  She raised her hand to slap him, and he caught it, wrapping his arms around her, and claiming her lips once again.

  “You want me, Joy. Accept it.”

  “I hate you.”

  “I know.”

  Giving her ass a quick slap, he moved away. “Get changed. I’m going to make sure we’re good to leave within the hour. I want to head home.”

  He left the hotel room and flicked the lock into place. Doing up his jeans, he looked out over the parking lot. There was only one place he was going to go, and that was to the private island that his bunch of kills had bought him.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he set everything up so that he could be there by the end of the day.

  Chapter Four

  Dear Diary,

  I don’t want to think of the days. They suck, and so do I. I’ve had sex, and I’m on a plane to a location that is unknown. He says he’s not going to kill me, but how the hell can I trust him? Ben’s a killer, right? I saw him over Joanne’s body, and now I’m at his mercy.

  I hate myself.

  I hate the way my body comes alive around him. I shouldn’t be that responsive to him, but I can’t help it.

  Tears fell from Joy’s eyes as she stared at the notebook. Ben was working on a laptop and paid her no attention, so she went back to her own work.

  I don’t need to pretend it was rape. It wasn’t such a vile thing.

  I had sex with a killer, and I liked it. He didn’t hold a knife to my throat. He got me off with his fingers and his cock. I’ve never had a man so big before. I’m not some shy virgin. I had sex before, not during the day though. How pitiful is that? Over twenty-five years old, and I’ve never done it with the light on, with all my clothes off, not that I had my clothes off this time. No, the boxer briefs or shorts were pulled to my knees. Ben has seen me naked though. He wasn’t afraid to stare at me.

  Even in these gross sweats, he stared down at my body, and for the first time in my life I knew what it was like to be desired.

  I don’t know what to do anymore.

  My head and heart are telling me to run every chance I get. Ben couldn’t be trusted. He is a killer. K. I. L. L. E. R.

  I’ve had sex with a killer.

  Again, even writing it down right now, I can’t handle it.

  Closing the diary, Joy stared out of the window as she started to feel sick.

  “Here, eat this,” Ben said, handing her a sandwich.

  “How did you get this?”

  “Picked them up while you were busy writing in your di

  “How rich are you?” she asked. “No, don’t answer that. I know how you earn your money. I don’t need to know how many people you’ve killed to get to where you are today.” She took the cheese salad cobb from his hands and unwrapped it. Taking a bite, she chanced a glance over at Ben to find him staring at her. “What?” she asked.

  He shrugged.

  “What?” she asked, again.

  “Nothing. I’m just watching you eat. I’m making sure that you do.”

  Her throat felt thick. Those words, they made her pause as it made her believe that he cared, at least in his own way.

  Eating the sandwich, she stared out of the window, and all she saw was a vast ocean. Nothing else, just ocean.

  Staring down at the diary in her hand, she remembered the touch of his lips on hers, the way his cock had been inside her. Throughout the whole of her life, she had never been so spontaneous, nor had she ever lost control like that. She didn’t like the way it made her feel. Running fingers across her lips, she was sure she felt the tingle.

  Ben made her jump as he closed his laptop, placing it within his bag. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him check the time and sigh.

  “We’ll be ready to land soon.”

  Frowning, she looked out of the window, and again she didn’t understand why they were going to land. There didn’t appear to be any kind of land.


  “You’ll see.” He reached into his bag and pulled out a blindfold. “Put this on.”


  “Because I want to surprise you.”

  “I don’t want a surprise. I’m happy not having a surprise.” She stared at the blindfold, and then back at him.

  “Too bad, you’re going to have this either way.” He placed the blindfold over her eyes, blocking out the view. “I think it’s time for you to have a little trust.”

  “Trust in a killer, like that is ever going to happen.”

  He grabbed her hand, giving her fingers a gentle squeeze. “Then learn to trust me.”

  “I don’t even know you.” She let out a breath, trying to calm her already frayed nerves.

  “Yes, you do.” He whispered the words against her ear, only making her shiver.

  Time passed, she didn’t know how much, and there was a sudden jolt within the plane, making her cry out.

  More time passed, and she heard talking in the distance.

  “Come on, it’s time to go.” He took her hand, and she had no choice but to follow as he led her out of the plane and down onto soft grass. At least it felt like soft grass. Ben moved them both away from the plane, and she was relieved when the wind produced by the blades stopped throwing her hair all around.

  They walked for several minutes, and only when she heard the sound of the ocean did Ben remove her blindfold. Blinking against the sun, Joy frowned as she looked around at the vast panoply of ocean, the beach, and then finally up at the large mansion before her. She had never seen anything so grand before.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “Welcome to my island, Joy. You asked me how rich I was, I’m rich enough to own an island.”

  Joy stumbled back, colliding with him as she took in the house, the land, everything. “You make your money—”

  “I know.”

  She felt sick.

  “Here you can scream, you can run. There’s no getting away.”


  “Unless you have my permission, you no longer have any contact with the outside world. Go ahead, run away. I’ll find you eventually, but be careful. I’ve not explored the whole of this island. I don’t know what mess you’d get yourself into.” Ben made his way toward the house, and in the process of doing so, he removed his jacket and shirt.

  It was so hot, and the sweater she was wearing made it hard for her to breathe. Pulling it up over her head, she followed Ben toward the large mansion. He owned an island, and now she was at his mercy. This was one way to keep her away from home, and also to prove they were away on some romantic getaway.

  He opened the door and walked on inside.

  This had to be the weirdest kidnapping in the world.

  “You’ll just let me leave?”

  “You’re surrounded by vast oceans. If you wish to swim to shore, be my guest.” He turned around to face her. “I’m not going to stop you.”

  “You’re not.”

  Ben smirked. “You’ll probably drown, or get eaten by sharks. Either way, my problem is solved.”

  “Do you get off on being a bastard?”

  “Among other things.” He winked at her and headed into the house. She wasn’t going to spend all of her time calling it a mansion. “Are you coming?” he asked. “Or are you going to take your time, and get acquainted with everything under the sea?”

  Looking back, Joy released a little growl. She wasn’t going to even attempt to run from him by swimming away. There was more chance of her dying or getting eaten than there was her getting through the next few weeks.

  “Don’t you have like another person to kill?” she asked.

  “Not today. One job done, I’ve got to wait until another decent offer comes in. I don’t kill multiple people at once. It’s what gets you caught.”

  He was filling up a glass with some water, and Joy sat down at the kitchen counter watching him.

  “You really don’t care?”

  “Every person has a price. What’s yours?”

  “To kill?”

  “For anything?”

  “I don’t have a price. I don’t believe in killing people, or taking something that doesn’t belong to me.”

  “You’re a good person. You help people.” He handed her a glass of water, and Joy stared at it.

  “Is it poisoned?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Not at all. I don’t kill via poison.”

  She ran fingers through her hair, becoming aware of how sweaty she was. “I don’t know how you can talk about death so easily.”

  “It’s a job.”

  Joy frowned and stared at the glass. “What do I have to do for the next couple of days?” She couldn’t talk to him when he couldn’t take anything seriously.

  “It’s going to be longer than a couple of days. Enjoy your time away from the real world.”

  Ben made his way toward the fridge, opening it up, and nodding his head.

  “How did you get food here?” she asked.

  “I’ve got my resources.”

  “So, there’s no internet, no television, no nothing?”

  “I’ve got books, and oh, I have an old e-reader that just literally downloads books. I’ve got all the internet access, thank you. If you’re a good girl, I may even let you pick your own books. Until then, I’ll pick for you.”

  “Seriously? Have you even thought this through?”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “What am I going to wear?” she asked. Was there any way of talking sense into the man?

  “I’ve got that covered as well.” He kept his glass of water as they made their way toward the large staircase. It was the kind of staircases that fairytales talked about. Grabbing the handrail, she started walking up the stairs beside him.

  She didn’t speak as they made their way down the long corridor toward the room right at the back of the house. They passed multiple doors, many of which were shut.

  “How did you keep this house so pristine?” she asked.

  “I hire people to come in and do my dirty work. You don’t have to worry how I get people here.” He pushed open two doors, and Joy stepped inside the room, looking around the space. She wasn’t used to having something so lavish, and never thought she would ever experience it.

  Ben walked toward a door with a single pane of glass down the center. “I give you … clothes.”

  She moved inside the walk-in wardrobe and stared at the array of dresses inside.

  “Again, it was easy to have these delivered.”

ng out, she touched one of the dresses, and pulled it off the pole. Glancing at the size eighteen, she knew it would fit. Still, she didn’t like the fact that he had gotten it to the island. “When did you arrange all of this?”

  “The night at the hotel.”

  She was charmed by the room, so much so that it was hard to put the man she had come to know with the man who killed her friend.

  “If I was you, I’d take a nice long bath.” He left the wardrobe, and she had no choice but to see what he was doing. Again, another door opened, and she walked into a bathroom that was so luxurious, she just wanted to climb into the tub and soak. “You stink.”

  Joy growled and glared at him, following him back into the main bedroom.

  “I’ll see you downstairs.”

  Before she could say anything else, he was gone.



  Ben stared down at his cell phone at the incoming number, and he didn’t like it. When he did jobs he always got a different cell, which he disposed of once the job was done. He recognized the number, and so, against his better judgment, he took the call.

  “Hello, Mr. Kane,” he said.

  “Ah, Arnold, I’m so pleased you took my call.”

  “A pleasure.” Arnold was the name he’d been using for this latest kill. He didn’t know why he’d given Joy his real name. Ben was his real first name. There were many things he hadn’t lied about when he’d been with Joy. It was one of the reasons he was a little put out by his feelings for her.

  “I’ve been speaking to the incinerator and he seemed to believe that there was a problem.”

  “What problem would that be? I have the confirmed kill, and I also disposed of the body. What could be the problem?” That little fucker had tattled over Joy. He hadn’t been able to do anything with her, other than take her with him.

  “This kill you took your time on. Joanne was supposed to be dead weeks ago. Why?”

  “How I do my business is not your concern.” He was relieved that Joy hadn’t been mentioned.


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