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Becoming Little Jenny (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 2)

Page 17

by Becca Little

  “Won’t we be late?” I asked as I felt him hard against my leg.

  “Do you care?” He ran his fingers up my leg and squeezed it tightly.

  “No…” I said in a slight whisper. “I don’t care at all.”

  He pulled my leg over his hips and I felt the tip of his cock against my pussy. My punished bottom radiated almost as much heat as the sizzle between us. Three years and we still wanted each other like the very first day. Dinner would have to wait, but I hardly cared. He slipped the head of his cock into the crevice of my pussy, directly against the clitoris. I sighed as I rolled forward, pressing both palms to his muscled abs, and lowering myself onto him slowly. He wasn’t in the mood for slow. He grabbed me tightly by the hips, four fingers on each hand digging into the punished flesh on my bottom, and snapped me down with force. My knees buckled and his cock went all the way in. I moaned at the shock of penetration and then started to adjust. He lifted and slammed me down, barely even giving me a chance to lift up before he yanked me down again. My pussy slammed into his pelvis, each impact stimulating my clitoris. He lifted his hips with every descent, so hard that I felt his balls wrap around and crash into my labia. I was completely at his mercy, but enjoying every second of it. He rarely let me ride him, instead preferring to be the one on top, but it didn’t seem to matter much. He was in control whether he was mounted between my legs or throwing me around on top like a rag doll. I was so consumed by pleasure that I couldn’t do anything but rise and fall against his motions.

  “You feel so good…” I said with a whimpering moan.

  “I’m going to fuck you like I own you.” He said with a grunt as he picked up the pace.

  “You do…” I said with another moan. “I belong to you.”

  “Damn right you do.” He brought his hand down on my bottom again.

  “Oww!” I said with a squeal. “That wasn’t very nice!”

  He didn’t respond, he just continued to drive his cock between my thighs. I tried to lift myself as often as I could, to push myself up even higher on his cock before he brought me down, but I only went as far as he allowed. Each time I slid down his shaft, he pulsated against my g-spot and sent waves of pleasure through my body. He finally started to tire a little, and I felt like I had some slight semblance of control. His hands remained on my hips, but they didn’t squeeze like they were before. I leaned back, bracing myself against his strong thighs with my fingers, and then started to ride his cock, pushing back and sliding forward each time. After a few long strokes, he started to run his fingers up my body, squeezing and touching me. He squeezed both nipples between his thumb and forefinger, rolling them as I rode him. My tired muscles, which were still exhausted from the paddling, started to slightly spasm, so I fell forward. I came down on his cock so hard that it nearly sent me straight into an orgasm. I balanced on his abdominal muscles with my palms once more, and started to slowly rise up. His body was starting to tighten and I knew it wasn’t going to be a marathon session. Sometimes he would fuck me for half the night before he blew his load, but his body language suggested he was getting close. My body was even closer, to the point that I had to slow myself in order to avoid it.

  “Don’t hold back.” He gripped my hips again, squeezing my bottom.

  “I…” I whimpered. “I want to cum with you…”

  “Then don’t hold back.” He said harshly and his body rolled forward. He was a lot closer than I thought.

  I let the fight slowly slip away. I was his to maneuver, his to control, and his to fuck. He lifted me up and started to bring his hips into mine like a hammer, capped off by the pulsating head of his cock which swelled against my tight vaginal wall. I could tell it was going to be a very explosive orgasm on my end. Perhaps the time I spent over his knee with the paddle teaching me a lesson had somehow added to the pleasure, or perhaps it was just the love I felt for him, but I was practically hypnotized by his touch. Had I not been so enthralled in our mutual passion, I would have felt paralyzed and unable to move as the orgasm gripped me from within. My pussy tightened on his cock and my clitoris tensed up, feeling the impact of his pelvis grinding on it with every thrust. Three more quick thrusts followed, and then he paused there, holding me tightly pressed against his groin. I felt his cum surge out and it set off a powerful orgasm inside of me. I nearly yelled his name, completely engulfed in the moment. I orgasmed as his cum filled my pussy, squeezing it with my tightness, trying to milk every drop from within in. After what seemed like an eternity with us locked in that moment, he finally started to release some of the tension and sink back into the bed. I fell with him, wrapped in his arms, but never separating from his cock. My mind spun with ecstasy, and I didn’t want to move from that moment as long as I lived.

  “We’re going to need to shower again…” He said with a sigh.

  “Are we going to do this again after we’re done?” I whispered into his ear.

  “Maybe after dinner…” He rubbed up and down my back and slowly slid his cock out of my pussy.

  “Fine… I guess I can wait.” I fell to the side as he rolled out of the bed and walked towards the shower again.

  We somehow managed to keep our hands off of each other long enough to get dressed and into the car. It was a long drive, but it was worth it when we pulled up to the restaurant. Dinner was very good, and exactly what my famished body needed by the time we got our table. He chose a restaurant I had wanted to try for quite a while. It was a French one with items on the menu I couldn’t read, but he ordered me something he knew I would like. I didn’t realize exactly how hungry I was until the first bite of pasta slipped down my throat. Unfortunately, I had a little too much wine because I was still high from our encounter and feeling the energy flowing. He didn’t judge me, and he helped me stumble to the car. The orgasm took more out of me than I realized, so I was worthless by the time we got home. Thankfully, he seemed to be fairly exhausted as well. He put me to bed and crawled in beside me, drawing himself close and letting the heat warm us as we drifted off to sleep. I once again woke up to find him gone as usual, but the bed was warm where he had been. I slipped on my robe before walking downstairs to find breakfast was ready for me. I poured myself some coffee and walked out onto the terrace where he sat with an empty plate, sipping his coffee and enjoying one of his cigars.

  “I’m sorry about last night. You wore me out.” I smiled as I took my seat.

  “The wine did a good job of putting the nightcap on you.” His cigar flared as he winked at me.

  “I suppose so.” I yawned and sipped my coffee again.

  “I hope you don’t think you are completely forgiven for the lying you have done.” He tapped the ashes off the tip and looked over at me.

  “What?” I felt a nauseating filling in my stomach and I suddenly didn’t want any breakfast.

  “You’ve lied to me and to your mother for years. Do you really think one paddling purges all of that dishonesty?” He tilted his head and his eyebrows tightened as they came together.

  “I mean…” I struggled to find words. “Maybe? I don’t know…”

  “After you finish with breakfast, we will begin the next part of your punishment.” He tapped out his cigar stood up. Without another word, he walked into the house, leaving me alone with my food and confusion.

  I couldn’t finish my food, but I finished my coffee before I walked into the house. My bottom ached with every step after the reminder of what happened the night before. I didn’t want another spanking or another paddling, but if it was what he required in order to purge me of my lies, then I was willing to pay that price—I had to. I loved my husband and I had acted so foolish by deceiving my mother and not believing it would ever blow back on him. It certainly was not my intention, but my actions had backfired. I didn’t find him in the living room, so I walked upstairs. Our bedroom was empty, and as I turned to look around, I saw that a door was open. I walked towards it in caution. The room was a guest room, sparsely decorated with enough
furniture to comfortably accommodate anyone who spent the night. When I pushed the door open, my eyes got wide. The room had been converted to a nursery. I wracked my brain, trying to figure out how it had been done when I was home all day. I hadn’t been in the room in months, but I was certain I would have known if someone was changing everything out. I looked around at the pink paint, stuffed animals, and crib in the middle. My eyes were drawn to the letters hanging over it. They were fancy and connected with string and they spelled out J-U-L-I-E. I felt my lip wrinkle and confusion as he walked out from the bathroom which connected the room to the one beside it.

  “Stephen, what is this?” I looked at him and shook my head in a questioning manner.

  “This is your new home. Your lies have brought this on you. For the next twelve months, until our fourth anniversary, you will be regressed. You are no longer Julie Crane, my wife—you are now my little girl.” He pulled another cigar out and lit it as I looked on in confusion.

  “Your little girl? I don’t understand…” I looked around the room again. “Where did all of this stuff come from?”

  “I had it brought here while we were out for dinner last night. Your lies have proved to me that you cannot be a good, submissive wife without proper training. I’m going to rebuild you into what you are failing to become. This journey will not always be pleasant, but it is necessary.” He puffed his cigar a few times and then removed his from his mouth.

  “I know I made mistakes, but I really don’t think this is necessary. I made a mistake, but that doesn’t mean I need to start over. I don’t need a regression, and I certainly don’t need to be treated like a child…” I picked up a stuffed animal and threw it on the floor. “I’m not a child…”

  “You act like one.” He walked to the door and pulled a key from his pocket. “I’m going to leave you here for a little while to think about this. I’ll be back in a few hours and you can let me know what you have decided.”

  He walked out the door and clicked the lock, sealing me inside the strange room. I immediately ran to the door and tried the knob, only to find he had a new lock installed that could not be opened without a key. Frustrated with my captivity, I walked around the room and looked at everything. In the middle was a large crib, one big enough for me to use as a bed. I had no idea how he managed to get all of the things in the room so quickly. After a little more investigation, it dawned on me that he must have been planning this for a while. There was no way he had it all created after he found out about my lies. It had to be building for a while and the lies were just the tipping point. I wondered if he had created it a year prior when he first spanked me and waited for me to mess up again before he had it brought into the house. I really didn’t think I deserved what he had planned, but I realized accepting it was another test of my submission. He had made the decision as the head of the household, and if I bucked that decision, then I was not fulfilling the role I had sworn to uphold. It was a true catch twenty-two situation which had become a test of my ability to buckle before him and accept my punishment. The silence of the room was my tomb, and it would be a tomb for a year. Julie Crane was being cast aside and put away. For a year, I would live my life as his little girl, and I hoped that if I showed him I could be the good, submissive wife he wanted, I could walk by his side once again. It wasn’t long until I heard the key turn in the lock and I realized an hour had passed.

  “Have you spent enough time in here to make your decision?” He asked as he closed the door.

  “Yes…” I nodded my head. “I will do as you wish. If you think this is the punishment I deserve, then I will accept it.”

  “Good, I’m glad to see that you’re finally learning your place in this relationship.” He smiled and it was the same warm smile he gave me when he was proud of me.

  “I’m trying…” I said cautiously. “Just when I think I know it, I realize I have more to learn.”

  “It is your open mind and your willingness to learn that makes me love you.” He reached for me and I walked into his open arms.

  “I love you so much, Stephen.” I said as I kissed his cheek.

  “I love you too. Are you ready to begin?” He hugged me tight for nearly a minute before I finally responded.

  “Yes…” I felt butterflies in my stomach. I wasn’t sure exactly what was going to happen, and I was nervous.

  “Remove your clothes. It is time for you to say goodbye to the woman you are so you can become my little girl.” He reached into my robe and started to help me remove it.

  Once the robe was removed, I stood naked in front of him. I started to worry about the arrangement, wondering if being his little girl meant that our romance would be put on hold. There was no way I could go for a year without his touch, and I couldn’t imagine him going a year without fucking his wife. I was pretty sure that would kill us both if we didn’t kill each other with our eagerness for pleasure. After my robe was gone, he removed the braided band I used to hold my hair up and let it fall freely around my shoulders. He walked me to a makeup table and sat me down in front of the mirror. I stared at my reflection and realized I was about to view myself for the last time as his wife. The conversion—regression as he called it—was about to begin. He moved brush through my hair until it was practically frizzy. His hand went down my arm and clasped my hand. I thought it was a romantic gesture until he locked his thumb and forefinger around my wedding set, removing the diamond and the circle of our unity as quickly as he had slipped it on my finger. He opened a drawer and dropped them both in. They landed with a clang that rang down into my soul. I had not been without them for more than a few minutes since they were put on my finger, and I felt the absence immediately. My finger rolled around the indentation on my hand and I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

  “Can’t I keep that at least?” I asked in an almost begging tone.

  “I’m afraid not. If you are good, you’ll have them back in a year.” He smiled and kissed my head.

  A year was a very long time. It was an especially long time to be without my wedding set. I started to wonder about friends and family. Would we skip holidays this year with my family? Would I be forced to go home dressed as his little girl and face even more questions from my mother? I couldn’t lie to her again… Was my punishment to tell the ultimate truth and admit I was little more than a disobedient child who had to be punished by my husband? I wasn’t sure my mother or my father could handle that reality. Skipping the holidays completely seemed like an even harder reality for them to handle. I knew I would have to ask those questions at some point, but all I could focus on at the present moment was the stinging sensation of makeup remover. He doused my face in it and cleaned every speck of makeup from my pores. I had always caked on the makeup when I was younger because it made me look older. I had passed that point and it did little to conceal my age. In fact, I thought I looked a little younger as a fresh faced woman than I did with all of the paint. I noticed that the makeup table did not have any makeup at all, so I assumed I had applied my last coat of it for a while. His little girl would have to get by on her natural beauty because there was nothing to boost it.

  “I’ve never understood why you wanted to hide such elegance under all of that gunk.” He ran his knuckles across my face and pushed my cheek to the side so he could kiss it.

  “I just wanted to be beautiful for you.” I said as I closed my eyes and leaned into his hand.

  “You don’t need it to be absolutely gorgeous.” He removed his hand from my face and extended it to. I placed my palm in his and he helped me stand.

  The bedroom he had chosen to remodel into my nursery was one that had an attached bathroom with a garden tub. He brought me into the room and I found it had been fully stocked. The hanging shelves were filled with scented soaps, oils, and sugar scrubs. At least if I wasn’t going to be able to keep a layer of makeup on, I would be able to take care of my skin. The first thing he did was sit me on the edge of the tub and use one of the sugar scrubs to
lather up my vagina. I always kept it well groomed, but it appeared he wanted it bare. Had I realized he wanted that, I would have been glad to do it, but he never mentioned it one way or the other. It didn’t take long for the thin layer of hair to be removed with a razor. He freshened up the areas I normally shaved, and then tossed the disposable razor in the trash. His shave was a lot closer and harsher than the one I gave myself, so there was a little bit of stinging which irritated and distracted me. It distracted me so much that I didn’t notice the enema bag until it was already hanging on the towel bar. He acted like it was a natural part of the bathroom scenery, but it was scary to me. The only thing I really remembered about them was getting the tube stuffed up my anus when I was sick as a child. My mother believed a good enema could cure anything and she was usually wrong. I had little choice in the matter as my husband’s little girl. He stood up and started mixed some ingredients in a bowl.

  “The first enema you receive will be for cleansing, but rest assured, I can utilize them as punishment as well.” He poured water into the enema and then scraped the ingredients into it, sloshing them around until it was mixed.

  “Punishment?” I knew they could hurt, but I had never viewed them as punishment.

  “You will see soon enough as you spend the next hour letting your body purge itself of the poisons you forced into it.” He helped me up and bent me over the edge of the tub.

  “The tub is cold…” I said with a shiver as I touched the bottom with my palms.

  “This should warm you up.” He twisted his hand around the nozzle a few times to warm it up and then slipped it into my anus.

  “Oww…” I felt pressure and stretching as it went deeper.

  The nozzle for his enema was a lot longer and thicker than the ones I remembered. When it was pushed into my anus, it widened it considerably, making it quite uncomfortable once it was pushed all the way in. He turned a small knob which began to unleash the warm water and his additives at a rapid pace. I felt my stomach getting tight as it rushed inside of me and made it swell. At first it was just a warming sensation, but after a few seconds, it started to sting and burn. It was like someone was scrubbing my insides with a cleaning agent—I suddenly understood why he said it was designed to cleanse me. The thought of holding it for an hour was scary. It hurt, burned, and filled me with agony before it was done pumping the contents inside of me, but after what seemed like an eternity, it was finally done. He pulled the rubber hose out of the nozzle and then capped it with some sort of plug, pushing it even deeper. I didn’t expect it to remain after the enema was injected into me, but it seemed that it was going to stay stuffed inside my anus. My stomach was already cramping from the contents, and had I not had the plug, I’m certain I would have been unable to contain them. I slipped off of the edge of the tub and curled up in the floor. Everything hurt, and the cleansing agent he had inserted into me was causing spasms throughout my entire upper torso. I looked up at him with tears building up in the corner of my eyes.


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