Breaking the Routine
Page 3
“Alright follow me,” Sam relented but was silently cursed herself for giving up so quickly. Why the hell did she smile back, he is only doing this to make a fool out of her, she scolded silently. He had a stupid grin on his face as he held his arm out for her to take but she just walked passed him to her car. There was no way she would touch him any time soon, she didn’t like at all how her body reacted when she did, she need to keep herself logical. Logic was good.
The drive to the small diner where she always ate her lunch had never felt so long in her life. It didn’t help at all that she could literally feel him looking at her the whole time. She tried hard to keep her attention on the road as she kept expecting him to say something but he was completely silent which she didn’t know if that was a good thing or not. Either way she felt as if she was on the brink of going insane when they finally arrived. Sam thanked God once more as she got out of the car.
“Dottie’s Diner,” he asked looking up at the little diner.
“It may not have a menu like you have in New York but Dottie is the best cook in town,” she replied with a flat tone walking towards the diner trying to put as much distance between them as possible.
“Well that’s good enough for me,” he stated closing the distance between them till he stood by her side. She cursed mentally as he opened the door for her, the simple gesture made her stomach twist and her pulse quicken.
“Good afternoon, Sam dear, what can I get you and your friend today,” the middle age woman asked putting emphasis on the word friend with a large grin on her aged face. She eyed David who followed Sam like some lost puppy and sat at her booth right in front of her. Sam felt herself blush and she pretended to look at the menu.
“He’s the new guy my dad has been excited about, Dottie this is David Andrews. Mr. Andrews this is Dottie Sanders,” she mumbled behind the menu.
“Please call me David, and it’s nice to meet you. I hear your cooking is the best in the whole town,” he told her and Dottie beamed with pride before turning to face Sam.
“Oh this one is a keeper,” she said winking and Sam felt her face reach a brighter shade of red as she buried her face further into the menu. Oh great, now rumors will start to fly, she thought grumpily finally ordering a salad but she didn’t think she would be able to eat anything despite the fact she didn’t eat anything that morning.
Her stomach was nothing but a mass of knots now and David just laughed seemingly oblivious of her suffering as he gave Dottie his order. Why did she ever let Tabby talk her in to that stupid weekend, she pouted. Once she felt her face return to normal she lowered the menu from her face.
“So I am a keeper huh,” he asked with his bright sexy smile and amusement written all over his face. She covered her face with her hands trying to hide the awful blush that tinted her face a bright red.
“This is not funny,” she demanded between her fingers which only got him to laughing again and he leaned over the table.
“I actually think it’s hilarious! I guess you’re not much of a wildcat after all,” he mused and she glared at him. He was obviously not going to let what happened in New York stay in New York. It was only a matter of time before the whole town found out. She was ruined; her life was totally over from now on.
Chapter 3 Last Night in Town
David Andrews looked at the building with the bright flashing neon sign before him and sighed loudly. He really didn’t want to go to the club tonight. The fact was that he didn’t like clubbing as much as he use to anymore. The only women at those clubs were never the ones looking for a relationship but a bit of fun. Fun is great when you’re twenty but he was no longer twenty and no longer just wanted fun from women.
So obviously none of the women in this place were able to give him what he was looking for. However his friend, Mark, insisted that David go with him since it was his last night in the city. Of course, David played the good friend and reluctantly agreed.
They got into the club quickly since Mark was good friends with the bouncer. He looked around his once favorite weekend spot. Great the place is packed he thought grumpily as he waded through the mass of people to the bar and called to the bartender. He was going to need a drink if he was going to stick it out with his friend.
“Hey David, haven’t seen you in a while. What can I get you,” the bartender asked and he ordered his usual. When he finally got his drink he took a slow drink ignoring the looks of some of the women had already started giving him. Mark nudged him looking excited about something.
“See those two,” Mark said as he pointed to two girls dancing with each other.
“Yeah what about them,” David asked not really looking at them; he wasn’t in the least bit interested in a single woman at this place.
“The blond is really hot. Let’s ask them dance,” Mark replied eagerly and he groaned quietly hoping his friend wasn’t going to drag him over there.
“Why let’s, you want to dance with her then go and ask!” He snapped feeling that his friend was really abusing the whole friendship code tonight.
“Ah come on man, you know perfectly well she won’t dance with me if I don’t have someone for the other girl,” Mark explained giving him a pleading look. He sighed dramatically, it was bad enough that Mark dragged him to this place but now he wanted David to entertain “the friend” which was probably ugly as hell. Hot women never surrounded themselves with other hot women.
“Fine, whatever, just one dance,” he said finishing off his drink and followed his friend. Mark seriously owed him for this, he vowed as they walked toward the two women.
“Is this a private party or can anyone join?” Mark asked and David groaned silently. Now that was lame, he thought as they turned to face them. The blonde tapped finger on her chin gave them a sly smile.
“I don’t know, what you think Wildcat can they join?” she asked turning to her friend. David feeling bored already, turned to look at the other woman; she blushed and glared at her friend. A small smile threatened to break his grim face as he looked her over. The brunette wasn’t what he had been expecting at all. She was in fact quiet attractive with a nice the girl next door allure about her. Something told him she wasn’t like all the other women in this club. She smiled up at them with the sexiest smile David had seen in a long time.
“Sure why not,” she said taking the hand he hadn’t realized he was offering. He felt his hand warm at her touch as they started to dance.
A smile spread across his face feeling he may enjoy the night after all. David placed his hands on her hips as they began to dance to the music. He couldn’t help but notice how nervous she seemed at first and found it strange at how he liked it.
When the song ended she stepped back and he found he wasn’t ready to part from her. So as soon as the next song started he pulled her closer to him. She smiled that sexy smile up at him again making his heart skip a beat or two. He couldn’t stop staring at her, especially her lips. God he known her for less than five minutes but if he didn’t kiss her soon he was going to go crazy. When he had found the courage to try and kiss her the blonde had interrupted them.
“Hey Wildcat,” she called out to the brunette who stepped away from him and turned to her friend. Damn it, he cursed silently, he wanted her all to himself. “Bring you’re hotty over to the bar. I think we need more to drink!” The blonde gave her friend a wink and led Mark over to the bar.
He wanted to tell the blonde to get lost but decided to play nice and he looked at his dance partner with mocked confusion. “Your hotty,” he asked trying to give her a smile as sexy as the ones she gave him. She started laughing and the sound vibrated through him giving him goose bumps all over.
“She said it, not me. That’s Wallflower,” she told him and walked towards her friend. Wallflower, he repeated in silently then pondered for a moment before noticing that she was nearly at the bar and he quickly followed not wanting to let her get to far away from him.
“Here you go Wildcat bottoms
up,” Wallflower said handing the brunette a small shot glass.
“Thanks…Wallflower,” she replied with a playful tone. Mark handed David a drink with a large grin on his face then wrapped one arm around the blonde. Mark was obviously enjoying his dancing partner as much as he was. He took a small drink from his drink as he watched the girls down their drinks and the blond handed the brunette another. He frowned for a second; he preferred to have his dance partner sober tonight.
Wildcat coughed and he could see her eyes water. She was obviously not a heavyweight drinker which was good news to him. He leaned over so he could whisper in her ear, “for a wildcat you don’t seem to be that much of a drinker.” He could see her shiver slightly and hoped it wasn’t because she got a chill. She finished the drink she held then looked towards him.
“I make it up in other things,” Wildcat replied with a naughty smile that made his blood near dangerously it’s boiling point.
“Oh really and what things would that be exactly,” David asked moving closer to her enjoying himself more and more.
“Now it wouldn’t be any fun if I told you that now would it,” she said looking up at him with her creamy brown eyes. His heart raced and he realized he would do anything to have her tonight. His arms wrapped around her waist closing the distance between them.
“No, I guess it wouldn’t be,” he said looking at her letting his desire show and he loved how she seemed to be surprised by it. He couldn’t wait any longer he just had to kiss her! David lowered his face closer to hers till their lips almost touched when she suddenly backed away from him and he noticed a slight look of panic cross her face. He groaned inwardly and attempted to keep his disappointment hidden but he was also glad. It was only more of a sign that she wasn’t like the other women he usually met in this place.
“I think I would like to dance some more,” she suddenly announced and he nodded more than happy to get her away from the bar. His gaze was trapped in her eyes as he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. He pulled her very close to him; he needed to feel her skin against his. He loved how her body seemed to fit perfectly against his.
He kept staring at her amazed at how much she had managed to affect him in such a short amount of time, hell he didn’t even know her name! She looked up at him and blushed a sexy shade of pink as she smiled at him. He couldn’t help but return it as he moved one of his hands along her back enjoying the feel of her soft skin till he reached her shoulder. He felt the urge to kiss her build up to irresistible limits once more and he lowered his face towards hers.
David stopped and waited when their lips were very close to touching to see if she would try and pull back from him again. Much to his delight she didn’t and he kissed her hungrily which only grew hungrier as she kissed him back. He felt the world stop as she pressed herself against him and gave him access to her mouth without him asking. He explored her mouth wanting to taste every bit of her as he pulled her in closer.
He needed to have her tonight more than he ever needed any woman before. She moaned quietly filling his body with waves of pleasure. He moved his hand that rested on her hip slowly to her bottom and squeezed it softly enjoying the feel of it in his hand. How she could be so perfect, he asked silently. David ended the kiss knowing if he didn’t stop now he wouldn’t be able to later. He smiled at her and she blushed yet again. He loved watching her blush knowing that he was the cause of it but wondered what was going through her mind at that moment.
They danced for a little while longer and as much as he enjoyed being there with her, his desire to have her all to himself was growing quickly. He leaned down till his lips were nearly touching her ear. “Want to go somewhere more private Wildcat,” David asked before he realized just what he was asking. He scolded himself. She didn’t look like that type of woman and he was sure she would never agree to it. He tried to look cool but knew he would be crushed when she rejected him.
David felt crippled with panic realizing he probably just screwed the whole night. Wildcat nibbled her bottom lip and he swallowed a moan, every little thing she did was turning him on. He felt like an eternity had passed before him while he waited for some kind of answer. “I would love to,” she said finally to him flashing him another one of those smiles and he could have jumped for joy.
A huge grin spread across his face as he led her out of the club thrilled that she actually said yes and he was going to spend the night with her. He held her closely in front of him as he hailed a taxi not able to resist kissing her beautiful slender neck. She shivered at the touch of his lips against her skin sending a feeling a satisfaction throughout him. As soon as the cab came to a stop he rushed to open the door for her, wanting her to feel like a lady tonight and was rewarded by one of her beautiful smiles.
Once they were both in the cab he told the driver the address of his hotel. He wished his apartment wasn’t empty now so he didn’t have to take her to the hotel. He really didn’t want her to think that he was a player that only had the intention to have a night of fun then move on to the next woman. Tonight they would have their fun but tomorrow he would learn everything he could about her he swore as he cupped her face in his hand and kissed her incredible lips again.
The taxi came to a stop and David almost wished he was at a hotel farther away so he wouldn’t have to break their kiss. He quickly and happily paid the driver knowing shortly he would be able to continue kissing her and more. He wrapped his arm around her possessively and took her hand with his other one. He had to force himself to walk calmly towards the hotel and not throw her over his shoulder then take off running like he so badly wanted to.
“Good evening can I get you anything,” a bell boy asked as soon as they entered the hotel. David narrowed his eyes at him as warning as he shook his head no. He kept her close to him as he led her to his room making sure everyone knew that she was with him.
David’s pulse quicken to alarming speeds when he finally saw his room. He had a little trouble getting the card key into the door, but once it was open he eagerly pulled her into his room. As soon as the door was shut he pinned her against the wall with his body, his desire was just too great, he need to kiss her again now. “Now where did we leave off,” he asked gruffly and another sexy smile crossed her lips that just increased his lust.
He crashed his lip against hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling herself closer towards him. He reached down and grabbing her and pulling her up till she could wrap her legs around his waist. Her fingers tangled into his hair and he let a low long moan feeling waves of pleasure shoot down from his scalp and into the rest of his body. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her from the wall and towards the bed.
This was looking to be the best night of his life he thought as he laid her gently on the bed wanting to take things slow despite his level of arousal. He trailed kisses down her neck relishing the taste of her skin. “You’re incredible you know that Wildcat,” he told her honestly as he explored her body with his hands. He saw her blush again just before he devoured her lips with his. The next morning David woke up with a yawn. With his eyes still closed he rolled over searching for his wildcat with an arm, he needed to feel her body against his again, but he realized he was in the bed alone. He sat up confused and looked around the room seeing no sign of her. Her clothes were not where he threw them and the night stand didn’t have a note.
He fell back on the bed with a pit in his stomach and an ache in his chest he never felt before. Did she really just leave without say anything? He couldn’t believe it. He groaned loudly realizing that he had been played. She was just like the rest, only looking for a bit of fun, a one night stand. That nice girl act was just that, an act. He threw the sheets off of him grumbling as he got up off the bed and into the bathroom.
He turned on the shower, wondering how he could be so stupid. Once under the steamy water the events of last night passed through his head and he felt his body react to her memory. He scowled demanding to himself to f
orget about her. At least she gave him a good time, he thought with a nasty smile. He shut off the water wrapping himself in a towel as he heard his phone ring. “What,” he barked in answer.
“Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Mark joked with a laugh.
“Worse, woke up alone,” he replied moodily.
“Ouch, got played did you?” Marked asked keeping his teasing tone.
“Yeah something like that, you want something,” David snapped not in the mood to be messed with.
“Wow, she must have been something to get you that bitchy!” Mark continued barley keeping his laughter under control.
“I am glad you find this whole thing amusing but I am about three seconds from hanging up on your ass,” David threatened.
“I am sorry man; let me treat you to a late breakfast.” Mark replied trying to keep the amusement out of his voice but David heard it all the same.
“As long as we are going someplace good,” he said pointedly.
“Okay how about the little coffee shop off 1st and 3rd,” Mark asked and David agreed telling him he would be there soon then snapped the phone shut. He dressed quickly and gave one quick look around the room hoping to see a note that he could have possibly missed but of course didn’t see anything.
Mark sat at the little café with a coffee and cinnamon roll already. He wore a nasty smirk on his face when he saw David arrive. “There is the little broken heart now,” Mark teased and David glared at him.
“Say that again and I am going to make you the little broken nose,” he growled and his friend tried to stifle a laugh. “I am not broken hearted anyways, just pissed that she left.” He added before he gave the waitress his order moodily ignoring the fact she was practically drooling over the both of them. He was done with women; they weren’t worth the trouble that was very clear to him now. “So why are you so interested in my night? Trying to hide the fact you went home alone,” David sneered nastily but Mark just looked as smug as ever.