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Ben Courson is a vital voice for this generation. He discovers hidden truths in God’s Word and communicates them in a refreshing way. Optimisfits will give you a new perspective on God…and on your own life.
Rich Wilkerson Jr., reality TV star of Rich In Faith, author, and senior pastor of Vous Church
Once you have finished reading this book you’ll know what it means to have authentic hope! Ben gives you a new way of thinking and tools for getting over the obstacles that are holding you back. And he does it with complete honesty and total transparency. If you aren’t sure what God is asking of you, where you fit in, or like you are unqualified to live a life of real optimism, then Optimisfits is the perfect book for you!
Madeline Carroll, star of Grey’s Anatomy, I Can Only Imagine, and Lost
Optimisfits is goofy, funny, profound, and wise. It will reawaken that part of you that has forgotten how to enthusiastically embrace life in all its wonder. Hope is a message that people often don’t know they need, but this book delivers it in all its unbridled splendor.
Tyson Spiess, star of Tiny Houses
Ben is adventurous, and his enthusiasm for life is contagious. He brings childlike wonder and honest faith together in such rare form. Check out Optimisfits!
Ryan Stevenson, Grammy nominated singer/songwriter with #1 songs on the Billboard charts
If you were to combine the positivity of Tony Robbins, the energy of Usain Bolt, and the courage of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, you’d have Ben Courson and his book Optimisfits. It is the perfect extension of who Ben is—a person passionate about life, friends, the lost, and especially about Jesus Christ. In every chapter we learn about the importance of being who we really are, of failing forward, and of laughing at fear. After reading this incredible book you will walk away motivated, challenged, and encouraged to take on life in a new and powerful way.
Stephen Christian, lead singer of Anberlin; over a million records sold
Ben has all the energy and style of a rapper or a DJ, and he brings a message of hope for all our daily struggles. He tears his chest open and spills his heart as his book shouts: “We cannot live without hope; the battle has already been won!” I’ve known Ben for a long time and always wished he would write a book. Now he has. You need to check it out!
Austin Carlile, lead singer of popular bands Of Mice and Men and Attack Attack!
A must-read! Ben is a living voice of hope for the future of our generation!
Meredith Foster, YouTube and Instagram celebrity
Ben is passionate about helping others find something to be passionate about. I love his message and his vision!
Kyle Singler, NBA basketball player
Ben Courson is a unique gift to this generation. From the moment I first heard him, I knew he would not leave the world as he found it. His unbridled joy, inquisitive nature, insatiable quest to learn, and depth of wisdom bely his years and make him one to watch. Optimisfits is more than a book—it’s a prophetic call to a new and better way of living.
Terry Crist, TV host of Café Theology and lead pastor of Hillsong Phoenix
My friend Ben lives the countercultural message he writes about in this book, and he will give you the clear and simple direction you need to unleash hope, faith, and optimism in your life as you become an Optimisfit!
Levi Lusko, bestselling author, TV and radio host, and senior pastor of Fresh Life
Ben’s message is: Embrace who you are because it’s exactly who Jesus made you to be. Optimsfits is a must for anyone struggling to find their identity and purpose!
William Daniels, professional soccer player
Optimisfits is a bold call to reject social norms and embrace your uniqueness in a world that promotes blind conformity. Ben knows what it means to live a life that is both realistic and fearless, full of faith and hope.
Taylor Kalupa, star of Law & Order and The Fix
The first time I heard Ben speak about hope, it wasn’t from a stage or a pulpit. It was face to face, from his heart. I love his message, but what really makes me love him as a person is his willingness to open up from a place of pain and vulnerability. It’s all here in this book—tried by fire and truly authentic. Open up your heart and get ready to be challenged, changed, and charged up by this book!
Matt Hammitt, two-time Grammy-nominated and Dove Award-winning lead singer of Sanctus Real
I love this attention-grabbing, thought-provoking page-turner of a book! You won’t be able to put it down, and when you finish, you’ll want to become part of the Optimisfit squad. Thank you, Ben, for writing this life-changing book.
Carolyn A. Brent, award-winning author and star of Across All Ages
Optimisfits is amazingly energetic, biblically optimistic, and always fun! Ben faces life with a buoyancy and confidence that comes from working through his own pain and darkness. Do yourself a favor and read this book—and then pass it along to someone you love.
Skip Heitzig, national TV and radio host, author, and senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque
Ben is leading the charge to fearlessly and boldly take ground back from the enemy. Dive into this book and let truth wash over you and purpose be ignited in your heart once again.
Masey McLain, star of Christine and I’m Not Ashamed
Has life brought you to your knees? Do you struggle with finding a life worth living? Are you trapped in a limiting, debilitating, anti-inspiring box? Well, this book is an axe to chop your way out! Join Ben, me, and our squad of Optimisfits on the journey of a lifetime—dreaming big, living abundantly, and fulfilling your destiny!
Ebo Elder, pro boxing champion
Ben has the ability to transform your entire life in one sentence, and Optimisfits will change the way you think about everything. A must-read!
Cambria Joy, author and YouTube celebrity
I’m praying that many people will encounter the presence and peace of God through Ben’s brilliant and quirky writing style. He is free to be who God made him to be, and I love the reminder to be an Optimisfit!
Todd Doxzon, former NFL quarterback and senior pastor of Love Church
You will be blessed by Ben Courson’s book, which is full of great stories, profound insights, and a huge dose of biblical optimism. You’ll walk away from this book with HOPE!
Daniel Fusco, TV host, author, and senior pastor of Crossroads
Ben writes in such a fun and winsome style that you can’t help but get swept up in the enjoyment and enrichment of this book. You’ll walk away full of encouragement, hope, and a deep desire to be an Optimisfit yourself.
Ben Malcolmson, bestselling author and special assistant to Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll
We all need more life-changing optimism, and if you need a potent dose to drown out hopelessness, look no further than Optimisfits.
Chris Brown, nationally syndicated radio host
This book will be a huge encouragement to those who need it. I believe in Ben’s message and love reading his stories.
Chelsea Crockett, actress, author, and YouTube celebrity
Ben is the “Hope Evangelist.” You’ll find yourself writing in the margins of Optimisfits and returning to its pages often. I needed this message!
Perry Atkinson, founder and host of Dove Radio and TV
A relentless reminder that hope always has the last word. Optimisfits is engaging, insightful, and bursting with life. This is a message the emerging generation needs to hear. Ben’s words will blow through the ashes of your fear and ignite your soul in hope.
Dominic Done, author of When Faith Fails and senior pastor of A Jesus Church
I’ve seen firsthand what happens when Ben speaks to crowds and how desperately this generation needs hope in their lives.
Optmisfits will have a much-needed impact!
Ryan Ries, radio host and founder of the Whosoevers Movement
Ben has done more than write these pages. He has lived them. I’ve never met anyone more contagiously hopeful. This book set my misfit heart on fire with the hope of Jesus. It is a masterpiece! Read it at your own risk.
Austin French, Rising Star finalist and Billboard-charting singer
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, Berean Study Bible, copyright © 2016 by Bible Hub. Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Verses marked ESV are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Verses marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Scripture quotations marked CSB have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
Verses marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Verses marked TPT are taken from The Passion Translation®, copyright © 2017. Used by permission of BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC, Racine, Wisconsin, USA. All rights reserved. thePassionTranslation.com
Verses marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
Cover by Faceout Studio
Cover photo © Irina_QQQ / Shutterstock
Backcover author photo by Emanuel Morales
Copyright © 2019 Ben Courson
Published by Harvest House Publishers
Eugene, Oregon 97408
ISBN 978-0-7369-7584-1 (pbk.)
ISBN 978-0-7369-7585-8 (eBook)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
All rights reserved. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The authorized purchaser has been granted a nontransferable, nonexclusive, and noncommercial right to access and view this electronic publication, and purchaser agrees to do so only in accordance with the terms of use under which it was purchased or transmitted. Participation in or encouragement of piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of author’s and publisher’s rights is strictly prohibited.
Gen Z and Gen Y, millennials and centennials,
are now the most depressed generation on record.
This book is dedicated to all my Hope Generators
out there for knowing that fact…and defying it.
This book goes out to all you Optimisfits committed
to finding anything that isn’t heaven on earth…and
utterly annihilating it.
1.Why Be Well-Adjusted When You Can Be Savage?
2.Misfits of the World, Unite!
3.Of Pooh Bear, Jesus, and David Foster Wallace…
4.The Optimisfits
5.God and My Squad
6.Frothy and Schlumped
7.Probing the Wounds
8.Ugly Paul and Monster Barbie
9.Hope Is Dope
10.Cambria’s Joy
11.The Wardrobe Effect
12.The Science Chapter
13.The Dragons Behind the Door
14.My Heroes
15.Do Not Read This Chapter
16.My Dad Is Chuck Norris
17.Prayers at Midnight
18.Narnian Royalty
19.Walt Disney Has No Good Ideas
20.10,000 Hours
21.Running Free
22.Something Worth Dying For
23.Weak Is the New Strong
24.On God’s Beat
25.A Very Profound Statement
26.What Sherlock Holmes Taught Me About My Attic
27.Just Shoot
28.Frankl’s Search for Meaning
29.A Caveat
30.The Unedited Me
32.Laughing at Fear
33.Man on the Mountain
34.The Rebel Jesus
35.What I Like About Religion
36.What I Don’t Like About Religion
37.What the Bible Says About Religion
39.Naked Hippies
40.The Optimisfit Blues
41.900 Years Young
42.Peter Pandemonium
43.As Humble as Kanye
44.The (Anti) Suicide Squad
45.Impossible Is Not in My Dictionary
46.There’s a Lion in Town
47.Hope Dealers
48.Horns and Red Tights?
49.Heartbreak and Hope
50.Take the Red Pill
About the Author
We Hope You Enjoyed Optimisfits
Being well-adjusted is seriously overrated.
I’m tired of knowing my place and toeing the party line.
Webster’s dictionary defines misfit as “a person who is poorly adapted to a situation or environment.”
Like it’s a bad thing?
I think there is a lot to be said for the poorly adapted.
When you are trying to adapt to a culture that finds everything pretty much meaningless—who wants to adapt to that?
When you are trying to adapt to a culture that specializes in filters and computer tricks that make you look thinner and more gorgeous than you really are, and online posts that try to impress people rather than impact people—who wants to adapt to that?
When you are trying to adapt to a culture that is all about fulfilling the boring, conformist values of the “American Dream”—who wants to adapt to that?
And frankly, I’m not interested in trying to fit in with unthinking Christianity, made up of followers of an unquestioning vanilla-flavored brand of Churchianity, with all its tameness and sameness. Especially since the One who started it all was offering something more along the lines of a banana split with gummy bears and sprinkles on it.
So, when I am offered the opportunity to adapt to the System—in whatever form—then I will just politely decline.
Or maybe not so politely.
I’m proud to be a misfit.
Who really needs to “fit in” anyway? Sometimes it feels like we are moving ever closer to the world George Orwell envisioned in 1984. A world where everyone is expected to conform, to take their proper place as a cog in the System, to just keep quiet and not upset the applecart, to do what is expected and unquestionably adapt, and to meekly submit to the subtle brainwashing that lulls us into complacency.
No. Just no.
I’m too busy nourishing my inner rebel, trying to keep alive to the things that really matter.
I’m saying no to being what the mighty J.D. Salinger’s young Holden Caulfield called “a phony.”
I refuse to believe that everybody’s Instagram posts are telling it like it is. It is easy to slip into a comparison of our real life behind the scenes with the highlight reels that everyone else is posting. And then we begin to feel like our life is kind of boring in comparison.
It used to be that we tried to live up to the models we saw in magazines. Now we try to live up to our own Facebook profile.
So…if your life seems boring in comparison with other
people’s lives, maybe that means that it is time to change your life. Instead of focusing on a desperate attempt to get the attention of others, maybe it is time to just quit worrying about what other people think and decide to live your own adventure.
That’s what I’m trying to do.
No one ever accused me of being well-adjusted.
And I’m proud of that. I’m happy to be a misfit.
When I was a teenager I told my family and friends about some of the dreams I had for my life. Big dreams. Huge, hulking dreams.
I dreamed about having a show on TV and radio stations around the world. I imagined doing talk shows and radio interviews. I planned on writing a book that would be in bookstores everywhere.
Not because I needed the approval of my fellow featherless bipeds. I couldn’t care less about that. But I had a vision about how God could use me to give hope to the world, especially to those who were struggling and confused and just plain tired of it all.
Maybe I was a little like Joseph, who couldn’t keep his mouth shut about his coat of many colors. I was seventeen when I really began to grasp my dream, and I started telling people about it. They quickly let me know what they thought about all my dreaming. They told me to quit fantasizing and get serious. Some offered stern rebukes about recognizing my place. Or, more often, I just got a blank look from people who didn’t know what to say, like the person who is dancing with you at a party but clearly wishes they were dancing with someone else. A few just smiled and humored me.
My dreams didn’t fit with living an ordinary life.
Some tried to tell me that becoming a friendly neighborhood pastor would be the best way to accomplish what I dreamed about. But I knew that wasn’t the answer. I couldn’t see myself sitting in an air-conditioned office, answering emails and talking to parishioners whose main concern was that the music was too loud on Sunday.
That might be all right for some people, but it wasn’t the dream God had given me. I tried that approach for a while, but it left me stressed and unhappy and unfulfilled.