The Erotic Bestiary

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The Erotic Bestiary Page 19

by Klara Raškaj

  She turned her head back once again, smiling at him. "Are you enjoying yourself, darling?" she asked.

  There was no response. His eyes were closed the whole time. He was so into it that he hadn't even noticed a thing she was doing or saying. He looked so sweet and adorable, just completely giving in to his urges, unable to control himself. Just staring at his precious face made her chest fill with heat and her pussy constrict him harder. She wanted to keep looking at him. She wanted to look at his pretty face and ride him until he squirmed from coming so hard.

  While Moria was hypnotized by the rhythm of his thrusts and the pleasure she brought him, Justine tore herself away from him, turned around, and pinned him to the bed, staring at him as he gazed back at her with a nervous smile.

  "Justine?" he said in a timid tone. That was him. Her silly, innocent little Moria she's been missing all this time.

  With an excited grin, she squatted over him and slowly lowered herself onto his delicious, throbbing cock. "Yes, darling," she moaned as she closed her eyes for a moment to savor the feeling of being stretched so thin again. "I'm here, darling. I'm here."

  His hands trembled as he placed them on her thighs, gazing at her breasts as they bounced while she rode him.

  "Oh, darling, you have no idea how gifted you are," she moaned, leaning her head backward and arching her back while she held her hands just above his knees for support. "Oh, God... You feel so good!"

  He gave her a bright smile as she looked back at him. "Take me," he told her.

  Her eyelashes fluttered over her puzzled eyes as she titled her head forward. "H-huh?"

  He threw his arms above his head and turned his head to the side, exposing his neck to her. "Take me," he repeated. "Please..."

  "Moria..." she moaned, her heart filling with excitement and delight as she smiled back at him.

  He closed his eyes, trying to slow down his breath. "Take me," he said once more.

  Justine gently lowered her body onto his while continuing to grind against his crotch with his thick member still deep inside her. "Oh, Moria," she moaned as she glided her hands over his arms while kissing and nibbling his neck.

  His body shuddered and he arched his back as a quiet gasp escaped his lips.

  "My dear, sweet, Moria..." she cooed and dragged her tongue gently across the length of his neck.

  "Justine," he whimpered, holding his eyes shut.

  She rode him harder, moaning into his ear. "Are you going to come, darling?"

  "Y-yes," he replied.

  "You must be so close." She chuckled. "I want to see the look on your pretty face when it happens. I want to watch you squirm."

  His breath quickened. Then, suddenly, he curled up and opened his eyes wide, moaning and gripping her arms as he was shooting hot cum inside of her.

  Immediately, she wrapped her arms around him and sunk her teeth into his neck.

  He dug his clawed fingers into her flesh and grit his teeth as he grunted from the pain.

  Their bodies remained locked together for some time, entwined and perfectly still, with only the sounds of their breaths filling the dark room.

  At first, nothing seemed different, but after a few minutes, Justine's eyes dropped over her eyelids as her limbs were going limp. A strange pressure was building up in the center of her forehead as darkness filled her eyes. She released him from her fangs' grasp.

  "J-Justine?" He panted.

  She let out a deep breath. "Yes, darling?"


  Then, he spoke. "May I give you my heart?"


  He Makes Me Laugh

  IT WAS THE last day of shooting. Justine was sitting in the makeup and wardrobe trailer, getting ready for the final scene of the movie. She sat in her chair as a human hairdresser and a makeup artist were putting the finishing touches on her. She wore that same glittery, pink strapless evening dress with the long side cut and rose gold strappy heels she wore when she was shooting the musical number with Moria a month ago.

  A bald vampire wearing a black suit with black gloves and black shirt walked into the room carrying a tall glass of blood on a silver platter. With one hand behind his back, he bent over towards Justine and presented it to her. "Compliments of Master Oda," he said.

  "Oh!" Justine exclaimed as she took it into her hand. "Thank you, Eddie!"

  In addition, he handed her a bendy straw he took out of his chest pocket.

  "Aw... You know me too well, darling." She chuckled and took a sip of the blood through the straw. "Have you heard from anyone back at the fortress? How are they doing?"

  "Construction and redecoration are well underway," Edward explained with a smile. "Sombra said it would be a shame to let such a huge estate fall into ruin, so, he decided to try and make amends by turning it into a children's hospital."

  "That's really good to hear," Justine replied. "You sure you still want to stay in this line of work though, darling? I'm sure Raphael wouldn't object to letting you go."

  "Thank you for your concern. But you don't have to worry about me," he said. "Besides, I need something to do until I figure out what I want. This way, I even get to help fund the project," he told her. "And before I forget, Sombra asked me to relay a message to you and Moria."

  Justine raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh?"

  "He said he'll take everyone to the premiere and can't wait to see you two again."

  She chuckled. "Well, it's going to be a while until then. It's going to take some time for the crew to fully edit the movie."

  "What are you going to do until then?" asked Edward.

  Justine smirked. "Let's just say I'm going to take a little trip that's been long overdue."

  "What about Moria?" he added.

  But before she could answer, Raphael's voice sounded from outside the trailer as he called out for Edward.

  "Excuse me." He bowed to Justine and left.

  Once the hairdresser and makeup artist were done and had left the trailer, Justine took out a pair of plane tickets that read, "Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso" and smiled as she stared at them for a few moments. Then, she took a deep breath, held them against her chest with her eyes closed, and walked out onto the set where the staff was still making some minor preparations for filming the scene.

  Just like last time, the giant set was full of tables with glasses of champagne. The musicians were tuning their instruments up on stage, and a giant chandelier dangled overhead.

  She sat down at one of the tables and laid her head onto her hand as she gazed amorously at the stage, waiting in silence.

  A familiar voice softly called out to her from behind. "Miss Dietrich?"

  She turned around, smiling. "Moria? Darling, why did you just call me that?" she asked with a nervous chuckle. "You haven't called me that since we first met."

  It was Moria, wearing his black tuxedo and black batwing cap, smiling right back at her with a wide grin and a heaving chest. He averted his gaze for a moment and got down on one knee, holding a rolled-up piece of paper, and a pen in his hand. He unraveled and showed her the paper, staring at her with both an excited and a timid look in his eyes.

  Justine's eyes widened in shock as she read the largest part of the text. Her heart beat like a jackhammer. She had no words to speak. There were only teardrops.

  It read "Certificate of Marriage."

  With trembling hands and smiling lips, Moria asked, "M-may I please have your autograph?"

  She laughed and covered her mouth as tears flowed down her smiling face.

  Story Four

  Heart of Void


  Subject Six-Two-Six

  THE AREA WAS clear and the stars were bright. A young woman sat in the cockpit of a small spaceship in the middle of space, slowly pushing the gas lever forward as the engine revved. "Okay...careful..."

  These were one of the rare times she wished she wasn't wearing nothing but a metallic green-and-yellow bikini and huge metal b
oots and pauldrons. She'd always avoided full-body clothes due to her more-pronounced curves, but without them, she was sweating like crazy at times like this. She tied up her long dark-brown hair into a ponytail, then pressed a few buttons and flipped a switch with great reluctance. Slowly, she was picking up speed, but her heart remained in her throat the entire time.

  Suddenly, a transmission alarm sounded, and her entire body shook as she released a loud yelp. She held her hand on her chest, panting, and pressed a button to accept the call.

  "Maya, please come back to the shop," said a male voice through the speakers. "I'll fix your ship up for free if I have to, but I won't be able to sleep tonight until I do."

  "I told you I've already taken care of it," she argued. "It's working fine now."

  "I know you wanna do everything yourself, but you're a collector, not a mechanic," the man told her. "And unless you turn around and let me help you, it's your ass that's gonna need collecting next."

  "You're gonna mess up my customizations! I just finished setting up the water pressure in the shower pit last week!" she said, then sighed with a smile. "I'll be fine, Kelby. Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself."

  "Nobody doubts that, Maya," he said. "But nobody expects you to know everything either. I'm begging you--let me double-check what you did to make sure everything's fine."

  "Talk to you later, Kelby," she told him, rolling her eyes and smiling as she turned off the transmitter. She then lay back into her chair with an annoyed frown and pursed her lips as she exhaled. She placed her hands firmly on a huge lever at the farthest point on the control panel, then grabbed a huge gun with "BFG" engraved on the side with her free hand and placed it into her lap. She closed her eyes, kissed the barrel, and pulled the lever towards herself.

  White light flickered in front of the ship until it fully materialized, covering her entire field of view. A strong force suddenly pushed her back, almost flattening her against her seat. But soon enough, the force relented and the light went out.

  That was weird. It usually lasted longer than that.

  Reluctantly, she opened her eyes and looked around. "Shit," she hissed.

  The collectors' convention was nowhere in sight. There was nothing around her but the vastness of space.

  She pulled up a map on her monitor.

  It seemed the ship lost juice halfway there.

  "Uuuuuuuuuugh..." she groaned as she dragged her palms across her face.

  It would take several hours before the engine would cool down enough to be able to travel the speed of light again.

  She banged her fist against her head. "Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why did I forget to check the cooling system? Why?"

  The transmission alarm sounded again, and she screeched and almost jumped from her seat had she not been strapped in.

  She accepted the call and shouted, "What?"

  "Excuse me--are you lost by any chance?" asked the unknown male voice. "Your ship popped up out of nowhere, and there's nothing around for several light-years."

  She sighed. "Sorry. No, I'm not lost. My shitty engine overheated and I gotta wait until it cools down to make the next jump."

  "Your English is really good," he added. "Are you...human by any chance?"

  "Yeah," she replied. "Why?"

  But the only reply she got was the call having been hung up from the other side.

  She cocked her head back in confusion. "Hello?"

  Soon after, several loud thumps sounded against the top of the hull.

  Quickly, she unbuckled her seat's straps and stood up with her gun pointed at the door. She flipped several switches on her weapon to bring it to the highest setting. Purple light glowed from inside the barrel brighter and brighter. Once it reached its maximum power, Maya pulled the trigger, releasing a giant laser beam that made a huge, gaping hole in the metal door.

  She stepped closer to take a look at whether she managed to hit something, but a small silicone container flew into the room, releasing a greenish gas all throughout the cockpit and the hallway within seconds. Unfortunately, Maya had already inhaled a small amount of the gas before she realized what was going on and couldn't help but cough, allowing more of it to enter her lungs. Her limbs were going limp, and her eyes were closing all on their own. She couldn't stand up straight anymore. The last thing she saw was the floor closing in on her.

  • • • •

  She opened her emerald eyes, her vision blurry as she sat on a warm, soft floor.

  An orange light was cast onto her honey-brown skin.

  There was some kind of light pressure around her wrists and ankles.

  She looked around as the details of the room were becoming clearer.

  She was inside what looked like a large, box with purple walls, one of which was made of some kind of hard, rubbery, translucent silicone serving as a window.

  Outside it was a large laboratory with tall walls filled with cells just like hers, holding in them all kinds of creatures from almost every corner of the galaxy.

  A tall figure in a white lab coat and black gloves and boots approached the wall on which her cage was, humming a merry tune as he was swiping through the tablet in his hands. He slid his hand over his ginger pompadour and lifted his face up. His skin was whiter than the clearest snow, and his eyes a pale red color.

  Was it possible that he looked even creepier with white scleras than he would have with black ones?

  Perhaps what did make his eyes even creepier was the fact that they were now looking up, straight at her through her cage's translucent outer wall at least two meters above the ground.

  "Good morning, Eight-Eight-Nine. I am Dr. David Sturba," he said. "How are you feeling?"

  "Um... My name is Maya?" she replied, yawning. She lifted her hands and observed the metal rings around them with a glowing blue line running around the middle of each. Soon enough, it became clear to her that she was also completely stripped of her clothing. "Hey, where's my armor? Did you kidnap me? Is this some kind of intergalactic sex dungeon?" she asked, tapping on the translucent wall.

  "You've been selected to be a part of a cross-breeding experiment," he explained.

  She shook her head slightly as she stared at him in disbelief. "Cross-breeding?"

  "I'm a little bit pressed for time now, but don't worry, I'll answer more of your questions along the way."

  "Along the way of what?" she continued.

  "How are you feeling?" he asked her. "Hungry? Scared? Tired?"

  "Yeah, all of the above, actually," she replied. "Can I please have my gun back?"

  "Don't worry, we've put it in a safe and secure place," he answered. "Now, on a scale of zero to ten, how much stress would you say you are undergoing right now?"

  "Hundred and fifty. Can I have my clothes and gun back now?"

  "I'll just put you down for a four," he added and typed something onto his tablet with his finger. "All right, don't be alarmed. I'm going to activate your rings so we can get a mucus sample. It's completely painless. We're just going to do a little swab," he said as he continued to type onto his tablet.

  Suddenly, the metal rings around her wrists and ankles became ten times heavier.

  "What the--?" she barked, struggling to lift her arms and legs up. "H-hey!"

  A panel on one of the walls opened and a mechanical arm with a silicone exterior emerged, holding a small plastic stick with cotton wrapped around the top. But before Maya even had a chance to try and wriggle away, the mechanical arm stroked the cotton part of the stick between her pussy lips and retracted back into the wall, with the panel quickly closing back up after it.

  As the metal rings became lighter, Maya sat back up. "What was that for?" she shouted.

  The man took the swab that had appeared within a small tube-like hole in front of him and inserted it into a socket on his tablet. His lips widened into a smile. "Oh, it looks like you're already ovulating!" he said as he looked up at her.

  Hissing and banging sounded from on
e of the cells on the left wall.

  Maya's eyes widened as she lay them onto a large creature scratching the translucent wall of his own cell and biting at it with its two rows of massive fangs. Like the man in the lab coat, he had inhumanly ivory-white skin and two pale-red eyes. However, he seemed far less human and intelligent, as his eyes were much larger, and his face smooth, with only two small slits where one would expect a human nose to be. He had a long, fat, orange tongue with which he salivated all over, and all of his fingers were virtually claws designed for tearing into flesh. He wore a large metal ring around his neck with a glowing blue line going around the middle just like the ones on Maya's hands and feet. Orange stripes trailed over his arms and torso and a long streak of short ginger fur ran from the top of his head down to the small of his back. He continued to hiss and growl like a wild animal, and crawled around his cell on all fours like a spider, even over the walls and ceiling. Finally, the one thing that perhaps stood out on him the most was his huge, bulbous erection with an orange tip already dripping with mint-green, gooey precum. But one thing was for sure: he kept his gaze focused on Maya the entire time he was throwing his beastly fit.

  Her heart pounded inside her chest like it was going to burst out at any moment. Her breath quickened to a point where it hurt to breathe. Though her entire body was overflowing with dread, the sight of his thick, pulsating cock managed to get her juices flowing despite the overwhelming dread coursing through her body.

  On one hand, she was frightened by his strange behavior despite the humanoid characteristics in his appearance, but at the same time, feint and subtle excitement peered its way through all her anxiety, almost as if, deep down, there was something incredibly alluring about the way he so desperately seemed to want to reach her.

  "W-what is that?" she asked.

  "Oh, that's Six-Two-Six," said David with a friendly smirk. "And yes, we are related, in case you were wondering. But don't let my little cousin's feral behavior fool you. He is able to learn and solve problems faster than even the most brilliant minds that ever lived. I have a separate lock system that needs to be reset and randomized every so often just for him. And even as we speak, I have to continue developing new methods on how to keep him confined." He walked over to the creature's cell and stroked the silicone wall. "He can understand over a thousand languages and has not yet been met with a mathematical problem he wasn't able to solve within seconds. I just couldn't allow myself in good conscience to let his talents go to waste. But sadly, we haven't been able to devise a way to control him yet." He turned to Maya with a menacing smirk. "His offspring on the other hand..."


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