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Saved By Her

Page 14

by Michelle Horst

  “Is there anything we can help with?” Diane asks. I’m surprised that she’s so excited.

  “You can all take turns helping us prepare the food?” I say, not wanting to leave them out of the preparations.

  “How are you going to explain all the food to them?” Jamie asks.

  I point a finger at Jack. “Have you noticed how much he’s been eating lately? Just say it’s for Jack.”

  “Blame me,” Jack says between bites and it makes everyone laugh.

  “Okay, now get back to work and remember to not let it slip to Christopher and Maddie,” Adam says.

  Everyone goes their way. I kiss Jack on the cheek and go to the office. I want to place the order for the building materials Adam and Jack are going to need to build the new guest house.

  I walk over to the desk and look through the papers for the one Adam gave me earlier, when the door closes. I glance over my shoulder and watch as Jack walks toward me.

  “I’m just about to place the order for the building materials. I’ll let you know when it’s all ready for you and Adam to go get.”

  Jack comes to stand behind me and he places his hands on my hips. He presses his chest to my back. “Have I told you that I love you?”

  A smile spreads over my face. They are his favorite words. He tells me at least once a day.

  I pretend to think on it. “Hmm … I’m not sure.” He spins me around so I’m facing him. I can’t stop the laughter from bubbling up my throat. “Maybe you should remind me,” I tease him.

  His hands drop to the button of my shorts and he makes quick work of getting them off, along with my undies. He lifts me to sit on the table and then with one sweep of his arm, he shoves all the papers to the floor. I rest back on my elbows and watch as he frees his already hard cock from his jeans. He fishes a condom from his pocket and I grin. He must’ve gotten it from our room before coming here.

  I watch with lust filled eyes as he rolls it over his cock and then he grabs hold of my hips and pulls me right to the edge of the table. He takes hold of his cock and rubs it between my folds.

  He presses the tip of his cock into my wet opening and I fall back with a thud. With one hard thrust he pushes into me and it makes me arch my body from the desk.

  Jack grips my hips hard and starts to thrust into me, hard and fast. The surge builds so fast in me that my body tenses until it feels like I might split in two.

  His breaths are hard as he towers over me, but his eyes are soft. I love how he only sees me when he fucks me.

  He doesn’t slow down and my body starts to slide up the desk. There’s nothing for me to hold onto.

  Jack’s fingers dig harder into my hips as he keeps me in place. The sound of skin slapping is loud and erotic.

  His movements grow jerky and I feel him come. He slows his thrusts to deep, bliss filled strokes. He brings one hand between us and he presses down on my bundle of nerves, and that’s all it takes for me to explode.

  He keeps thrusting slowly in and out, making my bones turn to jelly.

  In such a short space of time Jack has gotten to know me intimately, and he’s become a master at knowing what makes me melt.


  Chapter Twenty Three


  I’ve been keeping so busy that there are times I forget to eat, but luckily River, Miss Ella or Sophia always remember to feed me.

  Adam helps where he can but there are times he’s needed elsewhere, but I don’t let it slow me down. I really enjoy working with my hands, building things, creating something beautiful – it brings a calmness to my soul that I’ve never felt before.

  I love it here on the plantation. It’s really become home to me. Adam and I have become friends, my first friend – someone I can trust with my darkest secrets and life.

  River has finally accepted me as a man. It feels good to look in her eyes and to see all that she feels for me shining bright and warm.

  Miss Ella … she’s become the mother I’ve lost. She spoils me rotten, and hell, I’m not going to stop her. The other day I tore a hole in my shirt, it hooked on one of the slabs of wood. Miss Ella took the shirt from me right there in the kitchen and she said she would fix it. Sure enough, the next day it was hanging in the closet, all patched up.

  I’ve started greeting the other girls and men. I’m still not too comfortable around them and you won’t catch me alone in a room with one of them. That’s going to take some time still. I only trust River, Adam, Miss Ella and Sophia. They’ve become my family. I’ll work hard at forming some kind of friendships with the others, but I’m not forcing myself to do anything I’m not comfortable doing. I’ve reached a point in my life where I come first. For the longest time I didn’t matter, but now I do matter, to myself and to River.

  The guest house is only halfway built by the time the wedding comes. It’s going to take a while still to finish it, and then there’s the inside to complete. I’m happy knowing there’s still a lot of work waiting for me.

  The morning of the wedding I wake up alone. I shower and quickly get dressed. On my way out I grab a fresh muffin. Sophia baked them. Miss Ella taught her well.

  Just as I take a bite, Sophia comes in. She smiles when she sees that I’m eating one of her muffins. She waits for me to swallow the bite I just took, and then asks, “Do you like them?”

  “I do, but the banana flavored ones are my favorite.”

  She beams at my compliment. “I’ll make more of those then.”

  I nod and walk to the door but before I leave I turn back and say, “That first week we got here you said we’d be happy here, do you remember that?”

  “Yes,” she nods and picks up a muffin, picking at it.

  “Did you find the happiness you were talking about then?”

  She smiles and her eyes start to shine with unshed tears. “I found more than just happiness,” she whispers.

  I smile at her, knowing exactly what she means. We both found ourselves here.


  Everything is ready by the chapel. I’ve scattered roses, making a pretty trail for Christopher and Maddie to follow.

  Adam is marrying them. I don’t understand how it all works, the technical side. Adam says it only matters what we believe in. There doesn’t need to be any paperwork as long as they love each other.

  It’s not like any of us would ever want to leave here.

  My eyes go over everyone. Even Doc is here. Miss Ella keeps saying she didn’t invite him and that he should leave. They’re funny.

  I’m standing to the side, not too close to everybody, when River comes running up to us. “They’re fighting!” She sounds panicked and it makes me rush to her side.

  “Christopher and Maddie?” Adam asks.

  “Yes,” River says between gulping in air. “I told them to come down to the chapel, that we were all having lunch here and then just like that Maddie started yelling at Christopher and he was yelling back at her,” River pinches the bridge of her nose and I know she does that when she’s frustrated. “I don’t know what to do! It’s all ruined!”

  Suddenly we hear the yelling River was just talking about.

  “You looked at her!” Maddie yells angrily.

  “You’re not my wife, Woman! I can look around still. Ever heard of looking at the menu but eating at home?” Christopher yells back.

  They come into view and everyone freezes. I’m not sure what we’re going to do now.

  Suddenly Maddie and Christopher yell, “Gotcha!” and they start to laugh until they’re bending over and holding their stomachs.

  “Fuckers!” Adam shouts, but he’s smiling.

  River takes hold of my hand and she starts to laugh as well. “They knew all along,” she explains to me. “The fight was all an act to get us confused so they could surprise us.”

  Christopher and Maddie joins the group and I’m surprised when Maddie says, “We couldn’t resist catchin’ y’all.” She hardly ever talks, especially if the other women
are around.

  “Humpf!” Miss Elle snorts through her nose. “Playing games when you should be getting married! The food is going to spoil! Get married already so I can feed you all.”

  “You can feed me any day,” Doc says playfully.

  “You’re fat enough!” Miss Ella snorts at him.

  Everyone starts to laugh and even I join in. I’ll get the hang of what’s a joke and what’s a real fight soon. I keep learning something new every day.

  We all gather around and Christopher and Maddie go stand up front with Adam. Miss Ella and Doc are the only ones sitting, because they’re old.

  Adam laughs and shakes his head lightly. “Maddie,” she smiles at Adam and I watch as Christopher takes her hand. I reach out and take River’s hand, lacing our fingers. Adam continues, “do you really want to take this fucker as your husband. It’s for life. I’ll hold him back while you make a run for it.”

  Everyone starts to laugh again, and through giggles, Maddie says, “I’ll take him any way I can have him.”

  Adam looks at Christopher and he asks, “Will you love her with all your heart and protect her with all of your might.” Suddenly Adam is serious as he waits for Christopher’s answer.

  “I will, as long as she’ll let me love her and protect her.”

  “Kiss the poor man,” Adam says to Maddie.

  She stands on her toes and kisses Christopher hard. Everyone cheers and claps hands for the couple.

  That was fast. I lean into River. “That’s it? Now they’re married?”

  She smiles up at me. “They were married the second they made the choice to love each other. Today we’re just celebrating with them.”

  See, I never stop learning.

  The celebration carries on till late. This time there’s no fire to ruin anything. We all eat until we’re stuffed, and then we dance until I’m hungry again.

  Even Miss Ella and Doc made peace for a short while, long enough to dance. As soon as the song finished Miss Ella was back to fighting with Doc, telling him to keep his hands off of her.


  I wake up in the early morning hours, my cheek pressed against River’s belly. I always wake up lying on top of her.

  I also always wake up hard. I quickly take off my boxers and then start to undress River. She wakes up as I’m busy dragging her shorts down her legs. I toss them on the floor and press a kiss to her thigh. Then I kiss her pussy, and then her stomach. I push her shirt up and over her head. I love looking at her body, it’s beautiful.

  My breaths come faster and I turn my face to River’s, searching for her mouth. I slip my hands behind her neck and into her hair, and I pull her into me, crushing my mouth hungrily to hers. I slip my tongue into her mouth and take what I want. I need her so much, she’s become my sanity.

  “I want to feel only you, River. Nothing else matters but you.”

  A breath rushes from River into me, and I greedily take it from her. I grab hold of her hip and I pull her body under mine. I love having her under me. I’ll never let her be on top, there are just certain things I’ll never do or allow again.

  I love feeling every soft curve under my fingertips. I slip one of my legs between hers and I nudge her legs apart. I position my hips against hers and it feels like home.

  I’ll never get enough of River. I want her every morning. My hunger for her is insatiable.

  I bring my hands to her breasts, reveling in the softness of her flesh in my hands. I move my hand to her shoulder and then brush my fingertips down her arm. I love how she trembles under my touch. Lacing my fingers with hers, I pin her hand above her head. Her breath catches in her throat and it makes my cock jump with anticipation. Her eyes flare with excitement.

  I slowly brush my fingertips down her other arm before taking that hand and placing it with the other.

  “Lace your fingers for me,” I whisper, my voice hoarse with want. River does what I ask and she links her fingers. I cover both her hands with one of mine. She’s stretched out, naked and utterly fuckable. “Perfect,” I breathe.

  I drop my head and place a kiss to her shoulder. Every time I touch her in some way I feel a small tremble go through her. I love that I can do that to her, but I want her shaking with need for me.

  She squirms, trying to press her thighs together as she searches for some kind of friction, but I don’t give her what she wants. Instead, I kiss her collarbone, and then I continue to brush kisses over her skin until I reach her neck. I’m breathing erratic by then, turned on by her naked body beneath mine. All I have to do is slam into her and I know I’ll find instant pleasure, but I don’t want it to be over so fast.

  Her breaths come faster as I duck my head lower and I kiss the spot between her perfect breasts. She turns her face into my arm and I feel her teeth nip at my bicep. I let my hand slide into her hair and I pull her face away from my arm. I press my mouth hard against hers and I kiss her with all the greedy need I feel surging through my body.

  I settle my body against hers and I suck in a breath when I feel her bare skin against mine. She fits perfectly under my body. She arches up and I love how she presses all of her into all of me, trying to get as close to me as she can.

  “I’ll never grow tired of you. I love fucking you River.”

  I press my forehead to hers and I tighten my hold on her wrists. I slide my other hand over her breast and cup it, reveling in the feel of her. She closes her eyes and a look of pure ecstasy washes over her flushed features.

  When she opens her eyes they are much darker with need. I slide my hand down the length of her body.

  Again she arches up trying to get closer and I let go of her wrists. I grab hold of her hips and press my cock against her wet pussy. Her whole body tenses as she waits for me to slide in, but I don’t give her what she wants. I need her to want it as much as I want her. I want her to beg me.

  I slide one hand further down and I cup her pussy. Immediately she rocks into me, searching for friction. She slips her hands over my shoulders and down my chest and abs until her hands close around my cock. I close my eyes and revel in her touch.

  “Feel how hard I am for you?” I thrust into her hand and shudder at the pleasure. “Only you can make me hard.” I press a hard kiss to her mouth. “Only you can make me come.”

  She brings my cock to her entrance and I know she wants me to thrust into her. I only push in an inch. Her hands fall away from me and she lies spread open beneath me.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard and so good,” I whisper as I pull away. A soft whimper drifts from her parted lips.

  I take hold of my cock and I press my tip into her again. “Watch as I fuck you.” Her eyes dart down and I see the heat explode in them, making them darker.

  “Fuck me hard,” she begs and it makes my cock jump against her. I start to move slowly, not pulling out, but not pushing in all the way either. I only move an inch in and an inch out. She grabs hold of my shoulders, digging her nails into my skin. Her legs fall to the sides, opening as wide as she can for me.

  I keep the slow torturous pace of only giving her the tip of my cock.

  “Jack!” She growls with frustration, and it makes me smile. “Please take me hard!”

  I groan and my self-control shatters. I thrust hard into her and she bows off the bed, her lips parting with ecstasy.

  Warmth fills every part of my body, flooding all the dark corners … until there’s only her.

  I keep fucking her hard until both our bodies reach the peak and we tense against each other. Her body trembles under mine, as my cock empties inside of her.

  “I love you, River,” I say breathlessly. “I love to fuck you and I love to kiss you, but mostly I love that you’re mine.”

  She smiles lazily up at me as she comes down from her orgasm. “I love being fucked by you.” Her words make my cock start to harden again. “I love being kissed by you.” She reaches up and presses a kiss to my chin, and then just beneath my ear. “I love being yours,�
� she whispers.

  I start to move slowly in and out of her, just relishing in the feel of our bodies joined together. I press my mouth to hers, just feeling her warm breaths on my lips. “This is the part I love most,” I whisper. “You never make me feel like I’m just a fuck. You make me feel like I’m a man.” I press a kiss beneath her eyes as tears sneak out. “You make me feel loved and wanted.”

  She smiles through her tears and it’s so beautiful. “I do love you and I’ll always want you.”

  I can feel the tears lodging in my throat. “Thank you for saving me, River.”

  “Oh, Baby,” she sobs, “it was you who saved me.”

  The End…

  Other books by Michelle Horst

  Wake Me Up

  A Tainted Ink Novel



  “I’ll be like Mum.” It makes me sick to my stomach to say this. My grandfather was a drunk. She is a drunk. I don’t want to be a drunk.

  I want to scream this at her, but I can’t. I can only sit still. I’m drowning in the disgusting feelings suffocating the air out of my lungs, until my chest starts to ache. It hurts to listen to my mum, but I can’t bring myself to move. Years of conditioning and fear keeps me frozen to the spot.

  “You just read those books, that’s all you do,” she goes on. “You’re throwing your life away. There’s no silver lining, no happily ever afters, no fairy tales. Life is hard, babes,” she leans over and hisses in my face. Her stinking breath wafts over me, sticking to my skin. “And without me you won’t make it. EVER.”

  She sits back and her chin wobbles. Oh no, not the tears!

  I have to hold her. It’s the only way to calm her down. I get up and go to her, my body feeling rigid. It feels as if every muscle is fighting me, wanting to run the other way. I reach out to her, my arms feeling like rubber. I hug her to my chest and another wave of disgust wells up in me, threatening to squeeze the last bit of life from my body. The smell of her greasy hair makes my stomach turn. The clamminess of her alcohol-drenched skin sticks to my hands.


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