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Chaos Page 5

by Katie Holland

  “So Karin,” Alix started, “I kind of have a conflict. I have finals at the same time I have to go to Ireland. I don’t know what to do?”

  “Well I know Mike and I will be able to arrange something for you. Who else do you have?”

  “Mrs. Cozza in Spanish and Miss Hiller in Biology.”

  “Oh. Mrs. Cozza is going to be a tough one. When are you leaving and coming home?”

  “I don’t know. I only learned about this an hour ago. I suppose I can call Gordon and see about using the private jet. That way I might only have to miss three days. It’ll be tiring but I guess I can manage.”

  “If you can be back at school on the twenty-third, I’m sure we can arrange for your Biology and Spanish finals on that Friday,” Karin said.

  “Can you discreetly inquire about that on Monday?” Ben asked. “For both of us please.”

  “No Ben,” Alix said. “I have to go by myself. People are going to get suspicious if they notice that we’re gone all the time. If it’s just me it’s less noticeable.”

  “Alix, where you go, I go. End of story. You will not change my mind on this,” he said firmly.

  Alix was about to respond when a huge tray of ice cream was brought to the table. Despite being a little upset with Ben when she saw the bowl that was set in front of her, her anger lessened. Maybe Shay was onto something when she said ice cream solves problems. Alix let Ben’s statement go and concentrated on enjoying her ice cream. She’d decided on Hot Chocolate Mocha and Gingerbread Cookie Crumble. Shay got White Chocolate Peppermint and Eggnog Swirl while Ben chose White Chocolate Peppermint and Hot Chocolate Mocha. Alix ate her cherry first and then tasted the ice cream. As usual, it was fantastic. Now that she realized that Lyla was Nykara she bet that was the secret to making the ice cream taste so good. Alix looked around the table and saw that everyone was having a good time. It was exactly what they needed.

  She leaned over and whispered to Shay. “You’re a genius. This was the perfect idea.”

  “I know,” Shay said smiling and went back to her ice cream.

  Alix could only smile and shake her head. When they were all done, they thanked Lyla and said goodbye to Karin. They went back to the house with everyone in a slightly better mood.

  “I guess I should call Gordon,” Alix said when they walked in the house. “What time is it there?”

  Ben looked at his watch. “Almost midnight.”

  “Ugh, that’s too late to call. I’ll wait until morning. So, Ben, I guess we should talk about the whole Ireland thing.”

  “I was very serious earlier Alix, I’m coming with you. As your Protector and your friend, it’s my duty to be with you, especially if you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  “He has a point,” Shay said. “You really don’t know what you have to do there and if we all can’t go then you have to at least take one or two people with you.” Alix was about to say something when Shay stopped her. “I know I can’t go with you this time. I think mom would kill me if I missed any more school this semester. And I also know this isn’t a pleasure trip. They’ll be no shopping so what’s the point of going,” she said smiling.

  Alix hugged her. “You’re the best, you know that right.”

  “Yep, I know.”

  “Okay, so it’s settled,” Ben said. “I’m going to go to Ireland with you. Who else should go with us?”

  “I think it should be Natalie,” Shay said.

  “Why?” Ben asked.

  “Well, for one thing, she’s an adult, I mean a real one. Not like us who are almost adults. And she seems to be good in bad situations just in case anything happens. But most importantly, Alix is comfortable around her.”

  “Okay then,” Ben said. “Alix, what do you think?”

  “That’s fine with me. I’d love for my mom to go, but I know it’s better if we keep this small and have another Nykara with us.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll go talk to mom and see if she’ll be able to go,” Ben said and left the room.

  Shay plopped down on the couch and Alix sat right beside her. Shay put her arm around Alix’s shoulders.

  “So, how are you really doing?” Shay asked her.

  “This is just crazy Shay. I feel like I just got back into my normal routine and I have to go and mess with it again. Not only that, but I really wonder what I’m going to find in there. What could it possibly be if it’s going to help save the Nykara?”

  “I bet it’s a sword like Excalibur.”

  “I hope not. I really don’t want to carry a sword with me. I’m so clumsy I’d probably stab myself.”

  Shay giggled. “You’re probably right. So, let’s hope it’s not something sharp.”

  The girls turned on the TV and were looking for something ‘Christmasy’ when Ben came back in and joined them on the couch.

  “So?” Shay asked.

  “Mom is happy to accompany you to Ireland. She’ll already be on vacation since classes will be done by then, so the University is pretty much closed.”

  “Great,” Alix said. “We should probably contact the Council.”

  “I’d wait on that,” Ben said.

  “Why?” Alix asked.

  “They have enough to worry about right now with getting the missing Nykara back. Let’s see how that turns out then we’ll think about telling them.”

  Alix was a little skeptical but decided to go with Ben’s thoughts on this. Shay was still flipping through channels when she suddenly squealed. Alix just giggled when she looked at the TV. Shay had found her favorite Christmas show. Ben tried to grab the remote, but Shay wasn’t having it. She quickly put it down her shirt knowing that Ben wouldn’t try to get it out of there.

  “Okay, okay, you win,” Ben said laughing. “We’ll watch your silly Christmas show. You two are really into Christmas movies.

  “Of course we are,” Alix said. “You can only watch them once a year and they always make you smile.”

  Without the remote Ben was forced to watch the movie with the girls. About halfway through they were called to come have pizza. They got some and took it back to the den to finish the movie. When it was over the girls went up to Alix’s room to hang out. She told Shay to find something on TV while she wrote in her journal. She was sure she’d put it back in her desk but couldn’t find it.

  “That’s weird,” she mumbled.

  “What is?” Shay asked.

  “I’m positive I put my journal back in here and I can’t find it.”

  “Want some help looking.”


  They looked around the room for a few minutes when at the same time Shay said, “Here it is.” and Alix said, “Holy crap, I can’t believe I forgot about this.”

  “About what?” Shay asked and brought Alix her journal.

  “The box from Stonehenge. You remember the box, right?”

  “Of course, it had those little things in it,” Shay said.

  “And do you remember how I got that box.”

  “Yeah … from Stonehenge,” Shay said but didn’t sound very certain.

  “Okay, where at Stonehenge?” Alix asked.

  “Um … I don’t know. How could I not know?”

  “It’s okay Shay. Can you do me a favor and go get Ben?”


  Alix went and got the two small pieces of paper that had been with the box. Just a minute later Shay was back with Ben following her.

  “Hey Alix, what’s up?” he asked.

  She held up the small box for him to see. “Do you remember this box?”

  “It’s the one you got at Stonehenge.”

  “Yes. How did I get it?”

  “You got it … um … you know I’m not sure. How come I don’t know this?”

  “I said the same thing,” Shay said. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m going to try this the exact same way as before,” Alix started, “This is probably going to sound a little crazy but I’m telling you t
he truth. More happened at Stonehenge than you remember.” Ben started to say something, but Alix stopped him. “Just hear me out before you say anything. Do you remember me saying I had one of those feelings and had to find something?” They both nodded. “And remember when I said I forgot my camera and had to go back.” They nodded again. “Well, when everyone had left the real Stonehenge that feeling of finding something was really strong. That’s why I went back. And at the very center, buried deep down in the earth was the box with the tiny rock, metal bird, perfect pearl, and the piece of parchment. We don’t really know what the objects are for, but this paper was a letter to me from Candar. He was like me. He had a colored tattoo and had visions and tremendous power. He’s the one who created Stonehenge. And the biggest thing is that I’ve told you both this before, twice, and you don’t remember. It’s something that Stonehenge does naturally to protect the secret of its creation. Only Candar and I remember how it happened, because of our tattoos, I think. But I want to find a way to make you remember because I feel it’s important for you to know even though Candar said that only he and I could ever know.”

  They looked at each other and then at Alix like she was crazy, or this was a joke.

  “Now, before you say anything read these.” Alix handed them each a piece of paper.

  Shay’s said:

  Dear Shay,

  This is yourself writing to you about what Alix told you about the box, Stonehenge and Candar. This is to remind you that you knew about this and then forgot it. Believe what Alix tells you and help her find a way to make you remember.

  Love your cute little self,


  Ben’s said:

  Ben, you are writing this to yourself so that you’ll believe Alix when she tells you about the box she found at Stonehenge and that she already told you this and you were going to forget it, it’s the magic of Stonehenge. It’s very important that you find a way to remember what she tells you.

  Ben Travers (Protector)

  “Well,” Shay said. “it’s kind of hard to doubt something in your own handwriting.”

  “I guess that’s why we did it,” Ben said.

  “Yes,” Alix told them. “It was the best solution we could come up with to help you guys believe me.

  “Okay, so what do we do?” Ben asked.

  “That’s the problem. I don’t know how to make you remember,” Alix said.

  “Maybe Shelley might know,” Ben said. “She was able to take Victor’s memory away, there’s a chance she might know how to do the opposite.”

  “Good thinking Ben,” Alix told him. “Last time I told you this we didn’t know she could do that and so much happened since then I kind of forgot about the box. Let me text her quick.

  Alix: Shelley, it’s Alix. I have kind of a strange question. Can you make people remember something like you made Victor forget?

  “There, let’s see what she says.”

  “So, what’s that paper that was in the box?” Shay asked.

  “That was a letter from Candar to me.”

  “Can we read it?”

  “Um, I’m not sure actually. It’s blank until I press my tattoo on a certain spot on it. Let’s see if it works.”

  Alix took the letter, placed her tattoo on the very center and the words appeared. She handed it to Ben. “Can you read it?”

  “There’s nothing on it, so no.”

  “Well, I guess that answers that question,” Alix said.

  “Can you read it to us?” Shay asked.

  “I guess it’s worth a shot,” Alix started reading the letter. “Kaelneth, If you are holding this letter then my location magic has been successful and you have found the box.”

  “Stop, stop, stop,” Shay said. “I can’t understand a single thing you’re saying.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s like your speaking gibberish, right Ben.”

  “Yes,” he answered. “This seems to be quite the unusual magic. I think we’ve gone about as far with this tonight as we can. I say we write another note to ourselves and put them with the first ones. We’ll wait to see what Shelley comes back with.”

  “Okay, good idea,” Alix said. “I’m getting a little frustrated with this anyway.”

  Shay and Ben each wrote themselves another note and put them with the box in Alix’s desk. It didn’t take them long to forget about the conversation. Ben went back to his room and Shay turned on the TV like nothing had happened.

  Chapter 7

  Alix had an uneasy sleep that night. She was plagued with dreams of Grynn, green hills, and small boxes. She finally got up and went downstairs to make coffee. It looked like she was the only one up, so she took the opportunity to call Gordon.

  “Hello, this is Gordon. How can I help you?”

  “Gordon, it’s Alix.”

  “Miss Alix, how lovely to hear from you. What can I do for you?”

  “I need a favor. It’s kind of a long story, but I need to be in Ireland for dawn on December twenty-first and back here for December twenty-third. Do you think I can use the private plane?”

  “Of course, Miss Alix, anything for you.”

  “Thanks, Gordon. That will make things a whole lot easier. Do you think you can make the arrangements for me?”

  “Certainly, all I need is your destination.”

  “I have to be at the Newgrange Monument before dawn on the Winter Solstice. This is extremely important Gordon.”

  “Consider it done Miss Alix. I’ll email you with the details.”

  “You’re the best. Thank you. Talk to you soon.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Goodbye Miss Alix.”

  Alix hung up and made her coffee. She felt like it might be a two-cup day with extra hazelnut creamer. She found a muffin to have with her coffee and sat back down at the breakfast bar to eat it. As she was finishing her mom came into the kitchen.

  “Good morning honey.”

  “Morning mom.”

  “Rough night?”

  “Yeah, I had trouble sleeping, too many dreams.”

  “Vision dreams?” her mom asked.

  “No, just a mishmash of everything from the last two weeks,” Alix told her.

  “I’m sorry honey.”

  “It’s not your fault mom. I didn’t even think to ask, but are you okay with me going to Ireland?”

  “That’s a tough question. I know it’s something you have to do as the Chosen One, but it’s difficult to watch you go through all of this. I know it’s got to be hard on you and I can’t even begin to understand what’s going on in your head.”

  “Trust me, there’s a lot going on,” Alix laughed a little. “But I know I have the support of so many people.”

  “Are you nervous about going to Ireland?”

  “Not about the trip itself, but I’m a little nervous about what I’m supposed to find in the monument.”

  “How much do you know about it?” her mom asked.



  “I guess I don’t really know anything about it other than what I saw in my vision dream,” Alix told her.

  “Maybe you should look it up and see what you can find out.”

  “Good idea mom. What would I do without you?”

  “Oh honey, I’m sure you’d be just fine, but lucky for you, you don’t have to find out.”

  “I love you, mom. I’m going to get my laptop, so I can see what I can find. I’ll be right back.”

  “I love you too, Alix.”

  Alix ran back to her room and grabbed her laptop. Shay was still sleeping so she tried to be as quiet as possible. She went back down to the kitchen and turned it on. She searched “Newgrange” and found out all sorts of interesting things. She wished she’d brought a notebook with her to write some of it down. She found a piece of paper and a pen in the kitchen and started making a list.

  Newgrange Monument:

  - Built around 3200 BC

  - Older tha
n Stonehenge and the pyramids

  - It’s a passage grave, probably built for a great tribal leader

  - Made of stone with grass on top

  - About 40’ high and 200’ across

  - Has decorated stones in front of it

  - Once a year on the winter solstice at dawn the sun shines directly into the main passage lighting up the entire thing revealing the inner carvings. Lasts for about 17 minutes.

  The more Alix read the more fascinated she became and the more she wondered what it was that she would find inside. She’d been so busy reading that she didn’t even notice more people in the kitchen. She looked up from her laptop to see Natalie, Rick, and her dad. Her mom was smiling at her, no doubt realizing that she was just now seeing everyone.

  “Find something interesting?” her mom asked.

  “Yes actually. And I think I know why I’m supposed to be there at that specific time. Once a year when the sun is rising on the Winter Solstice it shines directly in the entrance and lights up the entire passage on the inside illuminating the inner carvings.”

  “Sounds cool,” Ben said from behind her causing her to jump on her stool. “That’s Newgrange you’re looking at right?”

  “Yes. Why are you always sneaking up on me?”

  “I’m not. It’s not my fault you weren’t paying attention,” Ben said smirking. “So what else did you find out?”

  Alix showed him her list.

  “Seems like an interesting place. Can’t wait to see it,” Ben told her.

  “I know. Too bad it’s going to be such a short trip.”

  “Did you call Gordon?” Ben asked.

  “Yes, he’s making the arrangements and will send me the details when he’s done.”

  “Good. So … you look kind of tired. Didn’t you sleep last night?”

  “No, not very well. Dreaming too much,” she said.

  “That sucks. What are you doing for the rest of the day?”

  “No clue, but I think I still have some homework to do. Why?” Alix asked.


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