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Omega's Need (The Alpha's New Omega - Mpreg Book 2)

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by Adams, Rory

  Cameron brought a pile of books with him into the bedroom as well as some snacks and a sketchpad. When he was younger, loved to draw. This, of course, was before he understood how hard things were for him and his mother and had to start helping around the house.

  Now that he had leisure time on his hands again he’d taken up his old hobby. Cameron hoped that if he practiced enough he would eventually have a drawing good enough that he wouldn’t feel completely embarrassed showing it to Jackson. He set up camp at the small desk Jackson had set up in his bedroom.

  The hours until Jackson was supposed to return passed much more quickly than Cameron expected. Before Cameron knew it he had a stack of half-finished doodles on the table in front of him, his palms were smudged with graphite, and the door downstairs was opening. Cameron glanced at the clock on the wall. It was five o’clock; just the time Jackson had said he should be getting home. Cameron’s face lit up.

  Now he could hear Jackson moving through the house, up the staircase, and towards the bedroom. Cameron’s heart fluttered, wondering if perhaps the alpha wanted to engage in some sexual naughtiness before Rex got home. The footsteps stopped outside the doorway and Cameron heard the door creak open behind him.

  He turned around, grinning from ear to ear at the return of his beloved alpha, only to have the smile die on his face. It was Rex’s lithe form filling the doorway, not Jackson. The smaller alpha had a dangerous, predatory grin on his face. Cameron took an unconscious step backwards, feeling the small of his back bump against the hard wooden desk. There was only one door in and out of the room; he was trapped.

  “H..hello,” he squeaked, grasping the pencil in his hand so hard that it snapped in half.

  “Hello,” Rex replied smoothly, stepping forward and closing the door behind him.

  “Jackson will be home soon,” Cameron said, hoping that knowledge would scare Rex away.

  “I’m afraid he may not be,” Rex said. He sidled toward Cameron, the crotch of his pants beginning to swell. Cameron felt his stomach drop with fright. “I was listening to the radio on the way back here and it seems there was an accident on the road between here and the city. Traffic will be backed up for hours.”

  Now Rex was standing right in front of Cameron. The omega could smell the dominant, aroused scent bubbling up from his pores, choking the omega. All the hairs on his body stood on end and he trembled.

  Rex grabbed the boy by the waist and pulled the omega up against him. Cameron could feel the savage strength in Rex’s arms. He was no Jackson, but Cameron still wouldn’t stand a chance against him if he resisted. Tears welled in his eyes, but he resolved not to let them fall. He had to stay strong. Rex’s erection pressed aggressively into Cameron’s thigh and he gasped.

  “That’s right,” Rex growled. “You should be scared. You’ve never been with a real alpha before. You’ve never been treated the way a real alpha ought to treat you.”

  With frightening speed and forcefulness Rex spun Cameron and pressed him forward onto the surface of the desk. Cameron’s chest cracked against the wood, radiating pain through his upper torso. Rex was already grinding his hips against Cameron’s still-clothed ass, obviously overwhelmed by his desire. Tears dripped free from Cameron’s eyes, pattering down to dot the sketches he’d done earlier.

  “Take off your pants,” Rex snarled in his ear. His hot, rank breath filled Cameron’s nose.

  “No,” Cameron sniffled, refusing to betray his alpha without at least a fight.

  “What?” Rex rumbled, the rage apparent in his voice even at this low, intimate volume. One of his hands clawed painfully at Cameron’s ass. “What did you say?”

  “No,” Cameron whimpered. Rex’s fangs gouged into his shoulder, smashing him down harder against the desk. He could feel the alpha’s hand grasping at the waistband of his pants, trying to pull them down. Cameron could feel the blood trickling down his neck. He closed his eyes, hoping this would be over soon.

  Cold air sizzled against Cameron’s hot, trembling skin as Rex finally wrenched his pants down. Tears flowed freely down the omega’s cheeks now. Rex twisted a hand into his underwear and tore it clean in half.

  Just as Cameron began to feel Rex’s member probing at his cheeks the sound of splintering wood filled the room. Rex turned just in time to see Jackson’s hulking form exploding towards him. Suddenly Cameron felt the weight of the other alpha lift away from him. Jackson threw Rex single handedly. The smaller alpha hit the wall with a sickening crack. He slumped against the floor, limp and lifeless. A thin trickle of blood spilled from the corner of Rex’s mouth.

  “Are you hurt?” Jackson demanded, rushing to Cameron and cradling him against his chest. He gently prodded the bloody wounds left by Rex’s teeth. “I’m going to take you to the hospital.”

  “It’s nothing,” Cameron whispered, feeling a bit woozy and out of it. Maybe he was in shock.

  “I don’t care,” Jackson growled. He cradled Cameron’s face in his hands. “I’ve failed in my duty to protect you. How are you going to carry my young one day, if I can’t protect you? Get whatever you need while I report this.”

  Chapter 6

  Of course there were no charges pressed against Jackson. As an alpha he was well within his rights to protect his omega from the advances of another male, especially unwanted advances. Rex’s body was promptly removed and the master bedroom cleaned and repaired. Cameron’s bite wound required some stitches and antibiotic ointment, but it wasn’t deep and the doctors told him it would probably heal without a scar.

  Still Cameron was utterly exhausted from the altercation. He fell asleep on the drive home from the hospital, head resting against Jackson’s arm. When they arrived home Cameron awoke to find himself pillowed against Jackson’s chest being carried into the house. Jackson set him on a plush couch in front of the fireplace. Cameron sat up with a yawn.

  “Did I wake you?” Jackson asked softly.

  “No,” Cameron mumbled, still somewhat foggy with slumber. “I was already awake when you carried me inside.”

  “Good.” For perhaps the first time in their relationship Cameron thought the massive alpha looked unsure of himself. “Cameron I almost lost you today.” Tears welled in Jackson’s big, expressive eyes. “If Rex had used you as he wanted to he would’ve almost certainly killed you afterwards. Without a witness it would’ve been difficult to implicate him.”

  Jackson’s fingertips stroked tenderly over the stitches. He flinched as if it was painful for him just to look at them.

  “Cameron I don’t think I could live without you,” Jackson admitted. His voice was strung tight with emotion. “Before you came here I bore the burden of crushing loneliness and guilt; my life was empty of meaning. Now, for the first time in years, I look forward to each new day. Because of you.”

  Cameron felt his chest fill up with an emotion so strong he thought it might spill the bounds of his body.

  “Cameron, I know we haven’t known each other for that long, but...” Jackson looked at his feet, a gesture that was distinctively submissive and very strange to see in such a dominant alpha. “Would you marry me?”

  A grin spread across Cameron’s face, so wide and bright it made the muscles of his cheeks hurt.

  “Yes!” he cried, throwing himself at Jackson. Their lips came together, soft and passionate at the same time, happy tears mingling together as one.

  Chapter 7 - Epilogue

  Cameron stared out at the moonlight shimmering on the waves. Its light made a gilded, silvery path across the water so bright and substantial that Cameron almost believed he could walk across it. The air of the private island was warm against his skin, as though he was wrapped in a thick, velvety sweater. As he stepped into the water, letting rivulets lap around his ankles, he discovered that the water was just as warm. It was a good thing, since Cameron was currently buck-naked.

  He turned around to see Jackson standing behind him, watching. The alpha’s eyes shone with adoration and lust. He
was bare too, and the moon turned his entire body to glistening silver. Cameron thought he looked like some kind of Greek god.

  They’d arrived on the tiny island only a few hours earlier, taking a motorboat out here after their tropical destination wedding. Though Cameron had greatly enjoyed the ceremony, filled with Jackson’s business partners, he was incredibly glad to be alone with his alpha now.

  Cameron thought about inviting his mother, but there was a point that he needed to let go. In a perfect world, he could have saved her, but she made her decision, needing an alpha to protect her. Tristan would never injure his mate, and Cameron posed as a threat, though he was nowhere as strong.

  Cameron looked down at his swollen belly, almost ready to spring with life. He was carrying Jackson’s baby, meaning that this alpha boy would have a life that Cameron never had growing up. The omega would ensure that every baby they had lived a life without fear, knowing that both parents loved them deeply.

  Jackson grasped Cameron’s hand gently, leading his pregnant mate out into the foamy waves. When they’d reached chest depth Jackson spun Cameron around so his back was pressed against the alpha’s chest. Cameron spread his legs eagerly, knowing what was about to happen.

  Without delay the alpha cleaved into Cameron’s hole, making the omega shudder with pleasure. The warm salty water splashed around them as Cameron felt his hole pried open by the aggressive alpha.

  “Fuck,” Jackson groaned, pressing his hands against his boy’s swollen belly. He’d need to knot after their wedding date, but be careful over how much he filled the boy.

  Jackson grabbed the back of Cameron’s neck, forcing his mouth to his. His kiss, wet, and the omega feels his cock expanding with pleasure. The alpha reaches down, caressing his boy’s cock, allowing him to release into the warm water.

  Then Jackson buckles, swelling his knot into the boy’s taut hole. It expands, releasing heaps of warmth into the omega. If he weren’t already pregnant, this would have done the trick.

  Cameron felt his heart swell with happiness in his alpha’s arms. Jackson caresses down his back, soothing the boy with his knot firm inside of him. Cameron looks into the sun moving closer to the ocean waves. He smiles, knowing that he’ll be satisfied like this and protected for the rest of his days.

  I’m working on a new, longer series! I hope that you continue to read and enjoy the books :)

  If you have any questions or feedback, please e-mail me, I’d love to hear from you:

  Sincerely, Rory Adam

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