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A history of Russia

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by Riazanovsky

  Communism. New York, 1960. Vyshinsky, A. The Law of the Soviet State. New York, 1948. Walicki, A. Marxism and the Leap to the Kingdom of Freedom: The Rise and Fall of the

  Communist Utopia. Stanford, 1995. Weinberg, E. A. The Development of Sociology in the Soviet Union. Boston, 1974. Wolin, S., and R. Slusser, eds. The Soviet Secret Police. New York, 1957.

  D. Economic Development

  Ball, A. M. Russia's Last Capitalists: The Nepmen, 1921-1929. Berkeley, 1987. Baykov, A. The Development of the Soviet Economic System. Cambridge, 1947. Bergson, A. The Economics of Soviet Planning. New Haven, Conn., 1964.

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  Davies, R. W. The Industrialization of Soviet Russia. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1980.

  Deutscher, I. Soviet Trade Unions. London, 1950.

  De Witt, N. Education and Professional Employment in the USSR. Washington, D.C., 1961.

  Dobb, M. Soviet Economic Development Since the 1917 Revolution. London, 1948.

  Eriich, A. The Soviet Industrialization Debate, 1924-28. Cambridge, Mass., 1960.

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  Gregory, P. R., and R. ? Stuart. Soviet Economic Structure and Performance. New York, 1974.

  Grossman, G. "The Economy at Middle Age." Problems of Communism (March-April 1976).

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  Grossman, G, ed. Money and Plan: Financial Aspects of East European Economic Reforms. Berkeley, 1968.

  Holzman, F. Soviet Taxation. Cambridge, Mass., 1955.

  Holzman, E, ed. Readings on the Soviet Economy. Chicago, 1962.

  Jasny, N. The Socialized Agriculture of the USSR. Stanford, 1949.

  Jasny, N. Soviet Economy during the Plan Era. Stanford, 1951.

  Jasny, N. Soviet Industrialization, 1928-1932. Chicago, 1961.

  Laird, R. D., ed. Soviet Agricultural and Peasant Affairs. Lawrence, Kans., 1963.

  Lewin, M. Russian Peasants and Soviet Power: A Study of Collectivization. Translated by I. Nove. Evanston, 111., 1968.

  Lewin, M. "Soviet Policies of Agricultural Procurements before the War." In Essays in Honor ofE. H. Carr, edited by Ch. Abramsky, and B. I. Williams. Hamden, Conn., 1974.

  Moskoff, W The Bread of Affliction: The Food Supply in the USSR During World War II. Cambridge, 1990.

  Nove, A. An Economic History of the USSR. London, 1969.

  Pryde, P. R. Conservation in the Soviet Union. Cambridge, 1972.

  Quigley, J. The Soviet Foreign Trade Monopoly: Institutions and Laws. Columbus, Ohio, 1974.

  Schwartz, H. Russia's Soviet Economy. 2nd ed. New York, 1954.

  Schwartz, H. The Soviet Economy since Stalin. Philadelphia, 1965.

  Schwarz, S. Labor in the Soviet Union. New York, 1952.

  E. Foreign Affairs

  Adams, A. E. Readings in Soviet Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice. Boston, 1961.

  Barghoorn, F. ? The Soviet Cultural Offensive: The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in Soviet

  Foreign Policy. Princeton, N.J., 1960. Barghoorn, F. C. Soviet Foreign Propaganda. Princeton, N.J., 1964. Beloff, M. The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-1941. 2 vols. New York, 1947, 1949. Beloff, M. Soviet Foreign Policy in the Far East, 1944-1951. London, 1953. Bishop, D. G, ed. Soviet Foreign Relations: Documents and Readings. Syracuse, N.Y, 1952. Brandt, ? Stalin's Failure in China, 1924-1927. Cambridge, Mass., 1958. Brzezinski, Z. K. The Soviet Bloc: Unity and Conflict. Cambridge, Mass., 1960. Rev. ed., 1967.

  Carell, P. Scorched Earth: The Russian-German War, 1943-1944. Translated by E. Osers.

  Boston, 1970. Carr, E. H. The Soviet Impact on the Western World. London, 1946 Carr, E. H. Twilight of the Comintern, 1930-1935. New York, 1982. Cattell, D. T. Communism and the Spanish Civil War. Berkeley, 1955. Chew, A. F. The White Death: The Epic of the Soviet-Finnish Winter War. East Lansing, Mich.,

  1971. Dallin, A. German Rule in Russia, 1941-1945: A Study of Occupation Policies. New York,

  1957. Dallin, D. J. Soviet Russia and the Far East. New Haven, Conn., 1948. Dallin, D. J. Soviet Russia's Foreign Policy, 1939-1942. New Haven, Conn., 1942. Degras, J. The Communist International, 1919-1943. New York, 1956. Degras, J. Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy, 1917-1941. 3 vols. New York, 1951-53. Degras, J., ed. Calendar of Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy, 1917-1941. London, 1948. Eudin, X., and H. H. Fisher. Soviet Russia and the West, 1920-1927. Stanford, 1957. Eudin, X., and R. C. North, eds. Soviet Russia and the East, 1920-1927. Stanford, 1957. Farnsworth, B. William C. Bullitt and the Soviet Union. Bloomington, Ind., 1967. Fischer, L. The Soviets in World Affairs, 1917-1929. Princeton, N.J., 1951. Fischer, R. Stalin and German Communism. Cambridge, Mass., 1948. Floyd, D. Mao against Khrushchev: A Short History of the Sino-Soviet Conflict. New York,

  1963. Gaddis, J. L. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History. New York, 1997. Garthoff, R. L. Soviet Strategy in the Nuclear Age. New York, 1962. Gleason, A. Totalitarianism: The Inner History of the Cold War. New York, 1995. Griffith, W. E. Communism in Europe: Continuity, Change and the Sino-Soviet Dispute.

  Cambridge, Mass., 1966. Gruber, H. International Communism in the Era of Lenin: A Documentary History. Greenwich,

  Conn., 1967. Harvey, D. L., and L. C. Ciccoritti. U.S.-Soviet Cooperation in Space. Washington, D.C., 1974. Jamgotch, N, Jr. Soviet-East European Dialogue: International Relations of a New Type.

  Stanford, 1968. Kapur, H. Soviet Russia and Asia, 1917-1927: A Study of Soviet Policy towards Turkey, Iran

  and Afghanistan. London, 1966; New York. 1967. Kennan, G. F. Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin. Boston, 1961. Kennan, G. F. Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1941. Princeton, N.J., 1960. Laqueur, W. Z. The Soviet Union and the Middle East. New York, 1959. Laserson, M. M., ed. The Development of Soviet Foreign Policy in Europe, 1917-1942: A

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  London, 1963. Nekrich, A. M. Pariahs, Partners, Predators: German-Soviet Relations, 1922-1941. Edited

  and translated by Gregory L. Freeze; with a foreword by Adam B. Ulam. New York,

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  1930. Ames, la., 1988.

  Pethybridge, R., ed. The Development of the Communist Bloc. Boston, 1965.

  Ro'i, Y. From Encroachment to Involvement: A Documentary Study of Soviet Policy in the

  Middle East, 1945-1973. New York, 1974. Rubinstein, A. Z. Soviet Foreign Policy Since World
War II: Imperial and Global. Cambridge,

  Mass., 1981. Rubinstein, A. Z., ed. The Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union. New York, 1960. Rubinstein, A. Z., ed. Soviet and Chinese Influence in the Third World. New York, 1975. Seaton,A. The Battle for Moscow, 1941-1942. New York, 1971. Seaton, A. The Russo-German War, 1941-45. New York, 1971. Seton-Watson, H. The East European Revolution. 3rd ed. New York, 1956. Seton-Watson, H. From Lenin to Khrushchev: The History of World Communism. New York,

  1951. Shotwell, J. T., and M. M. Laserson. Poland and Russia, 1919-1945. New York, 1945. Shulman, M. D. Beyond the Cold War. New Haven, Conn., 1966. Shulman, M. D. Stalin's Foreign Policy Reappraised. Cambridge, Mass., 1963. Sontag, R. J., and J. S. Beddie, eds. Nazi-Soviet Relations, 1939-1941: Documents from the

  Archives of the German Foreign Office. Washington, D.C., 1948. Swearingen, A. R., and R Langer, Red Flag in Japan. Cambridge, Mass., 1952. Ulam, A. B. Expansion and Coexistence: A History of Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1967. New

  York, 1968. Ulam, A. B. Titoism and the Cominform. Cambridge, Mass., 1952. Ullman, R. H. Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-21. Vol. 1, Intervention and the War. Vol. 2,

  Britain and the Russian Civil War, November 1918-February 1920. Vol. 3,

  Anglo-Soviet Accord. Princeton, N.J., 1961, 1968, 1973. Villmow, J. R. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1965. Warm, R. Soviet Russia in World Politics. New York, 1963. Weinberg, G. Germany and the Soviet Union, 1939-1941. Leiden, 1954. Zinner, Paul E. Communist Strategy and Tactics in Czechoslovakia, 1918-1948. New York,


  F. Nationalities

  Armstrong, J. A. Ukrainian Nationalism, 1939-1945. New York, 1955.

  Browne, M., ed. Ferment in the Ukraine: Documents by V. Chornovil, I. Kandyba, L.

  Lukyanenko, V. Moroz and Others. New York, 1971. Carrere d'Encausse, H. The Great Challenge: Nationalities and the Bolshevik State,

  1917-1930. New York, 1992. Carve, Sir O. Soviet Empire: The Turks of Central Asia and Stalinism. London, 1967. Comrie, B. The Languages of the Soviet Union. Cambridge, 1981. Conquest, R. The Nation Killers: The Soviet Deportation of Nationalities. London, 1970. Dmytryshyn, B. Moscow and the Ukraine, 1918-1952: A Study of Russian Bolshevik

  Nationality Policy. New York, 1956. Dunlop, J. B. The Faces of Contemporary Russian Nationalism. Princeton, N.J., 1983. Dunn, S. P. Cultural Processes in the Baltic Area under Soviet Rule. Berkeley, 1967. Fedyshyn, O. S. Germany's Drive to the East and the Ukrainian Revolution, 1917-1918. New

  Brunswick, N.J., 1971. Goldhagen, E., ed. Ethnic Minorities in the Soviet Union. New York, 1967. Hovannisian, R. G. The Republic of Armenia. Vol. 1, The First Year, 1918-1919. Berkeley,

  1971. Israel, G. The Jews in Russia. Translated by S. L. Chernoff. New York, 1975. Katz, Z., R. Rogers, and F. Harned, eds. Handbook of Major Soviet Nationalities. New York

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  Kolasky, J. Education in the Soviet Ukraine. Toronto, 1968.

  Kolasky, J. Two Years in Soviet Ukraine: A Canadian's Personal Account of Russian

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  1917-1940. Translated by G. Onn. Berkeley, 1974.

  G. Religion, Education, and Culture

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  H. Gorbachev and the Collapse of the Soviet Union

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