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The Erotic Bestiary

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by Klara Raškaj

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  It isn't safe for a young girl to walk through the woods alone.

  Odette has two choices: catch her death out in the rain, or spend the night in the home of a ravenous werewolf who has little control over his animal urges. Will her beauty be enough to tame the beast inside of him?

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  The Erotic Bestiary

  Klara Raškaj

  Monster Erotica Box Set

  Copyright © 2019 Klara Raškaj

  All rights reserved.

  Independently published.

  Visit the author's website at

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book contains mature themes and graphic sexual descriptions. All characters depicted in this book are over eighteen years of age.


  Heart of Sand

  1. Sun's Rise

  2. Sun-Kissed

  3. Under a Thousand Suns

  4. When the Sun Turns Black

  5. A Midsummer Sun's Dream

  6. Daddy's Sunshine

  Heart of Ice

  1. Season's Insolence

  2. Naughty but Nice

  3. Something There

  4. Barely Even Friends

  5. Krampusnacht

  6. Dungeon with No Chains

  7. T'Was Beauty Killed the Beast

  8. A Little Something

  Heart of Luster

  1. You Bats Are Nothing Alike

  2. Castles in the Air

  3. Strangers in the Night

  4. Room Thirty-Three

  5. Child of the Night

  6. Come Play with Us

  7. May I?

  8. He Makes Me Laugh

  Heart of Void

  1. Subject Six-Two-Six

  2. Milky Way

  3. (R)evolution

  4. Facehugger

  5. The Secret

  6. Mother

  7. Ohana

  Story One

  Heart of Sand


  Sun's Rise

  SUNLIGHT SHONE UPON the glass displays holding relics of old looking like they would turn to dust at any moment. Only a few wanderers strolled through the spacious room, making it easier for Sarah Khateb, a student of the college and the self-appointed tour guide of the campus museum, to squeeze her latest group of freshmen in.

  She had long, straight ginger hair with bangs covering her forehead, blue eyes, and skin of a slightly darker tone. As was expected of students at Sandersonia University in England, she wore a white shirt with a short-sleeved blue-green woolen sweater with the college logo over it, a pleated black miniskirt, white stockings with two blue-green stripes at the top, and black wedge sneakers. She carried with her a black canvas shoulder bag with the college logo embroidered into the upper right corner.

  She led her tour group into the center of the room and rounded them up around the most prized exhibit at the college. She placed her hands on the glass, admiring the gray skeleton inside the upright-standing stone sarcophagus with her big, wide smile and glimmering eyes.

  It barely looked human with all those giant fangs covering almost his entire mouth. Everyone kept staring at the head, not even trying to hide how weirded out and scared they were. But to Sarah, it was the coolest thing in the world.

  "This," said Sarah in her American accent, "is what I've been waiting to show you. The mummy of Pharaoh Mesehradabet." She clasped her hands and turned to the other students. "You're all probably wondering why this guy's face is so fucked up. Yes, it's real, and yes, he looks awesome." She stretched her body upward, standing on her toes as she tapped on the glass with her finger. "For some reason, he has these huge tooth thingies growing outside of his mouth," she told them, leaning back onto her heels and pulling down her skirt. "We think he was actually born with them, and they grew as he got older." She then turned their attention to the faded hieroglyphs on the side of the sarcophagus. "Mesehradabet, he who is born with a still heart, he who is Sobek in flesh. 'Meseh' means 'crocodile' in ancient Egyptian, and 'ra dabet' means 'charcoal sun.' Now, what's really interesting about this passage is the fact that you'd think the person who wrote this was saying the Pharaoh died at birth. But he didn't, obviously. He lived until he was about thirtyish. So, what does it really mean, then?"

  "Could it be a metaphor?" asked one girl.

  Sarah put on a menacing grin as she looked back at her and started strolling around the group, occasionally glancing at them. "But there's something else written on there, too. You can just barely make out the symbols, but I've been able to figure out what they say," she told them. "He who was cursed in this life...shall reawaken...and receive the blessing that was unlawfully taken from him. When the heart beats, the goddess from the dream afar will return. The blessing will come...when the sun turns black."

  "What does that mean?" a wide-eyed young man asked.

  Sarah walked back to the mummy and stood next to the glass casing in which it was held. "It means--"

  "It means that the poor pharaoh was hopelessly in love with someone who wasn't real," said an older, male voice.

  A middle-aged man with graying hair in a dark suit walked over to the group from the hallway as they turned to face him.

  "From what we know, he never married nor had any children," said the man with a confident smile, "but even as he lay dying, he still believed he would find his one true love in the next life." His gaze shifted towards the mummy. "The only thing that puzzles me is the fact that ancient Egyptians didn't believe in reincarnation, which can only mean that he intends to come back from the dead to be with his beloved."

  "Professor Fraser likes stealing my punchlines," Sarah added with a smirk.

  Fraser placed his hand on her shoulder. "Miss Khateb here is one of our most promising young scholars. I haven't seen that kind of passion for a subject in quite some time. I dare even say her obsession with Meseh frightens even me sometimes."

  "Tour's almost over. Would you like to stay for the finale, Professor?" asked Sarah.

  "No, no, I'm just passing through," he said. "I still haven't had a chance to look over your most recent thesis draft."

  "That's okay, it's no rush," she replied.

  "Go easy on them, Khateb," Fraser told her as he was on his way out. "No need to traumatize every new generation of students."

  "What does he mean by that?" asked one guy.

  Sarah smiled at him, averting her gaze. "Well..." Slowly, she circled the glass casing, keeping her eyes on the group. "I don't think whoever wrote this was bullshitting," she said. "I think it's real."

  "Are you serious?" scoffed one girl in between her laughter.

  "Bloke takes one step and he'll fuckin' break both his legs," added one guy.

  "You think I'm joking?" asked Sarah with a sinister smile still glued to her face.

  "Do we even have to answer that?" another student asked, staring back at her and crossing her arms.

  With slow steps, Sarah approached the skeptic, gazing down at the floor while holding her hands behind her back. "I think he killed himself," she said. "I think he was so miserable...he couldn't wait to meet his love in the next life, so he decided to clock out early." She looked up at the student. "The Egyptians always left the heart inside the body when they were preparing their dead for burial. They believed it was the source of all reason, and the dead needed it so the gods could judge them. It's probably still in
there...crying out for the love he never got to experience when he was alive. The inscription says his heart will start beating when his true love will be a part of this world. And if you listen can hear it..."

  The room fell completely silent. The students' eyes darted left and right. Then, slowly, quietly, almost like the imagination was playing tricks on the mind, the beating of a living human heart echoed through the room. Thump...thump...

  One girl shuddered. "I--I can hear it..."

  "Awesome... You have a friend with no life to turn on the speakers for you," said one guy.

  "Well, see ya, mummy girl," another female student added, nonchalantly waving her hand at Sarah as she was leaving.

  The rest of the group followed, occasionally glancing back at Sarah and whispering amongst themselves with both mocking and concerned expressions.

  Once they were out of sight, Sarah let out a light sigh as she looked down at the floor with a forced smile and tired eyes. She walked over to a wall, grabbed an empty chair and dragged it over to the mummy's casing. She then sat down next to the mummy and pulled out a foil-wrapped sandwich from her bag. Gazing at the empty space in front of her, she unwrapped it and took the first bite.

  After a couple more, she took out her iPhone and started scrolling through her social media feeds to check if there was anything interesting to read about while she ate. Once she was done, she placed the phone onto the metal plate in front of the mummy's casing that had some general information written about the exhibit on it.

  She rummaged through her bag in search of tissues. "Fuck..." she groaned as she continued her search to no avail. Once she finally got a hold of them, she held them up in triumph with a wide grin on her face. "Aha!" She then got up and headed off to class while wiping her lips and fingers, passing by the receptionist and waving at him. "Hey, George--thanks for helping out with the sound effects again!" she told him with an encouraging smile. "Loved the subtlety!"

  "What?" He frowned at her as she continued walking away.

  But there was no time for small talk. She'd never been late for class except when unforeseen circumstances arose, and she definitely wasn't going to be late that day either.

  • • • •

  Sarah opened her eyes, glancing left and right as her vision was slowly clearing up. "Ugh... What time is it?" she mumbled as she sat up on the sofa that she'd fallen asleep on. She looked out her window.

  Night had already fallen.

  Still woozy from having just woken up, she stumbled around while looking for her bag. She grabbed it from the floor and searched for her phone. "What the--?" She emptied the contents of the bag onto the sofa, but still no phone. Her heart pounded. She rushed to her laptop to try tracking its location. The map showed it was still at the college. That was a relief. At least she was sure nobody had taken it yet. She grabbed her bag, put her bra and shoes back on, and rushed out her apartment door. Half an hour later, she arrived at the college. Good thing it only closed at ten o'clock, otherwise, she would have had to spend the night stressing over her phone and not getting a wink of sleep. She walked over to the security guard now sitting at the reception desk at a brisk pace. "Hey, Tom." She panted. "I forgot my phone at the museum. Can I go get it?"

  The security guard took out his earphones and looked up at her. "Oh, it's you, Sarah!" he said. "All right, but make it quick. I was just about to lock up for the night." He put his earphones back on and continued staring down at his phone.

  "Thanks!" she replied and ran through the door to the museum area. It was hard to see through such thick darkness, but luckily, she guessed where she'd left her phone. She approached the mummy in the glass casing and saw her phone lying there on the info plate. She sighed and looked at the lock screen to check whether it was hers. Yep. That was her wallpaper. She put the phone in the bag and leaned against the glass to cool off. "Phew," she sighed, smiling. Finally, she could calm down and enjoy the peaceful quiet.


  Sarah's eyes widened, and adrenaline shot through her veins once again. What was that sound? Was she imagining it? She wanted to just run out and leave, but her curiosity got the best of her. She stopped to listen further. Quiet. Silence. Nothing. Then...suddenly...


  She jumped away, frantically looking around through the darkness. Her heart beat faster and faster. Did...receptionist forget to turn off the sound effect from this afternoon? Though the thought was reassuring, she still wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

  When she turned her head to make a run for it, her breath escaped her lungs, and her eyes were stricken with horror. She stumbled and fell onto her backside, staring at a dark dust cloud surrounding the inside of the mummy's casing. Flesh and organs started crawling over the bones that were changing color from gray to white. A finger twitched. The thumping of heartbeats was getting louder and faster.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  A breath steamed up part of the glass from the inside. An eyelid opened to reveal a black sclera and an almost glowing orange iris staring right at her. Then...the body collapsed, breathing heavily as its tired eye continued to gaze at Sarah.

  Without thinking, she ran out of the room, and over to the reception desk. "Tom!" she shouted, panting for air. "I need something from the dean's office!"

  The security guard took out his headphones. "What is it? Did you get your phone?" he asked.

  Sarah groaned in frustration, grabbed the keys from his desk, and ran off before he could react.

  "Hey! Hey!" he yelled as he ran after her. "What are you doing? Sarah!"

  There was no time to waste. She unlocked the door to the dean's office and opened all the desk's drawers to look for another set of keys. "Come on, come on... Please be here..." Once she'd found them, she ran back out and bumped right into Tom.

  "The bloody hell is wrong with you?" he shouted as he grabbed her by her shoulders. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

  "Please help me!" she begged with trembling lips, trying to urge Tom to move. "H-he..."

  "Sarah, what's going on?" he asked. "Just tell me what happened!"

  "Please, trust me... Please..."

  With a sigh, Tom shook his head and followed her back to the museum area post-haste.

  A man with dark-blue skin and a bald head lay at the bottom of the glass casing, barely conscious, with dark sand particles settling around his body. His wide, almost inhuman mouth was covered with huge fangs that grew on the outside of it, and he was missing an eye.

  Tom's jaw dropped. "What in the..."

  Without wasting any more time, Sarah unlocked the casing with the keys from the dean's office. The second she opened it, the body fell onto her, forcing her onto her knees.

  The man looked up at her as she held him. "Netjeret..." he whispered under his breath with a deep voice, smiling.

  Sarah's heart pounded inside her chest. She couldn't look away. Even though the mummy resembled a monster, its living form was still unlike anything she could have imagined. It was frightening but all too fascinating to ignore.

  Before she could even muster up the courage to talk back, he closed his eye and his head fell onto her shoulder. His smile remained, though.

  With a quickened breath, Tom took out his phone and searched through his contact list. With his hand still shaking, he placed it onto his ear. After a few moments of waiting for the recipient to pick up, he finally spoke. "Dean Hastings? T-the mummy... It came to life..."



  SARAH SAT UP from having been lying on a row of wooden chairs in front of the dean's office with a blanket over her shoulders. Hints of dawn's breaking shone through the windows.

  Footsteps clicked in the distance.

  Professor Fraser ran over to her. "Sarah?" He squatted in front of her with concern in his eyes. "Sarah, are you all right?"

  "I'm okay," she replied with a smile. "Don't worry, Professor, nobody got hurt."

bsp; "Well, that's good to hear." Fraser sighed, nodding his head as he stood up. "The dean called me--said it was an emergency. I still have no idea what's going on, though. He didn't want to talk over the phone."

  The door opened with a gray-haired man standing behind it. "Fraser," he greeted the professor with a puzzled, almost frightened gaze.

  "Dean Hastings?" he replied.

  "I called you as soon as he woke up," said Hastings. "You should...come take a look."

  Fraser glanced back at Sarah with a confused grimace.

  She followed them into the dean's office, and Hasting locked the door behind them.

  Tom, the security guard, was sitting by the door, fiddling with his fingers and staring down at the floor.

  On the large sofa close to the desk sat Mesehradabet in the flesh and covered up to the waist in a blanket. His eye followed Sarah relentlessly as if nothing else about the new world he was reawakened into interested him.

  Curious, she met his gaze, and it was then when he finally looked away.

  "W-what in the world--?" Fraser whispered, his fear-stricken gaze pointing at Mesehradabet.

  "According to Tom and Sarah, the mummy from our exhibit came back to life, to put it bluntly," Hastings explained. "You're the expert on it. I thought it'd be best to inform you of the situation and ask for your help on...well...what the hell it is we should do with it."

  With his eyes refusing to blink, Fraser approached Mesehradabet.

  The former mummy tilted his head up and spoke to Fraser in ancient Egyptian.

  Slowly, Fraser turned to Sarah and Dean Hastings. "He...wishes to speak to the goddess."

  "Considering that I'm just breathing the same air as a three-thousand-year-old...thing...I'm not even going to question that," said Hastings.


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