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Retribution (The After Light Saga Book 5)

Page 13

by Cameo Renae

  “I’m going to take off your blindfold, but I need you to promise you won’t do anything to harm me or anyone else in this bunker.”

  “I promise,” I said, easily letting the words slip through my mouth.

  I swear I had heard a sigh of relief before I felt her fingers gently lift the back of my head and slide off the blindfold. My eyes ached as the overhead light hit them, so I closed them and rolled my head to the side.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “Are you in any pain?”

  “Yes,” I replied truthfully.

  I could feel the pulsating throbs return with greater force. It was probably the medication wearing off.

  Her fingers gently brushed away the hair clinging to the side of my face, then ran down my cheek. Her gestures were gentle and caring. “I don’t know what you’ve been through, but I’m sorry for all the pain it’s caused you.”

  Her words made me think of my mother, and I broke down. An unyielding ache filled my chest, and everything I’d held inside for so long came flooding out in loud sobs.

  To my surprise, the bind on my right arm was released, allowing me to roll to my side and curl into a ball. I was weak and vulnerable but didn’t care. I wasn’t the monster they said I was. I was an unwilling victim who was forced to kill.

  Were there moments I did things I regretted later, or felt like I was the monster they painted me to be? Hell yes. There wasn’t a day that went by when I didn’t regret killing survivors.

  But if I was ever put in that position again—where Finn or my family’s life depended on it—I would do it in a heartbeat. That was the fault of my heart. I would do anything to keep them safe, regardless of the tug of war between right and wrong

  “Shhh. You'll be all right, dear,” she cooed, softly rubbing my back.

  After everything inside was cried out, my body was even more drained.

  The woman shuffled around the bed and released the last binding, then took my wrist in her fingers. “My name is Anne. I’m the head physician here, and I have a gut feeling you aren’t as evil as they say.” She massaged my wrist, allowing the blood to flow back into my fingers. “Call it a mother’s intuition.”

  “Thank you.” I sniffled.

  She handed me a tissue and assisted me into a sitting position. My head was equally spinning and throbbing as she reached into her pocket and took out two small, white pills. She grabbed a bottle of water on a nearby desk and handed it to me. I popped the pills into my mouth without even asking what they were, and took a long pull of water. I was so thirsty, I finished the entire bottle.

  “Good girl.” A smile rose on her thin lips. “You must be famished,” she said, assisting me back to a prone position.

  I didn’t need to answer. Her words made my stomach growl loudly.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” She giggled. “I’ll be back in a bit with some food. Today, they were serving some kind of chicken, vegetable, and rice soup. When you have a hundred mouths to feed and a limited meat, you have to stretch it to make due. Soup seems to be the best way.”

  “You have chickens?” I asked, taken aback.

  “Yes, we have chickens, rabbits, goats, cows, and a vegetable garden.” My wide-eyed expression made her laugh again. “When you’re stronger, I’ll take you down and show you our mini farm. It smells absolutely horrendous, but it’s worth the fresh meat we enjoy once in a great while.”

  “I’d like that,” I replied. As she walked away, I stopped her. “Wait!” She paused and turned back. “I came in here with two guys and a dog. Are they safe?”

  She nodded. “Yes, they are just fine. They are in a holding room being questioned as we speak. One of them seems adamant about finding out your condition. He told them he wouldn’t talk unless he knew you were safe.”

  My heart doubled inside my chest.

  “Don’t worry, dear. I told him you were resting, and I was the physician attending to you. You should have seen the relief on his face. It’s obvious he loves you.” She ambled back over to me and laid her hand over mine. “If you prove me right, and don’t do anything to even hint that you are what the government says, I will take you to see him.”

  “You will?” My words came out with too much excitement and she nodded. “Thank you, Anne. That would mean the world to me.”

  “I know, dear. I know,” she murmured, before walking out of the room.

  “NO WAY!” A PERTURBED, DEEP voice rumbled. “You have gone against everything I’ve told you.”

  A woman scoffed. “Oh, Rudy. She’s just a girl. Don’t treat her like a monster because the government calls her one. You should talk to her yourself.”

  “How do you know she’s not using you, Anne? I won’t risk the lives of anyone here.”

  “Rudy, listen to yourself. She didn’t come storming in here. Your men brought her here against her will.” Anne’s voice was slowly rising, and it was then, I realized Rudy was the leader of this bunker. “She hasn’t given us any indication that she’s dangerous.”

  “That’s because she was knocked out before she came here,” Rudy rebutted.

  “I’ve thoroughly examined her and had an excellent discussion with her. She’s just a scared girl who is worried about the others she was with. I know she won’t hurt us.”

  “How do you know? You can’t guarantee anything. You don’t even know who they are.”

  “No, I don’t, but have you ever doubted my judgment before? You’re a good man, Rudolph Daniel Murdock. You’ve taught everyone here to be fair and kind. And right now, you’re not doing either.” Anne was admonishing her husband in a sweet voice, and it seemed to work.

  “You’re right.” He sighed. “I’ll talk to her, but if I notice anything out of the ordinary, she’ll be bedding in one of our holding rooms.”

  “That’s fine, dear,” Anne agreed.

  The rest of their conversation was quick and mumbled. After a few moments the doorknob turned, and Anne walked in.

  “Hello, Abigail,” she greeted, walking toward me with a tray carrying a bowl of steaming soup.

  She handed the tray over to Rudy, who stood behind her, his narrowed eyes never leaving me. Anne lifted me to a sitting position and pulled the back of the bed upward. It clicked a few times and locked into a sitting position. After stuffing a few pillows behind my back and head, she took the tray from her husband and set it carefully on my lap.

  I took in a deep breath as the steam caught my nose. “It smells like heaven.”

  “It tastes fantastic too. Go ahead. Eat,” she ordered, pointing to my spoon.

  I lifted the broth to my lips and sipped. The flavors were like nothing I’d ever tasted. The spices, whatever they were, melded beautifully and I didn’t realize a soft moan had exited my mouth, until Anne giggled.

  “Isn’t it wonderful?”

  “It’s the best soup I’ve ever tasted.”

  She pulled up a chair next to my bed and motioned for her husband to sit. “Abigail, this is my husband, Mr. Murdock. Everyone calls him Rudy. He and his father were the heads of this bunker, but his father is ill and dying.”

  Oh my god. The man in the other room, George Murdock, was his father.

  Rudy was in his fifties, with salt and peppered hair—mostly salt. He wasn’t tall, maybe five-foot-ten. His skin was pale and wrinkly, and his blue eyes were droopy.

  I placed my spoon down on the tray and held out my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rudy. Thank you for taking us in. Your kindness won’t be forgotten, and I’m sorry to hear about your father,” I said.

  Rudy turned to Anne and then back at me, and slowly took my hand in his. By the look on his face, he was shocked.

  I quickly jumped into his mind to see what he was thinking; this was one of the easiest things I could do. After seeing he was beginning to feel like Anne was right, I jumped out.

  I felt a bit awkward as they both stood in the room, silently watching me eat. But I didn’t care enough to stop. The food was amazing, and I
was starving. It filled my stomach and made me feel a lot better.

  “I should probably introduce myself,” I said, breaking the awkward tension. “My name is Abigail Park, and I am originally from a hive in California, which my dad ran.” I started from the beginning and peppered in details I thought they’d want to hear. I’d left some parts out, but was truthful and upfront about my ability as a telepath, and what the government did to us in the Reader Program. By the end of my speech, both Anne and Rudy’s mouths were ajar.

  “Dear God, you poor child,” Anne said, rushing to my side. Without notice, she embraced me.

  Rudy was silent for a few minutes, then he spoke. “So, you have the power to kill with your mind?” It was obvious that was his primary concern.

  “Let’s put it this way…if I’m put in a position where my life, a life of a loved one, or an innocent survivor’s life, is put in jeopardy, then I could and would take matters into my own hands. I do what needs to be done to survive.” I gazed into his concerned eyes. “But Mr. Murdock, I’m not a killer. I’m a survivor. And retribution will be dealt to all those who threaten my survival.”

  He nodded, a slight grin lifted a corner of his mouth. “I live my life by similar rules, Ms. Park, and I would do whatever it took to keep my hive and family alive.” He turned to his wife and smiled. “I will not hold you here. Anne would like you to stay a few more days to rest, and take whatever medications she gives you to get stronger. Your clothes have been cleaned and will be brought shortly.”

  I was just about to ask him a question when he raised his hand, stopping me.

  “You are free to see your loved ones and the dog. They are in rooms down the hall. Anne will take you.” Rudy got to his feet, his eyes were still tired but much kinder than when he’d walked in.

  He extended his hand to me. “There has been a lot of talk around the bunker. People are scared about what they’ve heard—that you are some kind of monster. I would love it if you would come to a meeting so they can meet you in person. This way, they can rest easy, knowing they don’t have a murderer amongst them.”

  “Of course,” I agreed, making his smile widen.

  With that, he pivoted, kissed his wife gently on the lips, and left the room.

  Anne wrapped me in another warm, motherly hug. “I’m going to get your clothes, and then take you to see your love.” She winked and stepped out, leaving my stomach in knots.

  I couldn’t wait to feel my cheek pressed against his solid chest, and be wrapped in his strong arms. The thought made me want to jump off the bed and run down the hall myself. But I restrained myself and waited patiently for Anne to come back with my clothes.

  She was gone about twenty minutes, and it was complete torture. I hopped off the bed and headed to a small, square mirror above the table. The reflection startled me. Who the hell did that face belonged to? I couldn’t believe how different I looked. My face was thinning, and my body was too; my eyes had dark circles around them, while bruises and scratches marred my entire body. I was a freak.

  A tear trailed down my cheek, and as I wiped it away with my fingers, I noticed my nailbeds were filthy. I needed a good scrubbing.

  When Anne returned, my clothes and socks were neatly folded, and they smelled clean, Then, my combat boots were set down, and it was obvious someone had polished them.

  “Thank you,” I said excitedly. It was like getting a present on Christmas day.

  “Of course. Can I get you anything else?”

  “Do you know where my backpack went? It has some necessities inside.”

  Anne thought a moment, then walked over to a dresser on the opposite wall and pulled open the top drawer. As she did, she pulled out my dirty backpack. “Come, I’ll take you to the bathroom,” she said. “It’s a few doors down.”

  I followed her, and she unlocked a door. Pushing it open, she turned on the light and stepped aside, letting me pass. “I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

  “Okay, thanks again,” I said, closing the door behind me.

  The bathroom wasn’t what I expected. Actually, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was cleaner and bigger than most of the bathrooms I was used to. To the right was a long counter with a sink with a large mirror hanging above it. To the left was the toilet and a stand-up shower. I raised my arm and sniffed.

  Hell no. I wasn’t going to let Finn hug and sniff that.

  Rushing back to the door, I opened it and peeked my head out. “Anne, is it all right if I take a quick shower?”

  “Oh dear, yes. Take your time. Under the counter are some clean towels, shampoo, conditioner, soap, and a washcloth. When you’re done, just throw the dirty towels in the hamper.

  “Thank you so much,” I said.

  “You’re welcome,” she replied. “There are a few others I’ll check on while you’re showering. I’ll also let Finn know you’re coming.”

  “No,” I said a little too loudly, and her face fell. “I’d like to surprise him.”

  A broad smile returned to her lips. “It will be a wonderful surprise.”


  TWENTY MINUTES LATER, I FELT like a new girl. In my clean clothes and wet hair brushed back, I tossed the towels in the hamper and opened the door. When I stepped inside, the hall was empty and I wondered if I should stay or head back into the room and wait.

  I decided to stay.

  Pacing back and forth, I was getting anxious. Finn was somewhere nearby, and I had to see him.

  “Anne?” I called out down the hall. Maybe see if she was in one of the rooms nearby. After a few seconds, I tried again, a little louder…and nothing. I was just about to head back into my room when a door opened at the end of the hall, and Finn stepped out.

  When his gorgeous brown eyes met mine, I almost melted. “Finn,” I cried out, sprinting down the hall, butterflies assisting me.

  Before I reached him, I jumped and he caught me, spinning us and pulling me into his strong arms. My head pressed against his firm chest, as he hugged me tight. I took in a deep breath and savored his mouthwatering scent.

  He loosened his grip and stepped back just enough so he could look into my eyes. They were smoldering, filled with so much emotion. His palm cupped the back of my neck, pulling me against his full, warm lips. They molded to mine, gentle at first, but quickly becoming desperate.

  Lifting me in his arms, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he stepped back into his room. With a kick, the door was closed, and my back was pressed against it, his large frame pushing into mine. Tilting my head back, his tongue made a trail down my neck and along my collarbone.

  His hands gently tangled in my hair. “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he murmured against my skin. He moved his hips and rocked into me, groaning with pleasure.

  This new Finn drove me crazy, leaving my entire body to buzz with sexual tension. I wanted to feel his hot skin against mine, but there were too many clothes between us.

  Moaning, I ran my hands against the scruff on his jaw. He hadn’t taken a bath yet, but he was sexy as hell, and his scent turned me on. Trying to pull the shirt up his back, he stopped kissing me and pulled back to look at me.

  His stormy eyes burned a hole straight through me.

  With his forehead against mine, he exhaled. “I was so freaking worried. You don’t know the hell I’ve been through not being able to see or touch you.”

  “I’m fine.” I stroked the sides of his face. “Anne took care of me, and I feel so much better.”

  His eyes carefully scanned me, and I swore I saw them darken a few shades. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Abi?” Anne called, interrupting our reunion.

  I gasped, and Finn dropped me. I quickly tried to pull myself together, but Finn had rendered me breathless. After a quick inhale and exhale I replied. “I’m in here, Anne.”

  Adjusting my shirt, I opened the door. Finn stepped right behind me, resting his hand on my hip. “I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you. When I called for you, Fin
n showed up in the hall.”

  I looked back and he gave me a wink. “I heard her voice, and I couldn’t resist.” He shrugged.

  “No need to explain,” she said with a grin. “Mr. Murdock would like all of you to come to the meeting room in about thirty minutes.”

  My insides twisted. I wasn’t a fan of being interrogated.

  “Will everyone be there?”

  “No, it will only be about twenty people. Those who are in leadership positions in this hive. Mr. Murdock wants their minds to be at ease, as soon as possible. You know what happens when things are left to brew.”

  “That’s fine,” I said.

  A warm smile brightened her countenance. “I’ll be back to collect you in about ten minutes.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Am I missing anything?” Keanu’s deep voice echoed down the hallway, and his head peeked out from a door across the hall. My heart swelled to see he was okay.

  The door opened further and Midas bounded out. I dropped to my knees as he reached me. His paws landed on each of my shoulders, and wet kisses cleaned my face.

  “Hey, boy,” I said, hugging him around his neck. “Have you been keeping Keanu out of trouble?” He barked once, and everyone laughed.

  “It looks like there are quite a few fellas happy to see you,” Anne said, leaning forward and scratching between Midas’s ears. His eyes closed and his head tilted back like he enjoyed it. The smile on Anne’s face lifted, and she ended her scratch with a pat on the head. “All right. I’ll let all of you catch up. I’ll be back soon.”

  Keanu left his room and headed into ours. His eyes roamed up and down my body, and his eyes narrowed. “How come you get clean clothes?”

  “It’s because I’m special.” A laugh rolled from my belly.

  A smile grew on his face until I could see the whites of his teeth. “I get it. But I will start complaining about equal rights if I don’t get my clothes back. This medical garb is ruining my image.

  It was then I really took notice of the blue medical garb they were both wearing. At least they were given baggy pants too. Both of their biceps were too big, and it looked like someone had altered their tops, cutting slits along the bottoms of the sleeves to fit their massive arms.


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