Full Throttle & Wrong Bride, Right Groom
Page 26
“Who do you have booked into a manor house?” Lucy asked, smiling at her subordinate’s somewhat less than successful attempt at an English accent.
“Abby Davis. Or I guess I should say Abby O’Brian. She and her husband are leaving tomorrow for London. I had to scramble to get her reservation changed to the same flight he was booked on, I’ll tell you. Then I had to track down some information on this manor house she wants to stay in on her honeymoon.”
“What manor house?”
Tiffany handed Lucy the gray confirmation sheet. “It’s called Stonecross Keep. It isn’t on any of our regular tour listings. I had to fax our contacts in London for a description of the facilities and a price quote.”
“After the disaster at the Pines, I’m surprised Abby trusts us to take care of her honeymoon arrangements,” one of the other agents put in.
“The ice storm of the century was hardly the fault of Gulliver’s Travels,” Tiffany declared loftily. Then she abandoned her dignity and gave an earthy chuckle. “Besides, who needs heat or hot water on a honeymoon?”
Lucy’s lips curved in a wry smile. “Not Abby and her husband, evidently. Did you read the description of this place? It has no central heat, no electricity except in the modernized kitchen wing, and ‘plumbing fixtures that give the visitor an appreciation of the medieval way of life.’”
“Oh, dear.”
“You’d better give Abby a call and make sure she knows what she’s getting into.”
Tiffany’s coppery earrings jangled as she nodded. “I will. And as soon as I finalize these arrangements, I’m going to start working the honeymoon package my bridge partner’s niece wants me to put together for her. She’s getting married a week before Christmas.”
Lucy hid a smile as a fervent gleam came into Tiffany’s pale blue eyes. After the disasters that had plagued their Halloween and Thanksgiving honeymoon packages, she could only hope the Christmas bride had a safe, relatively uneventful honeymoon.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-6655-5
Copyright © 2010 by Harlequin Books S.A.
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Copyright © 2004 by Merline Lovelace
Copyright © 1996 by Merline Lovelace
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