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Santa Wore Spurs

Page 30

by Various

  Hope told him to wake her up when he got up, but Cord was letting her sleep. She needed some rest. Along with the rest of them, she had been busting her beautiful ass too. Her hands were a mess from scrubbing out the cattle troughs in the field. When she asked, Cord told her they would get to it soon, but when he came in yesterday, he found her up to her elbows in soap and bleach scrubbing the last trough behind the barn.

  Every day he spent with Hope Carlisle made him appreciate more what a unique woman she was. There wasn't a pretentious bone in her body. If she wasn't born a country girl, she had gotten those values from somewhere. She worked hard and didn't complain once. He didn't have to tell her what needed to be done. She just did it.

  And then at night, she worked on the calendar layout. She told him last night that she was almost finished with it. That information had not been good news to him. The end of that calendar probably meant the end of their marriage too. Hope would be leaving him and he'd probably never see her again. The thought made his chest constrict.

  You can't keep her, Cord, he reminded himself as he glanced back at her one more time before pulling his jeans off the hanger to put them on. Hope wasn't looking for a relationship. She told him that. Cord said he wasn't ready either. But the more time he spent with her, the more ready he became. And wasn't that too damn bad?

  His relationship with his brother was improving. Dean worked silently right alongside him, and he saw his brother's attitude softening toward him. Cord was relieved Dean might finally believe he was staying.

  His daddy had loosened up too since the mortgage was paid off, thanks to Hope's inheritance check. She bought supplies so they could do the needed repairs too, and like she said she would, she told his daddy it came from him. With every project they finished, his daddy's shoulders seemed straighter, his soul more vibrant. His mother was smiling again too. Hope had fulfilled her end of their bargain and then some. Cord needed to do the same thing by letting her go when she was ready to leave.

  Cord's eyes went back to Hope's hand which rested on her stomach on top of the sheet. His heart kicked in his chest when he saw his ring on her finger, snuggled up against the thin, gold band he added during their wedding ceremony. She hadn't taken it off since he put it there. Not even when she was cleaning the troughs.

  Did that mean something?

  No, Cord knew he was grasping at straws. Reading things into the situation that didn't exist just because he wanted to see them. He was running out of time with her, and she hadn't given him any indication that she had feelings for him or that she had changed her mind about wanting a relationship.

  Thanksgiving was in two days. She was staying for dinner, but would she leave the day after? Like every time he had that thought, at least twice a day, a dart of panic shot through his chest. Cord rubbed it away. He was not going to renege on their deal even though he knew he would be in a world of hurt when she left.

  Before she left though, he was going to make damn sure she never forgot him. Maybe after a while, she would come back. Or maybe he'd just spend the rest of his life trying to find the impossible —a woman like her.

  But then the impossible was possible sometimes.

  Hadn't a hard, rough-around-the-edges cowboy, a self-centered playboy model who had his choice of women, fallen head-over-heels in love with a silver-spoon-fed Dallas socialite with a heart as big as his home state? The sun, the moon, and the stars had aligned and the impossible had occurred. Cord Dixon was in love with his wife.

  But their pretend marriage had an expiration date. On that day, he would face the second hardest thing he'd ever done. Letting Hope walk out of his life. Cord would let her go because she deserved the best, better than him, for sure. Nobody could love her more than him, but she needed to feel the same way about whoever she married after him. Cord just hoped he never had to see her with that someone else. He wouldn't be able to keep his sanity.

  A hard lump formed in his throat and he swallowed it then turned to tiptoe to the door, quietly shutting it behind him.

  He had things to do, and keeping busy would stop him from thinking about Hope.

  * * * *

  The door of the bunkhouse opened and Hope glanced up from her computer. Cord walked in and he wasn't smiling. "What's wrong?" she asked.

  "Nothing," he said tersely as he brushed by the couch, headed toward the hallway.

  Hope saved the layout she was working on and shut down her computer then walked toward the bedroom. The cowboys had left to go home earlier in the day, so it would be just her and Cord tonight in the bunkhouse. There would be space and time for them to talk about things. About when she was leaving. About the job Tina's boss at Texas Tomboy had offered her today. About ending their marriage.

  Sickness swam in her stomach at the thought. Leaving Cord and his wonderful family, the peace she had found here at the ranch, would be the hardest thing she had ever done. Staying here with them, being with Cord, had been the best time of her life. She had no doubt that she loved him. But Hope knew she could never tell him. He had enough pressure as it was without her adding to it. And if he didn't feel the same way, it would crush her. He had made it clear he didn't want a relationship. They had a deal.

  It was time for her to go home.

  Her attorney called today to tell her he'd gotten served on her behalf with the lawsuit from Brittany Weston. That was another thing making her nauseous. The crazy woman was trying to sue her for five million dollars. That was about two million more than she had left from her inheritance. But Hope was glad she'd spent the other money the way she had. If she hadn't married Cord, the money would have gone to charity anyway. Marrying him just meant she got to select the cause, and it was a damn good one.

  His father's life and his family's livelihood.

  Brittany Weston had plenty of money on her own. She could just take what was left. Hope's attorney didn't think she'd get a tenth of that in court but stranger things had happened. Whatever happened, she knew one thing; Bridezilla couldn't get blood from a turnip. After the three million was gone, Hope would be broke again.

  But at least she would have a job. She was sure Cord would get offers too once the calendar was published but she hoped he didn't take them. His family needed him here. She thought he realized that now. And his family was coming around. They were well on their way to forgiving him for leaving.

  Hope grabbed the doorknob on the bedroom door and her hand trembled. She heard the shower running and knew Cord was naked in there. Heat pushed up her throat to her face and she felt lightheaded. When he came through the living room a minute ago, he was in that dark mood. The same mood he'd been in on their wedding night. The one that had driven him to push her to sexual heights she'd never known before.

  She wondered what it would take to push him there now.

  A thrill snaked down her spine as she twisted the knob and walked inside.

  Since their wedding night, Cord hadn't made any sexual advances toward her at all. He held her at night, but that's all. Dawn broke, and he left to go work without even a kiss goodbye. Hope never saw him again until he was exhausted and ready for bed, too exhausted to make love to her. But then she was tired too because she worked on the calendar layout at night. The photos were spectacular. Tina and her boss had seen them, helped her pick the ones they would use, and that's what led to the job offer as catalog media manager for Texas Tomboy.

  Fixing the ranch was important to Cord, she knew that. Getting the calendar completed was just as important to her. But she should be important too. They didn't have much more time to spend together. And even though the marriage was pretend, her feelings for her new husband were very real. Until she left and they got the marriage annulled, she was his legal wife. And he was going to treat her that way whether or not anyone was around to see. He should at least make a little time for her, and even if he was mad, he should show a little more respect toward her than he just did. She deserved more. And she was going to demand it.

Their first fight was about to commence. Hope took a deep breath and twisted the bathroom door. Her shoulders sagged when she found it locked. Hope sighed then went back to the living room to finish her layout. She would talk to him when he came out of the shower. That was probably a better idea anyway.

  Hope flicked on the television for background noise to drown out the sound of the shower. Hearing it just made her want to be in there with him. She sat back down at her computer and opened the file she had been working on. If she concentrated, maybe she could finish this tonight like she promised Tina she would.

  After a while, Hope's eyes got scratchy. She yawned then the smarmy infomercial salesman giving his pitch on the television caught her attention. She looked at the corner of her computer screen and gasped. It was two o'clock in the morning and Cord hadn't come back to talk to her after his shower. Unacceptable.

  Pushing on with determination, Hope worked another hour on the calendar layout then sent the file to Tina. She collapsed on the sofa. The walk to the bedroom was too far, and she was too exhausted. Besides, she was mad at Cord. Hope curled up on her folded hands and drifted off to sleep.


  Bright sunlight pierced Cord's brain through his closed eyelids, and his arm automatically reached for Hope's warmth. Her side of the bed was as cold as he was. Fear shot through him then was closely followed by panic. His chest felt like a fifty pound weight sat on it as he vaulted out of the bed and stumbled to the door.

  He staggered down the hall and through the living room. The TV was on, but there was no sign of his wife. Nearly to the door, he caught a flash of red hair on the sofa and his breath came out in a whoosh.

  Cord stomped over there and stood by the sofa with his chest heaving, his hands in fists at his sides. Curled up like a baby in the corner of the couch, Hope was sleeping in her clothes. She hadn't come to bed. He was going to find out why. Not caring that he'd probably scare the crap out her, he demanded, "Why the hell didn't you come to bed to sleep with me last night, wife?"

  Hope's body jerked then she sat straight up to look around, disoriented. "God, Cord, what are you yelling about?" she asked.

  "You didn't come to bed last night," he accused.

  "You didn't act like you wanted me there," she replied.

  "Of course, I wanted you there."

  Hope stood up and Cord saw fire in her eyes. She put her finger on his chest and poked him. He'd never seen her angry before, but there was no mistaking her mood. Her nostrils flared, her pupils dilated, then she tiptoed to put her nose near his. His dick got rock hard at the beauty of her anger, the passion he saw in her eyes. It had been entirely too long since he'd had his wife. But that was about to change.

  Hope poked him in the chest again then hissed, "You sure have a fine way of showing it, husband. Ignoring me sure doesn't make me feel wanted."

  "You want to feel wanted?" he asked with a snort. "How's this, wife?" Cord's arm snaked around her waist and he jerked her into his body. He slammed his mouth over hers and her sweetness exploded over his taste buds. Cord groaned as he deepened the kiss.

  Hope mewled, sliding her palms up his chest to circle her arms around his neck. God, he loved that sound almost as much as the sound of his palm on her ass. He loved everything about the woman, he thought as he swung his free arm back then smacked her ass. Her whole body vibrated against his and her breathing hitched.

  Her eyes were filled with shock and desire when they met his. "Does that make you feel wanted, Tinkerbell?" he grated near her ear.

  "Let me go, Cord," she said, her breath coming in short spurts as she tried to pull out of his arms.

  Cord held her tightly to him. "Not until you tell me you understand that you sleep with me. I better not wake up and find you out here again. If you have a problem with me, you tell me. Got that?" he said roughly.

  Hope didn't respond. Her eyes turned belligerent and issued him a challenge. A thrill shot through Cord because he knew she wanted it. She loved it. And he was glad to give it to her. His arm tightened around her and he raised his hand again.

  "No, wait!" she shouted, but it was too late. His hand was already in downward motion. The smack reverberated through the room and through Cord. Hope whimpered and her knees went weak. She slumped against him, and Cord rubbed out the sting.

  "Do you understand me, wife?" he asked softly as he dropped a kiss on her hair.

  "Yes," she said, exhaling sharply. Hope dropped her forehead to his shoulder and squeezed her thighs together. She would never understand why she loved being spanked by him. Why it excited her so much.

  His muscles tensed again and so did Hope's body. "Say it, wife," he demanded.

  Words rushed past her lips. "I sleep with you, Cord. I'm sorry, sir." She dropped a kiss on the tight skin at his shoulder then her eyes met his. "Please don't spank me again."

  Hope knew she didn't sound convincing at all. She didn't want to convince him. What she wanted was for him to spank her again then for him to make love to her. But his big hands gently cupped her butt and he rubbed her through her jeans.

  "Good girl," he said and hugged her to him.

  His long, hard erection pressed into her stomach and Hope ground her hips against him. "Love me, Cord," she whispered then nipped his lower lip. He growled.

  That's exactly what she wanted from her temporary husband. His love. Forever. But Hope knew she wasn't going to get that so she would settle for his body. And his fierce brand of loving for as long as he allowed it.

  Or until she had to go back to Dallas, which was very soon.

  "Cord, I—" she said, looking up into his eyes.

  The front door opened, and Dean strode inside. "You taking today off?" he asked gruffly. "The cock has crowed and we've got work to do."

  "The cock just walked through the door," Cord growled and turned her loose to face him. The brothers faced off and Hope got concerned that they'd wind up on the floor in a mass of fists and knuckles, but Dean's face eased up into a grin.

  His eyes darted to Cord's crotch then to her. "I think I can figure out why you're late," Dean said with humor in his tone. He spun back toward the door, but stopped. "Finish whatever you were doing and get dressed, but make it quick. We still have a Christmas tree to cut today."

  "Oh, shit," Cord said, slapping a palm to his forehead. Hope looked up at him. "Is Daddy going with us?"

  "Doesn't he always? He has to have the final say. You know that," Dean replied with a laugh as he turned to face him again. The lightness between the brothers made Hope's heart float up in her chest.

  "Yes, he does," Cord replied with a soft smile. "And Mama has the final say on the decorations."

  "Daddy always tries to horn in on that too, but she still shuts him down fast," Dean inserted.

  Cord laughed and pointed a finger at him. "Or he sneaks those ugly ornaments we made as kids on the back limbs."

  "And she takes them down when he's not looking," Dean added, his smile widening. Dean held his gaze then they both cracked up. The sound of their laughter filled the room, and Hope couldn't help but laugh too.

  Hope did feel like an outsider though. She knew nothing about family traditions like decorating a Christmas tree together. Her family just didn't do that. A professional decorator was hired, the tree was done in the most modern fashion, usually silver and crystal, and then they went on vacation instead of shopping to put presents under the tree. Hope was by no means deprived, but her family celebrated a lot differently than his.

  Dean turned around and the two men embraced before he pushed back from Cord and his eyes turned serious. "I'm glad you'll be here this year, Cord."

  "I'm gonna be here every year," he replied just as stoically.

  Silence fell between them and Cord held his brother's gaze. A face off of some kind was going on. They were communicating without saying a word. Finally, Dean nodded and swallowed hard. "Good, that'll make Mama happy."

  Because their daddy might not be around next Ch
ristmas. Hope filled in the blank and her eyes burned. She took a step forward and put her hand in the center of Cord's back to rub soothing circles.

  "Daddy will be glad too," Cord said firmly.

  Dean cleared his throat. "Yeah, we'll all be glad." He turned away and quickly walked out the door, pulling it shut behind him. Cord's chin dropped to his chest and he took a deep, shuddering breath. Hope rubbed the tension from his shoulders then took his arm. "Do I get to go tree shopping with you too?"

  He looked at her with surprise. "Tree shopping?"

  "Dean said you were going to get a tree today, right?"

  "We go out into the woods and cut a tree, Tinkerbell," Cord replied with a laugh. "And we ride horses to go out there. You don't ride."

  "But you said you'd teach me to ride."

  "I did, didn't I?" he replied warmly as he dropped an arm around her. "Riding takes practice though and you start in an enclosed arena, not a field and rough woods. I think we should take the four-wheelers this year."

  Hope wanted to learn to ride a horse, but the thought of learning in the wide open did scare her. "Okay, will you teach me to drive one of those then?"

  His eyes darkened. "You can ride double with me. That'll be safer."

  Being safe with Cord Dixon was the last thing she wanted. Hope wanted to experience every adventure she could pack into the time she had left with him. Learn new things, soak up memories of being with him. Those memories were going to have to last her a lifetime. "That sounds good, but I still want you to teach me how to ride one by myself."

  He laughed and his eyes twinkled. "If you insist, but if you end up in the creek with mud up to your neck, it’s not my fault. Those things have a lot of pep."

  His good mood was contagious, but Hope needed an answer to the question that had been bugging her since last night. Now might be a good time to ask. "Cord, why were you upset last night when you came in? Did I do something wrong?" she blurted, and his smile faded.


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