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The Erotic Bestiary

Page 14

by Klara Raškaj

  His hand trembled as he kept his gaze and smile focused on her.

  "I saw a boxing match on TV in passing this one time, and the trainers had these plastic bottles with small tubes at the top through which they would squirt water into boxers' mouths between matches," she explained. "It looked like fun--I've always wanted to try it!"

  He just stood there, dumbfounded and paralyzed as he continued to stare at her.

  She chuckled. "Come on--don't be scared, darling." She leaned closer to him with an impish grin. "I'll give you a kiss if you don't spill a drop. Fair enough?" She then opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue slightly as she looked him in the eye.

  He took a step closer, his hand shaking uncontrollably. He squeezed the cup, and the blood rushed through the straw and into her mouth. But as soon as he squeezed a bit tighter, he crushed the plastic and overflew the cup, spilling the blood over the floor. He gasped and quickly squat down to wipe it away with a handkerchief he carried with him. "I--I'm sorry," he said while keeping on a humble smile as he glanced at her. "My mistake."

  Justine burst into laughter and stumbled as she lowered herself onto the floor with him. "No, I'm sorry," she added, tugging the handkerchief away from him. "Don't worry about it, darling. I'll take care of it." She chuckled as she was wiping away the blood.

  "I-it's fine," he assured her with a smile. "Really."

  "No, no, darling, this is all my fault," she said as she got up and crumpled up the handkerchief. "Wait here. I'll go try to clean this before the blood dries." And with that, she left him as she made her way inside a large trailer and into the bathroom, where she filled the sink with hot water and rubbed the fabric of her gloves and the handkerchief together to wash the bloodstains off.

  However, there seemed to have been another person in the trailer.

  She turned off the water stream and stopped what she was doing.

  "Listen, I've already sent the payment for this month. I don't know what else you people want from me."

  The voice was definitely Raphael's.

  His footsteps sounded across the floor.

  "Oh... Uhm... T-thank you for asking," he added. "I'm sorry for raising my voice earlier, then. I've just received some bad news from the previous caller and I'm a little bit on edge right now. No, I haven't had any issues with Moria. Honestly, he's exceeded my expectations. Though...I find it a little eerie that he's been able to learn so much about my preferences so quickly. I suppose I still haven't gotten used to the idea of having a servant. Especially one like Moria."

  Then, there was silence.

  "Mhm... Uhuh... No, thank you," he said. "All right...goodbye."

  Once Raphael exited the trailer, Justine continued to wash the cloth. She then rushed out with the soaked gloves after having put the handkerchief onto a chair to dry. Her heart beat like crazy as she rushed back to the set at a hurried pace.

  Raphael was already there, staring at her in utter confusion as she approached him.

  "Are we all set, darling?" Justine asked with a smile.

  "What happened to your gloves? Why are they wet?" asked Raphael and turned to one of the assistants. "Could we please get some new gloves for Justine?"

  "I'm so sorry, darling," she added. "I spilled my drink and got them dirty, so I went to wash them."

  "Justine, you don't have to bother with these minute tasks," Raphael explained. "It's only a waste of everyone's time. Let the assistants do their jobs, and you focus on yours."

  "I'm sorry," Justine repeated as she glanced at the ground. "I'll keep that in mind next time."

  Soon enough, the assistant returned with a fresh pair of gloves for Justine.

  "Listen--we have bigger problems on our hands," Raphael told her. "The actor who was supposed to play José...he's bailing on us."

  Justine stroked his shoulder and frowned. "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, darling."

  He sighed and dragged his hand across his face. "I don't know where I'm going to find a replacement at such short notice."

  "Well...what about Moria?" she asked.

  Raphael cocked his head back slightly and squinted his eyes. "My servant?"

  "Think about it, darling!" she exclaimed. "He's the only other vampire here who knows about the movie and doesn't have a role in it already--not to mention he's got that aura of mystery around him. He'd be a perfect José!"

  Raphael snapped his fingers and pointed his index finger at her. "Justine...that is absolutely brilliant." He hugged her and kissed her forehead. "You are my saving grace! Thank you!"

  She giggled. "Oh, don't mention it, darling."

  Raphael clapped his hands and turned around. "Moria!"

  The vampire in the black suit with the black gloves and hat approached Raphael, smiling. "Yes, Master Oda?"

  "Moria...I have a favor to ask," said Raphael. "Not as your employer but as a desperate man."

  Moria merely tilted his head to the side as he continued to smile and stare directly at him.

  "Our male lead abandoned ship, and we need someone to replace him," Raphael explained. "You'd play the part of José, the romantic interest. I'll double the payments to the brotherhood if that's what it takes." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes in anticipation. "Can you help me?"

  Moria glanced at Justine, then looked back at Raphael with an even wider grin. "With pleasure."


  Castles in the Air

  THE EVENING OF the following shooting, Justine strolled into a large room filled with round tables that surrounded a stage. The crew was busy with preparing the set, props, and actors while the musicians were tuning their instruments.

  For the scene, Justine wore a sparkling pink strapless dress with a heart-shaped top and a long flowing bottom with a high side-cut, and a pair of rose-gold strappy high heels to match her peach-colored nail polish.

  Moria was just getting the final adjustments made to his black tuxedo. Unlike the other actors in tuxes, he had a black shirt and tie, and, of course, he still wore his bat-wing hat.

  With a bright smile, Justine strolled over to him. "You've really struck gold, darling," she told him. "You're getting paid for two jobs even though you can only do one at a time."

  Moria looked into her eyes and grinned. "Justine..."

  "Ah. There you are," said Raphael as he approached them. "There's been a slight change of plans. We're keeping the musical number, but now, I'm giving you free reigns over what you'll do during it."

  "Are you sure that's a good idea, darling?" Justine asked with a smirk. "Moria seems like the kind of person who has a very active imagination."

  Moria averted his gaze to hide his coy smile.

  "I'm counting on it," said Raphael as he walked away, clapping his hands in the air. "Places!"

  The assistants left the scene and the other actors playing the club guests and musicians all got into position.

  Justine turned to Moria. " you feel like dancing?"

  He didn't answer. He just stared into her eyes with a wide smile, his chest heaving slightly.

  "Club scene one, take one," announced a human assistant.

  "And...action!" shouted Raphael through his megaphone.

  The band started playing a slow, yet sizzling tune.

  Moria tore off his bowtie and the first couple of buttons on his shirt then pulled Justine into his arms and twirled her onto the dance floor.

  "Woo!" Justine exclaimed, giggling.

  He placed one hand on the small of her back and held her close, while he held her hand with the other as they tangoed like they'd been practicing for months.

  While everyone else around them was doing slow twirls and an occasional side-step, Moria and Justine danced as though their bodies were exploding with energy.

  Like an elegant doe ranging through the forest, she swung her legs around to the beat, and twirled down to the floor, raising her hands for flourish.

  He pulled her back up into his arms, but she twirled away, holdi
ng onto his hand as she raised her leg up and arched her back like a ballerina.

  In response, he ducked down between her legs and pushed her upward as she coiled them around his neck.

  As Moria was standing back up, she bent backward and placed her hands onto the floor, swinging her legs off him and onto the ground before standing back up.

  He turned around and gazed at her with a wide grin, slowly approaching her without breaking eye contact.

  She walked over to him with an excited smirk as the music mellowed down, and they just held each other as they moved around the empty space in front of the stage. "You're quite the enigma, darling," she told him. "What other hidden talents are you keeping from us?"

  With a smirk, he slid away across the floor, away from her, and hopped behind an empty piano as the band slowly grew silent.

  "Dim the lights," whispered Raphael to an assistant.

  The room grew darker, with only a single light shining on Moria and Justine respectively.

  With beautiful, delicate notes, he played a soft melody, singing each syllable as he hit a key. "Spent my whole life in room thirty-three. How do I make you notice me?" He looked at her with a soft smile and a drowsy, drunken gaze.

  Justine's heart pounded in her chest as she stared back at him, her lips slowly parting as she took a step closer.

  The lights around the room lit back up while the rest of the band picked up the melody and accompanied him.

  "Don't look away. I know these lights are blinding. I need you to stay...right there where you are shining. And I know I am only a mask...but I can't deny...all these things that I feel inside."

  She strolled towards him, swinging her hips as she gazed at him with a smirk, singing, "It's dark and I can't see. I'm blinded but I breathe. Can't you look in my eyes, realize that you're all I've wanted?" She climbed up onto his piano and crawled over to him on all fours. "I'm not a lady. The animals made me. None of the boys I like are allowed. Say you're obsessed, and you just might get blessed. I'll always pick you out of the crowd."

  The rest of the band went silent for a moment as Moria sang each syllable at the same time he hit a key on the piano just like at the beginning of the song. "I will be your every dream. Your romance, all your fantasies. Like a shadow, I got my smile from you. You're the only life I ever knew."

  As the band commenced playing once more along with Moria, Justine put the weight of her body onto her hands as she sat on her knees before him. She leaned over his head, singing with him in unison as they stared at each other. "I will be your every dream. Your romance, all your fantasies. Like a shadow, I'm there when it's light you see. But I can't live till you notice me."

  He sat up and walked away as a pianist came to replace him without breaking the flow of the song. He stepped and twirled to the beat as he walked around the tables, taking unopened bottles of champagne and placing them on the floor in two rows with a whole meter of space in between, all while moving around and dodging the dancing extras.

  Meanwhile, Justine got down from the piano and climbed onto the wall, casually walking towards the ceiling as she sang. "Can't look away. Who knew stars shined this brightly? From now on I'll pray...that you're always beside me. But you don't know I'm still only a girl, and I can't deny...all these things that I feel inside." She sat onto the huge, dangling chandelier in the middle of the ceiling and gazed down at Moria.

  He looked up at her, smiling as he strolled. "It's too bright and I can't see. I'm blinded but I breathe. Can't you look in my eyes, realize that you're all I've wanted?"

  Justine swung herself from the chandelier and dove down towards the ground.

  The music stopped. Everything went completely silent.

  Moria caught her into his arms and twirled her around quickly before leaning her body downward as she struck an elegant pose.

  After another moment of silence, the band burst back into playing the harmonious tune.

  Moria pulled Justine back up onto her feet, holding her close and smiling at her as their faces almost touched.

  She hooped onto his knee and he twirled her around. Then they continued to dance around the room together, spinning and jumping onto tables in an energetic tango that only creatures as nimble and acrobatic as vampires could pull off without little to no practice.

  They sang in unison, "I will be your every dream. Your romance, all your fantasies. Like a shadow, I got my smile from you. You're the only life I ever knew." They twirled as they embraced each other tighter. "I will be your every dream. Your romance, all your fantasies. Like a shadow, I'm there when it's light you see...but I can't live till you notice me."

  He then moved her over to the end of the two rows of champagne bottles on the floor. He took her hands and looked her in the eyes, singing, "I'll be the shadow to your light."

  "Sweet whispers in the night," she sang.

  Then they sang together, "We'll make the heavens put up a fight."

  Moria took two large knives from a nearby table and glided on his knees down the middle of the two rows of champagne bottles, sliding each cork out with the blades as he passed them and smiling as he watched the golden liquid pour down like rain.

  With awe glimmering in her eyes, Justine slowly walked down the champagne fountain aisle, her heart racing as Moria stood up and walked back towards her, smiling and looking nowhere else but into her eyes.

  He dropped down to his knees, maintaining eye contact as his chest heaved.

  Justine slowly lowered herself onto her knees as well, placing her hands on his cheeks, smiling back at him as she sang softly, "I will be your every dream. Your romance, all your fantasies."

  He leaned in closer, their lips almost touching. "Like a shadow, I'm there when it's light you see..."

  They sang together as he stroked her hands. "...but I can't live till you notice me."

  "Cut!" shouted Raphael and approached Moria and Justine.

  "Oh, Raphael, darling, wasn't he absolutely marvelous?" said Justine as Moria and she stood up.

  "The first two lines weren't part of the song, but fuck it," he replied with a smirk, "you two did an absolutely outstanding job. Maybe I should consider taking early retirement." He chuckled. "In any case, let's take a break for refreshments and meet back here in half an hour."

  "The usual, Master?" asked Moria with his back straightened and his hand on his abdomen.

  "You know what? Surprise me," he said with a smirk.


  Strangers in the Night

  AFTER THEY FINISHED shooting for the night, Justine retired into her penthouse apartment with a giddy smile on her face. She strolled around the living room and twirled while humming the tune she sang with Moria, setting aside her handbag and taking off her clothes. She tiptoed her way to the bathroom and turned on a trickle of hot water into the bathtub. She then opened up her large cabinet and started picking up her large scented candles to smell and choose between.

  Strawberry? Lavender? No...something dark and otherworldly. She took a dark-blue candle with the scent of pumpkin, hazelnut, and rosewood. She then looked through a different cabinet and picked out a purple dry dough-like mass shaped like a bat. She split it in half in her hands and returned one half into the cabinet while she crumbled the other inside the shallow bathwater. She churned and mixed the water with her hands until enough foam rose up on the surface. She turned off the water stream and shook her hands dry.

  Next, she browsed through her expansive collection of soaps and skin creams inside the cabinet. After she lit the candle and turned off the lights, she sat onto the edge of the marble tub and spread a thin layer of peach-colored body butter onto her arms that smelled like vanilla and oranges. Her skin glistened as she smeared the excess cream over her bare chest and erect nipples. Her pussy was already dripping with excitement for what she was about to do, but no matter how much her chest hurt from the heat and how fast her heart beat, she didn't want to rush things.

  But when she lay eyes on
the shelf with rows upon rows of her colorful, meaty, phallic friends that glowed in the dark, it became all too hard to ignore the unrelenting aching of her pussy lips. She moved one leg over the counter to lift herself up enough to reach that shelf. As her legs spread a bit, she couldn't help but imagine how good it would feel to stick one of those bad boys inside of her.

  Her longest one was nineteen centimeters long, and the thickest had a circumference of twenty-two. They all varied in shape, size, and firmness--but none of them human-looking. One, in particular, she was very proud of was a golden one with rough, tube-like textures spiraling towards the tip. However, that evening, she craved to be filled to the brim and stretched out by the bulbous one that glowed a bright purple in the darkness.

  She grabbed it off the shelf and placed it on the edge of the tub, then stepped into the shallow, bubbly bath. Her heart was throbbing and her pussy was oozing with wetness. She couldn't help herself. It was the only way she was going to get Moria out of her mind and be able to fall asleep before sunrise.

  He was just so adorable and charming, yet there was something very sinister about him at the same time.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she lay back, feeling around for her dildo with her hands. wasn't there.

  Suddenly, the candle she'd lit went out, and a hand covered her mouth.

  Her heart jumped into her throat as she gasped.

  "Don't scream," a familiar voice ordered her, and the hand moved away.

  Though she could barely see anything in the darkness, from the sound of his voice, it was definitely Moria. Her heart skipped a beat. She was just about to lose herself in hours of lustful indulgence while fantasizing about him, and now he was actually there in the room with her. The walls inside her pussy convulsed at the thought of his motives.

  "Darling, you scared me." She chuckled and took a deep breath. "I don't want to seem ungrateful, but what are you doing in my apartment? I thought servants weren't allowed to make love. Or is that not what you came here for?"


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