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Becoming Little Jenny (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 2)

Page 19

by Becca Little

  “A bottle? I wanted something else…” I gave him a hungry look with my eyes on his crotch.

  “You did a good job, and you’ll get to ride it soon. Right now, I’m just going to relax and think about it.” He winked at me and sat down in the recliner, lifting the footrest.

  The bottle was warm to the touch and I was annoyed at the sight of it. Did he really expect me to drink from a bottle for a year? I sat down and pouted for several minutes, but he completely ignored me, so I lifted the bottle and started to sip it. From the look of it, I assumed it was milk, but it was actually a White Russian. After a few sips, I could smell the alcohol, and I no longer cared that it was coming from a bottle. It was really strong and made my head spin, to the point that I had to lay on my back and drink it, just like a child. I judged the larger than average bottle to have at least twelve ounces of liquid, a lot of which was pure alcohol. By the time I got to the end, I was buzzed. My lips were numb and my tongue was too thick for my mouth. I dropped the bottle beside me and tried to sit up, only to find that I was woozy. The alcohol had driven my need for his cock into the stratosphere and all I could focus on was having him inside of me. The buzz settled down after a few minutes and I made my way towards his chair, still bound to my knees because of the leather cuffs. I tugged on the edge of his pants like a little girl trying to get her father’s attention, but he mostly ignored me until I really got fierce and aggressive with my attempts. Finally, he looked over at me.

  “Yes, darling?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “You promised me…” I whined.

  He reached down and lifted me by my arms, pulling me up into the chair. He sat me down across his lap and I straddled him. I smiled when I felt his cock hard in his pants. He was teasing me and he wanted it just as bad as I did. I rubbed myself back and forth across it, grinding my hips, but I couldn’t feel much of anything through the diaper. After a few gyrations, he slipped his fingers into waistband of the diaper and began to unfasten it. His middle finger slid down and rubbed my clitoris as I moaned. I couldn’t move up and down with the leather cuffs restricting the bounce in my knees, but I was able to grind myself into his finger by moving forwards and backwards in a slow methodical motion. After a couple of minutes, he removed the diaper completely, tossing it to the side of the chair. He unfastened his pants again and pushed them down, allowing his cock to quickly get hard once more. I wasn’t able to lift myself up onto it, but he helped me, lifting me until I was directly over it. He released me slowly and I slid down onto it like I was being impaled by his monstrous, swollen dick. Normally, he would have driven it in, or I would have bounced until it was buried in my mound, but the restraints forced me to just endure the slow torture. I slid down until I could feel his tight against my g-spot, and then I was resting with the lips of my labia pressed against his pelvis. Even though I was on top, I had little control because of the restraints.

  “Are you going to ride it?” He asked as his fingers rubbed up and down my body, caressing my breasts and squeezing my nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

  “I… I can barely move.” I said as I rested my hands on his stomach and tried to move back and forth.

  It wasn’t the easiest endeavor, but I finally got the motion going that I needed to feel his cock pulsating inside of me and pressing against my g-spot with every movement. Even though I had recently drained every drop I could suck out of his cock, he was still rock hard and ready to go. My pussy was practically swollen with lust and my clitoris was tight against his pelvis when I moved. Because of the angle and the restraints, each time I moved back and forth to grind him inside me, my clitoris was scraped across him, creating a quick wave of pleasure. I loved every second of it and each time I bobbed on his cock, I wanted more. I was so turned on that it wasn’t long before I felt the walls of my vaginal cavity tightening and I shuddered with excitement. I pressed my fingers in hard and started to go faster against him. He closed his eyes and slightly sighed as I moaned. I knew I was going to orgasm, and he could feel it too. He didn’t seem to be close, but I couldn’t hold on. I rolled forward and backwards, practically falling against his legs when I did, sliding his cock in and out of my pussy until my whole body lost control. I clenched up as the emotions roared out of me and an orgasm followed. My mouth opened and I panted from the pleasure it produced. After I was spent, I slumped forward, sliding his cock all the way inside of me again. He tilted his head and shook it, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “Oh no, you’re not done.” He locked both hands under the leather restraints.

  “I know…” I whispered as he lifted me up.

  There was little I could do but let him lift and lower me on his cock. His appetite was not fulfilled and after he drove me down onto his cock a few times, I could feel my own body reacting as well. He sat up in the chair, closing the footrest and leaving me suspended backwards in the air, my knees folded against his ribs. He lifted me like I was nothing and spun around, dropping me in the chair. He spread his legs and sank between my thighs, pressing me against the chair with his weight. The restraints on my knees left them permanently bent, which made it easy for him to push them back until they were touching the chair beside my ears. He held them there as he fucked me, slamming into my pussy so hard the chair rocked back and forth. It didn’t take much effort to create a constant rhythm where the chair rolled forwards and backwards, sliding my body up and down his cock. I reached back and squeezed the chair with both hands, just trying to hold on for dear life as I felt another orgasm coming. My pussy clenched his cock again, but the motion of the chair made it easy for him to keep pounding away like I was offering very little resistance. I felt my body capsizing into an orgasm and I tried to control my breathing so I didn’t choke on it. The second one rushed from my body as he slammed into me, and then I felt him tensing up as well. He started to shake and then I felt his cum rushing into my pussy, which caused me to orgasm a third time along with him. He drove his cock deep and held me there, with the chair pushed all the way back as he deposited his manhood inside. After a few more moments of heavy breathing, he released his grip and the chair returned to normal position.

  “Dear god…” I said as a smile crossed my face. “I think I’m going to like being your little girl.”

  “We’ll see if you’re still singing that tune in a week.” He pulled me close and sank beside me in the chair. “I love you.”

  “I love you too…” I nestled against his chest. “I love you with all of my heart.”

  The last sound I heard was his heart beating against my cheek. My life as his little girl had officially begun. Every morning I woke up in my crib and had my morning bath, along with an enema. Sometimes I only got a diaper to wear, and sometimes he put a pair of pajamas or a dress over it. My daily meals consisted of his cock and the bottle, sometimes in that order, sometimes not. I did everything I could to be a good little girl while he was there, but I often cheated when he was away. His job kept him out of the house a lot during the week, and I found out how to pick the locks on my knee restraints with a hairpin. I made sure to put everything back on before he got home in the evenings. Several months went by, and I continued to live my life in that role. I hated sleeping alone, but after a couple of weeks, I started to sneak into his room at night and crawl into bed. I expected to get in trouble for it, but he didn’t seem to mind, so I continued to do it night after night. There was no greater feeling than to be embedded in his arms, knowing I was safe for another night. We normally had sex at least once during the course of the day, whether it was before my diaper was put on, or after he got off work. On the good days, we managed to get it before work, after work, and when I crawled into bed beside him. One day, he came home unexpectedly during the middle of the day to find me without my diaper or knee restraints, and casually sitting on the couch watching television. I could tell by the look on his face that he was not happy.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He towered over me. There wa
s no denying my crime. The diaper and restraints were on the table next to me.

  “I’m sorry… I was going to put them back on before you got home, I swear!” I tensed my face up in a sorrowful expression.

  “I expect you to live as my little girl, not dress up like my little girl when I’m home!” He shook his head.

  “I know, I just didn’t see the harm in taking it off while you were gone.” I admitted with a bit of shame in my voice.

  “How did you get the restraints off anyway?” He lifted them off of the table and inspected the lock.

  “I picked it…with a hairpin.” I didn’t see much point in lying, regardless of what it meant for me.

  “Well now you’re going to pick something else.” He said as he clenched them in his hand. “Remove your robe.”

  “Yes sir.” I removed it he snapped them back on my knees, bending them even further than they were before. Once they were locked around me, he slide the diaper back on again.

  “I’m really sorry…” I didn’t like how rough he was being with me, but I knew I deserved it.

  “I want you to crawl to the woods at the edge of the backyard and pick a hickory switch for me to punish you with. Make sure it is thick enough and long enough to deliver the punishment you deserve. If you don’t pick a good one, I’ll whip you with the one you chose until it breaks, and then go pick one to deliver your real punishment. Choose wisely.” He walked to the door and opened it.

  “Are you serious? The neighbors might see…” I peered out the door with concern.

  “They aren’t home. You better hurry though, because they could pull into the driveway any minute.” He snapped his fingers and pointed towards the woods.

  I felt humiliated as I crawled out the door and across the deck. The stairs proved to be a bit of a challenge, but after a few painful bumps, I made it to the grass and started crawling. Every few feet, I looked over my shoulder to the house next door and then picked up my momentum towards the edge of the woods. Once I got there, I started looking around, unsure what I should get. I wasn’t sure exactly how thick or how long it should be. The fact it was going to be stinging my bottom as soon as I got it back to the house was terrifying, but picking a bad one was equally as terrifying. I finally settled on one that was about four foot long, starting with a base as thick as my thumb, and ending with a springy tip. There was no way it would break if he used it on me unless he really put effort into my punishment, and it would certainly be enough to make me learn my lesson fairly quick. I stripped the branches free and started towards the house, but I quickly realized I could not carry it in my hands because I needed them for balance. I finally settled on placing it between my teeth and crawling. As I got closer, I saw a car on my street and panicked. I practically ran on my hands and knees, scurrying up the deck stairs so fast I sliced my hand on the wood, sending a splinter deep into my palm. I finished my trip, clutching my hand and practically crying. By the time I got inside, there was blood forming on it.

  “Oh my goodness... Are you okay?” He ran over and scooped me up in his arms.

  “I cut myself…” I said as he removed the switch from my mouth. Regardless of the injury, I had been determined to hold onto it.

  “We need to get this cleaned up. Come on.” He started towards the bathroom and I wrapped one arm around his neck as I held the bleeding one away from him, clenched tightly in pain.

  He sat me down on the edge of the sink and pushed my hand open. I had to look away when he picked up a pair of tweezers and started to poke around. He pressed down and then I felt a snagging, almost tearing sensation for a moment and then the pain was gone. I opened my eyes to see a large bloody splinter clutched between the tweezers. He threw it into the garbage can and opened my hand again. The wound wasn’t large, but it had bled a decent amount. Some water washed away the dirt and excess blood. He poured some hydrogen peroxide onto it and let it bubble which caused me to wince. When it was completely cleaned out, it barely looked like a scrape. It only took one small adhesive bandage to close it up, and then I was fully repaired. I sat there while he finished putting everything away, and then he checked the wound again. It would be red and little sore, but it would heal. He kissed it and helped me down, carrying me back towards the living room. It was already feeling better, and I was thankful he was there to save me. Unfortunately, when we got back to the living room and I saw the ominous switch laying on the edge of the sofa, I tensed up and shook my head.

  “Please…” I begged. “Isn’t the splinter punishment enough?”

  “I’m sorry you got a splinter, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to get out of your punishment. You violated the terms of our agreement, and you have to be punished for that.” He placed me on the edge of the sofa and positioned me so that my bottom was in the air on the arm.

  “I won’t do it again, I swear!” I protested as he slid the diaper down my thighs and exposed my bottom.

  He slid his key into the leather cuffs and unlocked the binding, but quickly pulled my knees together and locked them again. Even if I could have gotten up from the arm of the sofa, I wouldn’t have gotten far with my knees bound together. He picked up the switch and swung it around in the air before tapping it on my bottom several times. He didn’t give me any indication if he was happy with it, or if I had chosen a bad one, but I hoped silence meant it was good enough. The silence actually had me second guessing myself and questioning if I should have went with one that wasn’t quite so fierce. I didn’t get much time to wonder about it as the switch came down hard and left a stinging streak of pain across my bottom. I instantly howled and kicked my locked knees, but there was very little range of motion. The switch came down five times with unbelievable fury, each one leaving a line of fire where it landed. It was a different kind of hurt than what I experienced underneath his hand and the paddle. Both were rather mild compared to the switch, which didn’t provide anything less than torment. Tears filled my eyes by the time I felt it ten times, and they streamed down my face while my whole body twisted and turned. He simply placed his hand on the small of my back and held me in position as he continued to whip my bare bottom. The switch started to land on and crisscrossed spots which had already been struck, causing me to practically scream in pain.

  “Oh my god! No more! It hurts!” I wailed and sobbed, hoping for mercy.

  “You picked a good one which is unfortunately both and good and bad for you.” He brought it down several times.

  “I’m so sorry I cheated on our arrangement!” Sobs rushed from my throat. “I’ll never do it again!”

  “I know you won’t. I’m going to make sure of it.” He streaked my bottom with the switch three times in quick succession to accent his point.

  I felt like a broken record. Every time I got in trouble, I promised never to do it again, and yet I found myself back in position for more punishment making the same promises. For some reason, I just couldn’t shake my disobedient, dishonest nature. The punishment hurt, and I definitely didn’t enjoy having my bottom spanked, paddled, or whipped, but I couldn’t change the fact I was a terrible little girl at times. I had earned my punishment, regardless of how much it made me cry when it was being applied. Perhaps my destiny was to remain his little girl, getting punished for my mistakes until I finally learned from them. The switch continued to come down, leaving a streak of agony worse than I thought possible, and then setting a new standard for possible the next time it came down. I twisted and turned as much as I could, but avoiding the switch wasn’t possible. It landed, wrapping around, and leaving a blotch of punished skin where it finally came to rest. I had never felt a whip, but I assumed the switch was similar to what one would do. The rough edges raised spots and felt like little needles when they pierced my skin. It wasn’t enough to draw blood, but it was certainly enough to raise the skin slightly and leave darker red spots along the line where they connected. That was all I could really see over my shoulder, and I barely got a glimpse before he leaned on my
back and pushed my upper torso too low for me to actually see it. My face was pushed into the fabric of the sofa as my anguish continued.

  “Oww…” I cried into the sofa, biting down on the edge of it in an effort to contain my wailing.

  “I think this is a lesson you won’t forget as easily as the others.” He said with confidence as he positioned me again and raised the switch once more.

  Despite what he thought, it wasn’t that I had forgotten the lessons. They had simply expired. Time passed and I was separated from the woe, which made me once again falter. I started to wonder if I needed to be punished on a regular basis. I quickly shook that thought out of my head, swearing never to mention it to my husband, who would likely agree with it. The switch came down again and again. My breaking point was so close, and I felt myself rushing towards it. There was nothing I could do but bite down, scream, and let him take me past it. In an instant, the switch landed and I felt my body go weak. I succumbed to the pain, accepted the agony, and fell across my threshold with a final scream. I had no fight left, no way to tell him no. I knew I deserved what I was getting and I trusted him enough to let him break me. The switch came down a few more times, but I knew it was over. Even if he didn’t stop, I had nothing else to offer in the way of suffering. My body simply took what he delivered until he understood my lesson was learned. He walked to the door and broke the switch several times, tossing it back out into the yard. I lay there motionless until he returned and took me in his arms. He sank down onto the couch and I crawled into his lap, the best I could with the latches on my knees. I sat there for nearly an hour, confessing my sins and begging for forgiveness while he stroked my hair and kissed me on the head.

  “Everything is forgiven, my love. I know you’ll be stronger because of this.” He whispered as he held me tight.

  “I will…” I said, snuggling in closer.

  We stayed there for a little while longer, and then he put me to bed without any dinner—another element of torture I would endure until morning. I could hear him pouring a drink and lighting a cigar as I lay there in the darkness. My bottom hurt too badly for me to stand a diaper, and thankfully he didn’t push for that or the leather cuffs on my knees. I snuggled in and tried to doze. I knew he would not get upset if I crawled into bed with him, but he had to go to bed first. Until he did, I was there by myself tossing and turning. I had a long time to go before I was free of my bonds as his little girl and free to stand by his side as his wife once more. I began to wonder if I would ever earn that back. I struggled to be the good little girl he wanted me to be. I rolled over onto my stomach with my bottom in the air. The streaks across it were raised and hot. They were extremely tender to the touch and left pulsations of pain echoing through me if I dared rub my fingers across them. The pain had sapped a lot of my energy out, and I could barely keep my eyelids open, so I promised myself I would shut them until I heard him coming up the stairs. I was such a light sleeper normally that I wouldn’t miss it. Unfortunately, I woke up several hours later to find the house completely dark and silent. I felt scared at first, wondering if he did go to bed. I clutched my teddy bear and walked down the hallway, peeking in his room. He was naked from the waist up, barely lying in bed. I dropped my teddy bear and climbed into bed beside him, my bottom stinging as it went across the sheets. I snuggled into his warmness and he wrapped his arm around me.


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