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Guardian Witch

Page 6

by Valia Lind


  We spend most of the day at the library. Miss Myla keeps coming in and out, always bringing more books, answering whatever questions we may have. I haven't asked her about soulmates again. And sadly, even after all this research, we still only have minimal knowledge of what we're up against.

  When my phone buzzes on a table, I realize it has grown dark outside. We've been here for hours.

  Come outside.

  It's a text from Connor. He can't come into the library, as he's not of our blood, and I stand, stretching my aching limbs. Bri looks up, but before she can ask the question, Mama walks into the front door.

  "Mama!" I exclaim, as she greets Miss Myla, before turning to us.

  "Hello, girls. I figured you would be hungry. I brought you some food as well." That last part is directed at the librarian and I smile. Whatever she may be, Mama is a good leader. She's taken care of the people in this town for such a long time, I can't imagine what will happen when it's Brianna's turn. As it stands now, she will be taking Mama's place, although that's been up for some debate lately as to when. I see now that the delays have been because of the danger growing around us. Not that Bri couldn’t handle it. It’s that I know Mama wouldn’t want to put that kind of a pressure on her.

  Bri stands as well, reaching for the food, and placing a quick kiss of thanks on Mama's cheek. Mama watches me carefully, and a huge part of me just wants to rush outside, but I've been plenty disrespectful as it is. I can't keep doing this, not to her. But after a tense moment, Mama sighs, taking a chair and sitting down gracefully.

  "He's outside," she says and it's my turn to lean down to give her a kiss, before I hurry out of the building.

  Connor is standing right outside the doors, looking up. The colors are changing as the moon takes it's place in the night sky. His body tenses, as I step outside. But even before he turns, I see him relax, as if he was afraid I wouldn't come out.

  "Hey," I mumble, suddenly feeling unsure.

  "Hey yourself," he turns, smiling, as he comes towards me. He reaches for my hands, as if he can't help himself, and my own body answers in turn. The moment our skin touches, an electric current rushes over my skin, igniting me from inside out. I'm unable to hide my gasp at the reaction, but when I glance up at Connor, he looks just as awed as I am.

  "How is Evan?" I ask, trying to reign in some control of my over excited nerves. Connor smirks, as if he knows what I'm doing, but instantly sobers as the concern shines in his eyes.

  "He's holding on. Your mother was able to slow down the spread of the magic, but it's a curse, unlike anything they've seen. She said she needs some information and the help of the other elders. But he's okay for now."

  I can see just how worried he is, and I'm honored he's letting me witness this part of him. A pack leader is never vulnerable, but Connor has shown me side of himself I don't think anyone ever sees.

  "We'll figure this out," I whisper, placing my hand against his cheek. His breath hitches at the contact, and I grow bolder, running my fingers to the back of his neck. The movement brings our foreheads together, and suddenly, we're breathing the same air. The sky above us darkens, as the space around us becomes alight with passion and want.

  Just as suddenly, Connor takes a step away and out of my arms. Instantly, I feel ten degrees colder and I wrap my arms around myself to keep the hurt from spilling out.

  "I'm sorry," he says over his shoulder, keeping his back to me. I don't understand what's happening, but the one time I grew bolder, he pushed me away. It's difficult not to read too much into it.

  "You have nothing to be sorry about," I say, and my voice comes out stronger than I thought it would. He turns to look at me then and I see the warring regret and desire in his eyes and just like that, I know this isn't about us.

  "My mother talked to you, didn't she?"

  He tries to mask his surprise, but I'm getting good at reading him. Throwing my hands up in the air, it's my turn to step away. I do so, and my feet carry me away from the library. I'm too close to her right now. Too close to the heritage that's keeping me away from the one man that has ever ignited every part of me.

  "Harper, wait up," he jogs to catch up to me, but I'm not slowing down. The need to get away from everything I've ever known is burning inside of me like a flame. It's so hard to reconcile the rules I've grown up with to the feelings I'm experiencing now.


  It's the concern in his voice that gets to me. We're right on the outskirts of the Main Street and I stop to let him say whatever he wants to say.

  "I'm sorry," he repeats his earlier words, but this time, they hold the regret I'm feeling. He comes around to stand in front of me, peering down into my face. I'm unable to meet his eye, but he won't have it. His finger touches my chin, just barely, raising it so I'm looking up.

  "I'm trying here," he whispers, "Trying to keep it all together. To make sure my pack survives whatever is coming."

  "And you don't want the elder of the witches to be on your bad side," I finish, surprise flickering in his eyes. "I know what my mother would say to keep you in check and the fate of your people, well, let's just say it's what I would use as leverage as well. I am my mother's daughter."

  "But you are also so much more."

  At first, I don't think he meant to say those words, but then my eye latch onto his and I can't seem to look away. There is so much emotion in him, I don't understand how he doesn't become consumed by all of it.

  "But I'm not," I finally say, my voice barely above a whisper. "I am raised to stand beside my coven, first and foremost. Bri will take over as an elder when it's time, and I will be her second in command. Her beta."

  His eyes flicker at my use of the term, but he doesn't comment as I rush on.

  "Everything I have ever done has groomed me to be just like her. My decisions, my magic, it's all to serve this greater good and our community. Who's to say my actions wouldn't mirror hers if I was the one in charge?"

  "I do!" His fierce words seem to echo around us. "I do," he adds a bit more softly, and this time, he's the one to cup my cheeks. "I've known you for many years. When we were kids and weren't even allowed to know each other's names, we still spent time together and those memories by the river are some of my favorite childhood memories. I have followed your journey, even while I was away, always asking my brothers about you, because there was something about you I just couldn't let go.

  When I saw you standing over Evan in the forest, I was terrified I was conjuring you up, now that I was so close to you. It's been years since I've seen you and yet, there you were. Beautiful and fierce, just like you've been in my mind all these years. And you've shown compassion, when others would've ran. You stood up to your family, when others would've stepped down. You are so much more than what your mother has raised you to be. You are your own person, and a wonderfully brave one at that."

  There's nothing for me to say and the tears that well up in my eyes are a testament to the emotions running through me. Maybe there are a million things I can do here, but I do just one.

  Reaching up on my tiptoes, I push past doubts and confusion, and I kiss him.

  The world seems to explode into color around us. He doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around my waist, hoisting me up and closer to him in the same motion. I feel him in every part of my being, as if two halves of a whole have finally come together. His mouth takes dominance over mine, and we savor each other in a fury of desire.

  He tastes like sunshine in a midst of a storm, like a tornado sweeping over land. He sends my head spinning, while holding me like I’m the most precious commodity. There is nothing but me and him and the magic that binds us together. No matter what anyone says or does, I will remember this moment for the rest of my life. It’s the moment I finally feel whole.

  When we come up for breath, both of us are panting as if we've just ran a marathon. Connor places his forehead over mine and he doesn't have to reach down, because he's still hol
ding me flush against his body. After a second, he lowers me gently, as I grip his forearms and try to find my footing.

  However, before I can come fully to my senses, Connor tenses. Glancing up, I find his eyes no longer on me, but somewhere distant. I feel the change in him, as he becomes fully alert.


  "Something's wrong."

  At his words, I unfurl my magic, reaching out to the space around us, looking for danger.

  "I smell blood," Connor says the moment I find it. Pushing away from him, I step around his tall body and race to the Main Street, the direction the blood is pulling me. He's right on my heels.

  When the street comes into view, I freeze in my tracks. I feel Connor come up beside me, his eyes on the horror in front of us. Gasping, I try to find the words, but nothing comes. Connor's hand takes mine, and I hold on to it like a lifeline. Tears run down my cheeks without me realizing it, as I reach for my phone.

  "Mama," I hiccup, trying to find my breath.

  "Harper, what's wrong?"

  "Come to the Main Street. There are bodies. Everywhere."

  It doesn't take long for the street to fill with witches, shifters, and even humans. I sit on the bench, while Bri goes to grab us some coffee. I want to help, but Mama has specifically guided me to this bench and told me to stay put. Normally, I would disobey, but my feet can't seem to muster up the command of standing up and walking over to where the elders are huddled together.

  There is so much blood on the street. So far, they found five dead bodies. Two witches and three humans. I can't wrap my mind around what's happening to my town, but here is the evidence, plain and simple. We are not safe anymore.

  Bri comes back with two steaming cups, settling in the space beside me. I wrap my fingers around the warmth, not realizing just how frozen my fingers feel. Connor is across the street, speaking with Jefferson, but still glancing over his shoulder every few minutes, as if he's afraid I'll disappear.

  "He cares about you," Bri comments, after Connor turns and looks at me again. There's a heaviness in my chest at her words, because I care about him more than I can even explain. But how do I say that without sounding like a crazy person? What do I even know about him?

  "You're scared," Bri says when I don't speak up.

  "Stop reading me."

  "I don't have to read you to know. I'm your sister. It's written all over your face."

  I sigh heavily, rolling my eyes. She would be able to tell. She can tell more than I can even express. It's why she'll be taking Mama's place one day. She's the best at it.

  "You're scared because you care about him and you're afraid he's going to get hurt."

  I glance at her then, narrowing my eyes, but she smiles.

  "I'm not reading you," she repeats, then lowers her voice, "You shouldn't be afraid of what's between you."

  “When have you become such a Connor fan?” I ask, because being a brat is my best move right now. “Just this afternoon you told me this is hopeless, regardless of it maybe being the…fairytale story.”

  She squints her eyes at my roundabout way of saying soulmates prophecy, and I shrug. I’m not about to utter the word with so many ears around and she knows it.

  “I think,” she says, after a long pause, “that’s he’s good for you in a way you didn’t know you needed. Like Miss Myla said, there are no rule or reason with love.”

  "I don't even know him."

  "I think you know enough."

  We grow quiet then, as I mull over her words. She's right, of course. Even without this magical pull, I know what draws me to him. His heart. He cares about those around him, he's protective and a leader, all rolled into one very handsome package. A part of me wishes it wasn't so easy to like him. I wouldn't be in this mess.

  But before I can voice any of my concerns, I'm wrapped in a tight hug from behind. Turning my head slightly, I inhale Krista's unique scent, and place my hand over hers which are around my shoulders.

  "I've been so worried!" She says, as Bri and I scoot over to make room for her. "When Mom got the call, she started running around, grabbing all kinds of ingredients for spells I haven't even heard of before. We got here as soon as we could."

  I look over, noticing Krista's mom coming up to stand beside my own. They exchange a few words, before she starts passing out small pouches. Those who are here from the coven, spread out to each of the dead bodies, placing the pouch on them and murmuring words I can't hear.

  "I can't believe this is happening," I say, my eyes on the body across the street. Mama kneels down beside him, and I can feel her magic reach out to him. Connor and the rest of the shifters move to the side, allowing the cover to perform this ritual.

  "Do you know...them?" Krista asks in a barely audible voice, but I can still hear the fear. I'm feeling it myself.

  "Mama said it was a Sterrett and Spencer witches. Second generation."

  I don’t miss the significance of that. They are the ones who would take over for their mothers. Or would've taken over. It’s too much of a coincidence in my mind. We sit in tense silence, mulling over what that means for us. For it means for Bri.

  "Don't even think it," she snaps, turning to face Krista and me. I glance up in surprise, then I realize I feel it too. Krista is projecting. I glance at her, as she tries to reign in her emotions, but being so good at reading them, she can project just as strong.

  "Krista, it'll be okay. We'll figure it out." I say, trying to comfort her. She's the next in line in her family. Her sister is seven years younger.

  “Don’t you see? They were targeted. I can feel the elder’s concern all the way over here,” she glances at the few standing to the side, watching our mother’s perform the ritual.

  "It's not just me," she continues, taking a deep breath. "Bri is in danger too."

  "We're all in danger!" I say, cutting off whatever Bri was going to say. "Don't you see? It doesn't matter if you're the next in line, or just live here. Those humans didn't have any knowledge of our ways and they're dead. We all have to be on alert."

  My words sober them up, if only for a second. Krista reaches over and I take her hand, holding it in both of mine.

  "We'll get through this," I whisper, determined to make it so. Almost as if on their own accord, my eyes find Connor. He's standing to the side, to allow my mother the privacy as she finishes the ritual. As if he can feel me, his eyes find mine, and the connection I feel towards him becomes a live wire.

  "Is that him?" Krista asks with almost awe in her voice. He smiles in our direction like he heard us and I wonder if he really can. Ducking my head, I nod.

  "Holy hotness! You weren't kidding."

  Peeking through my hair, I see Connor grin and he totally heard that.

  "Krista, hush," I hiss, "He can hear us."

  "Oh yeah, shifter hearing." She's still gaping at him and I reach over and close her mouth for her. Just then, Mama stands, motioning for us and just like that, the moment is gone. The three of us stand, clasping hands, as we walk toward the side of the street where the elders and shifters are congregating. Connor doesn't hesitate to leave his spot beside Jefferson and moves over to stand behind me. I turn, just slightly to raise my eyebrow at him, but he just shrugs, keeping his eyes on my mother.

  When I look over at her, she's already looking at me and she doesn't seem happy. Neither do the rest of the council when I glance at them. I don't think this unhappiness has anything to do with what's going on and everything to do with Connor and I. Tuning the stares out, I focus on my mother, who is now standing up to talk.

  "I am saddened to say that this is no longer something that can be hidden. You have heard about the vandalisms, now you have seen the bodies. It is true. The Ancients have woken up and they are prepared to wreak havoc on our town and on every single member of our community. Here and wide.

  “That said," she doesn't allow time for her words to sink in, hurrying on, "No one is permitted outside alone. Battle magic is officially condone
d as a proper means of protection. Use whatever is necessary. No one is to enter the woods," her eyes pierce mine, her voice dangerously low. "This is not a request. The shifters and we have joined forces and we will keep each other safe."

  She is a leader through and through. She didn't even cringe when she said that. While witches and shifters coexist, we are not exactly friends. But none of that matters now. We have a common enemy.

  "We will do whatever it takes. The town is being shrouded by magic as we speak. The humans residing here will soon be leaving, pulled to other places, at least for the time being. We are being erased from memories."

  Krista, among others around me gasp at the implications of this. The whole world, completely forgetting that we exist. What about those out in the world in training? What happens to them? What happens to my little sister, who’s at the academy?

  "You are dismissed to your homes. Stay there, until we have further information."

  Just like that, everyone started dispersing, murmuring amongst themselves. But I can’t take my eyes off my mother.

  "That's it?" I mumble.

  "Harper, don't," Krista pleads, still holding onto my hand. I look at her, at the fear in her eyes, before glancing over at Connor. His own face is full of outrage, his body ready for action. When he looks at me, I see my own indignation mirrored there. With just a look, with that small show of support, he emboldens me.

  "Mama!" I call out, disentangling my hand from Krista's. I hear Bri sigh behind me, but I don't pay her any attention. My mother turns, a look of disapproval flickering over her features, before the mask is back on.

  "Harper, you need to go home."

  "That's all? You're just going to quarantine us in our houses until, what, we die of old age?" I ask, and I know my voice carries because a few of the people stop to listen.


  "You know nothing about these Ancients. How are you going to fight? Will the rest of the world just going to forget about us? What about your own daughter out there? Maddie can’t be left out there, all alone. And Dad? He’s not back yet. Are you going to shut him out too?” I haven't raised my voice, but I know I have an audience. For a second, I think that maybe I've gone too far, but this is my family. This town is my home. I can’t just stand by and do nothing. I feel Connor's strong presence at my back and I know I'm in the right here.


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