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Sanibel Virgin

Page 2

by Talyn Scott

  Then to Mason’s left, the source of the power swaggered into view. Mason gripped the table’s edge as the vampire fixed his site on the mixed blood and headed straight for her.

  Chapter Two

  For the past fifteen minutes, Kalen had gone through the motions of sipping alcohol when she needed blood instead. Not for the first time, she wondered why Dr. Holt had set up this meeting in such a conspicuous place. Did he think she would be comfortable around other immortals? Sure, if she wanted to feel entirely powerless, since any pureblood vampire could bite her throat and mist her away from practically any place she entered before she could bat an eye. And this club was teeming with pureblood vampires. But she was, in fact, a beggar tonight, which hacked down her choices practically to nothing.

  She searched the bar, wondering at the new power she’d sensed. Over her shoulder she spotted a hottie with the ferocity of a runaway train staring at her straight-on. Kalen couldn’t take her eyes off him. Thought he seemed oddly familiar, too. He was gorgeous. His blue-black hair layered only around the ends where it fell to just above his collar. His nose was straight, flanked by sharp cheekbones and those lips… Her eyes moved down to the thick column of his bronzed throat, and her mind tunneled to nothing but the need to tap his throbbing pulse.




  Then his heartbeat jumped into double time, teasing her fangs to drop. She forced her eyes to move upward, trailing a visual path from his throat back to those shimmering violet eyes framed with long, inky lashes. Still, so very, very familiar. She licked her dry lips and his eyes flared as he followed the tip of her tongue. Kalen placed his age around twenty-two, but considering the glorious color of his eyes, he had to be immortal. So twenty-two could mean a hundred and twenty-two or even a thousand and twenty-two… A chair scraped next to her right before a wall of inhuman perfection with naturally platinum hair — the exact same shade as hers — leaned in with an outstretched hand.

  “Hello, I’m Syon.”

  She shook it quickly, meeting his burnt-whiskey colored eyes. True to vampires, he was stunning apart from the savage scarring on one side of his face. “Hi.”

  “Sorry I’m late.” One side of his mouth curled as though they shared a private joke. “It was a work thing.”

  “I appreciate you meeting me at such short notice.” Kalen gestured to the chair he’d pulled out. “Please.”

  He released the full extent of his smile, dark-blonde whiskers adorning his chiseled jaw, and it was truly devastating. “I must admit I wasn’t pleased when our chief Coven doctor asked me to meet with you tonight.” His gaze slithered beneath the table and caressed her bare legs. “Now…,” he trailed off, letting her imagination whirl with possibilities of what he wanted.

  She watched him lower his long body with the grace of… a vampire. There was no other creature who moved the way vampires moved. Their sensuous sleekness and rolling grace were unmatched by even Florida Panthers. Leaning on her elbows, Kalen whispered in the best nonchalant tone that she could muster under the nerve-racking circumstances of meeting a real life vampire commander. “Did Dr. Holt explain what I needed?”

  “He did.” When he leaned forward, mirroring her move, a few heartbeats stretched between them. He licked that crazy-sexy lower lip of his, his tongue-piercing flashing. “Why were you eyeballing the werewolf?”

  Her cheeks burned as she silently cursed Dr. Holt for divulging her embarrassing flaw. “I wasn’t — ”


  She whisper-hissed, “I didn’t want to drink from him.”

  “Ah, she lies.” His pretty-boy face hardened, his cheeks sharpening into blades. “I could turn you over my knee, flip up your dress, and smack your lying ass while every creature in this bar watched.”

  All the blood left Kalen’s face. “That’s…. that’s,” she sputtered.

  “An effective way of getting the truth,” he said as his knuckles tapped the tabletop. “Believe me. I could do worse, much worse.”

  A few minutes ago, she was hopeful, figuring things would go the right way for once. Now, Kalen found herself staring in disbelief. “Can we discuss — ”

  “The reason you wanted to meet with me?” He leaned back, cool calculation lighting his eyes. “Why should I help a rogue?”

  Syon might as well have staked her. If he wanted to make her uneasy, throw her off her game, she couldn't think of a better way than this line of questioning. “I don’t belong to a faction because I am mostly human.”

  “If you’re human, what gives you the right to meet with me?”

  She’d walked right into that one. “Let’s back up a second.”

  He kept barreling through. “Why have you convinced yourself that you belong in the human world? According to my intel, your father is half vampire and your mother was half werewolf.”

  “I’m just as much human as anything else.”

  “But you don’t think like a human,” Syon argued. “You certainly don’t act like a human.”

  “I just flew in this afternoon,” she spat back. “How would you know?”

  “When you looked at the werewolf,” his voice lowered an octave, right as his irises expanded into the whites of his eyes, “I don’t think you felt human at all.”

  She turned away from him, staring at the ceiling where dancers wriggled in cages. Damn, the vampire was openly hunting her for his Coven, and Kalen might be forced to play his game in order to obtain his help.

  “Did you, Kalen?”

  She swallowed a few times and flipped her eyes back to his. “Not exactly.”

  “Deep down you know that a human male could never satisfy your needs,” he went on, “and I’m not just talking blood here.”

  Her stomach clenched at his hot look, but she chose to argue. “Many human men have satisfied my needs.”

  Syon arched a disbelieving eyebrow. “Still, immortal females also need protection, particularly mixed bloods. Tell me how human men can help you there.” When she stayed quiet, he pressed, “Think it through all you want. I’m right and you know it.”

  She opened her mouth and then shut it. In the immortal world, some despicable males used females as bargaining chips between factions. If a female wasn’t under a Pack or a Coven’s protection, she was considered fair game, and Commander Syon had gone so far as to call her rogue. A lawbreaker he could lock away, if he were so inclined.

  His voice softened, “We’re not saying our females are less intelligent than males or are lacking any — ”

  “I know what you’re saying,” Kalen interrupted, her hands closing into fists. “But I don’t have to agree.”

  “I’m afraid by the time you do agree, it’ll be too late.”

  “Too late?” How had this meeting gone so horribly wrong? “Are you really threatening me?”

  “I’m officially warning you away from our Coven members, including Dr. Holt.” Once again, he tapped his fingertips on the tabletop, assessing her in a maddeningly calm way. “Don’t approach us for anything. This includes blood. You are not to feed from any vampire. Do you understand?”

  “But I need your help.”

  He ignored her. “This includes asking any member of Coven for anything. I don’t care if the vampire is a Vojak, Species, Undead, or even a mixed blood such as yourself. You declare yourself human to us, not worthy of Coven, then we are invisible to you.”

  Had she ever met a bigger asshole? “I’ll find a way to go around you.”

  He laughed at her. “I answer only to two males in this country: Maestru Malcov and Oycher Evdokimov. In case you’re wondering, Maestru is Master of our North America Coven and Oycher leads the Vojaks on this continent.”

  “I’ve heard of them.”

  “Then you understand they are vampire law. I execute said law,” he stated simply. “If you go against my word, I’ll behead you.”

  She lifted a hand to her throat, imagining his claws slicing her open. “Don�
��t force me into joining Coven, Commander Syon. I only need — ”

  “You’re giving me no other choice but to pull rank. You want my help? Then do as I say. You’re vulnerable, Kalen, and unlike the werewolf world,” he whispered almost sympathetically, though he couldn’t quite reach the sentiment, “in the vampire world, nothing is free — ”

  “Then she’d better stick with the werewolves.”

  Kalen gasped. The violet-eyed hottie stood at their table, his leg so close to hers that the fabric of his expensively tailored trousers brushed her bare skin. Up close, he was even more familiar, his near proximity stirring up the rarest of times from her teenage years when she’d been happy. She moved her hand to her mouth. Oh, God, she thought. It couldn’t be him. She’d intended to look him up during her stay, but not until she first settled other matters.

  Commander Syon recovered his surprise first. “I’m not aware of inviting you to our table.”

  “Sounds like I invited myself.”

  Syon gestured with impatience. “Leave.”

  “Not a problem.” He held his hand out expectantly for her, yet kept his eyes trained on Syon. “Let’s go.”

  So he thought he could walk up to her, bark orders, and expect her unquestioning obedience? Kalen took her hand from her mouth and placed it in her lap. “Mason, we can catch up tomorrow.” Her voice shook. “Right now, I’m speaking privately with Commander Syon.”

  When Mason turned to her, his eyes widened in recognition. “Kalen?”

  She nodded slowly.

  Syon stood. “I’ll leave you to your reunion.” He tossed some bills on the table to more than cover her drink and tip, then lifted her phone. “You know my terms, Kalen.” His hand moved in vampiric speed. “Now you have my number, so you won’t have to go through Dru to reach me.” He handed it back to her. “If you call me within forty-eight hours, I’ll place you under my personal protection.” When she opened her mouth, Syon held up his hand. “Think about the honor I’m bestowing on you before you say no.”

  She didn’t know what stunned her more, seeing Mason for the first time in forever or Syon offering the pinnacle of protection. A commander’s protection pretty much sealed her life as a vampiric queen. Too bad she didn’t want that life, considering it would make matters much easier for her. Her mouth opened and closed before she managed a shaky nod.

  “Forty-eight hours,” he reminded as he walked away, moving onto the dance floor mash of gyrating humans and immortals.

  Again, Mason offered his hand to her. “Kalen, if you don’t take my hand — ”

  “You scared him off!”

  “Did he look scared to you?”

  “Well, he’s gone,” she explained, as he gripped her fingers, “and I need him.”

  “No,” Mason growled, the heat of his hand seeping into hers, “you need me.”

  “There’s no arguing with Beta Bloods.” Her head dropped, her stare hitting the glossy tabletop. “All of you expect immediate cowering and obedience.”

  “No to the cowering, Kalen, but your obedience I could use about now.” Mason’s voice gentled as he lifted her chin with his free hand, forcing her to meet his penetrating stare. “You and Syon have drawn a lot of unhealthy attention here tonight.”

  She understood what he was saying. “Everyone wants to know what the commander found so intriguing.”

  “Looks that way.”

  “This is all I need,” she grumbled.

  “You keep stressing and they’ll come closer.”

  Mason’s thumb slid against her sweaty palm, tracing an ultra-sensitive line there that managed to command her entire body with carnal static, lulling her with aftershocks in its wake, the sensation only stopping before it neared the apex of her thighs. She released her breath on a long whoosh, the dance floor strobes blurring in and out with her winking vision.

  “How,” she whispered, her tongue longing to lick the salt from his throat, “did you do that?”

  “I’m not a man.” He pulled her to standing, keeping one hand wrapped around hers, intwining their fingers. He leaned, his mouth a hot whisper against her ear, “Wonder what else my Beast can do?”

  “I don’t think I could handle anything else.” She shook her head. “I can hardly move my legs, as it is.”

  “Let me have you.” He tightened his grip on hers and moved his opposite hand around to her lower back, his fingers digging into her hip. “Don’t make eye contact with any of them. They’ll take it as an invitation.”

  As if his words had melted away a shield, Kalen suddenly felt the weight of a hundred or so curious stares on her back. Without another word, Kalen kept her head down and let him maneuver her out of the club.

  With the humidity at nearly one-hundred percent, her thirst ratcheted a few notches when the fresh, salt air hit her. “I have a rental over…” Mason led them through the parking lot and straight to her car. “How did you know?”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He dropped her hand and lifted his in front of her face. “Keys. I’m driving you out of here.”

  “Is that necessary?”

  “Sure is.”

  Kalen sifted through her purse and brought them out, but she refused to hand them over. “You can’t drive this. It’s a rental.”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “It does when your name’s not listed on the rental agreement!”

  “Seriously?” He almost cracked a smile. “You’re afraid I’m going to wreck it?”

  “What if you did?” She countered. “Then I would go to jail or something for breaking the law.”

  “Jail or something, huh?”

  She smashed her thumb against the key fob and unlocked the doors. “Quit mocking me.”

  He snatched her keys. “You’d have better odds of a tiger shark swimming across this very parking lot — right at this precise moment — and biting your delicious ass, than of me wrecking this car.”

  “And I’ll bet a tiger shark would be less feral than you.”

  Shadows passed within his eyes, his otherworldly irises burning with possession. “You want feral?” He licked his bottom lip slowly with the tip of his tongue. “Then come to my marsh, female.” When her eyes dropped to his lips, her pulse responding to his invitation, he bent his knees to bring them closer to eye level and leaned against her car. He parted his legs and pulled her between them.

  She placed her hands on his chest, feeling nipple rings beneath his starch-white oxford. Inches away from his mouth, their breaths mingled. For a few shattering seconds, all she wanted was for Mason to press those sexy lips of his all over her naked flesh. As if seconding her thoughts, heat bloomed in her sex, soaking her thong.

  He panted through his open mouth, the tips of his sharp canines sliding over his bottom lip. With the moon dipping low behind Mason, he appeared more Beast than man. “I don’t have to feel between your legs to know how wet you are. I can smell you.” Sliding his hand down her spine, he pressed her ass, shoving her pelvis flush against his hard length.

  “I can smell you, too.” Kalen groaned when he ground perfectly against her clitoris. As if his body understood hers completely, knew how to feed her hunger. Clawing need taking over her mind, Kalen’s hands left his chest and wound around the back of his neck, her fingers finding the silky tips of his hair and twirling. She waited for his kiss, panting just as hard as Mason, yet he never bridged the slight distance between their lips.

  “Good, you’re following your instincts.” Mason watched her reaction to each swipe of his cock. “Give in to it completely, Kalen.” He ground harder. “Let.” Swipe. “It.” Swipe. “Go.”

  Kalen’s hands fisted his hair as she drew close, pins and needles tingling through her clitoris and working their way up her sex. “Damn it,” she cried out.

  She saw stars.


  Followed by a startling neon-blue blur.

  “Mason,” she gasped, all the air leaving her lungs, “w-what’s happening to me

  Chapter Three

  Suddenly, Kalen found herself sitting in the passenger’s side of the car with the door closed nice and tight, and her freaking seatbelt secured across her lap. To her left, Mason was seated behind the steering wheel, with the car now running. She could barely catch her breath, her body trembling with an almost-orgasm slash lack-of-oxygen combo. “What,” she hissed, her knees squeezing together to end the maddening need for completion, “the hell!”

  “We’ve got company.” He backed from the space and accelerated out of the parking lot.

  From the adjacent alleyway, Kalen caught a glimpse of glittering eyes heading straight for them. Swallowing her panic, she gripped the dashboard as Mason floored it. “A Habaline shifter?” Mason nodded, flipping his eyes between the road ahead and the rearview mirror. “I haven’t seen one of those since I was young.”

  “They’re everywhere. Sit back and relax, Kalen.”

  Relax? Not Hardly. “I’d forgotten how inhuman Southwest Florida can be at night.”

  Mason took a left. “You won’t find that scrawled on a T-shirt.”

  She adjusted her dress, her soaked upper thighs sticking together and making her uncomfortable. Lifting her head, she realized he was going toward the Sanibel Causeway. “Hold up.” She threw a thumb over her shoulder. “I’m staying by the river.”

  “At a downtown hotel?”

  “Yes, a downtown hotel, why?” Since she belonged to no faction, neutral territory was her aim. Werewolves claimed Sanibel Island and vampires claimed Captiva Island.

  “Then it’s a good thing I found you first. Shifters marked some serious real estate downtown, Kalen. Six Feet Under seems to be the only neutral territory by the river.”

  Oh, this changed things. “You’re telling me the only neutral territory left downtown is a freaking bar?”

  “Unofficially, yeah, and as you saw, there’s no good reason for a female to go there unless she has protection or is looking for it.” He flashed his canines. “By the way, if you take Syon up on his offer, I’ll call him out.”


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