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Christmas Box set - (Complete 1-4)

Page 22

by M. L. Briers

  “Merry Christmas, Fairy Godmother.” George offered back.

  With a click of her fingers, she was gone.

  George groaned, and face planted the mattress.

  “Oh, thank God. Merry Christmas!”

  The End.




  Copyright © 2017, M L Briers

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.

  Copyright © 2017, Cover Design by; Rebecca Pau at The Final Wrap.



  “I’m here to wake George up,” Jessica called out a warning as she started down the corridor towards the man’s bedroom, rushing by the kitchen door on the way, and not expecting no for an answer.

  “He’s…” When she tried to head Jessica off, Lacey almost choked on the breakfast that she’d just spooned into her mouth.

  “Got it. Thank you,” Jessica waved. She didn’t need any help getting George out of bed. It was fast becoming something of a routine.

  “Jessica,” Lacey’s head and shoulders appeared around the kitchen doorframe, and Jessica shot a look back over her shoulder.

  George yanked open the bathroom door and shot out into the hallway as if he was late for his own wedding. He collided when Jessica, and as hard as he tried, he couldn’t stop the momentum that he’d built up to save either of them from falling.

  Jessica ended up on the floor beneath him.

  “He’s up,” Lacey chuckled, and from the way that Jessica was squirming beneath him, she guessed that he’d probably be up in more ways than one.

  “You’re naked!” Jessica shrieked.

  “Relax, princess, I’m wearing a towel.” George pushed up away from her, but when she zapped him for the sake of her pride, he collapsed back down on top of her – squishing her beneath his weight.

  “Can you not…?” George bit down on the pain.

  “Oh my fairy godmother, you’ve got a happy.” Jessica’s shrew-like tones made George’s ears hurt.

  “Trust me, there’s nothing making me happy about being this close to you,” George grumbled with guilt and a little shame thrown in for good measure.

  Not that it was his fault that his length had hardened – it was a by-product of being zapped, not to mention the whole squirming against his body thing that she had going on, and she was the idiot that had zapped him for no damn reason in the first place.

  “You’re so male,” she hissed, and George rolled his eyes.

  “Really? Male? Ya think?” George lifted his hips and looked down his hard body to where; she was right, his happy was sticking out against the thin towel, proud as anything. “Well, would you look at that – I’ve never noticed it before. Thanks for sharing.”

  “I’m not sharing – I’m not caring…” Jessica rushed to a hot denial as the heat rushed her body and took it prisoner.

  “Would you two get a room?” Lacey snorted before she went back to her breakfast.

  “There’s a horrible thought,” George grumbled as he pushed up and away from her. He got to his feet and readjusted the towel that rode low on his hips.

  “I think I just threw up in my mouth,” Jessica hissed out the grumble as guilt and heat mixed within her. Not that she had anything to feel guilty about; he’d been pressing himself against her.

  How was she supposed to stop her eyes from wandering down that hard, muscled body, and her brain from farting out a detour to a place that she’d never dream to go?

  Even that thought made her feel guilty because she had been dreaming about George lately, hot dreams, sexy dreams, dreams that were definitely out of her control.

  “Ever the lady,” George snorted.

  “Ever the male,” Jessica grumbled as she pushed to her feet and took great pains to try to concentrate on dusting her body down of any George-ness that might have been left on it.

  “Why are you in my hallway, accosting me?”

  “Accosting!” she snapped her attention right back to a half-naked George and balked at the very idea. “You ran into me – naked, I might add,” Jessica snorted her contempt for him as she brushed her hands over her hips, smoothing her skirt down, not that it needed smoothing down again. “And wet.”

  “I made you wet?” George offered her one of those cheeky smiles, and she wanted to zap him again.

  Didn’t he know that she was trying to regain some composure?

  “Don’t flatter yourself, naked boy.”

  “Not naked, and this is my house!” he reminded her. “If I want to walk around naked with a feather sticking out of my backside. I will…”

  “That’s just…” she pressed her lips together as she scowled at the picture he was painting in her mind. She wasn’t going to rise to his level of stupidity; she was above it.

  “Turns you on, right?” George teased.

  He saw the color of her burning hot cheeks and thought he could just make her embarrassment even worse. He just needed to apply himself a smidge more.

  He liked seeing her almost to the point where her head looked as if it might explode on her neck; it was akin to pulling her pigtails. Not that she had pigtails, but still, it was fun watching her pretty eyes get all wide and expressive.

  “You’re…” her lips pressed together again and twitched as she struggled for words. She knew what she wanted to say, and the first letter was an F, but still, she wouldn’t rise to the man’s teasing.

  “Hot, hunky, sexy – the kind of a fairy that can rock your world,” he leaned his upper, muscled torso in towards her and wiggled his eyebrows, and she balked.

  “George! Stop this, what’s wrong with you? Have you been drinking?” she hissed up at him.

  “It’s breakfast,” he offered back in disbelief. “How would I have been drinking?”

  Not to mention the chance to drink would have been a luxury that George hadn’t had lately. Although, with every day, he missed that need to get out and hang around the bar with his friends less and less.

  “Maybe this is you coming in from an all-night out drink-fest.” She lifted her chin and offered him the same superior look that she used to give him before she’d found out that he was the Christmas fairy. “We all know you never get up this early.”

  “But I was up.” He offered her another suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows, and she snatched her head back on her neck and gasped in disbelief.

  “That’s just wrong.”

  “That’s just Mother Nature,” he said with a small shrug and a glint in his eyes. She was mesmerized by that look for a long moment as her brain farted once more, and then she snapped out of it.

  “You need to lose that towel and…”

  “You want me naked?” George wiggled his eyebrows again.

  “What? No! Yes! But…”

  “My naked butt?”

  “No!” she snapped back. “Yes, but…”

  “Which is it?”


  “Naked and oiled up, showing off my muscles?” he grinned, and she opened her mouth, but her brain farted so badly that she really couldn’t come up with a word – any word, just images, and boy, what images they were!


  “Mmmm,” George teased, nodding and wiggling his eyebrows at her. “Tempted, right?”

  Jessica snapped back to it. She forced those images out of her mind, because things like that led to other stuff, and other
stuff was not acceptable. Especially not with George.

  “Pervert,” she hissed out.

  “Sweetheart, I’m sure I can accommodate all of your kinks,” he whispered back, and for one long moment, he wasn’t entirely sure if her head was about to explode or not.

  Job done – almost.

  “I don’t believe…” she started on a slow shake of her head.

  “Trust me, I’ve got you covered,” he teased back.

  “You’re…nasty,” she bit out, and George couldn’t help but snigger.

  “That’s your thing? Nasty?”

  “I…” she huffed. “Get dressed!”

  “An outfit? Hmm, I wonder what turns you on – naughty elf?”

  “George, I will hurt you,” Jessica hissed back to the sound of sniggers that were coming from the kitchen.

  “Lighten up, Jessica. It’s Christmas Eve, and all is well…”

  “Not so much.”

  “Huh?” George’s eyebrows almost pinched together over his nose. “What are you not telling me that I need to know?”

  “George, that would take an encyclopedia and months of my life to get you up to speed.”

  “Ouch,” George berated her with just a look.

  “Brutal, but so true.” Lacey chuckled.

  “Truth hurts, George. Now get dressed, the fairy godmother wants to see us.”

  “you couldn’t lead with that information?” George berated her, and she shrugged. She’d had other things on her mind – like a naked George. “It’s Christmas Eve,” George protested.

  “So, I can check teaching you the calendar off my list.”

  “The fairy godmother said…” George stopped with a scowl. “Wait – what?”

  “Don’t worry your fluffy little head about it, George. What did Miriam say, and when did she say it?”

  “Last night in bed…”

  “Bed!” Jessica’s eyes bulged as she glared at him.

  “Jealous?” he offered her a cheeky grin, and she zapped him again. “Or not.” George bit down on telling her exactly what was on his mind.

  “Get to the damn point. Why were you in bed with the fairy godmother?”

  “There’s an image I don’t want in my head,” Lacey groaned.

  “Well, thanks for putting it in mine,” he grumbled. “I was in bed when Miriam paid me a visit…”

  “See, George, it’s all about the order and clarity of your words. Use your words, George.” She offered with something of a smugness about her.

  “It’s Christ Eve all is well, and I’m no longer the Christmas fairy,” George offered back with a scathing look and annoyance dripping from his words.

  “Well, she called for us, so something’s wrong…”

  “Or maybe she just wanted to give us a pat on the back for a job well done,” George offered. When Jessica tipped her chin down and questioned his sanity with just a look, he sighed. “Or something’s gone wrong.”

  “Go get dressed, fluffy head, and leave the hard stuff, like thinking, to the grownups.”

  “You’re so funny; I could just pee my panties. Oh, wait,” he announced with glee. “I’m not wearing any.”

  His eyes flashed with mischief, and Jessica twisted her head on her neck and regarded him with disdain.

  “Oh, no, don’t you do it.” She hissed out the warning, but George’s hand was already on the towel, and he had a teasing look in his eyes.

  “It might just slip, better run…” he teased her, and she opened her mouth to berate him once more, but it was already too late – as George turned towards his bedroom door; he whipped off the towel and wiggled his bare backside at her.

  Jessica’s mouth snapped open, and she gasped at the sight. It wasn’t that a naked back view of George was horrific or anything, not even close, it was more to do with the rush of heat and excitement that shot through her body once more, and the way that her heart thumped at her ribs to be set free.

  “My brother – the gentleman,” Lacey grumbled from the doorway before she lifted a hand and zapped him on the backside.



  “We have a problem,” Miriam announced as she pushed up to her feet behind her desk and offered George a stern look.

  “We – or you?” George asked, and the fairy godmother raised her left eyebrow and sighed. Jessica delivered a bony elbow to his ribs, and he bit down on the pain. “We got it,” George grumbled as he shot the fairy a glare.

  “It’s terrible,” Miriam shook her head in sorrow and disbelief. “Of course, I blame myself for this oversight.” She took a moment to look despondent, and she did it well.

  Jessica and George felt guilty, and they didn’t even know what had happened.

  “How can we help?” Jessica rushed out, and George groaned inwardly.

  “Suck up,” he muttered.

  “Glad you asked,” Miriam said, looking suddenly brighter and full of the joys of Christmas again.

  George thought that was convenient, but he wasn’t going to comment on it.

  “Maybe she doesn’t need our help,” George bit out.

  “Then why would we be here?” Jessica hissed back.

  “There really is little time, but you two go right ahead and have your little spat, I can wait.” She folded her arms and eyed them for a long moment as they both shuffled their feet and looked contrite right on cue.

  “Sorry,” Jessica offered.

  “Yes, she’s sorry,” George said and got a glare from Jessica in return.

  “Bite me,” Jessica hissed.

  “Not even with a vampire’s fangs,” George grumbled back.

  Miriam cleared her throat, and they snapped to attention.

  “Oh, do get a room,” Miriam sighed.

  When the pair of them opened their mouths to protest, she lifted a hand to silence them.

  “There really is no time,” the fairy godmother informed them.

  “Fine. Sorry,” Jessica said. “What do you need us to do?”




  “You had to ask,” George ground out.

  “She’s the fairy godmother, what did you expect me to do – stand there like an idiot like you did?” Jessica shot him a scathing look.


  “Idiot.” Jessica bit out.

  “Well, this idiot had his whole day and night planned out,” George grumbled.

  “Oh, boo-hoo,” she shot back.

  “I was even planning on buying you a present for Christmas,” George sighed.

  “A present?” Now she was interested. “For me?”

  “Yes. I was going to get you a personality.” George turned and offered her a gleeful grin.

  “I really don’t like you.”

  “Man, now you’ve just gone and ruined Christmas for me – maybe the rest of my life.”

  “Bite me.”

  “I don’t know – you keep inviting me to do that. I think you have a crush on me…”

  “Not even in your wildest dreams.” She tossed back.

  “No?” He grinned from ear to ear.

  “Can we just do this mission and never speak again?” Jessica hissed back. She wasn’t entirely sure that she liked that idea, but, needs must, and she really needed to stop thinking about George naked.

  “The north pole?”

  “Santa’s place.” She beamed a smile at the thought.

  “More snow – more pathetic mates that refuse to listen to fate and see exactly what’s right in front of their noses.”

  “That’s not nice.”

  “I’m feeling…”

  “I really don’t need you to get all touchy-feely on me, fluffy. Why break the habit of a lifetime? Stay male. Stay you, but most of all – stay quiet.” Jessica grumbled.

  “Fluffy?” He shot her a look of disbelief.

  “You prefer butthead?”

  “Not so you’d notice, no,” he offered back, raising just the one eyebrow and narrowing his eyes
as if suspicious of her.

  She felt guilty under his gaze – silly – and then there was that whole looking into his eyes that unnerved her, thing.

  “What?” She demanded after a moment or two of his staring.


  “Why are you staring at me?” she snapped back.

  “I think you really do have a crush on me.”

  “Oh my… you’re so delusional – not to mention up your own butt, and weird…”

  “Ok, weird?” He held up his hands to his chest and turned his body towards her to offer her his full attention.

  “Watch those hands,” she snapped as they hovered in front of her breasts.

  “Don’t flatter yourself…”

  “Such a gentleman,” she snapped.

  “Admit you’re attracted to me on some level.”

  “Some level? Like in your imagination?”

  “I have a very good imagination.” His grin stuck, but his eyes dropped down to her breasts.

  “Seriously? You’re checking out my girls?” she snapped back.

  “You’re girls? Did you name them or something?”

  “Sure, the left one is called not yours, and the right one is called not in this lifetime.”

  “Never have kids, you suck at names.” He offered in a whisper.

  “You have no idea the kind of pain I’m thinking about giving you right now.”

  “Along with the pleasure, right?” His eyes sparkled with laughter.

  “You’re a dead man walking.”

  “That sounds preferable to a night with you.” He chuckled back.


  “If I keep thinking about your girls, then that’s a possible option.”

  “Oh, my godmother! Will you stop?” she hissed.


  “Then let me help you with that.” The look in her eyes said that he was in trouble.

  Jessica lifted her hands and used her magic to make him slip on the icy surface. For one long moment, he looked like he was running on a treadmill, with a flick of her wrist; she took his legs out from under him and put him flat on his backside.


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