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Chaos Page 4

by Katie Holland

  They watched the news to see if anything they saw could be related to the Grynn. There was nothing new this morning, so as Ben continued to watch TV Alix wrote in her journal.

  Dec 10

  Where should I start today … I guess with the tree. This is probably silly, but it meant a lot to me. Ben had Natalie put a Christmas tree in my room. I was excited so that I practically attacked him. I think I might have embarrassed him a little. It’s perfect, just like I would have decorated it. Colored lights and lots of colorful decorations. I LOVE IT!

  Now on to more serious stuff. Last night we learned that there are four missing Nykara and even worse we believe that they have been infected with Grynn magic. The Council is working on what to do and I hope they figure out a solution fast. The thought of four highly skilled Warriors doing the bidding of the Grynn is frightening. I don’t know what we’re going to do about removing the evil from them. It took everything I had, with the help of James, Ruth, Shelley, and Gordon to get the Grynn magic out of Logan. I don’t know how I can possibly do that to four people. And all that is assuming we can find them. I mean, the map helps but I know firsthand how deceiving the Grynn can be. My only hope is that by some miracle I’m able to save them.

  I know in my last entry I mentioned I was having dreams that I thought were about the Grynn and the violence that I believe is coming, well this week I’ve been having a different set of dreams. I’m somewhere very green and lush and I can see a hill, but it’s not a normal hill. It seems very round and perfect. I can also see there are stones close to it and something white. I’ve been hoping each night that I’ll get more information as to what it is but so far that’s all I’ve got. I also feel that there’s an urgency about this hill that I don’t understand. I’ve never wished for a vision dream before, but I really think I need one for this because I have to know more.

  Alix looked up to see Ben staring at her. “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing, just wondered what you were writing.”

  “You didn’t read anything did you?”

  “No, not really, just saw a couple of words,” he told her.

  “Oh yeah, what words?”

  “Having dreams. I can only assume that you’re dreaming about me,” he said with a smile.

  “You wish. I’m not dreaming about you,” Alix firmly stated.

  “What are you dreaming about then if it’s not about me?” he asked, but was still smiling at her.

  “I don’t know exactly,” she said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “They’re not vision dreams so it’s all a little confusing like regular dreams usually are. All I can remember is a lot of green, like grass, a strange round hill, some rocks, and something white. The weirdest part is that I feel an urgency about the dream.”

  “Hmm,” he said. “Is this a dream you had last night?”

  “Yes, and for the past few nights. It’s not the same every time but the main elements are the same.”

  “You’re right, that is strange,” he told her.

  “I’m beginning to think that nothing will ever be normal for me again.”

  “I’m sure it will be. But you have to remember that the coming of the Chosen One means that a lot of things will not be normal in the world, that’s why you’re here.”

  “Is it awful to say that I wish I hadn’t been born the Chosen One?”

  “No, and I completely get it. Most days I can’t imagine being you.”

  “Uh, thanks, I think.”

  Their conversation ended when Rick walked into the den.

  “Good morning kids. You two are up early.”

  “We fell asleep on the couch last night,” Ben said. “We woke up early and Alix realized she’d left her phone upstairs and we went to get it. She had some voicemails. James has contacted the rest of the Council. Lucie thinks she knows where the captured Nykara might be and Gordon called to tell us that if he could help just to let him know.”

  “Is there anything we can do yet?” Rick asked.

  “I don’t think so. We don’t really know more than we did last night,” Alix answered.

  “Okay. I’m going to make coffee, are you going to want some Alix?”

  “Yes, please. I didn’t get much sleep last night and we have a full day of shopping ahead of us again. I’m going to need all the extra energy I can get.”

  They followed Rick to the kitchen and sat at the eating bar while he made the coffee. With so many people living there now they’d had to get a bigger coffee maker. No one wanted to fight over the last cup in the morning. Alix had tried to get Ben to try some of hers with lots of sugar and hazelnut creamer, but he still refused.

  As they were waiting for it to finish her mom came into the kitchen with Natalie just behind her. They were both shocked to see Alix and Ben sitting there so early on a Saturday. This time it was Alix who told them about the lack of sleep and voicemails.

  They didn’t really know what to say, but according to Alix there really wasn’t much to say or do at the moment. Natalie and Heather started making a quick breakfast. Alix decided to go wake Shay up. They were going to Bozeman again to go Christmas shopping. She wasn’t looking forward to waking her up as she had a tendency to be a tiny bit grumpy when she didn’t want to get up. Alix grabbed her journal and made her way to her room. She was shocked when she saw the bed was empty and heard the shower running.

  “Shay?” Alix yelled.

  “Yeah?” Shay yelled back from the shower.

  “Mom and Natalie are making breakfast and then I think we’re going to leave.”

  “Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes,” Shay told her.

  “Okay,” Alix said.

  Alix put her journal on her desk and went back downstairs. She made sure to take her phone charger for the car. She would hate to miss something important because her phone died. She also got her eReader for the drive.

  When she got back downstairs the coffee was ready. She made hers in her to-go cup and sat back down next to Ben.

  “Was it hard to wake Shay up?” he asked.

  “Actually, she was already awake and in the shower. It must be the shopping,” Alix said smiling.

  True to her word Shay was downstairs about ten minutes after Alix went looking for her.

  “Good morning everyone,” she said as she entered the kitchen.

  “You’re awfully chipper this morning,” Ben told her.

  “Of course, we’re going shopping today,” Shay said in her bubbly voice.

  “Told ya,” Alix said to Ben.

  He just grinned at her. They ate breakfast and got ready to leave. Alix’s dad had to work, and Rick was going to stay home. He was going to make a few calls and let Kris, Mike, and Karin know what was going on.

  Chapter 5

  They loaded up in Natalie’s SUV and headed to Bozeman.

  “Alix, did you sleep at all?” Shay asked her.

  Alix told her about falling asleep on the couch and the voicemails from James, Lucie and Gordon.

  “Hmm.” Was all Shay said.

  Alix knew she wanted to say something about falling asleep on the couch with Ben, but luckily it looked like Shay was going to save that conversation for later.

  “Hey Alix,” Ben said, “have you mentioned your dreams to Shay?”

  “What dreams?” Shay asked.

  “Just regular dreams, well kind of, they’re not vision dreams. I’m in a place that’s very green with a strange round hill. I can see something white and there are large rocks around me. I also feel a sense of urgency. All week it’s been different variations of the same dream.”

  “Do you think it’s important?” Shay asked.

  “Yes, I do. I’ve been trying to figure it out, but I haven’t been able to come up with anything.”

  “With your dreams and everything else on your mind no wonder you couldn’t sleep last night. How do you think we can figure out what your dreams mean?” Shay asked.

  “I have no i
dea,” Alix said.

  “What if we search online?”

  “What are we going to search? A green place with a round hill, rocks and something white? I don’t think that’s going to work. Unfortunately, I think I’m just going to have to wait this one out.”

  Shay changed the subject and started talking about Christmas shopping. Alix was about halfway done with her shopping. Her biggest challenge was what she was getting Ben. She didn’t have a clue what to get him. She’d never had to get a guy a gift before. But he wasn’t just any guy, he was Ben, her friend, and Protector. She was hoping Shay could help her.

  Alix spent part of the time reading and part of the time talking to Ben and Shay so overall the forty-five-minute drive didn’t seem to take very long. Their first stop was the mall again. Natalie found a parking spot where their Warrior shadows could park close to them. The mall was just opening so it wasn’t crazy busy yet. With only three Saturday’s left to shop, it would be swarming with shoppers in no time. They’d talked to Gordon about a gaming system for Logan and ordered one online last week, so it would go directly to him in England. So at least that present was done.

  Inside the mall they went in three different directions, Ben one way, Natalie and Heather another way, and that left Alix and Shay to themselves. Well, themselves plus the Warrior with them. Alix didn’t know where he got his training, but even though she knew he was always close she hardly noticed he was there. He was almost like a true shadow.

  The girls wandered around the mall. Shay found a present for her little sister and her parents. Alix also managed to find something for Shay’s sister and parents. She had decided that she wanted to get Shay some art supplies, but the mall didn’t have a store like that, so she was going to ask Natalie to take her to one.

  Alix wanted to get something for Kris, Karin, and Mike as a way of saying thank you, so Shay helped her pick out gifts for each of them. They’d agreed to meet at the food court at 1:00. On the way there, the girls ran into Ben. He had several bags in his hands, so he must have been able to find what he was looking for. They met up with Natalie and Heather and ate lunch.

  Everyone was pretty much exhausted from the mall, so they were going to a few individual stores. By the time they were done, it was after 3:00 and they headed back to Sunset Creek. Alix was having trouble keeping her eyes open on the way home. Eventually, she gave up and let sleep take over.

  Alix was standing in a green field, it was all she could see for miles around. She picked a direction and started walking. Within a minute or so she heard hoof beats. She turned around and saw someone on a horse coming toward her. He looked familiar and it wasn’t until they got closer that Alix recognized him. It was the same man and horse that she’d seen in her vision of how Stonehenge was made.

  “Hi,” she said when they got close.

  “Greetings Kaelneth,” the man said as he got off his horse.

  “You know,” she said, “I still don’t know your name.”

  “My name isn’t important,” he told her.

  “Okay fine then. I’ll just start asking questions. Where am I and what am I doing here?”

  “There is something of extreme importance that you must learn, and I am here to guide you through it.”

  “That’s not cryptic or anything,” Alix said slightly annoyed. “So, what are we supposed to do?”

  “Please follow me and I’ll show you to the place you need to be.”

  He left his horse there and started walking. Alix followed.

  It appeared in front of her so suddenly she jumped. She looked around and all at once her dreams of the last week made perfect sense, well mostly, she still didn’t know where she was or what she was looking at.

  From where she was standing it looked to be a circular building, but building wasn’t really the right word. The top was all covered in very green grass and the sides looked like a white rock. At it’s tallest in the very center it appeared to be taller than an average two-story house. It was wide, but shorter than a football field. It also looked like it was surrounded by a ring of large rocks that had engravings on them. There were no windows and only one entrance that was surrounded by a different color stone and a large stone in front of it.

  “I’ve never seen this place before. I still don’t understand what’s going on,” she said to her guide.

  “This is Newgrange in Ireland. It was built in approximately 3200BC and is a place of power for the Nykara,” he told her. “You must be here precisely at the dawn of the Winter Solstice. It is vital to saving the Nykara and the human race.”

  Alix woke up with a start. It took her a minute to realize that she was back in the car and not in Ireland.

  “Are you okay?” Shay asked her.

  “I think so. I just had a vision dream and now I know what my dreams have been about. How close to home are we?”

  “We’re just about there,” Ben told her. “Why?”

  “I think this is something that I need to share with everyone.”

  “Is it bad?” Shay asked.

  “No, I don’t think so, just a little strange, and I have a feeling I’m going to have to go somewhere again.”



  “What?” Shay practically yelled.

  “I’ll explain everything, but I think it’ll be easier to tell everyone at once. Mom, can we call a meeting for when we get home?” Alix called up front.

  “Sure honey. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. I just had a vision dream and I need to talk to everyone.”


  They pulled into the gate a few minutes later and brought all of their bags in. While Alix waited for everyone to find their way to the den she thought about how she was feeling. She was excited to travel to a new place but apprehensive at the same time. Her life was going to be turned upside down again because of a dream. She was also nervous about what she had to do when she got there. Being the Chosen One often left her with more questions than answers.

  “Hey guys,” Alix said when everyone was there. “So, for the last week I’ve been having these dreams that were all very similar but I didn’t understand what they were telling me. On the way back from Bozeman I had a vision dream and I finally learned what they meant. I don’t know the reason yet, but I have to go to the Newgrange monument in Ireland and I have to be there at dawn on the Winter Solstice. I was told that it’s needed in order for me to save the Nykara and the rest of the world.” She sounded calm when she said it but inside her emotions were buzzing around.

  Everyone was quiet for a moment and then the questions started. Alix tried to listen to them all and finally had to tell everyone to stop. They understood and went one at a time. Ben went first.

  “Can you tell us exactly how your dream went?”

  “Sure,” Alix said and proceeded to tell them everything.

  “I wonder what’s in there,” Shay said.

  “I don’t know, other than it’s important. What day is the solstice anyway?”

  “December twenty-first,” her mom said.

  “Crap, that’s during finals,” Alix said. “What am I supposed to do? It’s getting harder to be a high school senior and the Chosen One.”

  “We’ll find a way honey,” her mom said.

  “I guess we need to contact the Council,” Rick said.

  “I think we need to go to Lyla’s for ice cream,” Shay decided.

  Everyone stopped and looked at her.

  “What? Doesn’t ice cream usually solve all of life’s problems?” Shay said.

  “She might have a point,” Ben said smiling.

  Alix could see small smiles forming on everyone’s lips. Shay always had a way of making a difficult situation better.

  “Alright then, let’s go,” Rick said.

  He got up and everyone followed him out of the den.

  Chapter 6

  They drove the short distance to Lyla’s and found a table that would fit them
all. Karin noticed them and came over to talk to them.

  “Hi Karin,” Alix said. “Are you working or visiting today?”

  “Visiting. What brings you all here on this chilly day?”

  “Actually, do you have time to join us?” Alix asked.

  “Sure, is everything okay?” Karin asked as she sat down.

  “Yes and no. Rick told you about the Grynn and the missing Nykara right?” Karin nodded. “Okay good. So, we went to Bozeman today and on the way home I had a vision dream. Long story short, I have to be in Ireland at the Newgrange monument for dawn on December twenty-first. All I know is that it’s vital to saving the Nykara and the rest of the world.”

  “Oh wow. I leave you alone for one day and you’re off saving the world again,” Karin joked.

  Alix was about to say more when Lyla came over to their table.

  “Kaelneth, it’s an honor to meet you officially,” Lyla said, and reached out to shake Alix’s hand.

  Alix shook it and got that small tingly shock feeling when two Nykara tattoos touched. She turned Lyla’s hand over and saw a seahorse tattoo on her palm, that made her an Artist. Alix hadn’t put it together before, but if Karin was a Nykara and Lyla was her cousin it would make perfect sense that she was Nykara as well.

  “Lyla, you know better than that,” Alix teased. “I’ve been coming here since before I could walk, don’t go getting all formal on me now.”

  Lyla smiled at her. “I just want you to know that I’m here if you ever need anything.”

  “Thank you, that means a lot.”

  “Now,” Lyla said, “what can I get for everyone today?”

  “Ice cream of course,” Shay said. “What are the special flavors right now?”

  “Well … ‘tis the season and all so we’ve got Gingerbread Cookie Crumble, White Chocolate Peppermint, Hot Chocolate Mocha, and of course Eggnog Swirl.”

  “Mmm, heaven in a bowl,” Shay said grinning.

  “Do you need a minute or are you ready to go?” Lyla asked.

  “I’m ready!” Shay said.

  They all laughed at her enthusiasm over the ice cream. Everyone ordered, and Lyla went to make their bowls. Then it was back to talking about Ireland.


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