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The Erotic Bestiary

Page 3

by Klara Raškaj

  "There is one thing I feel I must confess to you in return for your kindness before anything else," Meseh added. Placing his foot back on the floor, he leaned forward, with his legs spread and his elbows resting on his knees as he intertwined his fingers. "I am not a good person, Sarah. My thoughts and desires are as impure as that of any man, but the difference is...I was born into this world with nothing to lose but my own miserable life."

  Sarah glanced at him without tilting her head up as she held her iPad in her hands.

  Meseh looked straight into her eyes. "The sole reason I returned to this eyesore of a world was to obtain the most precious jeweled ring in existence," he said with a sinister tone. "An adornment so can only fit onto the hand of one man, and him alone."

  "O-okay?" Sarah mumbled.

  Meseh let out a chuckle and reached out to stroke her cheek with the back of his hand.

  Her heart almost jumped into her throat.

  "Not even in death had I been so at peace as in the moment you held me in your arms when I reawakened," he told her and retracted his hand. "I cannot explain the reason why. All I know is...I have never felt a desire as strong as this. I have lain with the most beautiful of women in my kingdom, and yet, you have brought me more joy with just a smile and a few words than all of their affections combined."

  Sarah's hands trembled lightly. She was deathly afraid of what would happen next with the way he was talking. And yet, she couldn't muster up the will to leave.

  Meseh closed his eye, stood up, and then opened it to gaze back at her as he kneeled down.

  Sarah's breath quickened, her chest heaving uncontrollably.

  He took the iPad from her hand and placed it onto the table beside her. Then, he pulled down the scarf from his head and smiled at her. "I never dreamed there could exist a sweeter fruit than the ones I've tasted, nor one that could truly sate me." He looked down at her legs, tilting his head to the side. His smile widened as he gently stroked her thigh with one hand, slipping it under her skirt and toward her underwear.

  Sarah gulped and squeezed her legs tighter together as the inner walls of her pussy convulsed, oozing with a clear liquid. She gripped the edges of her seat as she stared down at Meseh with a drunken gaze, taking in deep breaths. She was scared of other people walking in on them, and scared of doing something so intimate with someone she barely knew...but she couldn't for the love of her bring herself to make him stop whatever he was doing.

  "I thought I was above the rest. I was feared and worshipped as a god. I thought there could exist no force in this world that could bring me to my knees," said Meseh as he reached in with his other hand and tore the fabric of her underwear clean in half.

  The ripping sound rung through Sarah's ears. Her eyes widened and a gasp escaped her lips. With a quick spasm of her muscles, a wave of excitement washed over her. Her wet sex was now fully touching the cushion of the seat.

  Meseh chuckled with satisfaction as he watched her body disobey her under his touch. "And yet, here I am, unable to stop my secrets from bleeding out before you after a lifetime of deception." Gently, he pulled her crotch closer to his face by lifting her legs up onto his shoulders. "I have spent so many years being waited on, and yet...all my heart desires now is to worship you, goddess," he told her as he stroked her legs, observing her wet slit as if admiring a piece of art.

  Sarah's outer lips ached and swelled up. God, it hurt so much... She wanted him. She wanted him so bad. But a strong shadow of doubt and fear made its way onto the surface through the lustful haze plaguing her mind. She closed her eyes shut and leaned her head back. "W-what are you going to do with me?" she asked as though holding back from yelping in pain.

  Just as Meseh's hot breath reached her, before he could touch her with his tongue, he stopped and pulled back, smiling. "I promise, it won't hurt." He chuckled as he gently pushed her legs off himself and stood up, gazing down at her and running his fingers through her hair.

  Her chest heaved at a faster pace as she panted. For a second, she looked down, and her eyes were immediately drawn to the thick bulge on his crotch just waiting to burst through the zipper.

  Meseh leaned closer to her and tilted her head up, their faces almost touching. "But you might feel a little lightheaded afterwards." With a smug grin, he lifted her up and threw her on her back onto the table.

  She grunted and spread her legs as she leaned her head back over the other edge of the table. She closed her eyes shut, unable to bear the pain any longer.

  Not wasting any more time, Meseh wrapped his arms around her thighs, placed her legs over his shoulders, and covered her crotch with the entirety of his monstrous maw.

  The moment his long, thick tongue grazed her clit, she arched her back and let out a high-pitched moan.

  His hot breath amplified the sensations she received from his touches. As he sucked on her flesh and his tongue slithered over it, he kept lightly grazing her skin with his teeth.

  But it didn't hurt in the slightest. She only wished his fangs could have been smaller so he could bite and pinch her swollen lips with them. "Oh God..." she moaned in whispers, her eyes barely opening up as she was losing herself to pleasure. "Oh God!"

  He kept violently sliding the base of his tongue over her clitoris, moaning into her as if he'd lost his dominance, and only an innocent youth was left who'd been tasting forbidden fruit for the very first time in his life. He spread her legs wider and buried his head into her crotch even deeper, sucking and licking like he'd found water in a desert.

  She placed her hands onto his head, and curled up, lifting her pelvis in the process so as not to leave a single piece of herself concealed from him. "Don't stop!" She panted. "Please, don't stop!"

  Suddenly, he slid the tip of his tongue down her slit and pushed the entire length of it inside with a strong and quick jab.

  She yelped through her moans, her eyes wide open and her inner walls tightening around his tongue like they were trying to smother it.

  He continued to slide it in and out like a dog drinking, brushing away all the liquid from inside of her, and leaving her drier and more sensitive to his touches.

  She was so overcome with pleasure that she hadn't even noticed her moans were becoming louder and louder. How she wished he could have taken her all the way right then and there. More than anything in the world, she wanted him to shove his cock inside of her and pound her until she was numb. The thought of it made her smile, and her body squirmed lightly.

  But then, the doorknob clicked.

  "What about here?" said the voice outside.

  Sarah's terror-filled eyes flew open as her body jerked. She gasped through a whisper, struggling to push Meseh's head away. "Someone's coming!" she shouted while still trying to keep her voice down. Adrenaline shot through her like lightning.

  Meseh stood up, and with a menacing grin, he grabbed her by the root of her hair and pulled down hard to keep her from escaping. As he panted and gazed maniacally into her eyes, he shoved three of his fingers inside of her and pushed them in as deep as he could.

  Sarah shut her eyes and jerked as her breaths were accompanied by short, subdued moans.

  Meseh let go of her hair and quickly covered her mouth with the same hand as he continued thrusting the other one inside of her.

  Particles of sparkling black sand flew around them.

  She curled up under the intense contractions of her muscles and screamed into his hand. Her nails dug into his arm.

  "Come on--just pick a spot already!" the person outside the door shouted.

  All that was left were the sounds of footsteps abating.

  After a few more spasms as a clear liquid shot out of her, she finally lay back onto the table with her eyes softly closed, panting, exhausted and relieved.

  Meseh slid his fingers out of her and gently massaged her outer lips.

  Sarah let out a quiet moan, smiling.

  He chuckled. "Good girl."

  A zipper was undone, and
a metal buckle clacked against the floor as it hit it. A few moments later, Meseh grunted, and hot, creamy liquid spilled over Sarah's swollen sex.

  She spread her legs wider and arched her back as she moaned lightly.

  Meseh lay down beside her soon afterward.

  Once she'd gotten enough rest, Sarah sat up and lifted her skirt higher so it wouldn't get dirty. She turned to Meseh. "So...wanna go out for a drink?" she asked him in a chipper voice.

  He gazed back at her with a smirk. "You are a strange little thing."


  Under a Thousand Suns

  SARAH AND MESEH approached an empty table just outside Sarah's favorite café ten minutes away from the library.

  The breeze spread the scent of freshly-roasted coffee beans around them. The chatters of the students rushing in and out of the café filled the entire area, and thankfully, the unpredictable England weather decided to bless them with sunshine and clear skies.

  Sarah pouted as she stared at the chairs in contemplation. "Um..."

  Meseh, whose face was once again covered with the beige scarf, looked at Sarah with his amber eye. "Is something wrong?"

  "I'm not wearing underwear," she replied.

  He chuckled. "Yes, I sincerely apologize for that. I...should have been more considerate in that regard."

  "N-no, that's okay," she said as she glanced at him. "I just...I don't want to sit on a public chair like this."

  Meseh took her hand and sat down, pulling her closer and smiling at her without breaking eye contact.

  With her chest burning on the inside, she gazed into his eye as he urged her to sit on his lap. Her heart beat faster when she realized what he was trying to do. Reluctantly, she sat on him with her exposed sex covering his crotch.

  "I'm scared," Sarah confessed, glancing at the people around them.

  "Of what?" asked Meseh.

  "It's inappropriate..." she added. "What if they call us out on it?"

  He stroked her chin with his fingers. "Don't worry. They won't bother us."

  "You'll do some magic so they won't be able to see us?" she asked.

  Meseh let out another chuckle. "Of course not. I'm wearing the most beautiful jewel ever unearthed. Why of all things would I not want the world to see?"

  "Stop it!" she growled while turning her head to hide her smile from him. "If I ruin your pants it's gonna be your fault."

  Meseh took her hand and gently squeezed it. "I'll take it as a compliment."

  She pulled her sweater over her face. "Uuuuugh!" she groaned in the anguish of her embarrassment.

  "Has the excitement finally started to wear off?" Meseh teased her.

  "Yes." She sighed.

  "Well, try not to overexert yourself," Meseh told her and pulled her sweater back down. "I'd hate for you to lose consciousness when I'd like to spend some more time with you."

  Sarah lowered her head with a smirk and a giggle.

  Meseh smiled back at her and lifted her chin up with his finger. "Let me ask come you speak so differently from the others?"

  "Oh, um...I'm not exactly from here," she answered. "I lived in America before I came to study here. My mom's American and my dad's from Syria. But that probably doesn't mean much to you. Those countries didn't even exist back in your time."

  "While I may not understand the world today just yet, that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to find out more about you. It's not just the way you speak... The things you say...the way you behave... You are so much more trusting and open. Honestly, it's putting me at a great disadvantage. When I am with you, I feel as though I want to tell you absolutely everything that is on my mind."

  "Well...why don't you?" she asked.

  He stroked her hair. "Because I'd soon be left with nothing to offer you in exchange for your company." He gently pulled her closer as he leaned towards her ear. "And I would be very upset if I wouldn't be able to see you as often as possible."

  His purring voice sent shivers down Sarah's spine, all the way to her crotch. If he kept this up, she was definitely going to ruin his pants by the time they left the café. She straightened her back and coughed into her hand. "But, um...Can I at least ask you a few questions now?"

  He sighed and leaned onto his knuckle. "I suppose it's only fair."

  "Okay, first of all, how come you don't seem interested in our world?" she asked him. "Aren't you curious about how much has changed in three thousand years?"

  "I did not reawaken into the land of the living just to do a bit of sightseeing," Meseh answered. "There are things further up my list of priorities that I would like to take care of first."

  "I can understand that," she added. "Would it also be okay to ask how you came to look like...this?"

  "I was born this way. The fangs, no hair on my body, the dark-blue tint of my skin, my eyes... All of it."

  "How are you even still alive?" she asked, gazing at him in awe.

  He glanced down at the floor. "It's as much of a mystery to you as it is to me," he said. "It wasn't until much later in my life that I found out exactly why I came to this world looking like a monster. Apparently, my mother, the pharaoh's wife, was afraid of having her husband taken from her by his mistress, so she enlisted the help of an old woman who practiced dark magic to help out with her dilemma. My mother thought bearing Father an heir would secure her position and his affection for her, and the sorceress was supposed to give my mother elixirs that would ensure the child was born male. But Father's mistress learned of this and paid the woman off in riches to destroy the unborn child. The elixirs failed to kill me, but changed me to the point where it would have been nothing short of mercy if they had."

  "I can't believe it..." said Sarah, shaking her head. "I--I don't know what to say..."

  "Mother wished to be rid of me, but the priests proclaimed me to be the embodiment of Sobek."

  "The crocodile god," Sarah added.

  Meseh nodded. "It was the only reason why I survived my childhood, but it wasn't enough to secure my position as pharaoh after Father's death. I wasn't even upset about it at first. But nevertheless, my siblings wished to be rid of me, so I took the throne from them. I wanted to make them suffer, and...I thought becoming pharaoh would finally earn me the love and respect I so craved. But instead...all that came from it was cruelty receiving a garb of white lies." He smirked.

  "I can't imagine how awful it must have been for you..." Sarah told him.

  Before Meseh could continue, one of the waitresses surrounded by a light cloud of black sand came to their table and placed two large ice coffees in tall glasses in front of them. She left without uttering a single word.

  Sarah raised an eyebrow, glancing left and right. "Did you hypnotize her, too?"

  "Just a bit," said Meseh in a proud tone.

  "Oh! Can you do that to me?" she asked in a chipper voice.

  Meseh leaned closer and stroked her chin with the tip of his finger. "Well, aren't we curious?"

  "I've always wanted to know how it feels when someone hypnotizes you!" she exclaimed.

  "Hasn't the thought occurred to you that I already have?" he asked.

  "" she replied with a puzzled gaze and pouting lips. "D-did you?"

  Meseh closed his eye and shook his head. He then clasped her hands in his and pressed them against his scarf around the area where his mouth was as if he were kissing them.

  Sarah stared at him with her eyes wide open, unsure of what was going on.

  He let go of her hands and leaned back into the chair. "If I only desired a beautiful woman, I could have them by the thousands, each more gorgeous than the last," he told her.

  "Okay, there's no need for insults..." she groaned.

  "Sadly, a body alone will no longer suffice." He leaned his head back a bit and poured the ice coffee into his mouth, crushing the ice into granular bits with a single bite.

  Sarah, too, started sipping her drink. "How is it?"

  "Awful," he commented and placed th
e empty glass back on the table. "But I was thirsty, and this is apparently what you order most often."

  "Yeah, I have a huge sweet tooth." Sarah chuckled. "But thank you for thinking of me."

  Meseh met her gaze with a lustful smirk. "I have been thinking about you for longer than you could imagine."

  Silence enveloped them for a few moments as Sarah sipped on her ice coffee, staring down at the ground to try and hide her blushing cheeks. At one point, she placed the glass onto her lap, holding it with both hands. "So...what happened to your eye?" she asked as she looked back up.

  "I gave it up in exchange for my powers," he explained. "The old sorceress I've told you about came to me one day to tell me the truth about my birth because her guilt had apparently become too great for her to bear. She told me she would grant me my greatest wish and align the stars so that mine would cross with that of the woman who would love me unlike any other. The sorceress said she would grant me incredible magical abilities with which I would be able to cheat death and wield the laws of reality as a true god. But...there was a catch. In return, I had to give up one of my eyes, and with it my ability to sustain my own body."

  "What do you mean?" Sarah asked, staring at him, puzzled.

  "I mean that by reawakening into this world in a different form than the one I was laid to rest in, without my eye, I am not considered a living creature by the laws of the universe despite my ability to behave like one. Unless I retrieve the eye, I will forever remain cursed to steal the life force of others in order to remain in the world of the living."

  "So, we just gotta find your eye, and you'll be good as new, right?" Sarah added.

  Meseh smirked. "And why exactly would you wish to help me? What's in it for you?"

  Sarah's eyes darted to the sides and then back at him as her eyebrows pointed downward in confusion. "Because I like you and I want to help you?"

  "So you do have an ulterior motive?" He chuckled.


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