The Erotic Bestiary

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The Erotic Bestiary Page 21

by Klara Raškaj

  A mechanical arm emerged from the same hole, its silicone fingers morphing into sharp claws as it reached out to grab him.

  "Behind you!" Maya shouted.

  Hungry turned around and caught the arm in a martial-arts lock.

  However, once it pulled its way out of his grasp, it proceeded to jab at him with swift movements.

  He kept hissing at it as he either blocked or evaded each assault, jumping around and crawling on the walls as they fought.

  "Damn it!" growled Maya. She grabbed hold of the table and threw it at the arm.

  Unfortunately, the only thing she did was attract attention to herself as the arm's claws pointed at her.

  "Shit," she hissed.

  As the arm lunged at her, Hungry pushed her out of the way with a leap. The arm pierced the silicone wall behind them and fell limp onto the ground, dangling off the edge.

  Panting, Maya gently moved Hungry's motionless body off her. "Hungry?" Her lips trembled and her eyes glistened in terror as she saw blood.

  A piece of silicone, one of the fingers from the mechanical arm, was lodged in the side of his head.

  "Wake up!" she pleaded with her sobbing voice, shaking him. "C-come on--damn you! Wake up!"

  David ran through the hole in the wall into the cell and over to Maya and Hungry. He dropped down to his knees and lifted Hungry's head up in his hands to examine it. "Damn it!" he spat. He checked Hungry's pulse and shined a small flashlight onto his eyes after he spread the eyelids open one by one. "He's alive but unconscious," he said, then turned to Maya. "Are you hurt?"

  She shook her head.

  "Good," he added with a stern tone.

  Soon, a couple of other scientists with white skin and ginger hair ran in and helped him hold Hungry up.

  "We need to take him to the ER," said David and turned back to Maya. "I'll have someone come back for you and relocate--"

  But before he could finish his sentence, Hungry slipped out of the scientists' arms and struck the backs of their necks with his arms, rendering them all unconscious--all except David. With his back straight and his eyes glaring, he walked up to him and grabbed him by the throat.

  David took out a small electrocution device from his pocket, but Hungry smacked it out of his hand before he could even use it. He stared at Hungry with a puzzled and fearful look as he struggled to release himself from his ever-tightening grasp.

  A phantasmic voice came out of Hungry's monstrous maw. "She's not going anywhere." His mouth slowly stretched into a wide, menacing grin. "But you are." And with that, he threw David out the torn silicone wall.



  MAYA WALKED INTO one of the bedrooms with Hungry. Looking around, she observed the large, round bed in the middle of the room, surrounded by glowing panels on the walls she suspected would reveal storage and bathing space. "So, you just let all the captives go and locked up the scientists. Everyone but me."

  Hungry walked into the hole in the wall and turned on the shower system, bathing himself as he spoke. "You can try to run away. I wouldn't hurt you no matter what you did. I'd still try to keep you here, though. I really like you," he said with a smirk. "Besides, you're an integral part of my plan."

  "What plan?" she asked.

  He chuckled and turned to her. "To take over the galaxy, of course."

  Maya raised an eyebrow in confusion.

  "What? You don't think I'd be good at it?"

  "No...I'm just wondering whether or not I should take you seriously," she commented, her eyes darting from side to side.

  "I'm serious," he added, still smiling. "I'm gonna overthrow all the rulers of every single government system in the galaxy, take their places, and guide the people towards a better future."

  "That doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in," she said.

  He shrugged. "Fine. Go see if there are any escape pods left. I'm just warning you, you might not wanna make any long trips in your condition. They can't reach the speed of light, and you might go into labor in the middle of your trip."

  She gave him a fearful look and stepped forward. "W-wait... Depending on how far I am from where I wanna go...I might have to give birth...inside the pod?"

  Having to lay a bunch of alien eggs out in space all alone was definitely an even more horrifying idea than the birth itself. Who knew what kind of complications could happen?

  "Probably," he replied. "I'd say there's a ninety percent chance of it happening."

  Maya crossed her arms and sighed. "Okay...hypothetically...let's say that I stay. What would you do with me? Why am I so important to you?"

  He exited the shower are and grabbed a fresh towel off the wall to dry himself with as he walked towards her. "Well...first of all, as I've said, I really like you. I'd be heartbroken if you left. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep for days...wondering where you are...whom you're with...whether you're safe..." He turned his head to the other side, scratching his forearm and chuckling nervously. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

  "What's the second reason?" she asked.

  He turned back to her with a manic look in his eyes and a wide smile. "Hm?"

  "You said 'first of all.' What's the 'second of all?'"

  " need an army if you're gonna conquer every single nation in the galaxy...and you're gonna give it to me."

  She cocked her head back as chills passed through her body, forcing her hairs on end. ""

  He moved closer to her as she was backing away until there was nowhere left for her to go. He loomed over her as he leaned his palms against the wall. "That's right." He chuckled, leaning his forehead onto hers. "I'm going to be fucking your tight little pussy all day every day from here on out."

  "B-but...I can only get pregnant if I'm ovulating, a-and I lose more than just one egg cell every month," she explained.

  He grabbed hold of her and violently threw her onto the bed. "Why do you think you're able to give birth to more than one egg at once?" He took his time to stroll over to her as she was crawling back. "They've already injected you with a substance that forces all the ready follicles to mature instead of just one." He climbed onto the bed and crawled after her. "I'll just add in a little something extra to keep them coming as soon as you make room for more."

  "W-wait!" she shouted with a trembling voice. "I've barely eaten anything today! I'm getting really bad hunger cramps..."

  He stopped in his tracks, looking to the side with a contemplative expression. "Hmm... True. I guess you never got to finish your breakfast." He then turned back to her with a big grin. "Okay!" he exclaimed and jumped off the bed to search for some clothes for the two of them inside the storage unit in one of the walls. He put on a pair of white tights and handed her a long, thin, white dress. Once she got dressed, he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her out the door.

  "Hey!" she yelled as she was forced to run. "Watch it!"

  But he just kept going until he barged into a big room filled with metal counters, shelves, and all sorts of mechanical cooking appliances. He sat her down onto a chair behind the counters and opened up every single cabinet panel, walking around and allowing the various scents of the food and spices to enter his nostrils. "Oh, yeah," he cooed. "That's the stuff."

  "Look--maybe you don't give a shit about what happens to me," Maya argued. "But you could have seriously hurt the babies! I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to run when I'm the equivalent of five months pregnant!"

  He popped open a horizontal panel beneath one of the counters and took out a large knife. He spun it between his fingers, and pointed it at her, almost touching her nose with its tip without even turning his head to look where he was aiming.

  Her heart could have burst right then and there. She couldn't even blink she was so terrified.

  "Don't even joke about that," he told her. "Ever."

  "J-joke about what?"

  He hopped onto the counter and sat on top of it with his legs dangl
ing beside her. He put the knife down and placed his hands on her cheeks. Pulling her head closer, he stared deep into her puzzled, wide-open eyes with the most sensual, amorous gaze she'd ever seen on a man...alien.

  "You're everything to me," he told her. "I'd die before I'd let anything bad happen to you. I've already told you...I like you. I really like you a lot."

  Her heart skipped and heat rushed through her chest, forcing it to heave. She couldn't look away.

  "Is it really such a horrible thing that I want to give you every single drop of my love?" he asked with a smile, tilting her face from side to side as he held it between his palms. "Just...fill you with it until it's squirting out...then drizzle your big, beautiful belly with it..." He leaned his head back, closing his eyes. "Just thinking about sucking on those gorgeous, swollen tits of yours again..." He swung his head forward and pulled her face closer, digging his claws into her skin as he slowly opened his eyes. "Do you understand?"

  This guy was absolutely insane. But...seeing as how her pussy was completely drenched in her love juices at that point, it was safe to assume she probably was, too. Just moments ago, she was trying to escape his clutches, and now, she couldn't stop thinking about how much she wanted him to impale her on his fat, meaty cock and explode inside her again. He could probably already smell her arousal on her. Her pride refused to yield, but it was very much apparent to her that if he were to try something again, she would definitely give herself to him again. One hundred percent.

  Thankfully though, it seemed she wouldn't have to throw her dignity, the little she had left, into the garbage just yet, as her stomach made a loud rumbling sound at that moment.

  Hungry chuckled, straightened his back and hopped back behind the counter. "Don't worry, my empress," he told her with a smile and blew her a kiss. "If you'll be good and clean your plate, I'll have dessert waiting for you back in our love nest."

  She smirked and raised an eyebrow.

  With a returned smile, he searched through a few more drawers, took out a tablet he found inside and strolled around as he swiped and tapped at it. Soon enough, he seemed to have found a recipe he liked and proceeded to inspect all the appliances and ingredients at his disposal.

  Maya coughed into her hand before mustering up the confidence to ask him another question. "So, um... Are you really going to use me to give birth to an army of your kids and then send them to fight and die in wars when they grow up?"

  "That's the idea," he said with a smile, slamming a large piece of meat onto a cutting board and tenderizing it with a metal mallet.

  "I don't get it," she added. "You care about me, but not about the children you'll have with me."

  "Kids are selfish little monsters who have no sense for right or wrong and only do what fits their agendas without even wanting to consider other people that they might be hurting in the process. They'll take up all of your attention. They'll hog all your affection," he argued, staring at the meat as he banged at it harder and harder with the tenderizer, his smile and glaring eyes widening as a maniacal chuckle was escaping his maw once again. "They'll push you away from that their...grubby little hands...can have you...all--to--them--selves!" He shouted, using all of his strength to bang the tenderizer against the meat at the rhythm with which he spoke. And when he was done talking, he just kept laughing as he beat the meat into a pile of mush.

  Maya leaned back, staring at him with a disturbed, awkward gaze.

  He sighed and calmed himself soon after. Smiling at her, he threw the meat onto a large, deep frying pan after having poured some oil inside. He then added the rest of the ingredients and seasoning, stirring gently as it all cooked on the induction stove.

  Maya's stomach grumbled again as her hungry eyes stared at the sizzling oil dancing around the meat. The longer it cooked, the stronger the smell was. And it was absolutely divine.

  "But I need them to conquer the galaxy, so..." Hungry shrugged. "It gives me peace of mind to think that they'll be flying around on a distant planet somewhere in bits and pieces when they're hit with military-grade laser beams."

  " were a kid once, too...right?" asked Maya.

  He leaned onto the counter with his elbows while resting his head on his palms. "I'll let you in on a little secret," he said. "David thinks my previous condition was some extreme form of autism, and that it was the reason why I was so smart in the first place. Actually, I studied psychology and brain neurology one summer and performed a kind of lobotomy on myself. However, severing connections between certain parts of my brain would cause irreversible change, so I figured out how to just temporarily block them from communicating as they normally would." He chuckled and spread his hands in the motion of a forming rainbow. "I call it neural ligation--trademarked!"

  "But how did that robot arm's finger lodging itself in the side of your head get you back to... Okay, I don't wanna say 'normal,' but--"

  "Oh, that's easy!" he exclaimed. "I used microbots to add little clips onto specific neural connections in my brain. I guess the finger must have pushed my brain together just enough to allow my neurons to form new connections to the areas that I've blocked out with the clips. And after he caged me up, David made every effort to keep me trapped, so I couldn't gather the necessary materials to undo the brain surgery." He straightened his back and went over to the stove to continue cooking. "But he slipped up when he opened up the panel door that led to your cage."

  "Couldn't you have just... I don't know...acted like you were feral instead?"

  "Yeah, I could have," he confessed. "But what I couldn't do was risk Mother finding out it was all an act. She would have never trusted me again."


  "Oops!" Hungry chuckled. "I've said too much." He then moved the pan from the stove and the food inside it onto an empty metal plate. He added a bit of garnish on top and slid it over to Maya. "Ta-da!"

  "Um...thanks, I guess..." she said.

  "You're very welcome!" he replied, jumped over the counter, and sat next to her, leaning onto his arms against and gazing lovingly at her.

  "Shit... I don't have any utensils," she added upon further inspection.

  "Oh, that's okay!" he said with a chipper tone and proceeded to tear up the meat steaming meat with his claws.

  "What are you--?"

  Then suddenly, he took a small piece of the torn meat and some vegetables between his clawed fingers and stuffed them into Maya's mouth.

  "Mmph!" she grumbled with her mouth full, shaking her head and pushing him away.

  His maw frowned lightly as he stared at her with sorrow in his eyes. "Why don't you like it when I feed you?"

  "I can put food into my own mouth--thank you," she argued while still chewing.

  "But I like taking care of you," he explained. "I just wanna make you happy."

  "Ugh," she groaned, rolling her eyes. "Okay--fine. Just don't keep trying to stuff it in there and almost break my teeth. At least let me bite it out of your hand."

  "Okay! I promise!" he said, nodding his head.

  She sighed, tightened her ponytail, and leaned forward with her mouth open as she stared at the wall to her right with a tired, annoyed gaze.

  Slowly, Hungry picked up more food between his fingers and held his other hand cupped underneath so as to not let anything fall to the floor. With his chest heaving and his manic smile spread wide across his face, he moved the food towards Maya's mouth.

  Once it was close enough, she enveloped the food and the tips of his fingers with her mouth and suckled in what she couldn't grab with her teeth.

  Hungry's hand and voice shuddered as he let out a quiet gasp, biting the area of his lower lip.

  Maya looked up at him with a suspicious glare.

  "H-how is it?" he asked with a nervous grin.

  She looked around in contemplation as she chewed, finally being able to savor the taste when she wasn't being force-fed. A smile formed on her face. "Mmm!" She swallowed. "It's amazing! It's so full of flavor!" />
  "I'm so glad you like it!" he added, almost panting from excitement. "W-would you like some more?"

  She nodded, licking her lips and opening her mouth back up again.

  With a shaky hand, Hungry picked up another bite of food between his fingers and moved it over to her.

  "You okay?" she asked him.

  "Yes," he replied. "I'm happy..."

  She shrugged and covered his fingers with her mouth again.

  He was shaking and sweating like crazy. It was actually kind of cute.

  As she was licking the oil off his fingers while pulling the food into her mouth, she looked up at him and smirked.

  He placed his free palm on his face, covering his cheek as he was biting down on his last two clawed fingers while watching her.

  As she leaned back to chew her food and swallow it, she caught sight of a growing, bulbous erection trying to force its way through the thin fabric of his white tights.

  It was so fat and meaty--just looking at it made her pussy convulse and her mouth drool. She couldn't keep her eyes off it.

  As Hungry was about to take more food off the plate, Maya leaned closer, grabbed his hand with both of hers, and eagerly placed two of his fingers into her mouth so she'd lick and suck on them. She then got up from her seat and started pulling down his pants.

  He closed his eyes and leaned back as he panted.

  Slowly, she traced her fingers over his cock, taking in its beautiful, bulbous shape with her entranced gaze.

  His body shivered from delight in response to her touch.

  But hold on... This was her chance to escape. He was downright drunk from her touches at this point. Though she really wished she could have stayed and gotten a taste of that sweet, succulent monstrosity, she knew she probably wouldn't get another opportunity to leave. Who cared if she had to give birth inside the escape pod? As David said, lots of other women gave birth without complications. If Hungry weren't so hellbent on taking over the galaxy, she actually wouldn't have minded staying and getting to know him better. But as it was, she couldn't pass up the opportunity that presented itself to her at that moment.


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