The Erotic Bestiary

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The Erotic Bestiary Page 18

by Klara Raškaj

  However, she would have had to pass that dreadful hallway with numbered plaques above the doors behind which the screams of trainees would echo whenever they were undergoing punishment or correction. With a fear-ridden and sorrowful frown, she sighed and curled her fingers into tight fists. Reluctantly, she proceeded to walk down the hallway, past the metal doors. The further she went, the faster her heart beat. Voices sounded from behind the doors, sobbing, bellowing... Surrounded by horror, the one thing that brought Justine some comfort was the fact that they were at least allowed to express their anguish in there.

  In the distance stood a hooded figure in front of one of the doors, talking.

  With a swift movement, Justine crawled up the wall and onto the ceiling, slowly approaching until she was able to hear what he was saying.

  "You were supposed to be the one," said Claude with a soft, disappointed expression on his face. "My masterpiece. The zenith of my life's work. Now, look at you..." He spat on the floor. "All this were nothing but a filthy animal."

  There was no reply.

  He sighed and dragged his palm across his face. "But...I fear that I, too, have lost the strength to keep resisting this disease called life."

  A rat scurried into the room through a small hole in the wall by the bottom. Moments later, a loud crunch sounded from inside, and blood splattered over Claude's face and robes through the barred hole in the door.

  Unflinching, Claude continued after he wiped the blood off his face. "It is the price we pay for being alive, I suppose. We must heed nature's calls. We are all...animals." He smirked. "You know...though I feel immense shame for having yielded after so many years, I also feel a kind of...relief. Well...that's only to be expected. I've had far too much pride. I refused to believe that we were still mere beasts at our core. I desperately wanted our kind to tower above every other lifeform." He chuckled. "I still had desires, even when I didn't see them as such. I understand now. Life is a puppet made of flesh and animated by desire. Tragic...but all too true." Then, slowly, he turned his head towards Justine and gazed straight into her eyes with a sly smirk.

  Her heart pounded and her entire body froze over as she stared back at him with her wide-open eyes.

  "It's all right," he told her. "You can come down now."

  Reluctantly, with an averted gaze, she crawled back down onto the ground and strolled over to him. She just barely mustered up the courage to gaze back at him with a nervous smile as a defense mechanism. "I'm sorry, darling," she said. "Would you forgive little, old me? I'm afraid my curiosity got the best of me."

  He placed her arm around his and proceeded to stroll further down the hallway. "You have nothing to worry about, my dear. Our urges can sometimes get the best of us." he assured her, smiling as he gazed at her. "Now, I suspect you were probably going to take your third test, were you not? I was actually just going there myself."

  Though she was disgusted from having to even be in his presence, let alone allow him to touch her, she couldn't allow herself to get on his bad side further when she was so close to her goal. "Lucky me," she said with a smirk.

  It wasn't long before they arrived inside another one of the fortress's dark, empty rooms with only a pair of shackles hanging from the ceiling, and a small lightbulb flickering from time to time.

  Claude reached out towards Justine's collar. "May I?" he asked.

  "What's the occasion?" she asked.

  "Is it so hard to believe that I've had a change of heart?" He chuckled. "I'm am truly and honestly amazed at how you've managed to endure the first two tests, despite me going out of my way to make them more difficult for you. I've decided that...out of respect for you...that you be allowed to complete this last test without restraints." He unlocked the collar with a key he took out from a pocket on his robes and put it away.

  Justine rubber her neck. "Much better," she added. "So, are Edward and the other overseers going to be joining us soon?"

  "You have nothing to worry about," Claude assured her as he placed the hanging shackles around her wrists.

  "So, are you going to explain the rules to me while we wait, or--"

  Suddenly, he placed his hands on her cheeks and planted a deep kiss onto her lips, gazing into her eyes as he was pulling back.

  She stared at him, dumbfounded. The sudden realization of what was going to happen to her hit her like a crowbar on the head, making her body shudder. Her chest heaved and her heart raced like mad. She struggled to free herself from the shackles, but all to no avail.

  He pulled her close, roughly kissing her neck and running his hands all over her body.

  She grunted as she tried to lean back and push him away with her legs. "Let me go!" she barked.

  Panting, he ripped apart the top of her dress, gripping and kneading her breasts as they slipped out. "You can't fight it," he told her, embracing her and kissing her lips once more, grabbing hold of the roots of her hair. "This is how it was meant to be."

  She closed her eyes shut and thrashed.

  But he just kept stroking her head, panting uncontrollably. "I don't blame you. It's in your nature to resist. I'm not your first choice." He leaned his face onto hers, smiling. "But I hope you'll soon realize how something beautiful can come out of this."

  She glared at him from the corner of her eye while trying to catch her breath. "So, you're going to mate with me? Force me to love you?" She smirked. "Is this your idea of respect?"

  "It's the reason why I chose you," he replied, tracing her neck with his lips as he lowered himself and slipped off his robes. "You're not like the others. There was nothing but fear in their eyes. But you... You stared fear in the face...and you smiled." He glided his hand down her stomach as he breathed out a hot breath onto the base of her neck, then held his palm on her lower abdomen as he gently caressed it. "If I am to finally pay my dues, I need it to be with someone who can face me as an equal."

  "If I'm your equal, why are you making this choice for me?" she asked.

  Claude chuckled as he continued caressing her skin with his lips, moving lower with each kiss. "You've said it yourself. You're uncertain. You don't know to whom your heart belongs. I'm simply trying to point it in the right direction. What could Moria possibly offer you that I can't?"

  "For a start, he's not trying to sell me some crap about equality when he's treating me like a child even as we speak. If we were together, you'd treat me as just another body to step over. I wouldn't be your mate. I'd be your property."

  "You would only be but the second possession I ever had all to myself. How much do you think I would cherish you?" he asked, then squatted down until his face was in-level with her crotch. He pulled her dress up and leaned closer to her wet, swollen pussy lips. "You can tell me you hate me, but your body seems to be more than eager to accept me."

  Having noticed an opportunity, Justine swung her hips back and kneed him right in the chin.

  His head flew back as he stumbled onto his feet. Like an emotionless automaton, he tilted his head back down, smiling menacingly at her as he popped his jaw back into place.

  Loud bone cracks rung through Justine's ears as her breath quickened and her eyes opened wider.

  He chuckled and walked back over to her. "I merely wished to make the experience more pleasurable for you, but...I suppose we can just cut right to the case if you're so eager to receive me."

  The closer he was, the harder she thrashed. However, as her strength began to slowly deplete, so did he manage to pull her close and nestle himself against her aching loins. She was desperate to shake him off, but feeling his throbbing cock against her wet slit forced her body to disobey her and prepare for penetration. She hissed in his face, showing off her fangs, but it was useless. Biting into his flesh now would have made his job easier, as they would thus be mated for life, and her body and mind would have only responded to him as to a loved one from then on.

  He gripped her hair and took a deep, long, hot breath as he leaned his lips onto the
base of her neck and pushed his cock inside her slit, spreading her thick, wet lips wide.

  She let out a moan of discomfort as she closed her eyes shut and continued trying to push him away. At the very least, she wanted to keep his fangs away from her neck.

  He leaned his head back and moaned as he slowly thrust inside of her, clearly savoring every moment. He then opened his eyes back up, smiling at Justine as he panted. "You're incredible," he told her.

  Her pussy convulsed at the sound of his voice. She despised her own body for acting against her will, but there was nothing she could have done. At the very least, she turned her head away and closed her eyes shut so she wouldn't have to look at him as he thrust deeper into her.

  He laughed through his heavy breaths out of sheer joy as he held her closer, pushing her pelvis against him in order to fill her with his cock to the very brim.

  She moaned from the pain, using the last of her strength to lean away from him. He was too long for her to take, but telling him that would have only encouraged him.

  "Justine..." he moaned as he quickened the pace of his thrusting. "Oh, my darling Justine..."

  Suddenly, the light flickered again. And again. And again...until it completely burned out.

  Chills rushed down Justine's spine as she opened her eyes, searching the darkness as her heart raced.

  "Uncle..." spoke a menacing, giggling, almost demonic-sounding voice.

  For the very first time since Justine met him, Claude flinched. He released her as he quickly turned around. "You! How did you get out?" he shouted.

  "Uncle..." continued the voice.

  Panting for air, Justine tilted her head to the side to better see the other man.

  Two lavender eyes glowed in the darkness.

  The light flickered again, revealing long, sharp fangs and a wide, horrifying grin on Moria's face as he stared at Claude.

  The lights went off.

  She could just barely make out the outline of his naked body in the blackness.

  He held out his arms towards Claude and asked, "May I have your spine?"

  Claude's voice trembled. "W-what are you--?" He choked.

  There was a crack, a rip, and a loud splash.

  The light flickered.

  Claude's headless body collapsed onto the ground into a pool of his own blood as Moria held his head in his hand with his spine dangling off it. Slowly, as the light flickered and went out again, he tilted his head up, grinning and gazing at Justine.

  Tears spilled from her eyes as fear had completely consumed her. So much so that she couldn't even look away.

  Feet plopped through the red liquid, slowly approaching.

  "Justine..." he whispered.

  His glowing eyes never ceased gazing at her maniacally. He chuckled as he threw Claude's head away. "Justine..."

  Her heart beat so hard inside her chest it hurt.

  His breath was on her face, and his body heat seeped into her skin he was so close. "Please, Justine..."

  The light flickered.

  Their faces were almost touching and his grin grew even wider.

  That murderous look in his eyes sent adrenaline rushing through her veins.

  The light flickered again.

  She shut her eyes hard and moved away in a desperate attempt to shield herself as he raised his clawed hand.

  Chains rattled as her arms fell loose.

  She opened her eyes and looked down at her hands, dumbfounded.

  The chains were cut.

  She looked back up at Moria, whose menacing grin and piercing gaze continued to fill her heart with dread.

  He extended his hand towards her. "May I have this dance?" he asked her.

  She glanced at his hand, then back at him. Apart from alarms sounding all throughout her body, she couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside that mind of his mind at that moment. Was she going to meet the same fate as Claude whether she obeyed or not? What was he planning to do with her, especially after he saw her with his uncle? There was nothing else she could have done. Reluctantly, she placed her trembling hand into his.

  The moment their hands touched, he twirled her into a tight embrace and proceeded to dance with her across the pool of Claude's warm blood as he hummed the song they'd sung together a few days ago.

  She tried her best to keep on a smile so as not to upset him even though her spirit was on the brink of breaking.

  He lifted her up as he spun around, and kicked away Claude's lifeless body so as to move it out of his way. "Justine?" he said, not breaking eye contact.

  She looked back at him with a trembling smirk. "Y-yes, darling?"

  "May I kiss you?" he asked.

  "O-of course." She let out a nervous chuckle.

  Moria leaned closer, their faces almost touching. Then, he placed his lips gently onto hers and giggled.

  She chuckled back, though her gaze was still ridden with nothing but fear.

  "Justine?" he repeated.

  "Yes, darling?"

  He leaned his forehead onto hers. "Will you please breastfeed me?"

  She cocked her head back slightly and blinked. She couldn't even fathom what he was asking of her, but she had nothing to gain in denying him such a request, even if she wasn't lactating and never could now that she was a vampire. But better that than what he asked of Claude. "I... Sure, but...can we do it somewhere else?" she asked.

  "Of course," he replied and walked out of the room with her hand-in-hand. He took her to another empty room nearby that had a bed and sat her down onto it, his chest heaving as he continued to gaze at her. He crawled onto it and sat on his knees as he took her hands. "W-will you please breastfeed me?" he repeated.

  Slowly, Justine moved to the other end of the bed and leaned against the pillows as she slipped off her dress completely, hoping it would please him enough to continue to relax and snap him out of his feral state.

  He followed her with a softer grin, but no less of an eager gaze as he lay beside her on his side, resting his head on her chest.

  It was so hard to imagine that he brutally murdered his own uncle only moments ago and was now lying there on her chest, curled up like a child.

  Reluctantly and gently, she placed her palm on his smooth head and stroked it.

  With his eyes closed, he leaned over to one of her breasts and began suckling on her erect nipple.

  The sensation was all too strange and uncomfortable at first. She'd done it when she made love to other men before, but it was a different thing entirely this time. It was almost as if Moria wasn't getting any kind of sexual pleasure from it. He...genuinely just sought the kind of warmth and affection a mother gives to a child.

  Tears trickled down Justine's cheeks.

  What did he do to deserve the life he had? It was no wonder he would go to such lengths as to hurt himself just to get noticed. All the other servants were brought in from orphanages. Though only for a short time, they had the chance to experience the love and tenderness of another being. As Sombra's son, Moria probably started his training from the moment he was born. His mother died before she even had a chance to hold him in her arms. And despite life turning him into this monster, he was still fighting so hard to resist that side of him to protect Justine. She could no longer fear him. Even if he wanted to hurt her, she wasn't afraid anymore. She just sorry for him. She didn't want anything anymore. Nothing but to ease his suffering. Nothing but that.

  She leaned over and kissed his head. "I love you..." she whispered.

  Suddenly he stopped and gently opened his eyes. Their lavender glow shone brighter as he gazed up at her with a confused frown.

  She embraced him tighter, sobbing into his shoulder with a big, bright smile. "I love you so much, Moria!"

  "No..." he said, shaking his head. "No! Don't say that!"

  She placed her hands on his cheeks. "More than anything," she added with a chuckle. "I want to be yours and no one else's."

  He pulled away violen
tly. "S-stop it!"

  She crawled over closer to him and wiped her tears off her face as she continued smiling at him. "You don't have to wait for me! You can take me--right here and now!"

  His eyes narrowed into a furious glare. He pinned her down to the bed, holding his hand tight around her neck and panting as his lips curled up into a manic grin. "You want me to fuck you so badly?" He grabbed her body and threw her onto her stomach, digging his claws into her thighs.

  She grunted as he pulled her head back by her hair with a violent tug, but continued to smile.

  "Justine..." he cooed, running his free hand over the smooth skin of her inner thighs and her moist, engorged pussy lips.

  She closed her eyes, panting. "Yes, darling?"

  He chuckled, leaning over to the side of her face, breathing out a hot breath onto her neck as her body trembled. "Justine..."

  "Yes?" she moaned.

  He whispered, "How may I sever you?"

  Her pussy convulsed from within at the sound of his purring voice. She giggled as she tenderly rubbed the side of her face against his.

  He pushed her head onto the surface of the bed and held it there with his hand while he used the other to nestle his growing, pulsating cock against her hot slit.

  Her pussy lips ached with anticipation. "However you want, darling," she told him through her panting breath.

  In response, with a hard thrust, he shoved his cock inside her, forcing a painful scream out of her.

  But it resulted in no reaction from him, he just kept thrusting into her and grunting like a wild animal.

  She gritted her teeth and clutched the sheets as she waited for that moment of relief when her muscles would relax and allow her to enjoy the pounding. But much to her surprise, it didn't take long for her pussy to loosen up under all her excitement.

  He was so thick he spread her lips thin, filling her up completely as he thrust deeper.

  "O-oh God... You're so big..." she moaned, her inner walls convulsing and squeezing his fat cock as if trying to milk it for its precious seed.

  He clutched her asscheeks and spread them so he could go deeper, panting almost like a dog.


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