Book Read Free


Page 6

by Katie Holland

  “Just curious.”

  “Good morning,” Shay said as she walked into the kitchen.

  “Morning,” everyone said.

  “How are you this morning Alix?” Shay asked sitting down next to her.

  “Tired. Do we still have Spanish homework to do?”

  “I think so, we didn’t finish it in class,” Shay said.

  “Crap, okay. Do you have to be home at any specific time today?” Alix asked her.

  “Not really, just in time to help with dinner.”


  Everyone had muffins, croissants, and fruit for breakfast. When they were done Alix and Shay went to her room to work on their homework. They’d just opened their books when Alix’s phone rang. It was Shelley.

  “Hi, Shelley.”

  “Hey, Alix. I just saw your text from yesterday. I’m not quite sure what you mean by it. Can you be more specific?”

  “We were having a conversation yesterday about how you were able to erase Victor’s memory and we wondered if it was possible to make someone remember something that they’re forgetting because of magic.”

  “You mean if Victor figures out that his memory was magically erased could it be restored using a similar magic?” Shelley asked.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “I suppose it’s possible, but I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  “Do you think you could explain to me how you were able to erase Victor’s memories of me.”

  “I can try,” Shelley said. “I think it might be similar to how you were able to find the Grynn magic in Logan. I send my magic into the person’s brain and concentrate on the memories I want to find. The more you know about the memories the more likely you are to be successful. Once I’ve found them, I imagine them just evaporating. And then if I’m replacing them with new memories, I push them into the empty spots. Does that make any sense?

  “I think so. So, if I was to try and make someone keep a memory that they keep forgetting how do you think I could do that?” Alix asked.

  “Well, maybe if you were able to search their mind while they were thinking of the memory you might be able to find a way to push the memory back and make it stay. If there is other magic involved and you can sense it, I would suggest seeing if you can get rid of it or trick it somehow. Does that help?”

  “Yes, thanks Shelley that was really helpful.”

  “Good. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  “I don’t think so, but I’ll let you know if I need anything further. Thank you so much, Shelley.”

  “Anytime Alix. Goodbye.”

  “Bye Shelley.”

  “What was that all about?” Shay asked.

  “I’ll tell you in a minute, we just need to get Ben first because I don’t want to have to explain this twice. Hang on a sec.”

  Alix ran to Ben’s room and knocked on his door. When he saw it was her he grinned.

  “Did you miss me already?” he said.

  “Funny,” she said. “I need to talk you and Shay. Can you come to my room?

  “Sure. This sounds important.”

  “It kind of is,” Alix said as they walked into her room.

  “Okay,” Shay said, “what’s up?”

  Alix went to her desk and got out the little box and four pieces of paper. She showed the box to Shay and Ben and kept the papers to the side.

  “Do you two know what this box is and where I got it from?”

  “It’s from Stonehenge,” Shay said.

  “You got it from … the souvenir shop, right?” Ben said.

  “Yes and no. Does this conversation seem familiar at all?” Alix asked them.

  “Yeah, kinda,” Shay said.

  “A bit,” Ben agreed.

  “What I’m about to tell you I’ve already told you three times. Once at Stonehenge, once in Fox Hollow, and again last night. There is magic at work that is making you forget what I’m telling you. And before you say anything, I have proof of this after I tell you. Okay?”

  They nodded. Alix then proceeded to go through the same speech as last night. She told them about her feeling to find something, going back to Stonehenge and finding the box deep in the ground. About the objects in the box and the letter from Candar. She explained who Candar was and why they didn’t remember this from before. Then she handed them the letters they wrote to themselves.

  Alix could see the looks of disbelief on their faces until they read their letters.

  “Okay,” Shay said, “so what does this have to do with the call from Shelley?”

  “Last night we came up with the idea of asking Shelley if she knew she how to get someone to keep a memory since she knew how to erase memories,” Alix told them.

  “So, did she have any ideas?” Ben asked.

  “Yes. She told me how she erases a memory and how she replaces one. She suggested a method to help retain a memory and I want to try it. We’ll try it on one memory and see if it works, okay?”

  “Sure. Try it on me first,” Ben said.

  “I want you to think just about where the box came from, deep underground in the center of Stonehenge. Okay?”

  Ben nodded. Alix put her hands on either side of Ben’s head and concentrated on the same memory that she wanted Ben to retain. She pushed a little of her magic into his mind and found the memory they were both thinking about. She thought ‘stay’ at the magic and felt the memory settle into his mind instead of the floating feeling it was doing before. She pulled her magic back and removed her hands from his head.

  “Did it work?” he asked.

  “I think so, but the only way for us to know is for you to go back to your room for a few minutes. I’ll come and get you. It doesn’t take long for you to forget what I’ve just told you.”

  “Alright. See you in a few minutes,” Ben said and left the room.

  “What about me?” Shay asked.

  “We’ll see what happens with Ben first. It seems as long as we keep talking about it you still remember,” Alix told her.

  “So, let’s keep talking,” Shay said. “Tell me more about Candar.”

  Alix did as Shay requested and told her about his colored tattoo and how he had lots of power like her. After about five minutes she went to go get Ben.

  “Do you remember how I got this box?” She asked Ben, holding up the small wooden box.

  “Yes. It came from deep underground at the very center of Stonehenge.”

  “Oh my God, it worked!” Shay exclaimed. “Now try me.”

  “So, this might not work as well, or it might be just the same. Again, let’s just try the one memory, where I got the box from, okay?”

  “Yep. I’m ready,” Shay said.

  “What’s going on here?” Ben asked. “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ll explain in a minute Ben, let me concentrate right now.”

  Ben stopped talking and watched the girls. Alix did the same thing to Shay, but this time when it was much easier to get the memory to stay in Shay’s mind. She didn’t know if it was because Shay was human or because she’d already tried it on, Ben.

  This time it was Shay’s turn to leave the room for a little bit. Ben asked again what was going on, but Alix asked him to wait until Shay got back and she would answer all of his questions. When Shay returned, Alix asked her how she got the box and Shay knew the answer.

  Alix was so excited she could hardly stand still. She’d finally found a way to make them remember. The tough part was going to be doing that repeatedly so that they would retain all the memories Alix needed them to have. It was going to be worth it though. She didn’t know why it was so important for her to have them know but something inside her said it was.

  Over the next couple of hours, Alix repeated the story about Candar, how Stonehenge was actually created and the natural magic of it that makes people forget. Alix could see the moment that all of the information clicked into place. Somehow once Alix was able to give them the memor
ies again, they remembered everything from that day and all the times she had already told them.

  All three of them talked about that for a few minutes and were very relieved that Ben and Shay could now remember.

  “What about the letter?” Shay asked.

  “What about it?” Alix wondered.

  “Well, since you found a way to make us remember do you think there’s a way for us to be able to see the letter or listen to you read it and we can understand you?”

  “It’s worth a try. Let me get it.” Alix removed the parchment and started reading but after the first sentence they stopped her, it still sounded like gibberish.

  Alix thought about it for a minute and came up with a potential idea.

  “I’m going to try something. Each of you touch me. I’m going to attempt to share my energy with you while I read and see if you can understand me.”

  “Okay,” they agreed.

  Alix shared a little of her energy with them and read the first sentence. “Kaelneth, If you are holding this letter then my location magic has been successful and you have found the box.”

  “Alix, I can understand you,” Shay said excitedly. “Keep going.”

  Alix looked at Ben. He nodded that he could understand her as well, so she continued.

  “And if you are reading this then my communication magic was also successful for only the Chosen One will be able to see this message. I don’t know what era will find you reading this but if you have come amongst the Nykara then the world is indeed in a grave state. I have foreseen many things in my years and I am the one responsible for creating the prophecy of the Kaelneth. You will have all the same magic and power that I possess. Since you have obtained the box, I know you have been to the stone monument. I created the magic that would allow you to see the creation of it because you and I are the only ones who can know about it. Part of the natural magic of the stone monument is that all who have seen or heard how it was created will forget everything about its creation. Only the ones with the special tattoos of power can know. You will need this knowledge to help save the world from the Evil Ones, but it must remain your knowledge alone. The three objects in the box are items you will also need to defeat them. Carry them with you anytime you are out of a protected area. It is vital that the three rings given to your loved ones remain on them at all times. They will protect them from any harm the Evil Ones will try to do to them. You have many struggles ahead of you Kaelneth, but you are strong enough to defeat them. You are young, but your age doesn’t determine your power, that is limited only by your mind. I have not foreseen the outcome of the ultimate battle, but you must have faith in yourself and those that surround you. You may share this information with those you feel need to know it, all except how the stone monument was created since they will not retain any of it. May the power of nature always keep you safe. Candar

  “Wow,” was all Shay could say.

  “There are a few things that confuse me about that letter, but I guess since it was written so long ago I’ll just leave it alone,” Ben said.

  “What confuses you?” Alix asked.

  “Well, one thing is that he said you can share this information but then when you did, we forgot. That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “I see your point but maybe there was a flaw in the magic or in his interpretation of the magic, who knows. But whatever he meant we were able to get around it and find a way to make you remember.”

  “True,” Ben said.

  Shay looked at the time. “Crap, I didn’t realize we’d been at this so long. I have to be home soon, and we still didn’t finish our homework.”

  “Alright,” Alix said. “I guess it’s back to boring reality. Let’s get it finished.”

  “At least we’ve had a productive day and you learned a new skill Alix, so no matter what, this was a very important day,” Ben told them. “I’ll leave you ladies to your work. Shay let me know when you’re ready to leave and I’ll drive you home. It’s pretty cold out today.”

  “Okay Ben, thanks,” Shay said.

  The girls got back to work on their Spanish homework before Shay had to go.

  Chapter 8

  The girls finished their homework and Ben drove Shay home. Alix took the opportunity to write in her journal.

  Dec 11

  We had a major breakthrough today. Thanks to Shelley we finally found a way to make Shay and Ben remember what I tell them about Candar and how Stonehenge was really created. I can’t believe that I’d forgotten about it for so long and it took finding the box for me to remember. Maybe I need a book of lists of things I need to deal with. Lol! Okay … that’s only partly a joke. It might actually be a good idea. Anyway, back to the topic I want to write about. Ben pointed out that parts of Candar’s letter didn’t make sense and it’s kind of bugging me. It should only be how Stonehenge was created that people forget, but every time I told them about that and the box they forgot where it came from. I wonder if it’s because how I found the box is connected to how Stonehenge was created. They were able to remember the box itself, what was in it but not how I got it. The whole thing is so strange, and I can’t understand why Candar said that only he and I can know how Stonehenge was created. To me, it should be something that the entire Nykara race should know about. The ability to share and transfer energy between us is something that I can only see as being beneficial. I hope I didn’t make a mistake by finding a way to make Ben and Shay remember, but I think since I was able to make it happen that means it was ok. If they truly weren’t meant to remember, then I don’t think my magic would have worked. It was really cool how I was able to get the memories to stay in their minds, but I can also see how dangerous it could be. I hope that the Grynn don’t have that ability, but I think I’m fooling myself by thinking that.

  I still haven’t gotten any news regarding the captured Nykara. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. I’m assuming if they found them, I’d hear something. I still don’t know how I’m going to be able to remove the Grynn magic from all four of them. I hope I hear something soon because it’s starting to worry me.

  I also did a little research on Newgrange. I think it’s going to be really cool to see. And the fact that it’s older than Stonehenge and the pyramids in Egypt is amazing. I can’t wait to see what it’s holding for me. The most interesting thing I learned was that when the sun rises at dawn on the winter solstice it shines directly into the inner passage and lights the whole thing up. I bet that whatever I have to find is related to that. I wish everyone could come with me, but I know that’s not possible this time, but at least Ben and Natalie will be there. It still won’t be the same without Shay and my parents there. I have to remember to take my camera and take lots of pictures for them. It’ll be a whirlwind trip, but I can’t wait to go.

  Alix put her journal away and got out her eReader. It had been a couple of days since she read and was missing it. She sat in her reading chair and settled in. She didn’t stop until it was time for dinner. After dinner, they all spent some time together in the den and watched the finale of a reality singing show. It wasn’t really her thing, but it was a nice break from the day. She eventually went back up to her room and read for a while before going to bed.

  * * *

  The first thing Alix did Monday morning after getting ready for school was check her email. The email she was waiting for was there. Gordon had sent her the details of the flight to Ireland.

  From: Gordon Coast

  To: Alix Dracon

  Re: Ireland Flight Details

  Miss Alix,

  Below are the details of your flights arriving and departing Ireland.

  Departing Bozeman Airport at 6:00 pm (local time) Monday, Dec. 19, arriving at Dublin Airport at 1:00 pm (local time) Tuesday, Dec 20, with a refueling stop in New York City.

  Departing Dublin Airport at 9:00 am (local time) Thursday, Dec 22, arriving Bozeman Airport at 5:00 pm (local time) Thursday, Dec 22, with a refueling stop in New York City.

  Please let me know if this is satisfactory as well as those that will be traveling with you, so I can arrange the number of rooms you will need at the Dublin safe house.

  Sincerely, Gordon

  Alix wrote a quick email back telling him that Natalie and Ben would be joining her. She thanked him for the flight info and told him that it would be just fine.

  By the time she made her coffee, Ben was downstairs and ready to go. They picked up Shay and went to school. While they were waiting for the bell Alix told them about Gordon’s email.

  “I can’t believe you guys get to go and I have to stay home,” Shay whined.

  “It’s not exactly going to be a huge bundle of fun,” Alix said. “We’ll be traveling more than anything.”

  “But you still get to see it in person,” Shay said.”

  “Yes, your right about that. You know I wish you were coming with us, right?”

  “I know Alix,” Shay said.

  Alix looked up and saw Karin motioning at them to follow her. She went into her classroom and the three were right behind her.

  “What is it, Karin?” Alix asked.

  “I spoke to the principal on your behalf about your finals,” Karin said. “Alix, she agreed to let you take Spanish and Biology on the Friday and Ben you can take Biology on Friday as well.”

  “What about my Phys Ed final?” Ben asked.

  “You’re going to have to talk to Mr. Brickman about seeing what you can do to make that up before you leave. There’s no written exam for that so I’m not sure what he has planned.”

  “Okay, thanks Karin,” Ben said.

  “Yes, thank you, Karin, this has helped a lot,” Alix told her.

  “My pleasure.”

  The first bell rang, and Shay went to her Business class while Alix and Ben took their seats and got ready for English. The day passed by in the usual manner that school does. At lunch she texted Lucie and James asking about the missing Nykara but by the end of the day still hadn’t heard anything back.

  They dropped Shay off at home and drove the short distance to the house. When Alix got to her room, she decided to text Logan but when she realized the time in London, she thought she’d better wait until morning.


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