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Love Me (Coopers Creek #1)

Page 6

by Bronwen Evans

  Hayley laughed as Emily shared it on her timeline.

  “There. Now you’ll be even more famous. All right. Time for this little reporter to get her bath and go to bed,” Emily said.

  “Aww, do I have to?” Hayley asked, her smile disappearing.

  “Yes, you do,” Emily said. “It’s almost your bedtime.”

  Hayley looked at Tyler for help, but he shook his head. “Better do as Emily says.” He may not know much about raising a child, but he knew that it wasn’t a good thing when adults didn’t back each other up. “I’ll read you a story when you’re ready for bed.”

  Somewhat mollified, Hayley got off the bed and left the room.

  Chapter Seven

  Emily closed her laptop. “I guess I’ll go help her get bathed.”

  Tyler said, “I want to apologize about earlier. I acted like an ass and I’m sorry.”

  “Yes, you did. I hope you’re not going to be suspicious of me for the next year,” she responded. “It’s going to be a very unpleasant time if you are.”

  Knowing she was right, Tyler blew out a breath. “Yeah, I know. I’m going to work on that.”

  The sadness that entered her eyes tugged at his heart. “You’re never going to forgive me even though I didn’t do anything wrong, are you? You’re so determined to blame me for something that wasn’t my fault that you can’t see the truth.”

  Tyler tensed as her criticism stung. “I don’t think it’s good for us to go down this road. I’ll be in my room whenever Hayley’s ready for her story.”

  Trust. Such a small word but it held such power. The power to rip your heart out.

  He’d trusted before. His father. The man who was supposed to put his family first. Instead, due to his father’s fraud they’d lost the ranch, their way of life, and the only family home they had ever known. His father, the man he’d looked up to had lied to Tyler’s face and Tyler couldn’t help the shields he used to ensure he’d never suffer such pain again. Being careful with his emotions was now second nature to him. Lizzie’s senseless death sealed his shields shut.

  He left the room, irritated that she hadn’t accepted his apology and that she didn’t see that her inaction had resulted in the death of his sister. Why could people not accept and own their mistakes?

  If Emily had only told him where Lizzie had gone that night, if Emily had trusted him to know what was best for his sister, Hayley would still have her mother. How did he forgive that betrayal? Emily supposedly pledged her heart to him. How could she love him yet betray him at the same time?

  It was like his father all over again. His father said he loved him, loved his family, yet by his weakness he’d destroyed those he loved. Jack Jeffries hadn’t protected the family he loved and at fifteen being left in charge, Tyler’s world had changed. The family lost the ranch to pay his father’s debt and ended up with enough for a small house at the edge of town. His mother had to work in the local diner and thank God Tyler got a scholarship to college or he would not be where he was today. The day he’d been able to buy his mother this house and see her retire was the proudest moment of his life.

  He’d never be like his father. He always put his family first and if that meant he was a tad overprotective so be it. He would never apologize for caring too much.

  His mood completely sour now, he went to his room and started checking email on his laptop. He tried to concentrate on work, but it was hard when the woman who’d betrayed him was just down the hall. Yes, this was going to be a very long year.


  The next few weeks were fraught with tension between Tyler and Emily. They worked hard at keeping things civil and lighthearted when Hayley was around, but usually once she was in bed, they went their separate ways.

  The times when Tyler stayed in Denver at Ric ’s apartment, he was torn between loneliness and relief that he didn’t have to keep up the pretense of being happy. He never saw women when he was in Cooper’s Creek and he hadn’t been with a woman since leaving New York. He thought about seeing a woman when in Denver but the desire wasn’t there.

  His hand was the only thing seeing any action. He knew that it was because he wanted Emily. She was the one he burned for. Still, there was nothing he could do about it except grit his teeth and bear it.

  He settled in well at the Denver office, although there were a few people he butted heads with because they weren’t used to his management style. Unlike Ric , Tyler was very strict. He expected people to do their job and follow orders. As hard as others worked, Tyler worked even harder. A detail-oriented person, he followed through on each task, never quitting until he’d finished. His word was his bond and he expected his staff to be the same. Don’t promise to deliver and not follow through.

  While living with Emily was a trial, it was just the opposite being around Hayley all the time. It was different than when they’d been in New York because Hayley was so much happier in Cooper’s Creek. He loved hearing her giggle and having her tell him all about her day whenever he came home.

  He was learning what fatherhood entailed. Putting others first. Caring for those you love and protecting them. Although he’d made some blunders, they weren’t anything major. He now approached learning parenting skills the same way he did everything: with determination to master it, no matter what it took.

  On Hayley’s first day of school, Tyler went with Emily to drop her off. He knew that parents often found watching their kids go off to school for the first time hard, but he hadn’t expected it to be an emotional experience for him.

  They all got out of the Beast after parking in the proper lane by the school. Tyler didn’t understand the need to have different lanes. They’d never had them when he’d been a kid.

  Emily hugged Hayley. “You be a good girl for Mrs. Kaye, okay?”

  Hayley nodded. “I will.”

  Emily kissed Hayley’s cheek and released her.

  Tyler crouched down as she came over to him. She hugged him around the neck and he enveloped her in a tight embrace. “You have a good day. Have fun.”


  Tyler found it hard to let her go, but he forced himself to loosen his hold on her.

  Hayley kissed his cheek. “I love you.”

  Cupping her chin, he said, “I love you, too,” kissed her and stood up. “Go on now, so that you’re not late.”

  Hayley gave Emily a last hug and trotted off to join a group of her friends. They giggled together and then their teacher ushered them inside.

  Tears stung Tyler’s eyes and he blinked them back. Then he caught Emily smiling at him. “What?” he asked defensively.

  She laughed. “You’re crying.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are.” Her eyes glittered with laughter. “It’s okay. You’re not the first man to feel that way on his little girl’s first day of school. And you haven’t done it before. It’s understandable. And very sweet.”

  The man who was known for his cool detachment and cutthroat business persona was turned to mush by watching his niece go to school on her first day of second grade. “She’s just so little. It doesn’t seem right her going off on her own like that.”

  Emily put a hand to her mouth. “I have to say that right at this moment, you’re adorable. The big, bad Tyler Jeffries getting all sentimental is quite a sight indeed.”

  “Shut up.” There was no bite to his words, though. He laughed a little and brushed away a tear. “Let’s go.”

  Someone called to Emily and they turned around. Emily groaned quietly as a beautiful brunette trotted over to them. Tyler took it that Emily didn’t like this woman. Being a guy, Tyler couldn’t help noticing her long, shapely legs, which her mid-thigh length black skirt showed off. Her full breasts bounced beneath her dark blue blouse. Appreciation shone in her blue eyes as she looked him over.

  “Hello, Emily. Where have you been hiding him?” she asked.

  Emily said, “Hi, Jan. This is Hayley’s uncle, Tyler Jeffries.
Tyler, this is Jan Carmichael. Her daughter, Paula, is one of Hayley’s best friends.”

  Emily’s cool tone said that she didn’t consider Jan a friend just because the two little girls were.

  Jan’s gaze raked over Tyler in a predatory manner, but Tyler was used to such perusal, so it didn’t faze him. “This gorgeous man is the one living with you? I’m green with envy,” she said, holding out her perfectly manicured hand.

  Tyler took it and bowed over it a little. “A pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Carmichael.”

  Jan squeezed his hand. “It’s Ms. Carmichael. I’m afraid that I’m all alone.”

  She doesn’t look all that broken up over it, Tyler thought with amusement. He was getting a kick out of her flirty behavior. “Oh. Pardon me, Ms. Carmichael. I didn’t realize. I’m surprised that such a beautiful woman would be without gentlemanly company.”

  Jan squeezed his hand again. “Be careful flattering me like that. I just might fall in love with you.”

  “That would be a big mistake,” Emily said. “Tyler isn’t into serious relationships.”

  Tyler gave Emily a sharp look and received one in return.

  Not to be deterred, Jan said, “Maybe he just hasn’t met the right woman.”

  Emily smiled tightly. “I don’t think there is one. Well, we have to go. Tyler has a long drive to work and I’m holding him up enough as it is.”

  Jan let Tyler’s hand go. “Don’t let me keep you in that case. Make sure you give Tyler my number, just in case there’s ever an emergency or something.”

  Tyler smiled at her forward behavior, knowing exactly what she meant by “something”. He noticed the pink tinge to Emily’s cheeks. “That’s a good idea. Well, Jan, it was good to meet you. Take care.”

  They turned away from Jan and Emily walked angrily over to the Beast and yanked the passenger door open. Tyler kept a straight face as he watched her climb in and then jogged around to the driver’s side.

  Once he was in the seat, he said, “She seems nice.”


  Emily said, “Sure, if you like vampires or leeches.”

  Tyler smiled. “Well, vampires are very sexy and popular.”

  “Give me your phone. I’ll put her number in it for you.” Emily hated herself for being jealous, but she was also protective of Tyler. She didn’t want a gold-digger sinking her claws into him.

  Who am I kidding? Tyler is more than able to take care of himself. I’m sure he’s fended off his share of would-be Mrs. Jeffries.

  When Tyler handed her his phone, she caught the ghost of a smile on his face, but ignored it as she opened his contact list. Or tried to. She accidentally hit his text message icon and they popped up. She looked for the button to return to his home screen, but couldn’t find it. However, she did see an interesting text from someone named Darcy.

  Heard you were back. Shame we couldn’t catch up last week when you were in Denver. Looking forward to a reunion some time soon.

  Completely pissed off even though she had no right to be, Emily finally found the button for his home screen and got out of the text messages.

  “Everything okay?” Tyler asked.

  “No. I hate your phone,” Emily said, handing it back. “It’s too complicated. I’ll just text you Jan’s number.”

  Tyler chuckled. “If you think my phone is bad, you should see Chase’s. I think it’s got every app known to man on it.”

  Does it have a text from Darcy on it? Stop it! “I’m not surprised since he’s such a tech savvy guy.”

  Emily couldn’t look at him because she didn’t want him to see how flustered she was by either the exchange with Jan or the text message she’d accidentally read. Instead, she looked out the window as Tyler pulled away from the school, waving at a couple of the other parents they passed.

  “There’s tech savvy and then there’s obsessed. I think he’d die if he didn’t have a phone. He’s always doing something on it,” Tyler said. “Why did you call Jan a vampire?”

  Emily willed herself to smile at him. “Well, she’s been married two times and the only reason she divorced the men was because they didn’t make as much money as she thought they should. The last guy was the richest and pays her a hefty alimony. That and the sky-high child support she gets for Paula means she doesn’t have to work.”

  “Ah,” Tyler said in understanding. “You’re right. I’ll steer clear of that. I’m not really into vampires or leeches.”

  Emily let her gaze travel over him. In his black suit that was tailored to fit his delectable body and his attractively styled, short-cropped hair, he looked hotter than any man had a right to. It was no wonder that Jan had been drooling over him. A lot of the women there had been staring at Tyler and she couldn’t blame them.

  “What is your type these days, Tyler?” When he opened his mouth, Emily said, “No, no. Let me guess. Supermodels with—”

  “Don’t.” All traces of humor were gone from his voice and his eyes had turned silver. “Just don’t, Emily. Your idea of what I’m into and what I actually like are most likely very different.”

  Emily crossed her arms over her chest. “I doubt that, but fine. Who pissed in your Cheerios?”

  He didn’t respond, instead turning his attention back to the road. Emily looked out the window again and tried to ignore him for the rest of the ride. As soon as they arrived at the house, Emily jumped down from the Beast and went inside without saying anything more to Tyler.

  Intending to work, she started to put more coffee on. She still heard the H3’s motor running and looked out the window to see why Tyler hadn’t left. Then the engine stopped and Tyler got out, striding towards the house with an angry look on his face.

  When he came inside, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

  She backed up when he quickly closed the distance between them. Her rear bumped into the counter and she couldn’t retreat any farther. The heat in his eyes mesmerized her.

  “You want to know what I’m into, Emily? What I’d like to get into? You. You’re in my dreams every night and I wake up rock-hard because I want you so much.”

  Emily was so shocked that she couldn’t utter one single sound.

  “I’ve taken more cold showers this past month than I can count because I can’t get the images of you spread-eagle underneath me out of my mind or forget the way you taste under my tongue,” he continued, his voice husky.

  His words conjured those very pictures in her mind and her breathing grew shallow. The memories of what it had felt like to hold on to his shoulders as he’d driven into her rose up and she lowered her gaze to his mouth. He moved closer yet and Emily could feel his body heat and smell the slightly woodsy cologne he wore.

  “Every night I want to take you to bed and fuck you until dawn. Remember all the times we did that? I sure as hell do.”

  His crude words should have offended her, but instead, they aroused her intensely. Of course, Tyler’s deep, sexy voice could make even the most vulgar language sound elegant.

  “Yes. I remember,” she whispered. He was torturing her and she wanted to return the favor. “I remember all the times we fucked until dawn.”

  “Christ almighty, Emily!”

  The next thing she knew, Emily found herself sitting on the counter with Tyler’s hips between her legs. He cupped the back of her head and held her in place while he pressed his lips to hers. Unlike when they’d kissed in her hotel room, Emily parted her lips for him immediately, as hungry for him as he was for her.

  Winding her arms around his neck, she pulled him down to her, thrusting her fingers into his thick hair. Their tongues met in a fiery duel that flamed her desire higher. His hands splayed across her back, pulling her harder against him and she instinctively spread her legs wider.

  He rocked his hips forward and even through her jeans shorts and his dress pants she could feel his erection. She desperately wanted to touch him and before she could stop herself, she worked one of her hands between them and did just that.
He growled into her mouth and rubbed against her hand.

  Breaking the kiss, she undid his belt and unfastened his pants. They slid down to his knees just as a knock came at the kitchen door. Emily looked up into his stormy eyes and then back down at the way his black briefs jutted out from his body. She wanted what she was looking at. Wanted it bad.

  The knock sounded again. “I forgot that Brooke was coming over this morning.”

  “Fuck!” Tyler ground out between his clenched teeth and yanked his pants back up with a pained expression. “I can’t drive like this. I’ll break it off on the steering wheel. Not to mention I’d hit her with it as I passed her going out the door. God damn it.”

  Emily couldn’t help giggling even though she was just as frustrated. Tyler threw her a dirty look and left the kitchen. Then she heard his steps on the stairs and had an idea of what he’d gone upstairs to do. That knowledge didn’t cool her overheated body down any.

  She slid off the counter and took a couple of deep breaths, thankful that where they’d just been making out wasn’t visible from the kitchen door. After one more breath, she opened the door and smiled at her best friend.

  “Hi. C’mon in,” she said.

  Brooke entered, giving Emily an odd look. “You okay? You look a little flushed.”

  “Don’t start playing Florence Nightengale, Nurse Daniels,” Emily said. “I was just arguing with Tyler, so I’m a little hot under the collar.” Not the right body part, but it sounds plausible.

  “Yeah, I see that he’s still here,” Brooke said.

  “We took Hayley to school together and he brought me back home. He forgot something upstairs.” I sure wish I could forget what he’s got upstairs.


  Tyler was just getting ready to take his problem in hand when his phone rang, or more accurately, said, “Hey, answer me! Chase is calling you!” in Chase’s voice. Chase had put the ringtone on Tyler’s phone a while back.

  “Oh, God, not now.” When his problem began deflating, Tyler changed his mind. “Perfect timing, actually.” He pulled his phone out of his suit jacket pocket, hit the answer button, and put it on speaker phone. “What do you want?”


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