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Christmas Box set - (Complete 1-4)

Page 26

by M. L. Briers

  “If you drop me…” she berated him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tightly.

  “You’re not that heavy, sweetheart,” he teased with a low, deep chuckle that felt like fingertips against her skin.

  “You’re so…” she spluttered a chuckle of disbelief.

  “Adorable, loveable…oh-oh, sexy…” he started off for the bedroom on fast feet.

  “Says you!” She snorted another chuckle.

  “I’ll get you to admit it before the night is through,” George offered with a wiggle of his eyebrows, and she giggled.

  “George, you are such a…” she shrieked as George tripped over his own feet and pitched forward.

  He might just have managed to save them both, and bring it back from an epic fail if she hadn’t rushed to panic and jumped in his arms. George was headed for the bed, just in the nick of time, he managed to twist his body, and his shoulder hit the bed.

  Jessica fell over the top of him and headbutted the mattress as her breasts smothered him. George wasn’t exactly complaining; he figured it was one hell of a way to go.

  “Idiot!” She finished her sentence and chuckled hard as she tried to push up, but George wrapped a loose arm around her back.

  “Don’t move,” his muffled voice made her freeze in place.

  “What’s wrong?” she rushed out.

  “I just got an early Christmas present, and I’m enjoying it.”

  “George!” she chuckled, pushing up, and he groaned.

  “You give and then take away.” He had one hell of a stupid grin on his lips when she looked down at him.

  “George,” she chuckled.

  “I was just getting to know the girls,” George sighed.

  “Boobs, George.” She saw him flinch, just a little, just enough to remind her of her previous teasing. “Say it.”

  “Don’t want to,” George grumbled.

  “Boobs,” she giggled as she pushed up and spun on her knees on the bed. She straddled his hips and brought her sex down against his hard length, reveling in the sound of his groan.

  “Yes, they are.”

  “Say it.” She yanked off her sweater and grinned from ear to ear when George practically drooled down his chin. “You want to meet my girls live and in person, say it.”

  George grumbled a few choice words in his chest. Then he grunted, reached up, and cupped her breasts, running the pads of his thumbs over the hard nipples.

  “Boobies,” George sniggered.



  “Mine.” She chuckled as she went to pull away. A heartbeat later and Jessica was on her back on the bed, and George was above her.

  “Like those damn shifters say – mine…” he grinned from ear to ear and went in for another kiss.

  “Actually, they’re mine,” she said as she ducked his kiss.

  “But, I think you’ll find that sharing is caring…”

  “I never said I cared…”

  “Actions speak louder than words, and you’ve had my back the whole time,” George said and let her consider that for a long moment, and she did take a very, very long moment.

  “Fine, I admit I care…”

  “Then, baby, it would be rude not to share.”

  His grin was epic. It lit his eyes with sparkling mischief and kept her spellbound for too long – long enough for him to sneakily claim her lips with another kiss.

  That kiss started off as a victory tease and became hot and steamy before either of them knew it. George was almost fevered with a need to explore every inch of his mate’s body, and yet, until Jessica agreed to be his then he was done for.

  “Jessica, say you’re mine,” George begged against her lips.

  “You’re mine.” She offered him a mischievous grin back.

  “Wait…does that mean you’re saying you’re mine and I’m yours, or are you just being…?”

  “A pain in the backside?”

  “I wouldn’t have put it quite like that, sweetheart.” He offered her a drop dead gorgeous smile.


  “Okay, again, yes you’re saying…”



  “Do you have to over think this when you’ve never given more than two seconds thought to anything in your life before, including you fluffy hair?”


  He went in for another kiss, and she certainly didn’t duck that one. Instead, she kissed him back. She ran her feet up the backs of his legs and pulled him closer.

  George was done questioning her. She’d all but said that he should move on, and he did. He ran his fingertips over the smooth skin of her abdomen, and he begged that she wasn’t messing with him.

  “George,” she pulled back and whispered against his lips, and his heart sank.


  “Do I have to make all the decisions?”


  “Good, then can we get naked already?”

  George opened his mouth to speak, but only a grunt came out. It was a good grunt, a manly grunt, and that grunt practically slapped him around the back of the head and got him moving as ideas flashed into his mind of them naked together.

  George certainly wasn’t backward in coming forward now that he knew that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  He unwrapped his best ever Christmas present with a speed and enthusiasm like he’d never known, and it took him no time at all to join her, skin to skin, as he kissed her again.

  George made a slow exploration of every inch of her body, even the parts that made her giggle, but when he settled down between her inner thighs, that laughter died on her lips and the sounds that she made sent his need to please her soaring.

  He tried to take his own sweet time in bringing her release, and yet, the pull and tug on his hair told him that she’d either changed her mind about liking his hair and was trying to wrench it out at the roots, or she needed more for him. He gave it to her.

  Hell, if he could figure out a way to give her the moon he’d do it.

  Jessica tried to catch her breath as she came back down from the tidal wave of pleasure, and when she opened her eyes, there was her mate – all sexy-as-hell, muscles on display, and looking decidedly hungry as he climbed up over her.

  She dropped her gaze down his body to where his thick, long cock hung low and waved at her.

  “That looks…tasty.” She beamed him a wicked smile, and George thought he just might have a heart attack given the way that it slammed into his ribs and skipped a beat or two.

  “Later,” he managed, while not drooling too much at the thought.

  While that idea excited the hell out of him, he wanted her, needed to be inside of her.


  “Don’t over think it, sweetheart,” George teased her, with his words, his tone, his eyes, and that killer smile.

  He settled between her inner thighs and pushed the head of his cock inside her welcoming channel. The silken walls fitted around him like a glove, and on a long, slow push, he buried his cock to the hilt.


  “Full, the word you’re looking for had better be full…” he teased.

  “Big, huge, filling me beyond belief, stretching me so tightly…”

  “Okay, don’t overdo it, baby,” he chuckled. “I might get a big head and not be able to ever leave this cabin.”

  “I could live here,” she giggled.

  George pulled back to the very tip and pushed home once more. Heaven and hell, because it was right where he wanted to be, but it wasn’t enough.

  “With me…”

  “Well, I could chop off your big fluffy head and push the rest of you out the door…”

  George scooped her up from the bed as he pushed back onto his knees, wrapping her legs around his lips, and taking her right down his cock to the hilt.

  “Because you like me…” he whispered against her ear.

“Let’s not get carried away…” she chuckled, but when he pulled back his hips and thrust his cock to the hilt, her hands clamped down on his shoulders, her head tipped back, and he couldn’t help but nip her skin.

  “Sat it, say you like me…” he begged, taking her back and forth on his cock, stroking deeper and deeper with every thrust of his hips.

  “Like isn’t a word that…”

  She was silenced when his hips started a pounding beat against hers. She was near breathless, speechless, her body was climbing back up towards another orgasm, and she held on tightly to him, reveled in the feel of them together.

  Jessica managed to get out a few words, but she was never going to repeat any of them in front of the fairy godmother. George no longer gave a damn about getting her admit it and winning.

  His mind, his body, and his heart were all invested in bringing her the happy ending that she needed.

  He could feel the tightening of her inner muscles around his cock, took her over and over again, buried so damn deeply inside of her that he was lost and loving it.

  Loving her.

  “Love, George, not like…love.” She managed against his ear a moment before she came undone around him.

  George’s heart took her inside.

  They were soul to soul as they rode to oblivion together, wrapped within each other’s arms.



  Bonded forever as one.



  “Fairy godmother!” George yelled as he rushed down the corridor towards her with Jessica hard on his heels.

  “Well, if it isn’t the mates come home to roost, make babies, and all that implies.” Miriam offered a wide beaming smile of approval and a lot of enthusiasm.

  “Babies!” George’s brain farted. He ground to a halt as his feet faltered, and with Jessica beside him, he found he was momentarily lost for words as his brain tried to reboot.

  “Yes, George. Babies — babies, babies, babies!” Miriam chuckled at the confused look on George’s face.

  “Not just yet,” Jessica offered back. “Firstly, we have a problem, well, not us exactly.” She offered George one pointy elbow in the ribs, and George snapped to attention.

  “A problem?” Miriam’s wide smile had faded. It was those kinds of things that she hated to hear, especially when Christmas had gone so, sort of, smoothly.

  “It’s the polar bears,” George offered.

  “Polar bears — I don’t follow.” Miriam was going to need more than that if she was going to solve the problem.

  “Polar bear shifters,” Jessica offered back. “And in truth — the wolf shifters — and the reindeer shifters.”

  “At the North Pole?” Miriam asked.

  “No mates,” George shrugged.

  “Mates?” Miriam still wasn’t following.

  “At the North Pole, no mates,” Jessica said.

  “Okay, why do we have a problem?” Miriam asked.

  “Well, fate’s obviously not doing its job…” George started.

  “And the mates have no mates…” Jessica offered.

  “No mates means no offspring…” George said.

  “No offspring means that they’re dying out…” Jessica said.

  “Dying out.” George nodded.

  “It’s amazing how you two manage to take one sentence and split it between you.” Miriam chuckled. “But, I still don’t see where we have a problem.”

  “Well…” Jessica hesitated. She elbowed George again.

  “Fairy magic,” George shrugged.

  It was a long shot. And from the look on the fairy godmother’s face, it probably wasn’t going to work.

  “Fairy magic?” Miriam said quietly as she lowered her gaze and considered what the mates were asking.

  “I know we don’t usually…” Jessica rushed out.

  “It’s not the norm…” George offered.

  “It’s hardly ever done.” The fairy godmother nodded her head.

  “But it is Christmas,” Jessica offered.

  When Miriam looked the fairy in the eye, she saw pleading, and she groaned inwardly.

  “It’s the day after Christmas, and the magic might not be as strong,” Miriam warned.

  “I’m sure the polar bears, wolves, and reindeer will take what they can get,” George offered back.

  The fairy godmother wasn’t sure she liked it. There was helping fate, and then there was messing with fate’s plan, jumping up and down on fate’s territory.

  “Fine. As a mating present for the two of you…” She got no further as Jessica shrieked in excitement, jumped up and down on the spot, and then jumped into George’s embrace as she wrapped her arms around him and chuckled happily.

  “George,” Miriam said.

  “Yes, fairy godmother,” George offered back as he grinned from ear to ear.

  “Babies, George. I want to see lots, and lots of babies.” Miriam offered with a sweet smile before she snapped her fingers and disappeared.

  “Babies,” George pondered the idea.

  “Practice makes perfect, George,” Jessica said with a teasing grin.

  “Babies – I like that idea.” George chuckled.




  “George!” Jessica’s insistent tone pulled him out of sleep.

  He groaned, turned over in bed to reach for her, and found her missing.

  George sat bolt upright in bed.

  “No more wolves!” George rushed out, and then his eyes focused on Jessica, and he didn’t like the look on her face.

  “George,” Jessica looked hesitant.

  “What happened?” George demanded.

  “The list came back of shifter mates…” Jessica offered with a grimace.

  “No mates?” George asked. It was the only explanation for the look on her face.

  “Oh, there are mates.” She said before clearing her throat and fidgeting on her feet.

  “Then what’s the problem?” George asked.

  Jessica held up the parchment, it was quite long, and George groaned inwardly.

  “Santa’s naughty list is shorter. Please tell me the fairy godmother does not want us to put those mates together,” George demanded.

  “Not all of them,” Jessica grimaced again.

  “How many?”

  It was George’s turn to grimace at the thought of putting shifter mates together with their partners and how time-consuming that was, not to mention painful when the damn mates were witches.

  He had his own mate, and he’d kind of like to spend as much time with her as possible, doing what mates did.

  “Just the one.” Jessica swallowed hard.

  “One?” George’s eyebrows almost pinched together. “That’s entirely doable.” George could happily manage one more, but the look on Jessica's face said otherwise. “Which one?”

  Jessica grimaced again as she pointed to one name. George looked and looked again, and then he swallowed down a big portion of his tongue.

  “Problem,” Jessica said.

  “Oh.” George tossed himself back on the bed.

  In the grand scheme of things that was probably even worse than if Miriam had told them to put all of the mates together.



  “Are you insane?” Lacey demanded as she slapped her little fist against her hips and eyed her brother as if he’d just pooped on the floor.

  “I’d say; pack warm…” George offered back.

  “I say; go shove your head up your backside, it’s not going to happen.” Lacey spluttered out a laugh of disdain.

  “Sure it is,” George grinned.

  He was quite enjoying the fact that Lacey had found a mate. He’d kind of wished for that at the start of his whole Christmas Fairy thing – he felt a little guilty then.

  “He’s a reindeer shifter…”

  “His name is Troy,” Jessica offered.

  “Troy? Wha
t kind of name is Troy?” Lacey snorted her contempt for Troy’s name.

  “I’d say one that you should get used to saying – like for the rest of your life,” George chuckled.

  “No, because I’m not going.” Lacey offered him the evil eye.

  “Yes, you are…”

  “No, I’m not!”

  “But, he’s your mate, and there is no getting around that,” Jessica offered back.

  “I don’t care.” Lacey tossed up a shoulder.

  “Well, you should,” George berated her.

  “Like you did?” Lacey said.

  “Actually, he did. It was me that was like, oh my god!” Jessica tossed up her hands and squealed for added effect.

  “Well, I’m not going.” Lacey folded her arms, tipped her chin up in defiance, and snorted her contempt for her brother.

  “Yes, you are.” George mimicked her stance.

  “No, George, I’m not!” Her little fists went back to her hips, and she glared at her brother.

  “Yes, Lacey, you are,” George tossed back.

  Lacey squeaked in annoyance, and she pulled back one of those fists and punched George on the nose. George’s hands flew to his nose as he took a step back and gasped with disbelief.

  “I don’t believe you hit me!” George grumbled.

  “Any more talk of me going to the North bloody pole and I won’t just hit you; I’ll kill you!” Lacey bit out.

  “That’s not cool!” Jessica zapped her.

  Lacey gave a small squeal from the pain and zapped Jessica right back.

  George stood there holding his nose as his sister and his mate zapped each other. It was like watching ping-pong.

  He shook his head in disbelief and sighed inwardly. Female faeries! Family!

  “That’s it!” George bit out as he dropped his hands to chest height, pulled on his magic, and bound Lacey’s magic with his own.

  “George, let me go!” Lacey demanded.

  “Oh no, George. I hope you are not thinking what I think you’re thinking,” Jessica sighed.

  “It’s the only way.”




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