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Killer in Him

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  She started to thrust her pussy onto his face, and he pushed more of his finger into her ass. Her cream was leaking out of her pussy, running down the crack of her ass, and coating his finger as he pumped inside her. Flicking her clit, he listened to her breathing deepen, and her ass started to squeeze his finger as her orgasm started to build.

  When she came, he sucked her clit in his mouth, using his teeth to create a little more of a burn.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, screaming out his name.

  “That’s it, baby, ride my face.”

  He waited until she came down from her orgasm before pulling out of her ass. Gripping his cock, he pushed the tip through her slit, and she gasped, shaking as he touched her clit.

  “Your pussy is so wet. Do you want my cock, baby?”

  “Yes, I want you.”

  “Tell me. Tell me that you want my cock. Say it. No one is here but me. I want to hear you say those words. Come on, baby, give it to me.”

  “I want your cock,” she said. “Please, Ben, fuck me.”

  Gripping his cock, he pressed the tip to her tight hole, and slowly, he slid inside. She was so wet and tight, and he moved inside her, going deep within her pussy, thrusting to the hilt. He holds onto her hips as she took all of his cock.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re so damn beautiful. Look at how hard you’ve made me.” He pulled out of her so only the tip of his cock remained inside her. “Watch me fuck you.”

  He waited for her to sit up, and he waited until she saw his cum covered cock sliding inside her body. Ben took his time, making her watch as he started to fuck her.

  “Oh God! Yes, that feels so good.”

  “Yeah, baby.” Ben pushed her to the bed and settled between her thighs with his dick still inside her. Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them beside her head, taking possession of her lips. None of the women he was with before did he kiss, nor did he take the time to bring them off. He fucked them, and when he was satisfied, he sent them on their way. If some of the women he fucked had already come, then good for them. It wasn’t up to him to bring them off. “Take my cock, baby. Open your legs wider, take all of me.”

  Ben took his time, thrusting in and out of her as he started to ride her body. At first, he made sure he was slow, taking his time to fuck her. Breaking the kiss, he glided down her neck, sucking on the flesh over her pulse, and then down to take one of her nipples into his mouth. He bit down, and then soothed out the bite with his tongue.

  She began to thrust up as he plunged down, going deeper inside her. Gripping her hip, he sped up, watching as his cock appeared and disappeared. Watching her tight cunt take his dick turned him on even more, and there was nothing better to watch.

  Suddenly, he paused and released her hands, holding himself up so that he could look at her.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I just want to give you a little warning.”

  “A warning.”

  “Yeah, a warning. This changes shit between us, Joy. You won’t be pushing me away. This is it for us. Both of us, and you belong to me. No more hiding, no more separate rooms, you’re mine. If I want your pussy, your ass, or your mouth, then I take it.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “What?”

  “No backing down. You give me yourself,” he said.

  She hesitated for several seconds, and suddenly nodded her head.

  “I need your words, babe.”

  “Yes, I agree. Please, don’t stop. I need you.”

  “Good,” he said, and then started to fuck her. He didn’t wait around. He fucked her hard so that the bed banged against the wall. She cried out, begging him not to stop, and he didn’t.

  Joy was going to have to get used to the feel of his cock inside her, because he had no intention of ever stopping.

  Going to his knees, he gripped her ass and watched as the lips of her pussy opened around his cock, taking him within her.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Joy. Your pussy is going to be so full of my cum.”

  She cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples, and loved it. With each thrust of his hips, he drove into her a little harder, making her take his dick. The sounds coming from her only drove him wilder.

  “Touch your clit.” He stopped fucking her long enough to watch. Her hand moved between them, and he watched as she fingered her clit. The first touch and her pussy tightened around his cock. Gritting his teeth, he counted to ten to keep some focus so that he didn’t come too prematurely.

  “Yeah, baby. Play with your clit. Come all over my cock, and then I’ll fuck you hard.” He opened the lips of her pussy, seeing his cock within her, and watched her finger her clit. Each time she stroked over her clit, her pussy tightened around his dick. The little flutters were amazing, and he’d gladly stay inside her. Staring into her dark gaze, he saw her cheeks were flushed, and he pushed her hand out of the way.

  “I’ll play with your pussy, and you better keep your gaze on me.” Slowly, he started to finger her clit, loving the way her cunt tightened around him. “Your clit is so pretty and swollen. Your body knows what it wants, and I’m going to give it what it wants.” Using his thumb, he pressed against her clit and started to stroke back and forth over her little nub. She had already come once, and he wanted her to come a second time. He wanted her cum all over his cock before he filled her with his own.

  She gasped as he pinched her nub and then soothed it out, caressing her.

  “I’ve been trying to get you out of my mind, baby. What have you done to me?”

  “God, Ben, please.”

  “You want me to fuck you.”


  “Then come for me. Give me your orgasm, and I’ll give you what you need.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Yeah, you can. I’m not going to stop until you give me what I want.”

  “Ben, Ben, Ben,” she said, panting his name. He wasn’t done with her, and he wasn’t going to give up. Joy was going to give him her orgasm, and then he would fuck her harder.

  “I’m going to ride you harder, Joy. I’m going to fuck your pussy and your ass.”


  Her pussy started to flutter around his cock, and he knew she was close. Ben used two fingers to stroke her until she finally came all over his cock.

  “Fuck!” She became so tight as her cum flooded his dick. He couldn’t wait anymore, so he gripped her hips and pounded inside her, fucking her harder than ever before. As he took possession of her lips, she gave herself up to him, and he took advantage of her lips, her taste, everything.

  He rode her pussy harder, keeping hold of her hands as he did.

  Within minutes, he came, filling her tight cunt with his spunk. He collapsed over her, holding her tight against him. Kissing her lips, he stroked her cheek, and stared into her dark brown eyes.

  What was it about this sweet woman that broke down every rule he ever had? His orgasm continued to ripple through his body, and he pressed his head to hers.

  They were both panting for breath.

  There was no going back, only going forward. This was the first time he’d brought a woman to this island, fucked her, and taken the time to make her comfortable with his presence. Usually, he didn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.

  From that first moment he met Joy, she’d invaded a part of him, and now, he just couldn’t let go. There was going to come a time when his work finally came between them. He couldn’t give it up. Could he give Joy up?

  What would he have done if he’d gone back home after disposing Joanne’s body if Joy hadn’t found him? Would he have gone back to her?

  Ben didn’t have a clue, and that scared him.

  Chapter Seven

  Dear whatever,

  What the fuck?

  Joy couldn’t think of what to write. Pushing hair out of her face, she stared across the room where Ben had just disappeared. He’d brought her back her diary, and she just couldn’t put anything else down. Her
pen was poised on the book with no words to say.

  Closing the diary, she placed it on the drawer beside the bed, and she climbed to her feet, moving toward the bedroom window that overlooked the pool. It was still morning, and the heat was picking up. She didn’t know what to make of Ben and what they had just done, so she picked up her dress and made her way out of the room. Leaving the bedroom, she walked into the backyard, and stared at the pool. The dress was still in her hands, and the pool looked so inviting. Dropping the dress, she climbed into the water, and lowered her whole body down, wetting her hair. Pushing her hair out of the way, she took a deep breath, loving the way the water surrounded her. She had never taken a dip naked before, and there was something quite naughty about it, especially knowing Ben’s cum was sliding down the inside of her thigh.

  Kicking out at the water, she started to swim lengths of the pool. It wasn’t long before Ben was standing there, naked with his arms folded, staring down at her.

  She kept herself covered as best she could with the water.

  “Running away?” he asked.

  “No. I can’t run away.”

  “Then what are you doing here?”

  “I’m taking a little swim.” She spun around. “You were the one who left.”

  “I was washing my hands. I didn’t think you’d want me playing with your body after I had them in your ass.”

  Her cheeks heated. “Do you try to be an ass?”

  “No, it comes naturally.” He walked to the steps and started making his way toward her.

  Joy stepped back. With each advance of his steps, she took another one back, hoping to avoid this. Ben wasn’t going to back off lightly. He was a man on a mission, and she was the mission.

  All of her inner alarm bells went off, telling her to run far.

  She didn’t.

  The side of the pool made her stop, and Ben was already upon her. Both of his arms landed on either side of her head, trapping her there.

  Before she got a chance to say anything, he silenced her with a kiss, claiming her lips, and plunging his tongue into her mouth. She wrapped her arms around him, and Ben lifted her up. The head of his cock slid through her slit, and she was shocked to find him hard once again.

  “Don’t guys need time to recover?”

  “Not me. I want you again.” He found her entrance and slid deep inside her.

  Crying out, she couldn’t believe how hard he was already, and she hadn’t even gotten over their last time.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. You’ve got a nice tight pussy, Joy.”

  He slowed his pace so that he was making love, taking his time.

  “You feel that? It’s me owning you, baby. You belong to me, and your pussy knows that you’re mine.”


  “Do you want me to stop fucking you?”

  “No!” She screamed that single word out. It wasn’t his cock she wanted him to stop. It was everything else. His words, they scared her.

  Everything he said was the truth, and she hated it.

  “You want me to stop talking to you?”


  “I stop talking, I stop fucking. You can’t hide from this, and I’m not going to let you.”

  She moaned as his cock paused inside her.

  “Why are you torturing me?”

  “This is not supposed to be torture.” He sank his fingers into her hair, tilting her head back. “This is what you want, and that scares you.”

  “You’re him, Ben.”

  “I’m not him right now. I’m me.” He claimed her lips, and she couldn’t pull away. “Give in to your body’s needs. It knows what it wants better than you ever will.” He pulled out of her and slammed inside her, making her scream.

  Her back pressed against the side of the pool, and the burn only added to her arousal.

  “Come on, baby, let go. Give in to what you want, not what you think you should.”

  “I don’t think it. I know it. This can’t last.”

  “And why can’t it last?”

  “We’re different.” She was trying not to mention what he was.

  A killer.

  “It’s why this works, baby. Forget about everything else, honestly, forget everything. All that matters is that I’m Ben and you’re Joy.” He took possession of her mouth, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, unable to deny him.

  She was powerless, and that alone scared her.

  He started to fuck inside her in the pool, working her body in ways she never thought possible. “This is what we have. Why give that up?”

  Joy didn’t answer. What was the point?

  She had no answer. She had nothing witty to say, nor did she have a good reason for not being part of it.

  They fucked harder than the last time, her back moving against the hard tile, making her cry out. Ben held her, moving her away from the wall, and paddling her through the water until he sat down on a step, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “That’s better. You can fuck me now, and you’re not going to hurt yourself.” He gripped her ass and started to move her up and down his length.

  Ben wasn’t a small man, and from this angle, it was verging on the point of pain with how deep he was inside her.

  They fucked with the sun beaming down, and he fucked up inside her at the same time that she thrust down on his cock.

  “This is what I want from you, baby. Give yourself to me, and I’ll give you everything your heart desires. You’ll want for nothing.” He gripped her ass tightly and together they fucked.

  Her breasts bounced with the force of their screwing.

  Holding onto him, she rode his cock, taking the pleasure he was giving to her.

  “Do you see this? This is what you can have, and you don’t have to work for it. I’ll give you what you want.”

  She couldn’t say anything else. Joy had promised not to mention what he was, and that was where she was struggling.

  Even as her mind fought, her body did not. Her body gave in, and Ben surrounded her as he fucked her. There was no backing down, or fighting what was happening between them.


  “Where did you learn to cook?” Joy asked.

  “Just focus. Weigh out the flour, baking powder—”

  “The sugar, yada, yada, yada, come on, tell me how you learned to cook.”

  Ben stood behind her, watching as she attempted to measure out ingredients for a cake. Her biggest problem was the fact she lost interest. He’d left her alone to download their latest series, and she had mistaken salt for sugar. That cake had gone in the trash. The next one, she had completely forgotten the eggs, and that had been a flat disk.

  He didn’t know what it was, but she was just awful in the kitchen. Ben had left her to cook a chicken as he looked through his emails and scheduled the next delivery to his island. The chicken had been black on the outside and undercooked in the center. She had almost eaten some until he tackled her to the floor, stopping her from eating the bacteria riddled meat.

  “Focus,” he said. He stared at her rounded ass, which was currently in a pair of his shorts. She had also stolen a shirt from him. It had been three days since she’d finally started talking to him, and the time with her was just—there were no words to describe how he felt about her. He wanted to keep her on this island, and never let her go. The problem, he knew their time was going to come to an end. He didn’t want to lose her, nor did he want to give up what they were sharing.

  They had sex every chance they got, and he loved it. He’d never seen the value of keeping a woman around him, but with Joy, she broke all of his rules. He loved cuddling up against her at night, listening to her light snores, and even watching her sleep. She always looked so peaceful, and even though he didn’t want to ruin it, he found himself waking her up, just to fuck her.

  “How can you tell me to focus when you’re the one watching my ass?” she asked, looking over her shoulder.

“Focus, I want a good vanilla cake, and I won’t accept anything less.”

  “You got it, captain.”

  “You got this?” he asked.


  “Cool.” He grabbed the remote and flicked on the television, going to the news. Ben rarely took the time to watch television, but he wanted to see what was going on with the world.

  “We’re having to interrupt our last story with breaking news. A prime witness in the Debusa case has failed to show up.”

  Ben tensed up as a picture of Joanne, or Lindsay as he’d come to know her, showed up on screen.

  “…her testimony was supposed to be the key to finally ending Debusa’s reign of terror. However, it would seem the prosecution’s prime witness has a history herself.”

  He knew what was coming, and he turned to see Joy watching the screen. The details of Lindsay’s addiction and how she used kids, pimping them out to men who wanted them.

  She dropped the whisk she’d been holding and covered her mouth.

  Tears filled her eyes, and he saw the pain inside them.

  He went to her, wrapping his arms around her, and holding on tight, never letting go.

  “… investigation is now taking place into Miss Hardwood’s past. In the meantime, Debusa remains out on bail …”

  “I’ve got you,” he said.

  “Oh my God, she really did all those awful things you said. How could she have done that?” She tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn’t let her go.

  He’d warned her about everything.

  “I was friends with her. Oh my God, she always seemed so nice, and she even babysat for some of the mothers in the area. Do you think—”

  “No. She wouldn’t have risked her cushy little life.”

  “I shared memories with her. I thought I knew her.”

  He stroked her hair, and held her tightly against him. “You can’t trust anyone.”

  “What about you? Should I trust you?”


  She sobbed then, and throughout it, he held her. What more was he supposed to do? Once the tears finally subsided, she went back to baking the vanilla cake he’d set her. Of course, her enthusiasm was gone, and the news bulletin hung between them. She didn’t pull away from him when he reached for her, nor did she cut him off. There was simply something different between them.


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