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Our Little Secret (Finding Forever Book 1)

Page 1

by Rebecca Raine

  Table of Contents

  About Our Little Secret (Finding Forever, Book 1)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Also by Rebecca Raine: Lost in Amber (Finding Forever, Book 2)

  Also by Rebecca Raine: This Time Forever (Finding Forever, Book 3)

  Excerpt from Lost in Amber (Finding Forever, Book 2)

  Chapter 1


  Finding Forever, Book 1

  Rebecca Raine

  Title: Our Little Secret

  Copyright © 2016 Rebecca Raine

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-10: 0-9945027-1-0

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

  Cover by Syneca Featherstone

  About Our Little Secret (Finding Forever, Book 1)

  How does a sensible, modern woman indulge in a three-way relationship without getting all tangled up?

  Julia Hearst is a practical, responsible accountant with no tolerance for salacious thoughts in the workplace. Even if those thoughts, inspired by her two incredibly hot gay employers, are running rampant through her own head. Julia is ready to embark on a new job and leave all these lusty feelings behind.

  Long-time lovers, Derek Carrigan and Scott Mason, have always known they were meant to share their lives with a woman. As far as they’re concerned, they found her the day Julia walked in looking for a job. Now she’s leaving, and will no longer be under their employ, it’s time to make their move.

  Although shocked by their advances, Julia is seduced by the idea of indulging in a few weeks of sensual adventure before she starts her new job. Then, with the restless side of her satisfied, she has every intention of returning to her safe, predictable life with no one the wiser. It will be their little secret.

  Derek and Scott, on the other hand, have their own agenda. Now they have Julia exactly where they want her, they’re not about to let her go.

  For my husband, who shares in all my secrets

  Table of Contents

  About Our Little Secret (Finding Forever, Book 1)

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

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  Author’s Note

  Also by Rebecca Raine: Lost in Amber (Finding Forever, Book 2)

  Also by Rebecca Raine: This Time Forever (Finding Forever, Book 3)

  Excerpt from Lost in Amber (Finding Forever, Book 2)

  Chapter 1

  Also by Rebecca Raine: Splinter

  About the Author


  Chapter 1

  “All I want for Christmas is those two hunks naked and slathered with whipped cream.”

  Julia Hearst frowned as she looked up from her computer monitor. Her friend, Amber, stood in the doorway of her office. “It’s September. You’ll have to wait. Did you need something?”

  The other woman continued staring out the door, toward the conference room on the far side of the hall. “Maybe I’ll add a cherry on top, just so I can have the pleasure of scooping it up,” she added, her tone dark with mischief and lust, “with my tongue.”

  “Stop!” Julia cried out at the blatant words. “Are you trying to get charged with sexual harassment?”

  “It would be worth it if I got what I wanted.” Amber walked into the room with a longing sigh and dropped a file into Julia’s in-box.

  “May I remind you, when I agreed to recommend you for a job here, you agreed to leave your libido at the door?”

  “Hey, you extracted that promise under false pretences. Why didn’t you tell me your bosses were so freaking hot?”

  Julia stared at her in pointed silence.

  “All right, fine.” Amber placed one hand over her heart and declared, “I hereby promise to be a good little boring accountant.”

  “That’s better.” Julia rose from her chair, intent on closing the office door before anyone overheard them. They’d been friends since university, but Amber’s direct way of speaking was sometimes more than Julia could handle.

  The moment she reached the doorway, she spotted the targets of the inappropriate comments through the conference room’s full-length glass wall. Her gaze ran over the long, lean bodies of the two business owners as they pored over a set of blueprints laid out on the table in front of them. One was an architect, the other a builder. Between them, they had created one of the most innovative new design and build housing companies in Melbourne.

  Derek Carrigan, the architect, was the dark one. With his chiselled features and chocolate brown eyes, he could make women swoon with just one of his rakish smiles. Julia had clicked with Derek from day one. He was easy to talk to and quick to laugh. If she didn’t know him to be otherwise committed, she’d probably be half in love with him by now. But only probably.

  Beside him stood Scott Mason, the builder. On the surface, Scott was the light to Derek’s shadows. Close-cropped blond hair and startling blue eyes. Cheekbones so sharp they could cut ice. Julia had no doubt his smile would be just as devastating, but as far as she knew his lips just didn’t work that way. At least, not when they were directed at her. The intensity of his gaze had always disturbed her in ways that made her stomach flutter and confused the hell out of her all at the same time. She’d given up trying to figure him out.

  It no longer mattered anyway. Her one-year contract finished in a week and she would be moving on. When they’d asked her to stay she’d declined, instead accepting a position with an investment firm on the other side of the city. She had enjoyed working for the two men but, honestly, there was only so much fluttering her stomach could take on a daily basis and being around Derek and Scott always seemed to lead to a preponderance of, well, fluttering. Leaving was the only logical choice, given the circumstances.

  “Careful,” Amber said with a smug tone, “you don’t want to be caught ogling the bosses.”

  Jerking to attention, Julia pushed the door closed and returned to her desk. She took a deep breath and smoothed one hand ov
er her hair. Her bun was still neat and secure, just the way she liked it.

  “Even if seducing your employers wasn’t an inherently bad idea, you wouldn’t have any luck with those two.” Julia adjusted her wire-rimmed glasses and forced her attention back to the report she’d completed this morning. Sending it to the printer, she listened for the hum of the machine as it warmed up. She had a meeting with the aforementioned ‘hunks’ in five minutes and didn’t want to be seen as unprepared because of her glitchy printer.

  “Why not? I’m sure my wiles could ensnare one of them.” Amber straightened, pulling her shoulders back until her breasts thrust out proudly. “I’m an attractive woman.”

  Julia was pretty sure that was the understatement of the year. Amber was gorgeous, with thick dark hair that cascaded over her shoulders. Yes, that’s right. Cascaded. How many women actually had cascading hair? Not her, that was for sure.

  “That’s exactly the problem,” Julia muttered as she emailed the report to both Scott and Derek.

  The other woman lifted an indignant eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing. Forget I said anything.” Julia busied herself retrieving her report from the printer and stapling the pages together before she placed the stapler back in its place in the drawer of her desk.

  She looked up to see Amber staring at her, arms crossed over her chest. “Don’t leave me hanging here. What do you know that I don’t?”

  “Oh, all right,” she said, rolling her eyes. “The problem is you’re a gorgeous woman.” Her friend looked at her blankly and she added, “As opposed to a gorgeous man.”

  Amber’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “You mean they’re gay?” she screeched. “Both of them?”

  “Keep your voice down,” Julia begged, praying the men in question were oblivious to the fact their sexual preferences were being discussed just across the hall. She began to gather the materials she needed for her meeting. Last month’s report had to be here somewhere. A quick time check showed she had two minutes to find it. “I knew the moment I met them. Honestly, I’m just surprised I’m the only one who’s realised it.”

  “I don’t believe it. They are not gay.” Amber sounded positively mortified at the idea neither man would be open to her feminine charms. “What on Earth makes you think that?”

  Julia shrugged. She hadn’t really thought about it. Yet, somehow she knew she was right. “I don’t know. They just fit together somehow.”

  “They are best friends. Everyone knows that. Maybe their friendship is what you’re picking up on.”

  Julia shook her head. “It’s more than that. It’s the way they look at each other sometimes.” It was the softening around Derek’s eyes when Scott walked into a room. Like life was just better when he had the other man close by. And the way Scott would sometimes bite his bottom lip when he looked at Derek. As if he imagined biting something entirely different, but held himself in check.

  The whole idea made Julia flustered until her normally unflappable demeanour came apart at the edges every time she ended up alone in a room with the two of them. It was like an ecstatic kind of torture. Which was exactly why she preferred to be completely prepared when she had her monthly meeting with them. It helped her look professional, even when she didn’t feel it.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Amber asked, looking put out.

  “It never came up, and besides what was I supposed to say? They never talk about it or refer to themselves as a couple. Obviously they prefer to keep their private lives to themselves and it’s nobody else’s business.” Actually, now she thought about it, she felt bad for being the one to let the cat out of the proverbial bag. “Maybe you’re right,” she said, hoping to put a quick end to the conversation. “I’m probably just imagining the whole thing.”

  Amber laughed. “I for one don’t blame you if you are. I just want to be able to slide myself in the middle of all that hot male goodness.”

  Those words alone made Julia’s stomach clench. Made other parts, lower down, clench too. Images of the two men together, their mouths melding, their hard masculine bodies straining against each other, played through her head. She heard a tiny whimper, realised it had come from her and cleared her throat, hoping to cover it up. This kind of behaviour was unacceptable in the workplace. As a responsible adult she would not allow such salacious thoughts to interfere in her life. Well, not between the hours of nine and five anyway.

  “Finally.” She held up the report she’d been searching for with a triumphant shake. “Just in time.”

  A moment later there was a knock on the door and Derek poked his head into the room. “Good afternoon, ladies,” he said with a wide smile. “Julia, are you ready for us?”

  She rose from her desk, desperately trying not to hear a double meaning in his words. “Of course.” With a quick wave to Amber, she followed him across the hall to the conference room where Scott waited. Let the fluttering begin.

  Chapter 2

  “You’ve done an amazing job, Julia. As always.” Derek closed the monthly report and pushed it aside as they wrapped up their meeting. “I only wish we could have convinced you to stick around longer.” He dished up the well-deserved compliment with a side of his most charming grin, and was rewarded when a flush of pleasure brightened her cheeks.

  That was just the reaction he’d been hoping for. He wanted to make sure their prim and proper accountant was happy before he posed the question he’d been wanting to ask all week. “We’ll see you at the party tonight. Right?”

  He and Scott had decided to celebrate five years in operation by hosting a small get-together for their employees in a local pub. Nothing fancy, just some drinks and nibbles to thank everyone for their hard work. Derek had his own reasons for hoping Julia, in particular, would be there.

  “The party’s tonight?” she asked as she began to gather her belongings. He could all but see her brain working, looking for a polite way to say no. “I’m not sure. I’ve only got one week left and I have a lot of work to finish. I want to make sure everything is up to date when Amber takes over my role. I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it.”

  “Oh, come on,” Derek replied with a dismissive hand. “It’s Friday. Blow off work. I have it on good authority your bosses won’t mind.”

  She glanced at Scott as she gave a half-hearted laugh, but he was busy using his smart phone to book their final meeting into his calendar. Derek wondered if it would be too obvious if he kicked his partner under the table. A plan was being hatched here. The least the other man could do was pay attention.

  “Celebrating the success of the company is important to us and you’ve been a big part of that success this past year. We’d both like you to be there,” he added a little louder. “Wouldn’t we, Scott?”

  Scott looked up from his phone with a start. “Yes,” he said in a gruff voice. That steely gaze of his locked with Julia’s for a lingering moment. “Of course we want you.” Derek saw Scott’s jaw clench, watched his throat work as he swallowed hard, right before his gaze returned to the phone in his hand.

  Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Derek turned his own attention back to Julia. She was still staring at Scott. Her brows were drawn into a deep frown, even as she took a shuddery breath through parted lips. Derek reached across the table with one hand to regain her attention, his fingertips brushing against hers. “Please,” he said with a quiet insistence. “Say you’ll come.”

  One corner of her mouth lifted in a shy grin that went straight to his gut, and a few other places. She nodded. “All right. I’ll be there.”

  “Excellent. We’ll be looking forward to it.” He rose from his chair and walked her to the door with a broad smile. “Scott and I are in desperate need of a night out before we turn into a boring old couple.”

  Her wide-eyed gaze snapped up to his, before flicking to the stiff back Scott still presented. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times before she finally blurted, “See you tonight.�
� Then she disappeared out the door.

  Derek almost laughed out loud a few seconds later as he watched her office door slam closed. Expected though it was, the utter shock on her face had been priceless.

  When Julia had begun working for them a year ago, Derek had taken an instant liking to her. She was smart and funny and ridiculously sexy under all those layers of propriety and decorum. Before long they’d started chatting in the lunchroom about a whole range of subjects. They’d enjoyed each other’s company and become friends of a sort. But not once had he ever made reference to himself and Scott as a couple. It was an unspoken rule of his relationship with Scott. They kept their private life and their business life strictly separate. Derek didn’t like it. To him it had always felt like hiding. Scott preferred it that way, though, and Derek did his best to understand his partner’s needs. One day he hoped they could be more open with the people they spent so much time with. Until Scott was on board with the idea, however, they would continue to present themselves to the world at large as business partners, friends, and nothing more.

  He’d never made an exception to the rule—until today. He’d done it because that’s exactly what he hoped Julia would become. An exception.

  “A word, Derek?” Scott brushed past him on his way out of the conference room and into his own office down the hall.

  Derek followed him in before closing the door. He leaned back against it, arms crossed over his chest, and watched Scott pace in front of his desk. That jaw of his was clenched tighter than an iron maiden. His fists balled at his sides. In fact, every inch of his delectable body was coiled with tension. Just as it always was after they’d spent time alone in a room with Julia. Only this time he used it to fuel his anger.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Scott demanded.

  “She’s leaving. After next week she won’t work for us anymore. It changes everything.” He knew, left to his own devices, Scott would continue to choke on his own lust until Julia disappeared from their lives forever. Derek had no intention of being that selfless. There were only a few days separating her from the end of her contract and he’d decided to take action.


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