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Get Over You (Dare Me Book 1)

Page 19

by Skylar Hunter

  “I will.” I lick my lips, then wink at him. “Save some energy for me.”

  He gives me a seriously sexy grin, his eyes so full of heat and promise I nearly swoon with delicious anticipation.

  He returns to his insane workout, and I smile all the way to my car.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Butterflies are performing grand jetés in my stomach as I enter Reyes’s property that evening.

  He’s on speakerphone, his voice raspy and thick as he gives me instructions. “Park in the garage. I’ll open the door for you.”

  “Okay.” I steer my car down the long curving drive, anticipation building inside me at just the thought of seeing him again, of making love with him and spending the night in his arms. It’s all I’ve thought about since leaving him at the gym.

  When I pull up to the detached garage, my heart somersaults at the sight of him leaning beside the entrance with his long legs braced apart. He’s wearing a white T-shirt, dark shorts and flip-flops on his long bare feet.

  I smile and wave before pulling into the cavernous garage, which houses a small collection of expensive man toys. A Lamborghini, a McLaren P1, a BMW Roadster, a badass Kawasaki Ninja H2R motorcycle, and the blacked-out Mercedes-Benz wagon he drove to the restaurant that night. The only deviation is a heavy-duty Dodge Ram pickup, but it belongs there just as much as any of the other flashy vehicles.

  Feeling suddenly mischievous, I zoom up behind the Lamborghini, tapping my brakes every two seconds. When I’m close enough to hit the bumper, I hear Reyes bark warningly, “Hey, watch it.”

  I stop and laugh, looking in the rearview mirror to see him stalking toward my car with a scowl.

  Grinning impishly, I back up a little and then pull up beside the gleaming Lamborghini. As I turn off my engine and grab my overnight bag, Reyes opens my door.

  “What the hell was that?”

  I laugh, climbing out of the car. “Did you really think I’d hit your precious Lambo?”

  “You came pretty fucking close.”

  “I was just joking around.”

  He looks dubious.

  “Seriously? You were worried?”

  “Can you blame me?”

  I sputter indignantly. “I’m offended.”

  He cocks one eyebrow. “Have you forgotten that you rear-ended a parked delivery truck during our first driving lesson?”

  I bite my lip, blushing sheepishly at the memory. “I did, didn’t I?”

  “Uh-huh.” The glint of amusement in his eyes spreads warmth through my tummy.

  I toss my hair back. “In my defense I was only fifteen, and you were making me nervous.”

  “So it’s my fault you rammed into that truck?”

  “Not at all. You were an excellent driving instructor. A little grouchy, but competent.”

  “Excellent? Or competent?”

  “Excellent.” My lips are twitching, and so are his. “Anyway, you’ll be pleased to know that I haven’t had any accidents since then.”

  “Good to know,” he drawls, his eyes running over my body.

  I came straight from the ballpark so I’m wearing a baseball shirt with pink sleeves, skinny jeans and Converse high-tops. Zoe wanted me to show up in nothing but a trench coat, knee pads and fuck-me heels. When I told her that was a bit much, she retorted that I have the imagination of a mummified nun. Touché.

  Reyes reaches down and takes my overnight bag. The brush of his fingers sends a series of electric shocks through my body.

  As he straightens, our eyes lock.

  My heart flutters in my chest, unable to catch a rhythm.

  “Let’s go inside,” he murmurs.

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  As we head toward the house in the gathering dusk, he asks, “Have you eaten?”

  “Yeah. Ate at the game.”

  “How was it?”

  “The food or the game?”

  His lips twitch. “Both.”

  “The game was exciting. The girls played their hearts out, did me proud.” I give him a sideways grin. “The food was standard ballpark fare. Definitely not on par with the Michelin-starred cuisine served here at Casa Malone.”

  Reyes grins as we walk up the stone steps to the house. He opens the front door and gestures for me to enter first.

  “Let me put your bag in the room,” he says, closing the door behind us. “Come on.”

  I toe off my sneakers and follow him up the winding staircase. The master bedroom takes up an entire wing on the second story. When I step through the tall double doors, my jaw hits the floor.

  The bedroom suite looks like it belongs in some five-star luxury hotel. It features a soaring ceiling, chandeliers, a sitting area with a marble fireplace, his and hers walk-in closets, and a connected master bathroom. The humongous bed is draped in expensive white linens. A row of French doors opens onto a wrought iron balcony that looks out over the spectacular oasis of a backyard.

  “Oh, my God,” I breathe, looking around in amazement. “What a bedroom.”

  “It serves its purpose,” Reyes drawls, carrying my bag into one of the closets.

  I follow him to the door and gasp in shock. The closet is the size of an upscale boutique. It has a center island, a dressing bench and rows of custom shelves and drawers just waiting to be filled with designer clothes and shoes.

  I shake my head in awed disbelief. “I can literally fit my bedroom in here.”

  Reyes chuckles, setting my bag on the bench.

  I step inside and walk around, trailing my fingertips over the empty shelves. “This closet would be totally wasted on me. I barely have enough clothes to fill even half of it.” I chuckle in amusement. “You’d better marry a clotheshorse.”

  “Or I could, you know, marry a woman I love.”

  I turn to stare at Reyes.

  He stares back.

  Long seconds pass before I clear my throat, stomach fluttering with emotions I don’t want to identify.

  “Let me see the bathroom.” I brush past him before he can say another word.

  The master bathroom is a suite in itself with a multi-nozzle spa shower, heated marble floors, a mounted television and a deep soaking tub adjacent to a huge picture window.

  “Wow,” I whisper incredulously. “This is the most amazing bathroom I’ve ever seen.”

  “Think so?”

  “Hell, yeah. That shower alone is a masterpiece.” I turn to find Reyes standing right behind me. My pulse speeds into overdrive, my body heating in a rush.

  His eyes glint at me. “Let’s grab some champagne and hit the hot tub.”

  I smile. “Sounds good.”

  When he reaches out and strokes my cheek, I feel like I’ve been branded by fire.

  “I, um, forgot to pack a robe,” I mumble.

  “You don’t need one.”

  “Isn’t the hot tub in the backyard?”

  “One of them, yes.”

  “I’m not going outside naked.”

  “No one will see you.”

  “How do you know?” I challenge. “What if some paparazzo snuck onto your property and hid in the trees so he can snap pictures of you with your latest paramour? They make a killing on nude shots.”

  Reyes chuckles, shaking his head at me. “You always did have an overactive imagination.”

  “Seriously? You’re a famous athlete who regularly appears in tabloids and gossip blogs. It’s not farfetched to think—”

  “Relax,” he interrupts, thumbing my bottom lip. “I have a robe for you.”

  I watch as he saunters across the room and opens a closet door, revealing two plush white robes on hangers. He brings one to me, then leans back against the marble counter and crosses his arms as if preparing to watch me undress.

  I bite my lip, feeling suddenly shy. “I’ll, uh, be right back.”

  His rumbling laughter follows me out the door to the empty boutique closet, where I strip off my clothes and put on the robe.
br />   When I emerge, he’s waiting for me in his matching robe. He has one shoulder propped against the wall, his eyes gleaming with wicked amusement.

  “I can’t believe you ran off like that,” he drawls. “You do realize I’ve seen you naked a thousand times, and I’m about to see you naked again.”

  I cock an eyebrow, gathering the lapels of my robe closer to my throat. “You sure about that?”

  His eyes narrow.

  I grin, sidestepping him. “Maybe I’m not naked under this robe. Maybe I’m wearing a swimsuit. A very modest one-piece with—”

  He swats my ass, startling a laugh out of me.

  “You talk too much, woman.” He grabs my hand and leads me downstairs to the kitchen, where he uncorks a bottle of wine and pours us each a glass.

  I give my wine a quick swirl and sniff before taking a sip. “Mmm. That’s delicious.”

  “Glad you like it,” Reyes says warmly. “It’s a sparkling white wine called Cava. It came from my family’s vineyard.”

  “The one in Spain?”

  He nods.

  “Awesome.” I sip more wine, studying the distinctive gold label on the bottle. “I’d love to visit their winery sometime. I’ve seen pictures online. It looks amazing.”

  “It is,” Reyes says with quiet pride. “My mother’s family poured blood, sweat and tears into making Bodegas Galindo a huge success.”

  “I know,” I say smilingly. “When was the last time you visited?”

  “Last summer.” He smiles into his wineglass as if it holds cherished memories. “They always celebrate the start of the grape harvest with a festival. Since I can’t be there during football season, they throw a big summer bash whenever I visit. Everyone in the village comes, and we party late into the night.”

  I smile a little wistfully. “Sounds wonderful.”

  “It is. We always have a blast.” He lifts his eyes and looks directly into mine. “I’m going back this summer. Maybe I’ll take you with me.”

  My heart ping-pongs between my chest and throat, rendering speech impossible. I can only stand there and stare at him.

  “If you want,” he adds.

  “I do,” I say, my voice breathy with eagerness. “I want very much.”

  His lips curl up ever so slightly. “Good.”

  My heart flutters. God, the things this man makes me feel.

  We finish our wine while gazing silently at each other, communicating without words.

  He picks up the bottle. “More?”

  “Yes, please.” I lean toward him as he refills my glass and then his. “Remember how our parents wouldn’t let us have sleepovers? All we wanted to do was stay up all night playing video games, swapping ghost stories and eating nachos. But no matter how much we begged, they always said no. They deprived us of fun sleepovers just because we’re the opposite sex.”

  “The nerve of them.” Reyes grins and clinks his glass against mine. “To long-overdue sleepovers.”

  I laugh. “Hear, hear.”

  Drinking our wine, we make our way outdoors to the sprawling backyard. Dozens of torchlights illuminate our path to the inground pool and hot tub. They’re framed by large natural rocks with a waterfall cascading down an impressive rock formation. The hot tub is tucked away from the pool, separated by a shimmering curtain of water.

  “Wow,” I breathe appreciatively. “I feel like we’ve been transported to some tropical island paradise.”

  Reyes smiles. “That’s the effect my architect was going for.”

  “It wasn’t like this when you bought the house?”

  “No.” He drains his glass. “I made some upgrades.”

  I follow him into the cabana. It has several lounge chairs, a cushioned bench curved around a stone wall and a sleek double-sided outdoor fireplace.

  I shake my head. “Even the cabana looks like something you’d find at a luxury resort.”

  “Mmm.” Reyes takes my empty wineglass and sets it down next to his on a table. Then he lowers his head and slides his mouth over mine, his tongue brushing the inside of my bottom lip.

  A tiny breath escapes me.

  He tilts my face up and kisses me slowly, his fingers sliding up my neck and into my hair, holding me to him.

  Our mouths open and close over each other’s, tongues tangling wetly. I can feel his heavy erection pressed against me, growing thicker and harder as our kiss intensifies.

  Keeping one hand in my hair, he runs his other hand down my back to cup my ass. My gasp is swallowed by his kiss, his mouth hot against mine as he sucks my tongue. He tastes like wine, sweet and potent, and the rasp of his beard stubble sends tingling sparks through me.

  As the slick heat of arousal dampens my sex, I unknot the belt of his robe and slide it off his shoulders. It falls to the ground, pooling at our feet.

  I stroke his chest and lick his left nipple, making him shiver and groan.

  “I want to taste you,” I whisper, dropping slowly to my knees. His massive cock juts straight toward my face, hard and thickly veined.

  “Mmm,” I purr in delight. “Well, hello there.”

  Reyes stares down at me, sooty lashes blinking around those golden eyes as I wrap his heavy cock in my fist and pump him from balls to tip.

  “Christ, Em,” he growls through gritted teeth.

  I swirl my tongue around the leaking slit, the taste of him like an intoxicating drug. “Mmm. Absolutely delicious.”

  A deep groan rips from his chest as he grips my hair, watching my tongue trail a vein on the underside of his cock. I feel him tense as I close my lips around his head. He’s so damn big, there’s no way I’ll be able to take all of him. But that sure as hell won’t stop me from trying.

  Staring up at him through my lashes, I begin sliding my mouth down his throbbing length. His breath hisses out, his abs clenching with pleasure.

  His response swells my clit, making me squeeze my thighs together as I swallow him deeper, feeling him hit the back of my throat.

  “Fuck, baby,” he gasps, leaning back against one of the cabana’s support beams with his legs braced apart for balance.

  I lick his shaft, feeling the vibration of his moan from my lips to my toes. Feeding off his arousal, I circle the head of his cock with my tongue and cup his heavy sac in my hand, fondling and weighing and squeezing.

  He groans my name, fisting both hands in my hair. A violent shiver of arousal pulses through me, soaking my pussy.

  I work my mouth and hand in tandem up and down his length, savoring the velvety hardness of him on my tongue and against the back of my throat.

  His hands tighten in my hair, his fingers clenching against my scalp as he pushes deeper between my lips.

  I groan with satisfaction, swallowing salty beads of precum as I deep-throat him again and again. I can feel the rigidness in his muscles, his abs and thighs straining as he starts thrusting into my mouth.

  I moan, sucking him harder.

  “Fuck, I’m coming.” He bucks against me, his head falling back on a raspy groan as ribbons of hot semen shoot from his cock into my mouth. I swallow him from head to balls, my cheeks milking him dry.

  “Holy shit.” He leans back heavily against the support beam with his lips parted, eyes closed in an expression of pure male ecstasy.

  I lick and suck him clean, making his cock twitch. As I slide my mouth off him, he slowly opens his heavy-lidded eyes and stares down at me.

  “That mouth of yours.” His voice is a rough, dark rasp. “I’d almost forgotten how dangerous it is.”

  I smile seductively, my pussy throbbing like a drum as I rise slowly to my feet. Holding his hooded gaze, I untie the sash of my robe and let it slip to the ground. My breasts are aching, nipples tightened into jutting points.

  When Reyes cups them in his hands, I whimper from the relief his touch brings, every nerve in my body screaming for more.

  “So beautiful,” he rumbles. “You are so fucking beautiful, Emerson.”

  I quiver
as he massages my heavy breasts, teasing and stroking my nipples until I think I’ll go crazy from the maddening pleasure.

  I lean up on tiptoe and whisper in his ear, “Let’s get wet.”

  His cock jumps against my stomach. Pushing off the support beam, he takes my hand and leads me past the pool to the bubbling hot tub. He climbs in first and then reaches up to grab me, lowering me into the heated water with him.

  It feels so good that I let out a dreamy sigh, looping my arms around his neck and wrapping my legs around his hips. The position presses my pulsing folds against the length of his shaft. We’re skin to skin, no barriers between us.

  “This is so awesome,” I whisper against his mouth. “It’s like having your own private hot springs.”

  “Mmm,” he murmurs, sitting back in one of the stone seats. The heated water bubbles and swirls around us, caressing our bodies as he licks the seam of my lips.

  I shiver with pleasure, opening my mouth to receive his tongue. We play tonsil hockey as he grips my hip with one hand and lifts me. Fisting the base of his cock with his other hand, he eases me down onto him.

  I gasp into his mouth, my hips twisting against him. His sexy growl makes my pussy spasm.

  He cups my ass cheek and bends his head to lick one of my nipples, the sensation shooting straight to my clit.

  Legs tightening around his waist, I slide my hands into his thick hair and begin riding him, the sensuality of my movements heightened by the pulsating water.

  He stares up at me from under heavy lids. The look in his eyes is totally hypnotic, mesmerizing me as I slide up and down his hard cock.

  “Fuck, carinyo,” he growls, sounding a little crazed.

  I smile into his eyes. “I love it when you call me that.”

  He leans in and kisses me, his tongue twining with mine in a way that feels unbearably erotic while I’m impaled on his cock.

  I circle my hips, watching his eyes darken with lust as I rock our bodies together. My breasts are tingling, achy and swollen as they graze his chest.

  He palms them, rubbing my puckered nipples with his thumbs. I moan and arch into him, my head falling back.

  When he takes my whole breast into his mouth, I cry out, pleasure firing like electricity deep in my womb.


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