The Erotic Bestiary

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The Erotic Bestiary Page 20

by Klara Raškaj

  "Why me?" Maya protested. "Why don't you get someone of your own race to be your broodmaiden, give me my fucking gun and clothes back, and let me go before I find a way to get out of here and break your face?"

  "Optimal health; ripe and youthful age; wide hips; large areolas; and an above-average amount of body fat," David explained. "You're perfect."

  The creature screeched louder from inside his cell, scratching at the translucent wall with his claws and biting at it with his fangs.

  "He seems to have caught your scent," said David with a chuckle. "I've never seen him this restless before."

  "I don't give a shit about your stupid experiment," Maya argued. "I'm not gonna have sex with that thing!"

  David typed something into his tabled and looked at her with a sly smirk. "Let's just let nature take its course and see what happens." He made one final tap on the touchscreen and walked away.

  Maya turned her head towards the left wall.

  The rings around her wrists and ankles became heavier and pulled her to the ground.

  She struggled to move, but all to no avail. Her eyes widened in terror.

  Six-Two-Six's cage was empty.


  Milky Way

  PANTING AND DRENCHED in sweat, Maya kept trying to move away with all her might. "Come on," she groaned as her fear-stricken eyes glanced at a large panel in the wall that was slowly opening up. "Damn it! Move, you pieces of shit!"

  Through the hole emerged the prowling, white-skinned alien. He approached her, snarling as he circled around her.

  She tried to pull herself off the floor with the last of her strength. "No, no, no, no, no, no! N-ngh! Why won't you fucking move?"

  Six-Two-Six crawled behind her, sniffing the air around her as his face closed in on her behind. He opened his giant maw and gently traced his long, fat tongue between the outer lips of her pussy.

  Her entire body shuddered as sparks flew through her and her inner walls convulsed. Her own pride was shattering before her very eyes as her muscled were loosening up at the thought of what he would do to her. Was she seriously getting excited about what was going to happen?

  He purred as he nestled himself between her legs, his erection spreading her lips apart and grazing her slit.

  She took rapid, shallow breaths as her chest was overheating, making it harder to breathe. Her heart beat faster and her pussy ached as it was swelling up from the blood rushing into it. She couldn't deny it anymore. She wanted it. Bad. "Yes..." She panted, closing her eyes. "Please..."

  As he continued to purr, gripping her thighs with his claws and hunching over her, he ground his pelvis against her until his thick cock slid inside her wet slit, stretching her lips out barely under their limits.

  Maya let out a long moan and opened her eyes slightly as they rolled towards the back of her head from the mesmerizing sensation taking over her. As if her body had a mind of its own, she lowered her upper half down to the floor and arched her back to show her eagerness for him.

  With a low, growling grunt, he thrust inside her with a rough and jagged momentum.

  She kept moaning with each thrust, getting completely lost in pleasure. It was as though time stood still and she'd lost all sense of pride or dignity. The only thing she wanted was for the moment to last forever. "Yeah...keep going..." she whispered through her panting breath as a slight smile crept onto her face. "Harder..."

  What was she thinking, trying to talk to him? He couldn't even speak and probably wouldn't be able to understand what she was saying either.

  But before she could recall all the facts that David guy told her about Six-Two-Six, his thrusts became significantly rougher, rocking her body forward as he pushed his fat cock deeper inside her.

  She moaned loudly as his change of pace caught her off guard. She glanced to the side, chuckling nervously. "S-so, you can really understand me?"

  He stretched out his back and leaned closer to her, gripping her neck with his teeth and pinning her upper body to the ground.

  Adrenaline shot through her and her inner walls squeezed his cock in response, forcing a loud moan out of her.

  What was he doing? Did she say something wrong? Was he going to snap her neck with his jaws?

  But much to her surprise, the only place where he applied more pressure was into his thrusting. He growled, coating her neck in his saliva as he quickened his pace.

  But the sensation only brought Maya more pleasure as she moaned and panted, spreading her legs for him as far as she could to give him more room. "Deeper," she pleaded.

  His pounding made her muscles tingle with excitement. His hot breath on her neck and his grunts were slowly pushing her towards the edge. She didn't even care if he came inside her. In fact, she welcomed it--craved it, even. Her eyelids drooped over her eyes and a drop of drool oozed down the side of her mouth as she panted with her mouth open and her tongue slightly sticking out. She was completely and utterly drunk with pleasure. She'd never felt so relax nor enjoyed herself so much in her entire life. It was as though all the stress and tension she carried were melted away with each one of his powerful thrusts.

  But then, suddenly, something felt different, like something was stretching her out further from the inside. Was he...growing?

  She opened her eyes wide and looked back as her heart pounded in fear. "W-wait," she said.

  But he refused to listen, and just held her down tighter, thrusting hard into her as his cock grew in girth inside her.

  Fear, discomfort, and pleasure all mixed together for an otherworldly experience she never could have even imagined. Her heart beat like crazy and it became harder to breathe as her chest burned from within. Her limbs were becoming numb as light bolts of electricity passed through them. Pleasure slowly washed over her like a tidal wave, drowning her in ecstasy.

  She moaned louder and louder until finally, she closed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth as she screamed in orgasm.

  Before long, Six-Two-Six shot a massive load of hot, mint-green cum inside her, pumping her full of it until it was pouring out her trembling pussy while he was still inside her.

  "Whoa," she moaned, trying to look at the back from the corner of her eye. "W-what is that?"

  After a few more hard thrusts accompanied by his grunting and panting, he released her from his grasp and fell back, effectively pulling out of her as a whole river of his gooey cum poured out of her.

  "Excellent work, you two," the voice of David from earlier sounded through a seemingly hidden speaker inside the cage.

  The rings around Maya's wrists and ankles became lighter, too.

  She lifted her body up and she sat on the floor in the pool of cum, looking around while her heart still raced and her chest heaved.

  "Don't worry, we'll have that cleaned up in a bit," said David. "Overall, we're very pleased with how things played out. We were expecting you to resist much more and that we'd have to repeat the copulation, but I believe your cooperation will have yielded in an eighty percent chance of fertilization. You can expect to be a happy mother of three to five eggs within forty-eight hours."

  "W-what?" she asked. "Five eggs? Forty-eight hours?"

  "Yes, but don't worry, we'll make sure you get all the necessary nutrients so the pregnancy doesn't put too much of a strain on your body" he explained. "Now, do you have any particular preferences as to what you would like for your next meal? We will try to accommodate your palate as much as possible. Also, would you like us to leave Six-Two-Six in there for a while so that you two may bond further? The fathers are usually very involved during the pregnancy and can assist in delivering the eggs."

  "U-um... I..." she mumbled, her gaze darting left and right.

  All of a sudden, Six-Two-Six crawled over to her and snuck his head under her arm, rubbing his face against her skin.

  She jerked slightly from having been startled and stared at him, watching to see what he would do next.

  "Well, whenever you decide you
've had enough of him, just give us a shout, and we'll have him removed from your cell," said David. "Someone will come to bring you food shortly. In the meantime, feel free to clean yourself up and relax."

  A panel opened up on one of the walls, revealing a tight space inside with small holes overhead and a recessed floor with a drain.

  "You can adjust the heat setting of the water using the holographic control panel inside," David explained. "Enjoy."

  Maya sighed as she looked down at Six-Two-Six with a puzzled gaze, who cuddled up to her and rested his head on her chest. He then latched onto one of her nipples with his maw and suckled.

  The foreign and tingling sensation brought her unease as she gently pushed him away. "No," she told him as she moved away.

  But he just crawled back over to her, pushing his head under her arms and struggling to latch on again as she just kept trying to move him away. "Hey! Cut it out!"

  But it wasn't long before she yielded due to exhaustion, and just leaned back onto her hands and let him suck on her nipple. She took a deep breath and stared at him with a tired and annoyed look in her eyes. She squeezed her other breast down to the nipple. "Look, I don't even have any--"

  A droplet of white liquid escaped the center and trickled down her skin.

  She squinted her eyes in disbelief. "...milk?" She shook her head and pushed him away again.

  He stared at her all confused for a moment, then went right back to trying to get to her breasts.

  "Okay, okay!" she told him. "I'll give it to you, but can I at least go shower first?"

  A smile crept onto his monstrous maw as he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into the hole inside one of the walls. He sat her down and leaned her against the wall in the deepest part of it, then used the holographic panel to turn on the water flow and adjust the heat like he'd done it a million times before.

  It was so incredibly eerie to watch someone who behaved almost like an animal just moments ago do something that would come so naturally to a human.

  A warm flow of water washed over her like a downpour of rain. She smiled as she leaned her head back and exhaled. It was so soothing and pleasant, she felt like she could just drift off into a gentle slumber.

  Then Six-Two-Six leaned against her and proceeded to gently suck on her breast again with his eyes closed.

  Maya chuckled as she gazed at him.

  He didn't seem all that bad, actually. The way he looked so was kind of endearing. At first, the sensation was rather strange and uncomfortable, but after a while, she saw the appeal in it. She stroked his head and he purred and smiled under her touch.

  "You must have been really hungry, huh?" she asked.

  He looked up at her with his drowsy eyes and nodded slightly.

  "Do you have a name? Like, a real name?" she asked. "My name is Maya, for example. Do you have one of those?"

  He glanced at her but did nothing that looked like it could have been a response.

  "Okay, um... What do you like to do? What's your 'thing?'"

  No reply.

  "Favorite color? Favorite toy?"

  Again, no response.

  She sighed. "Nothing. You're just hungry." Then, it hit her. She smiled. "Hey--that's pretty good. Hungry. I'm gonna call you Hungry," she told him and stroked his head.

  He just continued suckling on her breast with his eyes closed.

  Maya put her arms around him and rubbed the back of his head with her palm. "I can't believe your asshole cousin could just shove you in a cage like that and treat you like an animal. You're still a person, even though you are kind of...weird."

  He purred.

  "And let's be clear, you only fucked me because I let you, okay?" she said. "I don't go down that easy."

  Suddenly, with smirking lips, he popped her entire breast into his maw, effectively startling her and forcing a yelp out of her.



  THAT FOLLOWING MORNING, Maya woke up to a strange warmth and scent. She gently fluttered her eyes open and sat upon the clean, dry, soft floor.

  Hungry was sitting on the floor next to her, at a translucent table on top of which were two large plates. One was steaming with giant pieces of spicy meat, while the other held a variety of leafy greens and a large portion of sunny-side-up eggs, along with pieces of cooked-up salmon.

  Before she even had a chance to yawn and clear her vision, Hungry took a soft yet firm silicone spoon from the table and proceeded to feed her arugula dripping with golden egg yolk.

  She moved her head back and stared at him in confusion as he pushed the food into her mouth.

  Before she could even chew and swallow, he was already waiting to feed her another spoonful as he kept smiling at her.

  She raised her hands and shook her head. After swallowing, she took the spoon from his hand. "Thanks--but I can eat by myself," she assured him with a returned smile. Her eyes were then drawn to the golden-brown meat dripping with shimmering fat. "Hey--you haven't even touched yours. That looks amazing! You sure you're not gonna have some?"

  He looked at the dish, then back at her with a relaxed gaze. He grabbed some of the meat off the plate and placed a piece onto her lips.

  She turned her head, gently pushing his arm away. "Come on--that one's yours. You gotta eat something, too," she said with a chuckle.

  Suddenly, David's voice sounded from the speaker. "Six-Two-Six, what are you doing? She's not supposed to eat that during the pregnancy."

  He looked up at the ceiling and hissed, the furry streak of his back standing on end. The blue ring around his collar glowed and he dropped down to the floor as he held onto it and struggled to get back up, almost as if the collar was weighing him down the same way the rings around Maya's wrists and ankles restrained her the day before.

  "Stop!" she shouted as she dropped down to her knees next to Hungry, staring up at the ceiling. "I wasn't even going to eat it! Let him go!"

  "We can't risk having him around you if he's going to disobey orders," said David.

  A mechanical arm emerged from one of the walls and attached one of its appendages to Hungry's collar, pulling him back into the hole from which it appeared.

  Before Maya could even reach him, the panel had already closed. She ran over to the translucent wall facing the laboratory and looked to her left.

  Hungry had been moved back into his cage. He jumped back onto his feet and banged against the translucent wall, screeching and hissing, and scratching at it as he stared at Maya.

  "Don't worry--he'll calm down eventually," said David.

  Another, smaller mechanical arm appeared and took the silicone plate with the meat away.

  "Please, enjoy your meal," he added. "If you need anything else, just let me know. I'll continue to personally oversee your and Six-Two-Six's development for the time being."

  "Gee...thanks," Maya groaned.

  "You're most certainly welcome," he replied in a chipper tone. "Oh, and I see your abdomen has increased already. Excellent."

  Maya's eyes widened in shock as she looked down at her slightly swollen stomach and breasts. It really did grow over the course of the night. Her entire body shuddered in disgust. There were living creatures growing inside her. Just how big was her belly going to get by the end? Was this reality? Was she actually going to give birth to alien eggs by tomorrow? And how was it even possible for her to conceive anything other than a human child? The realization of what was going on hit her like a speeding fighter jet. She was going to experience actual birth tomorrow.

  Her arms shook and her gaze was stricken with fear.

  She wasn't ready. No, she couldn't do it. She couldn't. Why was this happening to her? Was it going to hurt like actual pregnancy or was it going to be even worse since she'd have to give birth three to five times at once?

  "You seem upset?" asked David. "Is something the matter?"

  She shook her head, tears spilling down her cheeks. "W-what if it's gonna hur
t?" she sobbed. Adrenaline shot through her and her heart raced. "I don't know how to do this! I've never given birth before! There are fucking living beings crawling inside me! It's so gross! I want them out!"

  "There's no need for panic. Many other women have gone through this without complications. In fact, the eggs are on average only half of a human newborn in size. Once your cervix dilates to eight to ten centimeters, all the eggs should be pushed out one by one within the hour. We'll allow Six-Two-Six to accompany you when you go into labor if you'd like him to help you deliver."

  "Help me how?" she argued. "No one can help me! I'm stuck here in this fucking place, I'm pregnant, I don't have my gun, I--"

  All of a sudden, all the lights turned bright red and a loud alarm sounded throughout the room.

  "What the--" barked David. "No! No!"

  "W-what's going on?" asked Maya. "Hello?" She looked out the translucent wall.

  All the other caged aliens were either looking around all confused or throwing a fit in panic.

  She gasped and turned around as bumping sounds traveled through the walls, her chest heaving, and her eyes frantically following them.

  One of the panels broke down and Hungry prowled out of the hole in the wall. He straightened his back a bit and walked upright with hunched shoulders towards her. There was a worried gaze in his eyes. He didn't even have his collar on anymore.


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